Member Reviews

This was such a good book. I loved the story and the writing so much. The characters were great and the story flowed smoothly. Will definitely read more books by this author in the future.

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This story is about four friends on a hike in Norway that goes wrong. As dangers from the wild and tensions grow, their trip becomes a fight for survival. It is fast-paced and suspenseful.

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Lucy Clark is always one of my favorite authors, but this one fell short. The multiple points of view from each person kept me interested as well just the overall adventure to be had, but the book fell flat towards the last half for me. Still a great popcorn thriller!

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A propulsive mystery set in the mountains of Norway. 4 friends, endless complications -- adds up to a great weekend of reading.

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The Hike by Lucy Clarke 3.5

Old friends bound by history, adventures, old secrets. They lace up their hiking boots for the adventure of a lifetime in the Norwegian wilderness: a place of towering mountains, glass-like lakes, log cabins and forests stolen from a fairytale. And now, bound by murder.

The Hike is a great 'girls trip gone wrong' popcorn thriller, it is not too scary and it's a quick and easy read that keeps you entertained. Where the book really shined was the rugged and beautiful scenery descriptions that transported me to the rugged Norwegian coast and the character arcs. The story is told via multiple POV and each character felt distinct and the relationships and their struggles felt relatable (even somehow the famous rock star). Out in the wilderness, the good, bad and ugly of the women come out in full display.

The thriller aspect was a little predictable considering it takes place on a mountain miles from civilization/cell service but there was one major plot point I did not see coming which was very intriguing (although not new by any means).

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Female friendship drama mixed with a survival thriller, The Hike is atmospheric and tense. I was pulled in from the prologue and enjoyed the entire reading journey. Definitely recommend!

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Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC of this book. This was a fun little thriller full of complicated relationship dynamics, and just the right level of creep to be eerie but not gruesome. Also, the opening left you wondering the whole time, and it made me feel a sense of urgency to finish. The ultimate premise was pretty wild, but overall a good thriller.

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My name is in this book. Like immediately sold. But seriously, this book was so good! The atmosphere in this book was great. Any book dealing with survival in the woods is sure to creep me out and get my heart racing and this book was not an exception. Really enjoyed!

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This is my second thriller by Lucy Clarke and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Clarke is great at crafting stories of multiple POV's that highlight reality of being human the complications of relationships. If you want a page turning thriller to read in one sitting that is one to pick up!

Thank you to NetGalley for this thrilling ARC!

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The Hike was a fun, enjoyable thriller by Lucy Clarke. The book follows four best friends who decided to spend a long weekend getaway in Norway.
I really enjoyed it! It was a really fast-paced and very well-written book.
Thank you NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a book that spoke to me, as I don't normally go for this type. But I was not disappointed, it was unexpected in all the good ways. And left me wondering what would happen next. Lucy Clarke is a fantastic author, I would read other works of hers, and reread this book any day.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an advance copy of The Hike by Lucy Clarke in exchange for my honest review and opinion. I love anything by Lucy Clarke so was beyond thrilled to be approved to read this. This book is one that will keep you up late into the night turning the pages as fast as you can. So many twists and turns and lots of suspense. Believe me, you won't be disappointed with this at all!

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I was excited to read this one because I am going camping for the first time and I knew this would get me even more excited. I love the idea of a hike gone wrong because of secrets and emotions running high.

I love books that are based around a group of girlfriends. Each character had completely different personalities, something kept them pulled together. I found Liz a bit selfish, Maggie was extremely selfless, Helena was still grieving the loss of her mom and a relationship, and Joni was a wildcard to me.

I found this book to be a rollercoaster ride that kept me guessing. I really liked the way the story ended up going and how things wrapped up.

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Big thanks to Netgalley and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam!
The Hike by Lucy Clarke is an intense psychological thriller that takes place in the Norwegian wilderness. The book follows four friends, Maggie, Helena, Liz, and Joni, as they go on a challenging hike that soon becomes a terrifying experience. What begins as a fun trip to reconnect quickly turns into a nightmare as the group's secrets and conflicts come to light, all while dealing with the harsh and unforgiving landscape. The detailed descriptions of the wild Norwegian wilderness create a spooky atmosphere, almost turning nature into a character in the story. The Hike is great because it keeps you hooked with a fast-moving plot. The characters are real and have their own baggage, which keeps the story interesting. Even though some might guess how it ends, the journey to get there is thrilling nevertheless. Overall, it's an enjoyable book for anyone who loves intense plots with a great atmosphere and a character-driven narrative.

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Well-paced, interesting story. The book dragged a little bit for me in the middle but everything was tied up nicely in the end.

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"The Hike" is a solid thriller. I hadn't read a survival story in quite some time, and Lucy Clarke sucked me in from the very beginning. The four friends are all interesting in their own way, which allowed me to care for their survival. Thrilling and surprising, the book is the nudge I need to read more from Clarke.

My sincerest appreciation to Lucy Clarke, G. P. Putnam's Sons, and NetGalley for the digital review copy. All opinions herein are my own.

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I received a complementary ARC of this book from NetGalley on behalf of the author and the publisher.
This was a fast paced adventure mystery involving four friends that get together for a trip each year. This year is a hike in Norway that takes these ladies out of their comfort zones. As they are hiking they keep getting in to dangerous situations that end up being life threatening. Their friendships are put to the test, especially when they find out that there is something illegal and sinister going on in this small tourist town.

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𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗛𝗶𝗸𝗲 by Lucy Clarke
Publish Date: April 19, 2023 by @harpercollins
Reviewed by: Mel
Format: Kindle ARC [ Gifted via @netgalley and @harpercollins ]

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

WOWZA! I read so many thrillers that sometimes I go into a new one thinking I won’t be surprised - that it won’t impress me. But damn did this book knock my socks off. It was well-written, had excellent character development, and kept me guessing the entire time.

The story centers around 4 best friends who grew up together - and typically, when a thriller tells the story of friends, I tend to find that there isn’t enough character development because the author relies on the action and the plot to drive the story. This was completely different - it relied on the relationship between the friends, and the struggles each of the women faced individually to drive the story forward.

Interwoven within the story of the friends was a back-and-forth timeline of another woman’s story — I won’t say more so as not to give it away, but it was really well done, and I found that none of the story was far-fetched like some thrillers can be, and it kept me riveted the entire time.

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As an outdoor enthusiast, I was excited to read this new thriller! I love to hike and camp and have certainly been on hikes that would have been optimal scenes for scary stories. I enjoyed that this story switched POV often so you really only get a chunk of the scene chronologically. It really helps to throw you off and keeps things confusing to the reader. What I didn't care for with this thriller is how slowly the first two-thirds of the book moves. I nearly gave up many times. In the end, there is excitement but it wasn't enough for me to justify the time put into the beginning with nothing happening. Also, there are just so many things that aren't necessary in this book or things that don't have anything to do with the story. All in all, The Hike wasn't a bad thriller or poorly written, but it's not one I'd recommend.

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The Hike follows four friends who embark on what should be an exhilarating trek through the mountains of Norway. But as the group delves deeper into the wilderness, they find themselves confronting not only the challenges of the rugged terrain but also the secrets and tensions that have been simmering beneath the surface of their friendship.

Unlike many thrillers I’ve read lately, I didn’t see any of the twists coming in this one. After a slow beginning, it became a real page-turner, the pace picking up significantly as the story progressed. There was a portion of the book where chapter after chapter was a cliffhanger (pun intended), the rotating narrative adding to the suspense. Clarke keeps the reader on edge, with each character’s perspective revealing just enough to keep you guessing until the end.

I would like to thank NetGalley, Penguin Group, and the author for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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