Member Reviews

Jeanine Frost writes a great paranormal romance. I love the dynamic between Cat and Bones. Vampire monster hunters with live and spice is a good escape from daily monotony! Definitely looking forward to reading more!!

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Having first read Cat and Bones story years ago, I don't really like that the author updated the technology in it. Even if these new Bones POV books continue to confirm that Cat is my least favorite character in the Night Huntress world, I'm going to keep reading them.

Narration: Will Watt is excellent as our favorite British vampire.

Thanks to publisher and NetGalley for my chance to review.

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I am a huge fan of Jeaniene Frost's writing. Even after finishing every book already, I felt like I was reading it for the first time again. Bones was my favorite and I am probably going to die if you don't give more of Bones' POV books.

Keep writing, because we will keep purchasing.

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I'm a big fan of the Cat and Bones series by Jeanine Frost, but the audiobook gave me a unique experience. I'd always had a vision of how the audio would be but this was so much better. Now I'm ruined, I'm going to have to go back and listen to all of the books.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Nancy Yost Literary Agency for the early audiobook.

I'm a huge fan of the Night Huntress series, so they're pretty much always going to be 4-5 stars for me. So, why the four-star rating? Good question.

First, I haven't found myself as intrigued by Bones' side of the story as I expected. It rewrites the original story in small ways that are sometimes interesting but not always. There's not much to say about the plot since it matches Night Huntress #2.

Regarding the audiobook, I loved the narrator. HOWEVER, Bones sounds nothing like the first books because this man's voice is deep and resonant, and Bones' voice in the first books was...not.

Overall, very entertaining read.

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A POV story told by Bones an Alpha Vampire who has been searching for his lost love Cat a unique half vampire who left him 4 years ago. They have many complications and jealousy by others to overcome before their new relationship can progress. I felt the narrator really brought the character of Bones to life, but it wasn’t till well into the story l felt the personality of Cat and other main characters started to shine. I would recommend reading or listening to the story from Cat’s POV to really get the full experience.
I received a free copy of this book from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Both Feet in the Grave is actually my first listen in this series and it was amazing! I can’t wait to catch up on all of Kat and Bones’s antic and adventures. I loved seeing these two together and the narrator did an absolutely fantastic job bringing the story to life. I love the fierce and wild Kat and the enigmatic and broody Bones. Simply magic on audio or paper and I highly recommend it.

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I have loved this series from the beginning and am so happy to hear it from Bones' perspective. There is a lot going on that Cat does not know and we get to see what Bones was up to in their years apart. There are so many questions answered!
I could feel the heartbreak when Bones thought he lost Cat!
Will Watt did an excellent job with the narration! I can't wait for more!

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She’s done it again!!! I absolutely love this author. I don’t think I have been disappointed in a single book she’s written yet! Kat & Bones have been a favorite of mine since I was in high school. (I’m feeling pretty old right about now)

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Both Feet in the Grave
Night Huntress, Book 9

I Picked Up This Book Because: Continue the series.

Media Type: Audiobook
Source: Netgalley
Dates Read: 5/12/23 - 5/15/23
Stars: 4
Narrator(s): Will M Watt

The Characters:

Cat Crawfield:
Denise, Denise’s Husband whose name I can’t remember, Cat’s mother, some villains

The Story:

I love Cat and Bones so much. I'm really enjoying re-exploring this series from Bones' perspective. I forgot so much of this second story. Maybe because I can’t stand the thought of Bones and Cat being apart.

Bones is such a great character. Cat is no slouch either.

The Random Thoughts:

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While this is not (oddly) once of the series I read a lot what I do appreciate is that I can jump in when I want and not feel lost. The world that Jeaniene Frost creates is inviting and you just want to stay a while. Her writing style for me is one of my favourites and now to hear it in an audiobook form was just otherworldly. The characters are very intriguing especially now getting to see it from the Bones’ perspective. The romance, the mystery, the spice for me is always on point. It made my want to go back to some of the physical copies I have and re-read them after many, many years.

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I really enjoyed this book. A sexy male lead and a sexy female lead. No one is stupid and although they are apart because of annoying self sacrifice for once the characters have open conversation so things can move forward. I am officially a fan of this series.

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It's been fun and intersting getting back into this series with some technology upgrades along the way. This is book 2 from Bones' perspective and I forgot what all happened in this book. I thought half of this was book 3, but there were a lot of plot points jam packed in here. We follow Bones as he tracks Cat for 4 years after her disappearance at the end of book 1. He follows any and all clues and leads while also trying to keep her safe from other vampires trying to harm her. He gets a lucky break and we're thrown back into the chaos.

Cat has been leading a secret FBI division fighting vampires for years and training her solidiers to kill Vamps. She gets sent out to kill a certain vampire with repercussions for failing to kill him. The rest of the story deals with Bones trying to protect her from those consequences and her own hot headed impulsiveness. The 2 reconcile A LOT and we get a.number of spicier scenes between the 2 before the final confrontation at the end.

I don't know if she'll keep writing these from here on out because the 2 are together from here on out. I'll definitely keep reading if she does!

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Thanks NetGalley for providing an ARC. The minute I saw it I pre-ordered from Barnes!!!

I know, I’ve said it many times, but Night huntress series is my favorite of all time, PERIODT🤩. The series follows half vampire Cat and her Vampire lover Bones as they hunt and eliminate the foulest of undead monsters. The original series is told from Cat’s POV but this one is all Bones baby. It picks up at the end of the first book, and is basically the second book from Hs side.

I absolutely loved it. Listen, my ass was simping over this vampire dude before it was even a trend. And I re-read the entire series (again) just for this. Bones’ POV adds so much to this series. You get all his emotions, his concern and love for Cat is legendary. Plus his interaction with Cat’s mom is Petty AF😂😂. The smexy scenes were BANGING, just HOT as hell. This was everything I needed, a must read.

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I absolutely LOVE THIS SERIES. this series got me into vampires. It wasn't twilight. It was bones. This book is no different. I'm obsessed

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I received this as an ARC from NetGalley for an honest review.
I was excited to see another Kat & Bones book coming out. Unfortunately, I soon discovered it was one of the recent trends in romance. That trend is authors essentially republishing an old book from the other main character’s perspective. This is incredibly disappointing and just feels like a cash grab. I cannot recommend this one, but I heartily recommend the original series, especially the original book 2 which is my favorite in the series.

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Thoroughly loved listening to the engaging and captivating audiobook. After searching for Cat for four long years, Bones finds Cat, wants to know why she left him, and to protect her from harm. Highly recommended and a riveting audio version from the perspective of Bones and his undying love for Cat.

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I voluntarily listened to and reviewed an advanced audiobook of Both Feet in the Grave by Jeaniene Frost. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC.

I really enjoyed the narration. The narrator perfectly brought Bones to life.

I continue to love this story and seeing it through Bones's POV is just as fun as seeing it through Cat's in the first books. The story has the same elements but the author does a great job of making it feel fresh and engaging. I might even say I like this version of the story better. I can't wait to read the next book in this series.

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Cat and Bones! I have not been in this world in several years. I have read it a few times, this is another series that I've read and listened too! Oh and they are doing graphic audios of his series as well. I'm going to have to give that a go! Since it has been YEARS since I've read "One Foot in the Grave" I don't remember everything that happened.

I did have a vague recollection of the big things, but nothing of the small details. It was weird listening to this book in a male voice, I really enjoyed the narrator of the original book but the narrator of this one did a great job as well.

We get the world of Cat and Bones through the eyes of Bones! Who I always think of as a Spike form Buffy, look a like. We can see the immense amount of pain he had when Cat left him, we can see the thoughts behind all the things he kept secret or why he did the things he did.

The biggest difference in this book and the original was the tech. The tech in the Bones version was more advance than the Cat book, but the author did have a note in there about why she did this, and that she did do this. I feel like the vast majority of the story was something we didn't see at all in the Cat book as it was mostly Bones' hunt for Cat. We skated over some stuff as well, but it was fine because we already knew what happened.

It is always fun to see the story from a different perspective. It didn't have the same magic, for me, as One Foot, but I really just love this couple together.

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I loved this book! I have been a huge fan of this series for a very long time. I have read the original books in the series twice so I know the story. I had no idea how much I needed Bones’s point of view. But apparently, I did. I started this book in the afternoon and did not put it down. I clung to every word because even though I already knew the story, I didn’t know how Bones saw things.

I would recommend reading this series in order. This is the second book from Bones’s point of view which mirrors One Foot in the Grave which is the same basic story but from Cat’s perspective. At the start of the book, Cat and Bones are apart and I had assumed that it was a tough time for both of them but actually seeing what Bones was going through broke my heart a bit. There were some pretty exciting scenes and I loved seeing just what Bones thought during some pivotal moments.

Will Watt did an amazing job with the audiobook. I think that his voice suits Bones’s character perfectly and I loved how he was able to bring this story to life. I thought that his voice was very pleasant and he added the perfect about of emotion to his reading. This is an audiobook that I know I will be listening to again in the not-so-distant future. I am positive that his narration added to my overall enjoyment of the story.

I would highly recommend this book to others. I loved getting to see a story that I already love from a different perspective. I had such a great time getting to spend a few hours with characters that I have loved for years. I cannot wait to read more of Jeaniene Frost’s work.

I received a digital review copy of this book from Nancy Yost Literary Agency (NYLA).

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