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Dark Succession

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Unfortunately I DNF this one. Love the cover and the new name, but the story fell flat for me. Very slow to start and I wasn’t connecting with the characters or the story line. I did not like that POVs would switch in the middle of the chapter. It was very confusing whose POV it was since there are more than just Teague and Callista.

Thank you NetGalley for my copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This was my first book from this author and it won’t be the last.
I wish this was done in a 1st person dual POV for the main characters, but that’s really more personal preference. I do have to say it threw me for a loop when we got some James and Carrigan’s POV lol. I’m definitely intrigued by what their story will be.
I absolutely loved Teague. He is the ultimate protector of everyone he loves and he definitely will take drastic measure to keep them safe.
Callie was a little up and down for me, it didn’t really feel authentic with her need to be involved in the family business at her age of 25, think we just needed a little more history on how she’s already been involved.
The chemistry from Teague and Callie definitely kept me intrigued and made me finish this book in one afternoon.

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New cover, who dis? I like it.

I hadn't read this series of Robert's before. I liked it a lot. Steamy Irish Mafia....sign me up! I like that instead of just two main characters POV that we also get family members as well. This is quite some foreshadowing and I am here for it.

Thank you Forever team and Netgalley for the advanced readers copy. I read it in a sitting.

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I have so much fun reading this reissue! I love the new look and name, I feel like it fits so well.

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever for the ARC!

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*3.5 rounding to 4*

It’s no secret I’m a fan of Katee Robert and anything she puts out is automatically on my TBR. I’ve mainly stuck to the villains, mythical retellings, and the occasional novella so this one caught my eye.

While not new and simply a republish under a new name, mafia is my jam. In true Katee Robert fashion we’ve got a kicka** heroine and a charming leading lad. It’s messy, chaotic, and filled with twists. I was a bit surprised at how tame this read in comparison to others but being an intro read, I’m very curious where it’ll go. There’s something for almost everyone and if you’re itching to try a new series, I’d give it a shot.

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I expected better from Katee since she’s a pretty well known writer. I DNF’ed after 15% perfect. The characters were flat. The storyline would’ve been much more interesting if they’d had some depth to them.

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I’m not really sure what I thought when I picked this book up on NetGalley.

I love all of Katee’s books but this was just such a hard miss for me.

- it’s sllooooowwww on its story build.
- the POVs are confusing as hell and all over the place
- I DNF’d about 15% in because I just couldn’t keep up.

The book had me right away with the immediate murder or the FMCS original betrothed but even that story line was patchy filled with holes.

Maybe I’ll try it again in the future, but this just wasn’t for me.

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This was such a entertaining read — never thought I’d be a sucker for mob romance, but here I am. It was dark, gritty, and smutty. 😏
The insta love connection between Callie and Teague was top notch 👏🏻👏🏻 we love a tender hearted monster 😝

Well written, easy to get sucked into, and a total page turner.

Highly recommend if you like: arranged marriage, mob romance, insta love.


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Really enjoyed this reissue!! The plot is amazingly written, the spicy scenes are hot as always with Katee Robert and the character development was executed so great!! Loved that it was a mafia romance too that was a huge plus!!

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DNF at 61%

I'm so sad to say it, but this one is gonna be a dnf from me. I've loved all of Robert's other books, so I really expected to love this one, but sadly that wasn't the case. For whatever reason, the saccharine sweet romance and the mafia aspects just didn't gel. If one of those aspects had been removed, it might've been fine, but they just didn't work for me.

Thanks to Netgalley for providing a free copy in exchange for an honest review

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Dark Succession, a reissue of The Marriage Contract, by Katee Robert is a smoking hot romance novel about the dangerous and powerful O'Malley family. Teague O'Malley despises everything about his family and is ready to cut ties with them for good, but his father orders him to marry Callista Sheridan to create a business alliance. However, when he meets Callista and sees the bruises on her neck and trauma in her eyes, he vows to avenge her.

Callie didn't expect to be attracted to Teague and is drawn to his lethal grace and coiled power. However, she is keeping a dark secret, and what Teague doesn't know could get him killed. As they get closer, they find themselves in trouble.

The story is well-paced and keeps the reader engaged from start to finish. The chemistry between Teague and Callista is sizzling, and the tension between them is palpable. The author has done an excellent job of creating a vivid world of the O'Malley family, their power, and their dangerous reputation.

Overall, Dark Succession is a fantastic read, perfect for fans of romantic suspense. The updated language and new cover will attract new readers, while old fans will appreciate revisiting the story with fresh eyes.

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4.5⭐️ I was pleasantly surprised by this! The plot is great, spicy scenes are hot, and the whole family aspect is fantastic. This is different from most arranged marriage books I've read and I love that! Their connection is so strong, despite everything else going on.

~Callista always knew she would have her husband chosen for her but it's safe to say Teague O'Malley was a surprise she didn't see coming. One look at the bruises on her neck and he makes it his mission to destroy whoever touched her.~

I love that we got Teague's sister, Carrigan's, POV in a few scenes! Very curious on what happens with her and a certain someone because holy crap.

*I received an ARC of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review with my honest opinion.*

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I’ve never read a Katee Robert book til now. To be honest, I have so many auto buy authors that I rarely try new ones. I just don’t have the time or money to take chances on books that I may not like. But during quarantine I didn’t have anywhere to go so I just a chance, and I’m so happy I did.

I’ve read a few mafia series and really enjoyed them. When I started The Marriage Contract I was pleasantly surprised to see it was mafia and then I knew I was gonna like it.

There was tension and emotion and of course romance. My heart was racing a few times but I couldn’t stop reading. Teague and Callie had some crazy chemistry. When we first see them together you just knew the sparks were about to explode. And I swear every time he calls her Angel, I melt into a puddle on the floor.

With three ruling families there’s bound to be tension around. So this was a nice set up to what the next books will be about. There’s so many siblings running around and I can tell their stories are gonna be fun. Especially the next book! Man, talk about sparks!

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1. I love Katee Robert’s work!
2. I need more of this series!
3. How am I just now hearing about this series?
Dark Succession is book one in The O'Malleys series by Katee Robert and y’all it was fire!
I love dark mafia romance stories. And Robert’s has written one full of drama, intrigue, emotion, romance and love.
I enjoyed reading the romance that develops between Calista and Teague. It seems they have that instant attraction, slow building it’s way up to a romantic relationship.
They were just fantastic together. The hotness and intensity. The romance was steamy and satisfying. I just loved it.
The suspense/action were phenomenally done. And once I started this book I literally couldn’t stop.

Arranged marriages. Three Boston crime families. Wealthy. Powerful, and full of scandalous family secrets.
This is one of Katee Robert’s book that should not be missed!

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thank You NetGalley and Forever for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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Dark Succuession by Katee Robert is a reissue of her original book, The Marriage Contract, that originally released in 2015. This edition has some updated language and will be available as a trade paperback with a stunning cover in May.

I never read the original book so this was my first experience with this series. In this story, we follow Callie, who by a crazy chain of events causes some feuding among mafia families. She is supposed to be in an arranged marriage with Teague, a son of the O’Malley family. So I was hoping for some tension between the two of them but it was much more instalove than I wanted. I just wanted a bit more angst. I loved the family dynamics in this book as Teague has several siblings and I found the parts with them in it the most interesting. The feud between the mob families was definitely tense and you never knew who was safe or who to trust.

For a seasoned Katee Robert reader, this book lacked something her other books do not and that was spice. On a scale of all romance books, I’m sure this one would be on the spicier side, but for a Katee Robert book, it was about 1/5 peppers of heat. Which didn’t bother me because I liked all the politics and characters but I know some people will be disappointed. One thing is certain, she has definitely grown exponentially as an author in the eight years since this book came out. I’m hopeful the rest of this series gets the new cover treatment because I wouldn’t mind collecting them all!

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This book was originally published under the title The Marriage Contract in 2015 and I read it years ago but when I saw Forever was publishing it as Dark Succession I jumped at the chance to reread a marriage of convenience I'd read years before.

I remembered parts of the story but it was still a good reread. I really admire Callie's strength. I love women who stand up for themselves. I also loved Teague. I especially admire him for trying to be the peacemaker in such a violent area.

This marriage of convenience for me was unique because unlike the times when the couple seems to need time to figure out being a couple these two figured it out fast. I really loved the connection and chemistry they shared.

I recommend this to anyone that likes the mafia type books with quite a bit of steam.

I received an advanced copy of this book through NetGalley. This is my honest review

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Such a solid mafia romance. I devoured this entire series. Katee Robert will also be an easy to read author for me

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This was so bad I don't actually know what to say. Insta-love, ridiculous plot, bad writing, and absolutely not a thing to redeem it. I wouldn't have finished it except I was up during the night and couldn't sleep. It helped.

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There are three major crime families Halloran's, the O'Malley's, and the Sheridan's
One of the Halloran's sons has just been murdered and they're out for blood. Teague O'Malley father has ordered him to marry Callista Sheridan. Once her see her with her bruises he knows she's been abused, and he must marry her to protect her. Strong independent Callista has taken things in her own hands the man her father wants her to marry is a monster, and now she has a secret that could destroy them all. A captivating book that starts out fast with a murder and the mafia families scrambling to show their strength before an all-out war starts. I love how Teague is with Callista, he's patient, he knows she has a secret she's been hiding. She will not tell him who abused her, so he can protect her. I have voluntarily read and reviewed this excellent story.

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💜🖤 Dark Succession ARC Review 🖤💜

Thank you so much to Katee Robert and netGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book!!

Dark Succession is a dark mafia romance set in Boston. Mob Princess Callie just escaped an arranged marriage. However, instead of the freedom she desires, she now finds herself engaged to the son of another mob family. Teague knows it’s his responsibility to marry Callie, but what he doesn’t expect is his actual desire for her.

This was such a fun mafia story!! Teague and Callie were wonderful together and I enjoyed their relationship. However, I felt at some points their story was overshadowed by the larger mafia drama going on. This story jumped to a few different POVs, including some side characters, and I feel like I lost some of the connection between Callie and Teague. I would have liked to have seen more of their relationship and interactions together throughout the book. But that’s definitely just a “me” issue and not a book issue

Overall, this was a solid three star read for me and a fun kickoff to a series! I’ll definitely be reading the rest of the series as they release!There were a few spicy scenes throughout the book - and Katee always does spice well, so three flames for spice!

If you enjoy dark mafia romances with strong women, broody possessive men, arranged marriages, and lots of family vibes - then definitely pick this one up!

Review posted on Instagram and Goodreads. Will be posted to Amazon upon publication

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