Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this ARC.

This was my first Matthew Farrell book I've read.

I don't think I was ready to read this! Haha It had so many twists and turns. I wasn't sure how to wrap my mind around them. It had me shocked for sure! When I thought "okay I think I know what is happening" nope not anymore because there's another twist!

It was an overall good read and very fast paced.

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A great red, full of mystery and suspense. It's very fast paced and gripping. Lots of twists to keep you guessing and keep the pace moving.

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This is a really fast-paced mystery filled with twist after twist and it’s guaranteed to shock you. I didn't want this book to end!! What made this book unique was the very clever ending! I recommend this book and will tell my friends and family to dive into it as soon as possible. Readers will not be disappointed.

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Another gripping, suspenseful read by Matthew Farrell! I couldn't put this down and flew through the pages.

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#TheWomanAtNumber3 #NetGalley
Tracy Cowan, 39, has just dodged a huge health scare and is OK now. This upset her so much that for the last year she has been seeing Dr. Devi, a psychiatrist, who has helped her. This morning Tracy has informed her husband, Malcolm, that she is divorcing him and they will discuss it further this evening. They share a young son, Finn, who is staying with Tracy’s sister, Missy, for the day. Tracy has followed Malcolm and knows that he has been seeing another woman.
After leaving Dr. Devi’s office, Tracy notices that she is being followed and tries to lose this person. When she stops for a nostalgic moment at the water’s edge where her marriage was held, the car that had been following her keeps smashing into the back of her car until it pushes it over the edge into the water. Tracy manages to get out of the car and runs. But it’s dark and she can’t see where she’s going. Then, she feels pain on the back of her head and she’s unconscious.
Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for giving me an advance copy.

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Whoa! That was mind-blowing! I loved it! That twist really changed everything for me because this was definitely a slow-burn. Wow!

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Great read. This really enticed me in and wanted me to keep reading. Would recommend to anyone who enjoys this genre

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Thank you Bookouture, Matthew Farrell, and NetGalley for a copy of this ARC in return for an honest opinion.

Talk about twists and turns! I love a great story that leaves my jaw practically hitting the ground by the end of it and this book did just that.

Tracy and Malcolm have it all. Or so that’s how it appears until Tracy asks for a divorce. She wants out. She wants to start a new life somewhere else with her son, Finn. She puts her plans in to motion and leaves, but soon realizes she is being followed and escaping her old life will not be so easy.

This story was full of secrets and twists. It was gripping, intense; and hard to put down. Definitely an amazing psychological thriller that I’d totally recommend. 5/5 stars.

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I was lucky to receive an advance copy of The Woman at Number 6 from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for my honest review and opinion. WOW what a read! I found this book so darn intense. I was unable to put this down once I started as it grips you from the first page. Watch out for the ending! So darn good!

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I did not finish this one, it was not for me, I couldn't relate to the characters, and just did not care for the story.

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Lies! Your mind will absolutely be taken away with this one. Clear your schedule you can have it done in a day! Thanks NetGalley I can’t wait to tell my friends about this!

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oh yes. This book had my attention the whole way through. What a great book. My first by him and I cant wait to read more.

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A loyal wife. A handsome husband. Which one of them will kill to keep their secret?

When I first met Malcolm, I knew that he was everything I had ever wanted. When we had our beautiful, blue-eyed son Finn I felt like my life was finally complete. The past eight years have been the happiest of my life. Until now.

Because Malcolm’s been lying to me.

I’ve been following him. I finally saw him with her. How could he betray me and my darling boy? Of course, we all have our secrets. But everything I’ve done, I did for my son.

So I have a plan. When the police knock on our door tomorrow morning, Malcolm will have no clue what’s in store. All I need to do is pick up Finn and we can start our new life together.

But I don’t notice the car tailing me. The sudden crushing impact takes my breath away. As my heart pounds and my car is forced towards the rushing river below, my only thought is for my precious Finn. Because I know with certainty that if this is happening to me, then he’s in grave danger too…

Did Malcolm know what I was planning after all? Is this his revenge? Or worse, have my own secrets and lies finally caught up with me—and has my time finally run out?

I really enjoyed this one!

Everything and everyone is in the book was exciting to read about, great readable characters and it was so great to have twist after twist! Loved it. Only problem is what do I read now?!

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This book was formally titled The Marriage Breakup.

The Woman at Number 6 follows Tracy who randomly told her husband that she’s not in love with him anymore and she wants to divorce. Later on that night, Tracy is followed by a driver who attacked and kidnapped her. We are following multiple points of views to figure out what really happened to Tracy.

I rated The Woman at Number 6 4.5 stars.

I will be honest and state that I wanted to DNF (did not finish) this book on multiple occasions. This book was dragging on way too long. I had to skip a couple of chapters because they were not needed in the story. When I finally made it to 60% of this story, things started to take a huge turn and I loved it.

Matthew Farrell bamboozled me because the ending was a MASTERPIECE. Holy Shit there were so many plot twists and so many reveals that I was left with my head spinning.

Although the story was really slow in the begging, the wait was definitely worth it. It’s THAT GOOD. I am now a huge fan of Matthew Farrell and I can’t wait to read more by this author in the future.

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I really enjoyed this book & read it in one sitting as it kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time! I'm off to find my next book by this author!

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Tracy and Malcolm seemingly have it all - a happy marriage and an amazing little boy. At breakfast one morning, Tracy tells Malcolm that she wants a divorce. Malcolm is completely shocked and thrown off guard. Tracy already has a plan set in motion. However, later that day, she notices a car tailing her. She pulls over until she feels safe to drive again. With her guard down, the car crashes into her. Did Malcolm figure out Tracy's plan and start his own revenge plan? Malcolm swears he had nothing to do with Tracy's disappearance, but can he be trusted?

What a heart pounding and adrenaline filled thriller! I was on the edge of my seat during the entire novel. I did not know who to trust. Matthew Farrell did an excellent job at throwing in twist after twist! Every time I thought I figured out what was going on, another twist was thrown my way. Definitely recommend this one!

Thank you Bookouture and NetGalley for the copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I enjoyed the few Matthew Farrell books I've read up to now, so was looking forward to this.
Farrell seems to be popular with psychological thriller fans for his dramatic twisty books.
I was somewhat thrown when I started this, as the opening chapters begin in a police procedural style where detectives are examining a murder scene.
Once I adjusted to the plot, I was gripped and shocked as the events unfolded.
This was a great thriller!

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This is the first book of Matthew Farrell's that I've read but it definitely won't be the last. I just couldn't put this down. I loved everything about this book and it will grip you from the very first page. Full of suspense and twists and turns. Excellent. Highly recommended.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Finished this one a couple of days ago and I can't stop thinking about it. The beginning starts off with infidelity come to light and the twists just keep coming. This will have you guessing, along with murder, kidnapping, and more than one character who isn't who you thought they were. The ending couldn't have been done any better. This will be a reread for me. Curious to see what else this author has written.

Thank you Netgalley and the author for this ebook in exchange for a honest review.

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Psychological thriller The Woman at Number 6 starts with Tracy deciding to leave her husband Malcolm. She has a plan. First, she must face him, then she’ll meet up with her young son who is safely with her sister… there’s more, something else coming at Malcolm, but she isn’t sharing everything with us yet. On the way home, Tracy is followed and just when she thinks she’s safe, she’s absolutely not. I’ll let you read the book to find out what happens next for Tracy and Malcolm, just what their secrets are, who has done what, and how it turns out.
The Woman at Number 6 is a gripping, compulsive read with twist after twist. Recommended for lovers of psychological thrillers. 4.0-4.5 stars.

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