Member Reviews

Honestly, in the first place, I was hooked by the brief plot that introduced the story: a depressed princess, in a tough royal environment, fakes her death to survive.

I was expecting that, instead I only received an ugly fan fiction about Lady Diana where there is zero depth.
Really, you're talking about serious issues so explain me why she's so sick of it. You know... "show, don't tell". Instead what I got was some sentences about her husband who was cruel or didn't love her and that was enough...
I mean, I'm not judging or deciding whether she is depressed or not; if you tell me your character isn't feeling well I believe you, but if you want me to emphatize with her I need to feel what she feels by reading it.

Anyway, something that really bothered me was how the main character managed her new life. To explain myself better I need to give you some info.

The story is set in a future where humans live on earth, moon and other planets. Dyanna, the protagonist, is a Lunar and a commoner and the one meant to marry the Royal Prince. The marriage isn't the fairy tale she was dreaming of and despite two beautiful children the couple is everything but happy. Always forced to appear as the Royal Family wants her to be, she begins to feel lonely and unhappy. Long story short, one day she meets someone and they manage to flee away. In order to gain a new life she fakes her death and starts over on the Old Earth.
Great. Ok.
But she has two sons. Somewhere in the book, when something massive happens to one of her now grown up children, she states that she never even looked for news about them on the media.
HOW!?! I understand in term of safety that you can disappear and make the most difficult decision ever, that is abandon your children to save yourself and them. But how can you not check on them every second of your life?? How can you live without knowing if they're good, sick, happy, etc...!?

Speaking of the writing style, I found it boring to say the least. Instead of developing the plot or answering the many questions the reader has, the chapters are full of useless dialogues.

To sum up, it was a huge booooring disappointment.

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Unfortunately, this was a struggle I just couldn't manage to get through and I ended up DNFing it. The writing and pace just didn't hold me. I think with more refinement, the plot has a lot of potential.

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I honestly dnf’d this book. Initially it held a lot of promise with the synopsis and cover but unfortunately it just didn’t deliver. Pace is definitely slow

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I received this book through Netgalley to read as an ARC and provide my honest feedback.

I regret to inform that I had to DNF this book pretty early on. Around 50%. I really tried to give it a shot because I was so intrigued by the synopsis and the cover is so pretty.

I'm still trying to figure out what the plot is and just when you think it'll pick up, it won't. The pace isn't there and I'm struggling to stay in, so I'm gonna pass. Maybe next time, B. Kinde!!

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Thank you to the publishers, author and NetGalley for the free copy of this book.

This was an ok read, quick and easy but a bit of a slow burn. It sounded really interesting but didn't really hit it for me. I might read the next one but its not a priority for me.

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I liked your book but I think you could have done more with the plot. I will totally read the next one.

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Resembles princess Diana a little too much don't you think? I was so excited for this read but it literally was written like a wattpad fan-fic and it got me in the worst reading slump😭
I'm sorry but it was pretty much a dnf for me..
I wish the author all the luck and I believe will write some big hits one day! ❤😊
Thanks for net galley! ♥

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I like the storyline with all the secrets and problems and how the main character has to switch between her two families.

For me it was a little bit wired to read a book, which is written in the first person narrator of an old woman, who already has children and grandchildren, because I am only a student.

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Thank you to netgalley for allowing me to read this book

Unfortunately, this was a dnf for me. I just could not connect with the characters.

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Rating: 2.5
Well now this one was a ride. To be honest, I'm not so sure how to feel about this book. So when you read it's not hard to miss that this book is about or was inspired by Princess Diana, and I'm not going to lie, at first I thought it was cool. I am a person who loves learning about the monarchy and about Lady Di and a book inspired by that sounded amazing! But I have to say that this wasn't it for me.

It makes me sad because the truth is in general the idea was great and I was invested on the story and I even read it in one sitting, but I guess I just didn't like how everything was exactly to real life, from the life of the princess, to the continuation of the monarchy, the names of the characters and there was even a pandemic! It was like grabbing the real events and history of the British monarchy from Princess Diana time, til date and adding a bunch of fantasy and intergalatic things. Which okay maybe I could've forgirven, but there's also a significant lack of world building and the writing was okay enough.

The idea was good and it was there but it just wasn't enough. Yet, I do have to say that I loved Jones and the kids where adorable.

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While I appreciated the intriguing back story and lore in this book, it tended to dwell excessively on details, leading to confusion with the influx of new information. I understand the importance of learning about the world and its history, but the presentation felt cramped, like an information overload. It would have been better to have a more gradual exposition instead of bombarding readers with facts. Unfortunately, I struggled to remember crucial elements like the protagonist's planet or the fate of certain characters. It's disappointing because I wanted to become invested and enjoy the story, but I couldn't fully grasp one aspect before being bombarded with another.

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Thank you for the arc! Life has been crazy lately so I apologize for the late review. I love the idea and the plot of this book. I just felt like I wasn’t curious or interested enough in the story to get attached to the character and world building.

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I really enjoyed this. I found it very entertaining and fast paced. I especially loved the caring family aspect and how all of the family members were so close and connected especially Myra and Kartas relationship and how Myra is such a great grandmother.
Thank you to netgalley for providing me with an advanced reader copy and all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thank you netgalley for the opportunity to read this book.

This book was a bit slow for a good majority of the book. However, it picked up towards the end of the book.

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I was in the mood for an easy sci-fi and this hit the mark! Definitely an interesting princess Diana retelling. I’m curious on how the series will go! The downsides I found was there was a lot of inconsistencies and also nothing actually significant happened in this book. There was also some lines and themes that weren’t necessary and a little questionable.

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I like the cover and the synopsis. I did not finish it, it was slow and dragged on. I did not really enjoy it.

This book was gifted to me by the publisher through NetGallery, all opinions and reviews are my own. #NetGallery

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This story is really interesting if you are a fan of the UK monarchy. I loved the twisted story about princess Diana, the what if this really happened is really fascinating. The beginning is really difficult because you have no clue what the story is about but when you came to the point where her name is revealed and the kids then your like ohhh that's really a great point of view! The writer did a great job with writing this story and I'm excited about the second book!

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Was drawn to this book by the blurb. First time reading from this author and I'm hooked. I'm happy I took a chance on this book because I do recommend it big time. Might reread it later on in the year. Already told a few people that they need to read this book. Will be looking at this authors other books.

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I had wonderful expectations of the book, however, I was disappointed. Had I not read the description, I am not sure how long it would have taken to figure out the storyline. The story and plot was great, but I just couldn’t get into the story. This is one of the few books I could not finish.

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This book had a lot of good ideas. I was curious enough to finish it, but didn't really get fully immersed. I liked the difference of an older main character, as opposed to usually younger characters. This opened the family aspect of a mother willing to do anything to save her children and grandbabies.

It was a quick simple read if you want a brainless story. Was very one track and didn't have any big twists or moment of OMG. But still an enjoyable story for someone wanting a quick, basic read with murder, spies, and royal jerks!

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