Member Reviews

I had this sitting in my Netgalley list and was planning to read it closer to the release date. But then the Trans Rights Readathon happened and I took it and ran with it lol I was hyped to read this and when I got the chance to read it early, I was like welp! And Lordt this was the best book I could have cheated on my TBR with. I think this was my favorite book of March!

Ok so starting with the individuals like I always do with romances. Ander was a joy to get to know. They were funny, smart, and just everything. It’s really hard to describe them because how does it sound when you say, “they just had some of the best qualities about them.” It sounds so cliche. But it’s 1,000% true. Ander just seemed to be the ideal partner, ideal friend, ideal kid, just everything. I loved being in their head. And then there was Santi. He was the sweetest and he did not deserve any of the stuff that was happening to him. The saying “bad things always happen to good people” was never more true than when they were talking about him. I DID wish we had gotten some chapters from his POV, but I also think that would have ruined me lol I was already an emotional wreck reading this, I don’t think I could have handled an inside look at how all that b.s. made him feel.

As for the plot, this was much more than a romance. And the way it tackled things that are happening in today’s society. And I really applaud Garza for not being afraid to not go with the tied up with a bow, neat ending that everyone might have been expecting. This was more sad, but it was also more realistic. I hated that, but it’s true. Just know that I spent the last 30% of this audio crying real tears because this seemed so real. Now when it got to that big decision, I think it was a bit rushed. A decision like that can’t be taken that lightly. But I do applaud them for taking that chance. They deserved that chance.

The romance in this was so tender and so sweet. I felt the love radiating off the pages. (Out of my earphones? lol) And it happened so fast! I thought it was like a teen thing, but the more I read and the more they interacted with each other, I saw they headed towards each other like a freight train and then BAM everything changed. I knew it was going to be heavy when Ander’s mom tried warning them from getting with Santi. But it couldn’t be helped. But unfortunately, everything worked out just like their mom said it would. But there’s still a happy ending. It just looks very different than I was expecting.

Although this book is a romance, the theme and elements make it pretty heavy. Please have tissue on hand when reading. Since I read this so early no one warned me and I was listening to the audio while trying to get my toddler to sleep lol He kept patting my face and looking at me cry lol I also had to take some breaks because there’s some interactions with the police. And although I don’t have any personal memories of interacting with the branch in this book, as a Black person I know what it’s like to be accosted by the police. Just reading it was scary and I needed a minute. I hate them and what they were doing. To teens no less. I also had to take a break because I knew what was going to happen from the moment it was introduced. My anxiety knew it was a matter of when it was happening so my heart kept speeding up. It’s that type of book y’all. I was INVESTED.

And lastly, I wouldn’t be a foodie if I didn’t talk about the food that was also in this. Like LORDT by the halfway mark I was craving agua fresca and by the end I need the elote, the tacos, and the agua fresca. I needed it all. I don’t think it was as good as the book’s restaurant, but it was good enough for my craving. I remember finishing this book at like 3 am and by 3pm the next day I had put in an order at my local taqueria lol So basically, if you’re like me, make sure you have an idea on where you’re going to get these things because you will need it.

And the audio of this was superb! Avi Roque did amazing. There were points where Ander was scared and Roque portrayed that in thier voice. And they were able to make the teens have two very distinct voices and I was never wondering who was who. It was just a great performance and I loved every second of it.

This book explores so much more than just a romance between two teens. I know I have no say in this, but in my mind it really needs to be looked at for the Pura Belpre award. I was hooked while getting to know Santi and Ander and I really think everyone reading this will also be. I really hope we give Garza their flowers because this book (and they) deserves the recognition.

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This book follows Ander and Santi. Ander is a non-binary queer Mexican American. Santi is a queer undocumented Mexican immigrant. Their love story is sweet and lovely. The problem’s introduced to their relationship from the world around them is heartbreaking. They have to constantly worry about ICE and Santi being taken away.

This book was a rollercoaster of emotions for me and was beautifully written. A favorite line in the book talked about how Santi is a human and he deserves humanity. That he not only deserves to live his life but to thrive. While the book centers around Ander and Santi’s relationship it is about so much more.

I did a mix of the audiobook and physical book and I would recommend both.

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This was one of the funniest and most heartbreaking books I've read in a while. I fell in love with both main characters quickly. Ander as the narrator was fantastic and their humor is what sparked my interest right away. I can't recommend this book enough! But WARNING: you will cry!

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This book had do much important topics explored so beautifully within!
Immigration issues, latino struggles, family pressures, life decisions, gay and non-binary issues, running a business, exploring passions...
And all of this was expressed with feeling, with realism and, at the root of it all, all of it surrounded a beautiful love story♡
The characters are relatable, the topics are handled gracefully and I loved every page!

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One of the most important and impactful stories to come out in recent times. This book is truly heartbreaking but also so beautiful. This love story but with the backdrop of the horrors that so many face truly broke my heart.

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Ander & Santi Were Here
by Jonny Garza Villa
a book about voice and sacrifice. A voice to LTGBq+ community, to artists, to Mexican culture, and immigration problems. The book shows the beauty of love. A book that allows LTGBQ+ community and personal pronouns as not justification, but a choice of your own labels, and how you see yourself. The inspiration of art, not from your own voice but learning from others. That you should not be limited in your inspiration but cover a vast area of knowledge and let it all challenge you. A book that shows beauty in Mexican culture, from food to art to social nature. Expressing the beauty of acceptance and love, of rich history, and layers of meaning. And finally a book that shows the problem of immigration, the personal struggle the conflict, and the extrinsic value of life, of love, of family, of connection.
This book would be a great compliment to the classroom. Allowing a voice that has more then one purpose and reason. We are not just one thing, Mexican, American, or even Gay. But so many levels that are complimentary and contrary. Its a book that shows voice is your choice, your story, and your art. Its inspiring, realistic, and very straight forward. It makes you look at your assumptions, your prejudice, and your understanding of yourself, and the world. Something that will give voice to many children, who are one and more then one label. Yet more importantly it gives you a discussion about many difficult conversations that we need to have in society, in the classroom, and in the American public.

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Ander & Santi Were Here was everything I wanted and more! I saw some folks add it to their TBR at the start of the #TransRightsReadathon and it seemed cute, so when the audiobook popped up on NetGalley, I figured, why not? And what a great life decision that was!

We follow Ander, a nonbinary artist trying to find their authentic artistic expression, and Santi, who's new in town and hoping to find a sense of home. Their attraction to each other is clear from the start, and they don't even really hide it or deny it, despite doing their best to not take action on that attraction. Of course, this is a romance novel, and that does not last very long. But their friendship feels pure and the evolution of their relationship feels earned, so when they're suddenly dealing with very high stakes, I was totally their with them, understanding their decisions and emotionally invested in the outcome.

Note that this leans older YA, as there is some sexual content (not explicit, but clearly alluded to). It does not quite feel like New Adult, but it does ride that line. Also, because we're following Ander throughout this story, they are definitely more developed as a character than Santi. I did not take issue with this at all, but I know some folks like a more equal character development in their romance.

The one thing that stops this book from being a 5-star read for me is its length. Or perhaps not just its length, but that it *feels* really long. At least two times, I had the thought, "surely, we are moving through the climax now and the story will be over soon," and then... no... no it wasn't. I don't love that feeling when I'm reading, especially when it seems like the story could be easily condensed without taking away much of the character development or emotional impact.

Beyond that, though, this book is near-perfect!

I have already started recommending it far and wide, especially to my fellow Latines who are unsure of how to transition to gender-neutral language in Spanish. It makes me happy to think that such an engaging, heartwarming story can have that kind of impact as well. Because Ander's family is wholly accepting of them and the language flows so naturally, this book shows that we don't need to be afraid of language shifting and evolving, and it can be easier than we think.

I'm grateful this book exists!

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I want to thank MacMillan Audio and NetGalley for granting me this opportunity to listen to the audiobook.

Have you ever wanted a hug from someone to somehow give you relief from this cruel world? Well, I wish this book was a person because I’d specifically want a hug from this book. This story felt like the pressures and the judgements of the world for me, a latine queer boy, evaporated like rain drops soaking up from the sun. Through the pages of this book, my life (though not exactly the same as Ander or Santi) was unfolding in front of me. Every experience differs just like every person is different but parallels do exist. This is how we form communities and share what life throws at us. Jonny’s words described the Sundays with my loved ones. Their words described how it felt to have an instant connection with someone and feel a love that had no limits.

Ander and Santi Were Here will make you believe that ugly stuff will exist but it is not meant to control our lives. We have the right to take every bit of control and nothing can stop you.

Avi Roque is the voice of my adulthood. They have narrated a lot of my favorite queer books and whenever I see their name part of an audiobook, it is an instant buy. I always love their performance with every character, especially with the large ensemble.

We are still early in the year but THIS is my top book for 2023.

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Ander & Santi Were Here is a wonderful book that explores some very important topics. Simultaneously heartwarming and devastating, Villa pens a beautiful tale of love, hardship, culture, gender, politics, racism, and prejudice. Well-written and worth the read!

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Wow! What an incredible listen! I absolutely adore these characters and their interaction with one another! So refreshing to have a gay/non-binary or a Latine story without family trauma. I want a companion book with the art of Ander! I want to take a mural tour of San Antonio- if only…. The cover is exquisite!

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Thank you to Netgalley and Macmillan Audio for an ALC of this one.

I could not love this book more. It is so beautiful and heartfelt and I love all of it. I love Ander and I love Santi and I love Ander's family and friends. I love the restaurant and the relationships they build. I love Ander's art and their drive and everything. I just love it. Such a beautiful book.

Hardcore Felix Ever After vibes as well!!!

CW: deportation, ICE, xenophobia, racism, homophobia

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4.5 - 5 ⭐️

I need to collect my thoughts and re listen in like a few days for this review to do the book any sort of justice but holy crap was this book fantastic! Not only do I LOVE Avi Roque but I think their narration always elevates a book with the way they bring the characters to life, so I was thrilled with the pairing of Avi with Ander & Santi’s story because they matched so well! This story is emotional and beautiful and heartbreaking and it’s really going to stick with me and be something I come back to every so often. I highly recommend but please check detailed CW’s because it is heavy

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This was one of my most anticipated books of the year and this book did not disappoint. I couldn't stop listening to the book. This book was just want I needed.

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This book was beautifully done! I loved the connection between Ander and Santi. It was clear how much they cared about each other from the very beginning. This book also did a great job of handling some tougher topics in a very real way. The narrator was excellent!

Overall I would recommend this one to teens and adults alike.

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Heartbreaking and heartwarming all in one go. I fell in love with Ander and Santi right away. Their love story had me breathless. The character development felt so strong for Ander especially, and I was so rooting for him and Santi. The cast of characters around the pair are so lovely and just the perfect community that comes around them. I was moved to tears because of everything Ander and Santi went through and I am in awe of their resilience. Highly, highly recommend!

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I feel like I should have known from the author's first book that this book was going to cause me significant pain. And it did. Definitely hurts. But as heavy as this book is it is still very emotional and with a wholesome romance at the center. Highly recommend.

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What a powerful book about love, resistance and art. Ander is taking a gap year to work with a beautify not gentrify program to do murals around San Antonio when they meet Santi who is undocumented and working at Ander’s family’s restaurant.
I loved their love so much.
And was anxious about their HEA for a lot of it.

I did think the middle could have been edited down it felt a little repetitive but the last 25% had me very emotional.

Thanks to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an advanced listening copy.

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This was a truly delightful warm hug of a book, and even better in audio. Thank you so much for the ALC, can't want to recommend this to everyone! Amazing rep and lovely writing.

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The world will be a better place once this book is in it. Ander and Santi Were Here is a YA contemporary fiction book that highlights the power of love in all forms. All of the characters, big and small, were well developed and I felt a personal connection with each one. When they succeeded, I was happy. When they faced hardship, I cried along with them. Readers of all backgrounds should pick up this book and every YA section in schools and libraries should carry this title. I hope Ander and Santi Were Here receives the hype it deserves and gets into the hands of the readers who need it most.

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The story follows Ander, a nonbinary teen artist, who falls in love with Santi, an undocumented Mexican boy working at his family's restaurant.

I really liked this one as it balances heavier themes (immigration, ICE, racism) with lighthearted moments. Ander could be a bit much at times but I think that's just the age/generation difference in this YA story. I loved the art component and learning about the murals they painted.

The story did drag out a bit and I don't usually enjoy an instant love connection, but overall it's a powerful story about love and community that's important to hear.

Thank you MacMillan Audio for my audiobook copy!

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