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Dark Succession

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Story of mafia and arranged marriages.
Teague O'Malley hates his father and wants his business destroyed.
Calista Was supposed to marry a man from anther mob family but then he is killed so she is then arranged to marry Teague. But then she gets to know Teague and he gets to know her and they actually like each other.
With the way Teague took care of Calista and trying to create a friendly front with the mob families he became my new book boyfriend. Loved him and Calista together.
Thank you to Forever and NetGalley for the book to review.

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This novel grabbed me by the throat from the first page, and will keep me in a chokehold long after. This story follows mafia-princess Callista who has been thrown into an arranged marriage by her father. Upon learning of this, Callie attempts to meet this man while disguised as a dancer at his club. This escalates into him attacking her, and in an attempt to defend herself, shoots him to get away.

Following his death, another leading mafia family of Boston swoops in to salvage the marriage by offering a candidate of their own family: Teague O'Malley. Teague and Callista have instant chemistry, that later develops into a relationship beyond either of them anticipated. All of this occurs whilst a mafia war brims on the horizon, and the characters are forced to make a choice that will define the future of their families and their relationship.

This novel was a well-developed dark / spicy romance. I still immensely enjoyed the storytelling and the depth of the side characters in this novel, which helped to make it more well-rounded and thought out. This novel also sets up future inter-connected stories, without leaving readers on a cliff-hanger.

Overall, this is one of the more "tame" of Katee Robert's stories, but is perfect for anyone wanting a quick and dirty dark romance with multiple POVs, morally grey characters, and an enemies-to-lovers dynamic.

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We're not new to the queen Katee Robert around her !!! As always she delivers on plot with the through the roof smut!!! Read this if you like
He Falls First-Ish Vibes
Arranged Marriage of Convenience
Dark Romance
(VERY) Open Door Romance
Light Mafia
Thank you to @netgalley and @readforeverpub for a gifted eARC and physical ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I couldn't put this down. I had to force myself to stop reading so I could participate in real life, which was a challenge. I loved this book and the tension that was created. I liked how the audience was all in on Callie's secret but watched the story play out as everyone else was unaware. I also adored Teague, he's absolutely perfect.
My three-star rating is because many phrases were reused multiple times in the book. I also didn't fully buy into the instant love. Usually, I'm okay with love at first sight, but in this instance, it was slightly strange to me for some reason. Things were also extremely rushed. For instance, there's a scene where they're driving somewhere. A conversation takes place. It's an extremely short conversation and by the time they're done speaking, they're already at the destination. It's as if the destination was just three houses down -- this seemed to happen a few times.

Overall, I would recommend this book and I will definitely be reading the series because I'm attached to Teague and Callie, and I also need to find more out about James. He's got my heart as well.

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🖤 Arranged marriage
🖤 Who did this to you?
🖤 He fell first

Topics: death,

*this book starts out with a murder & attempted sa*

Callista “Callie” Sheridan is the heir to one of the prominent Boston mob families. Her father arranged a marriage to a man in a rival family, the Holloran’s, who is known to be rough on women. The night before the engagement was to be announced, Brendan turns up dead. The engagement is off & Callie is stressing out over the situation. She is confused as she is then put into a new arranged marriage with a member of the other prominent family, Teague O’Malley.

Teague O’Malley is the son of a mobster in Boston who is set up in an arranged marriage that is to be announced the next day. As much as Teague is disappointed in being forced to marry a girl he’s never met he is instantly smitten with Callista as soon as he meets her.

Meeting in the alley Teague & Callie end up in a heated kiss to distract from the marks on Callie’s neck. He is immediately protective & never wants anything bad to ever happen to her again after 5 minutes together. Gotta love that “who did this to you” trope.

He has also been slipping information to the feds about his father. This book was entertaining as all of Katee’s books are. I’m so thankful for the opportunity to read it under the new name!

This book has many POVs so just warning everyone who may see this incase you aren’t into that. It can get a little confusing to know who is talking initially but it’s not too bad.

I don’t want to give anything away so i hope you also enjoy! Thank you to the author Katee, the publisher & NetGalley!

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This was AWESOME! Excellent storyline. It had this intense feel happening right from the beginning. I had such a sense of urgency while reading, I was excited to know about the world being created. Hot mob guys for the win!

Teague and Callie were fantastic. Feeling stuck but wanting to do what's best for their families. I got such a great sense of who they were and felt bad for them but love how they persevered. Their first meeting really set a perfect tone for them, the chemistry they had was electric. They have this nice pull towards one another happening. I thought their relationship had a nice build, it was sweet, caring, and hot all rolled into one. It was heated and electric but really sweet. I totally loved Teague and his attitude about being with her. Callie is feisty and strong and I loved her determination.

Loved all the different players and layers to this story. I thought it was fantastic how it was laid out and told from different POV's and perspectives. It really gave great insight into all the different characters that were involved. Love the conflict that's happening between the different families, it's very Sopranos-esq. It had this underlying suspenseful feel that I really enjoyed. I was totally onto it! Loved the details, build, and development. It was all great.

There was major discord between the different families, internally and externally, that really pulled me in. It's such an interesting dynamic and it creates a lot of tension. Loved getting an introduction to all the characters, excited to see what's up next for Carrigan and James because what the author set up is pretty fantastic. I cannot wait!

There is drama, emotion, love, and hotness but my overall feeling throughout was intensity. I just loved it. And that ending, action-packed! I love how it played out too and how the women were so strong and really did some smart thinking. Fantastic read!

Note: I previously read and reviewed this book when it was titled The Marriage Contract.

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The first book in this series and I'm hooked. Teague and Callista seem to have an instant chemistry and I'm not mad about it. Both must fulfill their familial duties and enter into an arranged marriage. Also, I can't wait to read what happens between Carrigan and James!

Teague O'Malley loves his family but would rather distance himself and his younger siblings from the family business. He's unexpectedly ordered to marry Callista Sheridan in order to form a business alliance.

When they literally bump into each other at their celebration dinner, Teague is immediately taken with Callie. When he spots the bruises on her neck he decides he'll do everything he can to protect her. They quickly realize that they genuinely like each other and are quickly falling for one another.

But trouble is brewing because of their sudden engagement. Teague is working to stop the impending war never realizing that Callie could be at the center of what set this all off in the first place.

Thank you so much to the author, Forever, and NetGalley for this ARC to review.

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I don’t read a lot of mafia romance, but I have to admit it’s kind of addicting. I would call Dark Succession mafia light. Katee Robert is a new to me author, although I see her books everywhere. I didn’t know what to expect and as I share often, going into a book blind is one of my favorite things. This story has a little bit of everything to keep you entertained and also hook you for the next book. Callie Sheridan is the daughter of a mafia boss. She is promised in marriage to the son of another major crime family. The story takes a turn here because Callie’s betrothed winds up dead. She’s at the heart of the scandal but nobody knows it. So much to say here about this, but you will get that secret quickly in the beginning-just don’t want to spoil it. This is where Teague enters the picture and the entire O’Malley family. The O’Malley’s see an opportunity to expand their empire. We get another arranged marriage, but this time it’s between Callie and Teague.
Callie quickly realizes Teague is not what she expected. There is something different about her new fiancée. Can he be one good man surrounded by all the crime and destruction? Can she actually have a marriage rooted in love and not be a pawn in the desire for power? Will her secret tear Teague and her apart? I won’t spoil it, but this story is a wild ride. It’s also very steamy and filled with lots of twists, turns, and some surprises, like betrayals and kidnappings. Just the average day in the life of a crime sindicate family. If you are looking for a mafia romance that isn’t too dark this one is for you. I’ll definitely be checking out more from Katee Roberts. 4/5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I was given an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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This was my first novel that I have read by Katee Robert and it was amazing! The story had me intrigued right from the start. I felt this had just the right amount of steam and steamy scenes, and I didn't feel like the plot was rushed at any point. Once I got really into the book it was hard to put down! Would definitely recommend. Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for a ARC to read and review. All thoughts are my own.

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Thank you Forever for the complimentary paperback of Dark Succession (The O’Malley’s #1). This is a REISSUE of The Marriage Contract with some updated language, published for the first time in trade paperback with a brand new title and cover.

This mafia romance has morally corrupt individuals, forbidden love and some STEAM. Callista Sheridan is the sole heir to her mafia family dynasty after her brothers sudden death. Her father has negotiated her marriage with a rival family in hopes to foster bridges to prevent an ALL OUT WAR.

Teague O’Malley is trying to rid himself of his families ways, only to be drawn back in as he’s been asked to marry Callista. These two must prevent the blood bath that threatens the streets of Boston. Is their marriage the solution?

This romance also introduces us to future characters I am assuming have books in the series - James and Carrigan. To quote James - “You and me, lovely, we’re not fucking finished. Not by a long shot.” I NEED THE O’MALLEY’s #2!

Swoon over these smokin’hot Irish siblings!!!

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This one had me hooked! I loved the characters. There's plenty of tension and suspense. The romance is sexy. I can't wait to read more of this series! This author never disappoints on the steam factor.

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Dark Succession is the perfect book to dip your toe into the dark romance/mafia romance sub genre. The mafia -‘s organized crime setting was done perfectly. The romance between Teague and Callie did fall into the insta-love category, but the pace of the story and their sort of forced proximity made their relationship come together somewhat seamlessly, I would have liked to have more of a courtship between the two, but that’s just nitpicking because I like the build up of tension. Katee Robert just writes a smooth story, no matter the subject matter. I’ll continue to read her books moving forward because I know she’ll deliver the goods.

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This one is definitely everything I love in a Mafia romance!! It starts off with action right off the bat! We have an arrange marriage, irsh mafia families trying to come together and also at war! I loved Callie our main character I thought she was so strong! She was the perfect mafia princess ! But than we have her arranged husband Teague and he was everything!! He is part of the mafia world with his family but he wishes for a better life for his family especially his youngest brother and his sisters. Him and Callie are throw in an arranged marriage to get their families to work together but by doing that they start a war with the other family when the man Callie was suppose to marry ends up dead. Her in Teague have so much Chemistry!! They are kind of insta love but it works in this story! I loved them together! I also loved the little bit we get of Teagues sister! Her book is up next and I can not wait for it!!!

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Dark Succession is a thrilling and intense read with unpredictable plot twists, emotionally charged characters, and sensual undertones; this book will surely keep you on the edge of your seat. From the gritty and raw descriptions of the setting to the action-packed scenes that will leave you breathless, Dark Succession is a must-read for anyone who loves a good thriller.

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Dark Succession by Katee Robert is a reissue of The Marriage Contract. The series centers around the O’Malley family, one of three mafia families in Boston. Teague O’Malley is told that he will marry Callie Sheridan, who is from another mafia family. When the meet there is an instant attraction and they realize that they have more in common than they expected. Their arranged marriage is intended to unite their families but Callie has a secret that sets off a chain of events leading to a mafia war.

This is the first book in the series and I thought there was a lot of set up happening for the rest of the series in this book. We got other POVs in addition to Teague and Callie’s, which sets up the next book in the series. Read this if you enjoy:

🖤 mafia / dark romance
🖤 arranged marriage
🖤 insta love
🖤 open door romance

Thanks to @netgalley and @readforever for the advanced readers copy of this book. All thoughts are my own.

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this book definitely goes to show that writing can improve overtime. as much as i love katee’s newer works, this one really didn’t do it for me

i’m not sure if it’s just me but the plot was extremely hard to follow towards the beginning, we are just sort of thrown into this mafia world with a lack of prior information and little to no explanation

it also didn’t help that this was in 3rd pov (even though that wasn’t the problem) the problem was we were in 3rd pov, yet getting EVERY SINGLE CHARACTERS POV???? like why am i hearing from the mmc’s sister?? and to just switch off in the middle of the chapter? a mess

i will say though, the plot started to pick up a bit towards the end, but not enough for me to continue this series

thank you netgalley and forever publishing for the reissued edition of this book

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Okay, I went into this one knowing I’d enjoy it, because I love all the things that Katee writes. But this book has sparked an addiction.

We have warring mafia families, a forced/arranged marriage, an overprotective sweetheart of a man, a woman who knows what she wants and goes for it, and a healthy dose of the best kind of spice.

I loved Teague so much. He was such a softie who wants to protect everyone around him so badly when his reach only extends so far. And Callie was amazing, holding her own against the mafia men.

Sure, there is insta-love and there is quite a bit going on that is separate from the main romance (which dilutes it a bit) but I think the story that Katee is beginning to weave makes up for it.

Now I just want to get lost in this Boston mafia world, I’m hooked!

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I’ve had a good variety of katie, Roberts work, from her monster romances, to the Greek gods, to her contemporary kink, and even some cowboy romances, but this was my first mafia romance from her. I found that the story still felt like her style, just a different genre.

Dark Succession tells the story of three mafia families fighting for supremacy in Boston. After Calista’s (the Sheridan family heir) fiancé, and rival family heir is murdered , her family quickly set up another arranged marriage to the air of the O’Malley family dynasty.

Both parties are not excited about the arranged marriage, but once they meet, they find a quick attraction and desire to be with each other, and keep the other safe… Which turns out to be harder in this case, since the third rival family is out for blood and revenge .

Full of “ who hurt you?” and “ I’ll keep you safe”, and plenty of steam and violence, this was your typical mafia romance.

I found that I liked both the characters of Calista and Teague and they are accompanying family side characters. By the end of the story, I was pretty invested in the family, dynamic and find myself needing to know what happens next these three family dynasties!

Thanks to Forever Romance for my advance reader copy. Opinions are my own.

#DarkSuccession #KateeRobert

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from the very start of the book p, you’re hooked. The first couple of pages are enough to make you want to know how it all ends. It’s a crazy ride there, so buckle up! Callie is a “mob princess”. She’s set to marry the son of another mafia family but something goes horribly wrong and there’s a change of plans. In slides, ANOTHER groom from ANOTHER mafia family, and there’s a wedding planned for 4 weeks. Callie has never met her groom, Teague, but he has to be better than the monster she was slated to marry, right?

Teague is the 2nd eldest boy and so the duty to agree to this marriage is out of his hands. He’s surprised to see that he’s actually interested and attracted to Callie. However, he’s well aware that she’s hiding something and he’s determined to figure out what that could be. This is truly a mob book with all of the unsavory aspects of that love described and discussed.

There’s talk of drugs, human trafficking, rape, and murder. If eating those things is a turn-off, just be careful reading this book. With that said, I enjoyed this book. I thought that Callie and Teague were believable as a couple. The family dynamics were interesting to read considering that the parents of all of them are mobsters. I especially liked that the women were presented as strong and smart even as they are treated as pawns in this mob world. Now, Ms. Roberts knows how to write a sex scene. She wrote about some very sexy times in this book. It’s gentle and it’s rough and it perfectly matches the type of sexual tension you would expect between Callie and Teague. I’m all in with these characters and I can’t wait to read James and Carrigan’s book!

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After her brothers death, Callie Sheridan is the heir to her family’s empire whether she wants to be or not. She was able to dodge one arranged marriage, to Brendon Hallorian, but was quickly ordered to marry Teague O’Malley- another family enemy in hopes of forming an alliance. What starts as an unwanted, arranged marriage morphs into an emotional love between the two. But both are keeping secrets from each other. Callie feels as though she has caused a war between their families. So what will happen when the secret come to light? Will their love be enough to forgive?

I loved this story and the characters so much. I was hooked as soon as I started reading it! I’m newer to mafia romances, but was still able to keep up and understand what was going on which I was worried would be a problem. All in all, it was a great read and I was happy to see that Callie and Teague’s love was undeniably strong enough to conquer all that they faced. Can’t wait to read more in this series!

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