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Dark Succession

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Katee Roberts definitely knows how to write a spicy book and Dark Succession is no exception. The arranged marriage plotline for this story is a lot of fun to read and is unique compared to other books with a similar trope. There was a lot of tension and the chemistry between the main characters was incredible. I haven't read many mafia romances before so I didn't really know what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised. I look forward to reading more by Katee Roberts in the future!

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Rating: 4.5/5
I received an eARC for my honest opinion.

I never thought I would like a book that had a mob-like feeling, but I am so here for it, and I can’t wait to read the rest of the books.

I really enjoyed getting to know more about the O’Malley family and the Sheridan family. Along with the other major wealthy, powerful and dangerous families of Boston. I thought there was just the right drama, suspense and of course some great chemistry in the bed and out of it. I found the power play of this book was done just right to make it something that someone wouldn’t lose interest in and still be able to see the romance side of the book. I loved how Robert put the right amount of discord and “Oh no” moments in that it created a great tension with the families and to the readers. I liked the dual POV from the characters and it really helps to bring the whole book wrapped up nicely and not having to guess what the other characters were thinking or how they felt.

The characters were easy to like and relatable. I loved seeing how Teague and Callie at first were like, okay I will do what is best for my family, but they then found themselves having feelings for each other. I thought their first meeting was on fire and I loved how that set a perfect tone for them, their chemistry was chief’s kiss. Their relationship did not feel rushed to me but had a nice build up with a lot of sweet, caring moments all mixed up with some hot, steamy ones. Of course, with having two powerhouse families coming together you will have some hot tension and some heartache but that is what really helped Teague and Callie understand their feelings for each other and brought them closer. I cannot wait to see what book two will bring for us and to see the other characters that get matched up in an arranged marriage. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys suspense, emotional, action-packed romance.

I want to thank NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing for the opportunity to review this book.

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Pretty standard for a Katee Robert book. Nothing special, but a good start to the series! Will be continuing

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This is Callie and Teague's story, it was a slow start, but their chemistry was off the charts and I loved watching their relationship develop, even though it started out as an arranged marriage for the sake of family power. This is a mafia story that follows three crime families and their children, who are all tied together in a web of secrets and murder. Overall it was a great read that kept me on the edge of my seat. I enjoyed the Westside Story vibe and the kick-ass, intelligent characters of Callie and Teague. I can't wait to read the next book in the series and see what happens next in this intriguing world.

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2.5 stars

I got this one on a whim, going more for Katee's name than digesting the synopsis.

I liked Callie and Teague. They both want something different, but loyalty to their families make them stay. I did enjoy how they worked to make something friendly into their forced relationship and how it organically switched. This has a pretty big cast of characters and a lot of POVs.

Plot wise, I expected a lot more. 3 feuding mafia families and we only get one gunfight--and it's barely on the page? Booooooo. The action was non-existent and so was the tension. We were constantly told that a war was coming, but the few violent things that happened were underwhelming.

Overall, it was the characters that kept me reading and I just might skim the next one to see how that plays out.

**Huge thanks to the publisher for providing the arc free of charge**

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DNF 30% Katee's books are hit and miss for me. This one was a miss. I have read and enjoyed the occasional mafia romance, but this one did nothing for me. I found the beginning confusing and the story didn't develop quickly enough for it to catch me. Neither of the main characters were interesting and I wasn't rooting for anyone. I think this is a case of Katee's writing style having matured a lot since this was written, and it just not working for me a s a release.

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I enjoyed this take on romance in rival Irish mob families in Boston -- there's lots of action and instant chemistry between the two leads! I will definitely be looking to read more books in this series very soon.

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Roberts knows how's to bring the SPICE! Whew this one brings it and an engaging plot intertwined. These two had amazing chemistry that leaps off the page and draws you in. Teague and Callista are artfully crafted characters that I adored. Definitely a must read!

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A dark and twisty Romeo and Juliet, with a heavy dose of mafia. Dark Succession is another wonderful addition by Katee Robert, featuring an arranged marriage turned sweet love story. The two main characters wants to do best by those they love, and that eventually means each other. This had strong female personalities that take zero crap and fight dirty. I loved this!

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I wanted so badly to fall in love with this book but so much just fell short for me. The entire plot just felt SO rushed. The romance between Teague and Callie just appears from nowhere. Like they kiss once in an alley and they immediately are in love? I just didn't fall for it. It makes me sad that the next book in the series is another couple because I would have liked to see Teague and Callie actually like grow as a couple. Seriously, I think they spent a total of like three days together before the book ends.

I understand the reasoning for having snippets of James and Carrigan's POVs but in a story that already feels so pressed for time, it felt so unnecessary.

This all being said, I am so excited to read the next book.

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Loved Callie and Teague's chemistry especially since they were an arranged engagement. Callie's first engagement was an awful person and this change is causing issues with the crime families that are at odds with each other. Love crime ring dramas though too much loss and playing people as pawns. It's the game though.

Damn that ending though. You were really scaring me and I liked it a little too much. I need to read The Wedding Pact now cause that set up was just too much. Is that book getting a makeover as well, I don't even know my own name at the moment.

Thank you readforeverpub and netgalley for the e-ARC for my honest and voluntary review.

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I've been a big fan of Katee Roberts for awhile - I love the dark olympus and the wicked villains series. This was an enjoyable quick read that fizzled out as the story went on. Teague and Callie had great chemistry and really helped sell the mafia romance. I love a dual POV but this one just had too many and switched between them way too much for seemingly no reason?
Can't wait to see what Katee Robert comes up with next!

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True Rating 3.5 stars

So, this was a lot of fun for a mafia story. It was just high stakes enough to make me intrigued to enter this mafia world that Robert has created.
Teague and Callie really were a fun couple. Yes, this one has some insta-love going on. The way Katee writes it, it doesn't bother me though. The way that they connect felt believable, and the way that they both have loss to push them forward fast, also made sense.
I'm excited to continue on in the series. Thanks again to the Publisher and Netgalley for this e-copy to check out the series.

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5⭐️ 2.5🌶
This may be my new favorite book by Katee. I loved it so much!

This is a mafia romance with an arranged marriage, 2 main characters that I adored, a family that I can’t wait to read more of and a death I saw coming but still made me cry.

I think this is also the least spicy of all Katee Roberts books that I’ve read. There’s still spice and it’s still amazing though! This is actually more of what I consider my favorite amount of spice, my sweet spot, enough to satisfy 😉 but not too much that makes the book pure smut.

This one just had me hooked from the beginning and kept me hooked the entire time! Highly recommend

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So mafia isn’t my fave romance sub genre but I love Katee so I had to give this one a try and she didn’t let me down! I adore Teague and Cassie! Mafia romance is usually a little too uncaring for me but Katee brought so much heart into it with them. Two children of Boston mafia bosses who just want to either get out or turn the family legal? Sign me up! Now that’s not to say there isn’t plenty of violence but I def felt like I could root for both of them separately and together.

This is def an instalove story bc there is literally so much going on in this book. Lots of world building to set us up for the rest of the series, which I can’t wait to read!

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Dark Succession is the re-release of the Marriage Contract, the first in Katee's O'Malley family mafia romance series.

This book starts fast with Callie killing her fiance in self-defense. And even though he's the worst and his own family recognizes that, it's an insult they won't stand, but good news, they don't know she did it. Callie's father quickly arranges her marriage to another family, the O'Malley's, which adds further insult and war begins.

When Callie and Teague meet, he is immediately protective of her and their chemistry flies. While they get to know each other as their wedding comes up, they still can't trust each other yet. As they try to stop the war, they have their secrets, until they can't anymore...

Callie was smart and strong and her flaws were understandable and real. I loved how despite the secrets, there was no miscommunication or anger with the secrets. They're Irish mob kids, they get it and each other.

And the spice! Katee never dissapoints. They start strong and keep burning.

I am so excited to read the rest of the series, James and Carrigan lit up the pages and I need more of them! I can tell that Katee has only started the world and there are other threats (families) that will come into play later. I'll look forward to seeing how Callie and Teague carve their own place of peace with each other.

This was a well done mafia romance that was fast-paced and exciting (though not too stressful because you trusted in their machinations and strength).

Thank you to netgalley and Forever for an arc in exchange for an honest review!

Feat: arranged marriage, rival families, mafia romance, gets-it-done heroine, protective hero AND heroine, early spice

4.5 stars
2.5 spice

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I am used to only reading Katee Roberts fantasy books so to read a mafia romance from her was quite the experience! In true Katee fashion, this was spicy and action packed. I enjoyed the plot and that we got to know the secret that was keeping the plot going. We also got multiple POV’s from Cali, Teague, and James.

I think where this fell flat for me was the insta-love. You’re telling me that the son and daughter of rival mafia bosses are forced into marriage and they just decide to get along immediately? They fall in love so quickly and it just seemed unrealistic. I was expecting a hateful, enemies to lovers type of vibe and just didn’t get that which is fine, just not for me.

Overall, this was a pretty good mafia romance that keeps you engaged with the plot + romance!

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Dark Succession by Katee Robert is an arranged marriage romance with secrets, chemistry and suspense. Neither Teague O’Malley nor Callista Sheridan wanted the marriage, but once they meet, they cannot deny the attraction they feel. Teague is determined and protective and Callista was loyal and smart. Their marriage would forge an alliance between their families, but will secrets ruin what they can have before it’s too late? I enjoyed reading this story and am excited to read more from the series!

Happy reading!

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one of the strongest starts to a series. I love how much Katee's writing styles shines in this. The mafia elements were perfect and I can't wait for the rest of hte series to be rereleased

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Although I have been a pretty big fan of Katee’s Dark Olympus series so far, unfortunately, this one missed the mark for me.
The main reason being that the main characters fell in love almost instantly despite being arranged into a marriage neither of them claimed they wanted. And the storyline/writing just felt cheesy and a bit juvenile despite the mafia theme. Plus, there was just SO much repetitive internal monologue.
I don’t have intentions to continue this series, but I will continue to read Katee’s newer books because I do think she has really come into her style over the years.

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