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Three Holidays and a Wedding

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Cute and quirky and a nice holiday vibe. I like when other cultures and traditions are represented aside from just Christmas! Fun dialogue and quick paced. I would read more from this author

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Well this was just such a delightful holiday read! It felt like it would make a wonderful and incredibly inclusive holiday movie - netflix what are you waiting for?!?!

It is the year 2000, and Christmas, Hanukkah and Ramadan all feel within days of each other. This doesn't happen often, and it is clear that authors Uzma Jalaluddin and Marissa Stapley used this as the perfect, magical starting point.

Two strangers, Anna and Maryam are seatmates on a flight from Denver to Toronto during the holiday season. Each is dealing with a lot - Anna is en route to her first Christmas with her new boyfriend and feels immense pressure (from him) for everything to be perfect, even if she is starting to have some doubts about their relationship and Maryam is leading her family to Toronto for her sister's extremely rushed wedding, in the middle of Ramadan, that she had to plan.

A horrific snowstorm forces the plane to make an emergency landing in the picturesque and quirky Snow Falls. There they find Maryam's childhood crush, Saif, who has taken a noticeable interest in her. And Anna makes friends with a mysterious guy named Josh. There are also rumors that the holiday movie of the year is being filmed in town...

This book had so much heart and I enjoyed how it brought together three different celebrations. I always enjoy books here I learn a bit, and this one was no exception. My favorite holiday books are the ones that are happy hopeful and celebrate family, traditions and love of all forms. And this one hit the mark!! Big thanks to netgalley and Penguin Group Putnam for the ARC!

Will post on retail sites, goodreads and my bookstagram @scottonreads

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I really liked this cute novel with 2 characters, equally 2 romances. The three holidays overlapping was so fun and festive and I loved the celebration of them all. I think this is a holiday read that would appeal to a broad audience!

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Maryam Aziz and Anna Gibson are just two strangers sitting next to each other on a plane headed to Toronto. Maryam is on her way to her sister's wedding and Anna is flying to meet her boyfriend and his family. When they encounter a patch of bad turbulence, they each confess their deepest secrets to each other, both expressing regrets and displeasure around current aspects of their lives. Maryam also confesses to Anna details about her lifelong crush, who just happens to be sitting right behind her on the flight and overhearing the whole conversation. After an emergency landing causes them to be snowbound in Snow Falls, Maryam and Anna both unexpectedly find themselves on journeys of love and self discovery, while also forming a new friendship along the way.

This story gave me all of the warm festive feels! I loved following each woman's journey as they navigated grief, loss, love, and how to build the life they want. I also loved learning about cultures outside of my own through the traditions and recipes that are woven thoughtfully throughout the story as characters celebrate Ramadan, Hanukkah, and Christmas. This book was cozy, romantic, and has quickly become one of my favorite holiday reads this year. I definitely recommend this to anyone looking for a festive/wintery book!

Thank you to the publisher and to NetGalley for providing an e-ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This was such an original story for a holiday read. I went in not sure what to expect. But quickly I was swept away by the characters and the small snowy town they’re stuck in. I love a good celebrity storyline, so I was so happy to see that played a role in this book. I love all the holidays and traditions included which is different than most of the holiday books I read. With such lovable characters I think just about anyone would enjoy this one! And I love the bit of romance tied in. A great holiday read!

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This was a sweet and inclusive holiday book that takes place in the typical, holiday-loving small town. This story felt comforting like a warm hug. There were two main characters who were trying to address their own personal and relationship insecurities that added a bit of reflection to an otherwise syrupy sweet (not a criticism) story. All in all, I enjoyed this as a good, funny Christmas read. 3.5 stars 🌟 rounded up to 4 stars ⭐️. Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the advanced copy for review.

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This was so adorable! I was already a fan of Uzma Jalaluddin, so I was really excited to see this on NetGalley. I actually think it would make an excellent holiday movie. I appreciated that it didn’t completely center Christmas, because there are already so many books that do. It was festive & a great book to read at the holidays!

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I absolutely loved this holiday read. The cozy, family (plus found family!), stranded in a snowstorm in a perfect holiday town was perfectly written. I loved each character in this book and was rooting for them from the start. The romances felt exciting and I found myself excited to read more to find out who ends up with who! I loved learning and reading about different holidays and combining them all into a book that felt like a warm, holiday hug.

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This was a sweet Christmas read. I loved the different culture and the very sweet parents. I will read other books by this Author.

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This one wasn't a hit for me. I can appreciate the melding of three major holidays and the perfect storm of festivity that can bring. What I didn't understand was the choice to set this story in the year 2000. Near as I can tell, the only impact that it had on the story was the lack of ability to use a smartphone. The slang and mannerisms seemed no different than a story set in the present day. It seemed like a gimmick that was added to allow them to be cut off from others, but not fully embraced. I don't need likable characters, but I do like it when we get some depth. I just wasn't drawn in by the characters in this book. In a sea of holiday romances, this one just wasn't a success for me.

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I was really excited for how this book pitched bringing different winter celebrations together in one story, but after reading a chapter or two of Anna's story, I just was annoyed by her. She didn't feel authentic and the lack of honesty between her and her boyfriend (fiancee?) was just kind of annoying. Life's too short to read holiday books with an annoying character.

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Alright, you have to escape reality a bit for this one - it is fiction after all. AFTER you do, this was super cute! Super Hallmark-ey and I loved it. I was so invested in the cheesiness of it all. I loved that it felt diverse enough with Christmas, Hanukkah, and Ramadan. I would say it is more heavy on the Ramadan side because one of the FMC was Muslim whereas the other FMC and MMC celebrated Hanukkah. I am such a fan of different religions and cultures so both authors made this informative!

Needless to say that I loved having a diverse cast of characters (Dadu)!! These two authors were able to combine different traditions into one holiday romance.

Stranded at the airport during a snow storm on the way to a wedding = family drama
Meeting a new airplane buddy = friendship
Childhood crush and small town connection = romance

I think Snow Falls should be visited more times :) Maybe for a future holiday or wedding....

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Honestly, this is quite a good book, but I was just so incredibly bored while reading it. This book tried to do quite a lot, and therefore it never did any of it paticularly well. Okay, I sound like I'm contradicting myself, I know.
I think this book did a great job at representing the different holidays, and I loved the focus on what those holidays mean to our different characters. I do think it sometimes overexplained some of the traditions, but I guess for people reading this book who aren't familair with them that might have been a nice element. I also loved how this celebrated all the different holidays, and cultures. Christmas was definitely the least important of the three holidays within this book, but it kind of deserves that. There's been plenty of Christmas focussed stories already.
I just feel like the characters were a bit one dimensional, especially the two love interests. Damn, I could barely tell you anything about them, despite there being several deep conversations too many in this book. Honestly, the amount of "deep" conversations in this book is absolutely uncountable, and any combination of characters you can think of had one of those conversations. It really wasn't necacary, and it bogged down the book quite a book, in my opinion. The romances at the centre of this book were also just not it. I don't know, there isn't anything bad about it, but I just didn't feel it. I guess, that is because of the underdeveloped characters.
The main thing I loved in this book is the friendship between these two main characters. They form such a deep connection and natural friendship over such a short amount of time. I also like how despite having very different struggles, they do relate to each other a whole lot. It honestly was such a strong part of this book, that I'd recommend reading this book just for their friendship, despite me being bored by the rest of it.

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Oof, this one fizzled fast. I struggle with books that have two FMC, but then also add in two MMC and a few other people, and you’ve lost me. The author also tried to make this a cutesy little town on the side of the road that they all visit when stranded, yet there’s also some incredibly famous people there at the exact same time filming a mega movie. I think that’s a bit hard to truly believe and go for. Then, at the same time, there’s all kinds of holiday celebrations, a giant fashion show (in the small town…), and other things. I think the idea was to be small, but it went grand and it went grand QUICK! Not my cup of tea, but might be someone else’s who enjoys all the turmoil and multiple vantage points. Thanks for the opportunity!

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The year 2000 was special not only for being the dawn of a new millennium, but also for being a year in which the holiday seasons of Christmas, Ramadan, and Hanukkah all fell within days of each other … meaning people of all walks of life were making memories and celebrating meaningful moments at the same time. Authors Uzma Jalauddin and Marissa Stapley have taken us back over 20 years to that unique moment in time with their co-authored seasonal novel Three Holidays and a Wedding.

Three Holidays and a Wedding follows two protagonists - dutiful Muslim daughter Maryam who is headed to Toronto with her family for her younger sister’s wedding and fish-out-of-water Anna who is on her way to the same destination to meet her boyfriend’s affluent family for the first time. On the same plane and seated next to each other, Maryam and Anna meet, but don’t exactly hit it off at first. However, that all changes when their plane is diverted due to a snowstorm and they find themselves grounded in the tiny Canadian town of Snow Falls.

Stuck in Snow Falls for the unforeseeable future, the two woman explore the village and discover that it is actually a melting pot of cultures and religions. Maryam, a follower of Islam, and Anna, who grew up celebrating both Christmas and Hanukkah, are delighted to discover that there’s a little something for everyone in this quaint town. As the women become assimilated with their surroundings, they learn more about themselves and what they want for their futures. And what would be a holiday novel without a little romance? You can bet that both Maryam and Anna may also cross paths with love as they set out on this journey of seasonal self-discovery.

Three Holidays and a Wedding succeeds in what it sets out to do - to highlight other religions and seasonal celebrations in addition to Christmas. In fact, Christmas completely takes a back seat in this diverse and informative novel with Ramadan/Eid and Hanukkah holding the spotlight. However, despite offering up tons of facts about these celebrations (I did learn quite a bit about Muslim and Jewish traditions from this book), this novel didn’t make me fall in love with these holidays. I never quite felt enveloped in the celebrations as Three Holidays and a Wedding failed to evoke any meaningful feelings from me in that regard. Rather, the book felt a bit preachy, as if it was trying too hard to be diverse and different, as opposed to letting this story follow a more natural progression.

Recommended to readers looking for a holiday novel that is NOT about Christmas, featuring a diverse cast of characters and small town vibes.

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This is Hallmark vibes- but on steroids. I don't mean it in a bad way- I love the holiday feels but when so many POV's get added.. I feel lost while reading. For someone with ADHD it's hard to keep up when POV's change. I love the representation throughout the story, I feel that it's so important especially as someone who doesn't see their culture/religion represented enough. I went into this with such HIGH hopes and it fell sort of flat.

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I enjoyed this very much! It was fun to read about all the Holidays coming together and the different celebrations.

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Group for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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This one started off pretty stressful. But I tend to be a stressed traveler and one of the characters was really having all the worst luck. Luckily my husband has taken over all the planning and our schedule on travel days so I don’t flip out and ruin everyone's day lol. But even though the weather was bad and they were diverted to a small Christmas town it was delightful.
Loved the family dynamics, found family and new romances. This was set when Christmas, Ramadan and Hanukkah were during the same week or at least very close together. Loved the detail and inclusion of all the holidays tradition and practices.
But also very lighthearted with a Hallmark type movie being shot nearby.

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I thought it was a cute holiday book. I enjoyed learning about all three holidays the most. Snow Falls seemed a bit far-fetched but I loved how everybody stranded there became a family.
The only thing I didn’t like about the book was Nick and Saima’s attitudes. Saima made me really mad throughout the story.
Overall, I’d recommend this book to readers for the holidays!

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Maryam and Anna are two women from Denver just trying to get to Toronto for the holidays. They meet as seatmates on the plane, which strands them in a small town near Ottowa after it makes an emergency landing due to a mega-blizzard. This is the blizzardiest blizzard that has ever blizzard as it strands them in this quaint, perfect, ethnically diverse town for almost a week. This down has a ton of diversity, but apparently zero snow plows. While the two women are seemingly vastly different with differing religions, ethnicities, races, and family structure, they share a great deal in common in that they are both super unhappy and unfulfilled in life and are both surrounded by inflexible, selfish adult toddlers who expect them to be able to fix the weather. Hot take- that is impossible.

The book takes place in 2000, when Ramadan, Christmas, and Hanukkah occur all at the same time. Maryam and her family are in the midst of Ramadan as they head to Toronto for her sister’s (who is a bit of an asshole) wedding. Anna is going to Toronto to spend Christmas with her boyfriend’s (who is a lot of an asshole) family. Both women use their time stranded in the little town to fix their shit and fall in love. Anna perhaps moves on from her shitty BF a little fast but he sucks so she’s forgiven.

I have mixed feelings about this one. I loved the two women’s stories and found friendship. I loved that Ramadan was the main holiday- I learned so much! It’s so nice to see diversity in romance books. The story itself dragged for me in the second half and there is zero smut. If you are looking for a low smut, nice holiday romance that focuses on other holidays- this is the book for you.

Smut- 0.5 stars
Romance- 4.1 stars
Story- 3.8 stars
Having a weather travel delay that lasts 6 days- neg 13 stars

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