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You Can Die

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Great addition to the Laurel Snow series. It's interesting to see how sisters who were raised in different households can turn out so different. Laurel is an FBI agent and definitely on the right side of the law trying to put criminals behind bars. She knows that her sister, Abigail, is just as smart as she is but is most likely a psychotic murderer or at least leading people to kill. It's good to see that Huck, Laurel's boyfriend, isn't taken in by Abigail's efforts to come between him and Laurel. I like how we get to see Huck's perspective on things. He's trying to hold back on his protective instincts toward Laurel but doesn't always succeed. Laurel is more understanding of that now. I'm glad that their relationship has progressed to "dating" and "boyfriend and girlfriend". It's real progress for both of them. It's very interesting to see the thought process involved and how all of Laurel's team works together. I'm really looking forward to the next book. I have a copy on pre-order but I received this early copy from Netgalley to read and review early. I'm leaving my honest review.

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This is the third book in the Laurel Snow series, and I recommend you read them in order. This is mainly because of Laurel’s half-sister and how she is tied to all the other crimes, including the ones in this book, that she seems to be tied to. There’s also a criminal from the previous book that makes a couple of appearances in this one, too, so readers who haven’t read the previous book he was in may feel like they’re missing some information there.

That being said, I enjoyed the story overall. The action was great and it was a rollercoaster attempting to figure out who the killer was. Just when I thought I had it figured out, I was wrong. My only complaint would be about Laurel and Huck’s relationship. I can’t put my finger on exactly what it was, but it felt off in this book. It made it hard to really get into them as a couple, although I like them individually.

I’m looking forward to seeing what happens next in the series, especially when it comes to her half-sister, Abigail. She always seems to have something up her sleeve, and I can’t wait to see what her endgame is.

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I really liked this book! Laurel Snow is one of my favorite heroines in books! I will keep reading to know what happens to Abigail and Laurel in upcoming books!

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And the family drama continues…..

This is a great new series by Rebecca Zanetti and you need to read them books in order, so make sure you have read You Can Run and You Can Hide before you read this new addition, You Can Die.

This book serves up a new serial killer and you will be kept guessing to the end who it is. With each new kill, Laurel, Huck and their teams work to find the reason behind the spree and the discovery of a photo is the key to unlocking this mystery.

Running through all the books is the family dynamic, Laurel and her half sister Abigail, could be twins to look at, both are brilliant but that is where the similarities end. Laurel a bit socially awkward has a very big heart while Abigail is a manipulative, narcistic psychopath who Laurel is sure is also a killer and will stop at nothing to see justice served.

The women’s father also returns after being MIA for 5years, but what is his end game, that will be part of the continuing story.

The romance between Laurel and Huck continues and I love the dynamic between these two.

A great read that will keep you engaged and turning the page engrossed in the current mystery, the development of the characters and what will be next for Laurel, her sister and father.

Thanks NetGalley for the ARC.

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I've read this series from the beginning and have really enjoyed it. This was probably my favorite so far. I really like that Laurel and Huck's relationship has progressed so much. I also like seeing how Laurel is developing as a person. I loved that she adopted the cat! I will say that I am past ready to see Abigail go down; she drives me nuts. I guess that's a sign of good writing: not only loving certain characters but loathing others. I very much enjoy the plots in these stories; I am always so riveted that before I know it, the book is over. I'll be (im)patiently awaiting the next book to see what happens next for Laurel, Huck, and company. Romantic suspense is my favorite genre, and I read a lot of them. I can honestly say that this series ranks high in that category for great character and plot development. If you enjoy well-written suspense novels with a romantic undertone, give this series a try (but definitely read it as a series).

A sincere thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books for providing an ARC for review.

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You Can Die by Rebecca Zanetti is the third book in the Laurel Snow series. In this book, Laurel is called in to investigate a series of murders in the Pacific Northwest. The victims are all men who have something in common: they all have a connection to Laurel's father, who she never knew.

As Laurel investigates, she uncovers dark secrets about her father's past. She also has to deal with her own personal demons, including her sociopathic half-sister, Abigail.

You Can Die is a fast-paced thriller that will keep you guessing until the very end. Zanetti does a great job of creating suspense and tension. The characters are well-developed and believable. The plot is well-crafted and full of twists and turns.

If you're a fan of thrillers, then you'll definitely want to check out You Can Die. It's a great read that will keep you entertained from beginning to end.

Here are some of the things I liked about the book:

The plot was well-crafted and full of twists and turns.
The characters were well-developed and believable.
The suspense and tension were high throughout the book.
Here are some of the things I didn't like about the book:

The ending was a bit too predictable.
Some of the scenes were graphic and may be disturbing to some readers.
Overall, I really enjoyed You Can Die. It's a great thriller that I would definitely recommend to others.

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Laurel Snow is still trying to catch her half-sister dead to rights on a murder, but Abigail always seems to be a step ahead. When their long-lost father returns to town, Laurel is hopeful that she'll finally get some answers. Laurel's FBI satellite office is up and running, but things get more complicated when her office manager's ex-husband turns up dead. You Can Die is book 3 in the series, and probably best read after the first two for maximum appreciation.

Thanks to Kensington Books for access to a digital ARC via NetGalley.

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What a great thriller and new addition to the Laurel Snow series!! You Can Die is book #3, so I had to binge read books one and two prior to getting started. All I can say is, WOW! These books just keep getting better and better. The story held a steady pace throughout and before I knew it, I was at the end. I have completely fallen in love with the characters and have officially become invested in their story. I absolutely cannot wait to see what happens in the next book! For anyone who loves a good, gruesome murder mystery with very likeable characters, I highly recommend this series!! Then, you can be impatient like me waiting for book #4!

Thank you to the author, Kensington Books, and NetGalley for allowing me digital access in exchange for my honest opinion!

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Another serial killer is on the loose and Laurel Snow must find him or her before he strikes again. While the premise might be used before, Rebecca Zanetti always surprises me with the twists she writes in her books and with Laurel Snow tracking down the killer, I know there will be lots of surprises, suspense , and danger awaiting me as I read. Laurel, along with her team, and Huck Rivers, work diligently to solve the crime as the bodies begin to mount.
Another great thriller from the best selling author, Rebecca Zanetti.

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You Can Die by Rebecca Zanetti is book #3 in the Laurel Snow Thriller series. FBI Agent Laurel Snow and Wildlife and Fish Department Captain Huck Rivers have worked together on cases in previous books in this series. Good thing. They once again need to have each other's back during their current investigation. I enjoyed reading about how well these two work together. And I like the idea of the two of them together as a couple. There's lots of action and danger for both of them in this book. The suspense kept me turning the pages. I look forward to the next book in the series.

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This series still has me completely enthralled and a bit surprised by the evil seeping from some characters. Laurel and Huck are starting a true relationship together, things may be looking up, but then things also get wrenches thrown again. There’s a serial killer looking to avenge something, but it’s not clear what. There are more suspects by the day. There’s a family tie that Laurel so desperately doesn’t want to have, and now someone else she never wanted to know is in town. And while some things can be proven, others can’t even if they’re obvious when examined. So yet again, we have twists and turns and surprises from all angles, but we also have love and good surprises for Laurel and Huck.

I still want to see someone get her comeuppance. I hope it’s coming soon. So I shall wait with barely patient breaths until the next piece of this puzzle comes our way.

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This was the third book in the Laurel Snow series, and this is a series you definitely want to read in order. In this book Laurel comes home from DC and immediately gets called to a gruesome scene that starts out hitting a little too close to home. Very early on in the investigation Abigail pops up with a tie to this case. Abigail is Laurel’s sociopathic brilliant half sister, who has an unhealthy fascination with Laurel. I love how endearing Laurel is, and how she is brilliant but struggles with simple things like facial expressions, and reading social cues. In this book I loved seeing Laurel develop and start to learn how to relax and make connections to those around her. It was also fun to see how her relationship with fish and wildlife officer Huck Rivers, another unusual character, develops. There were many surprises and layers to this book, and after reading it I am left with so many questions. An engaging and fast paced book that definitely left me wanting more. I can’t wait to see what Rebecca Zanetti writes next! I received an ARC and this is my honest review.

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You Can Die is part of the FBI profiler Laurel Snow series. In this book past events and the history of the characters play an important role in the plot so it would be best read in order in the series. A murderer is killing men and stuffing their mouths full of Valentine conversation hearts. Some of Laurel’s own people become suspects as Laurel is trying to stop killer while dodging bullets. Full of suspense and a touch of romance with the sexy Huck, Laurel’s story will always leave you coming back for more. You Can Die is an action packed thriller with a cast of memorable characters and a titillating whodunnit. My voluntary, unbiased review is based upon a review copy from NetGalley.

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This is the third book in the Agent Laurel Snow series and while I've not read the first two yet, there was enough background info to get me more or less up to speed. Laurel and her small team of FBI agents are on the hunt for a killer dubbed the Broken Heart Killer along with her boyfriend Huck, who is a Fish & Wildlife officer. Laurel and Huck have a bit of Booth & Bones vibe which I enjoy. Abigail, Laurel's half sister who might also be a manipulative serial killer pops up throughout. Laurel's unique heterochromatic eyes, which are interesting, get way too many mentions (Abigail and their dad also have them). My main pet peeve is that Genesis Valley, where most of the story is set, and Seattle are mentioned on the first page to be 2 hours apart, yet characters who work in Seattle live in GV, one who lives in Seattle attended church in GV, and everyone gets around like a 4 hour round trip is no big deal. I know it's nit-picky, but it bothered me. If the distance had been in more vague language like "outside of Seattle", I wouldn't have given it a second thought and it wouldn't have pulled me out of the story. Overall, I will probably go back and read the first two books and look forward to future entries.

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Once again I couldn't book this book down. Just like the other two! I love this series and I'm already curious how things are going to play out.

This one was an interesting thriller and I honestly couldn't figure out who was behind everything. There was some twists I wasn't expecting!

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In the third book in the series, Special Agent Laurel Snow has discovered another serial killer, this time starting with her office manager’s ex-husband as the victim. And of course, Abigail, her brilliant sociopathic half-sister, is right in the middle of the investigation.

The killer stabs the victim to death, stuffs Valentine candy in his mouth, and places him in a purple tent near a religious site. But what do they have in common? And who is a suspect? Following all the clues, I never expected the identity of the killer. There is never a boring moment, as Laurel Snow deals with family, friends, and possible suspects and possible targets of the killer. And there is a major surprise at the end; I can't wait to see what happens next.

Thank you to Kensington Books and NetGalley for the advance copy of If You Die. This is my honest opinion.

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One word to describe this book is excellent! Perfect suspense, mystery and you can't help but love Laurel and Huck!!! This series is one of the best I've read in awhile. From the very first pages this author just pulls you in till the always thrilling ending. Laurel is on the hunt again to find who is murdering men and putting candy hearts in their mouth. Is this the starting of a serial killer or a person who is seeking revenge? and if so why? You have to read to find out! I would absolutely recommend this series and this book. You will definitely be up all night reading!!

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Laurel and Houck have another serial killer on their hands. This time they are targeting men. While trying to set up a permeant office in Genesis Valley Laurel must try and deal with another killer. this time her assistant Kate is a suspect in the murder of her ex husband. When an unexpected visitor arrives at Laurel's door step he just adds to all of the things that are going wrong since making the move back to Genesis, and the news she must give to Houck may or may not be what he wants to hear.

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YOU CAN DIE (A Laurel Snow Thriller Book 3) by Rebecca Zanetti
This third book of the well written, intriguing Laurel Snow series is just as good as the previous two and the other books by the consistently talented Rebecca Zanetti. This time Laurel and Huck are persuing the Broken Heart Killer. I am enjoying the relationship Laurel & Huck are developing. This is a 5 star read.

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Such a well written thriller. It wasn’t too fast paced that you felt like you couldn’t keep up with the story but not too slow that you lose interest. I love when a thriller keeps you guessing all the way to the end and this did that so well! I loved the characters and the mystery/crime. The background story was incredible as well. The characters are all written very well to elicit strong emotions from the reader. Truly a wonderful mystery/thriller!

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