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Glad this romance is getting a new life. Laura Thalassa is a staple in the romance community and her books have garnered many a conversation over the years. I'm excited for the Four Horseman to reach a new audience.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Bloom Books for the digital ARC of Pestilence.

It looks like the publisher is rereleasing the series with new covers and that's how I received access to this ARC, even though the Four Horsemen series has been out for a few years now.

As such, this series has been on my TBR list for a while, and when I came across it on NetGalley, it was just the excuse I needed to move Pestlience off the ever-growing list of books I want to read!

Unfortunately, I was disappointed with the overall story and it didn't live up to my expectations. I think the premise of this book, and the whole series in general, is interesting. In the beginning, the four horsemen of the apocalypse come to Earth because humans are destroying the planet. After their initial arrival, upon which modern amenities are mostly destroyed (e.g., no internet, electricity is spotty at best), the horsemen disappear. A few years later, which is when this story takes place, Pestilence returns and begins spreading a deadly plague. The main character, Sara, tries to kill Pestlience in a bid to stop the spreading disease and save the world. I mean, what could go wrong?!

One of the main things that bothered me with this book is that I found the writing to be somewhat lacking. While I did enjoy the sarcasm, I just felt as though the author's prose was overly basic. To me, it almost read like many debut novels; you can tell the author doesn't have a lot of experience and is trying to get their footing. Unfortunately, this is not the author's first novel and it makes me a little hesitant to continue with the series.

I also did not like Sara. The Stockholm Syndrome aspect of the story is creepy (and not in a good way) and her general attitude throughout the book is maddening. I will say that Pestilence was an easier character to like and I enjoyed seeing his progression throughout the story.

Lastly, I found the plot to be overly repetitive - ride the horse (Trixie Skillz) through towns and cities spreading the plague and killing people; stop at a house to rest and if there are people in the house, they die; get ambushed by humans who, invariably, do something overly terrible (rinse and repeat). I wish there was either more variability in the plot or the book could have been at least 100 pages shorter.

Overall, I don't think this is a bad book and it does have some redeeming qualities. I don't like to dismiss books or series unless I totally hated them, so I do think that I will at least give the next book in the Four Horsemen series a try. From reviews, it also seems like people enjoy the other three books more than the first, so here's hoping! *fingers crossed*

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"Pestilence" had an intriguing premise that initially captured my interest. The idea of an angelic-looking horseman bringing plague and death and a strong-willed protagonist facing off against him sounded promising. However, the execution left much to be desired, resulting in a disappointing reading experience.

One of the major pitfalls of this book was its slow pacing. While the concept held potential for intense action and suspense, the story often dragged along at a snail's pace. The repetitiveness only exacerbated this issue, making it difficult to maintain my engagement.

While the synopsis promised a captivating clash between a determined protagonist and an immortal antagonist, the actual portrayal of their interactions often were cringe-worthy - like a kiss immediately after vomiting. The attempt to humanize Pestilence while maintaining his otherworldly nature to bring death was a challenge that the book didn't always successfully navigate. Instead, it led to moments that were unconvincing.

"Pestilence" had a captivating premise but ultimately fell short of expectations. The slow pacing, repetitiveness, and lackluster character dynamics hindered the potential for a gripping story. While the central idea had promise, the execution left much to be desired, making it difficult to fully appreciate the novel's concept.

I received an ARC from the publisher (thank you!) and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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3.5 stars----I really enjoyed this book. The writing was so-so in some parts. I had no clue the direction the book was headed in though. How could Pestilence possibly be redeemed after killing literally EVERYONE?! Sara was such a strong person. I loved her. The epilogue had me excited to read the second book!

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3.25 stars.

I was excited to read this book. I love how strong Sara is throughout the book no matter what obstacle she faces. I did find this book a bit boring as Sara and Pestilence go across the North America spreading the plague. I liked their romance but I didn't feel super connected to the characters. I think because it was hard to gauge where Pestilence was feeling until the end with the choice he made. The epilogue did make me excited for book two (War) in the series.

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This one was a DNF for me at about 20%. I think it had the potential to get better. I just struggled to get into it. I think the main character being so attracted to the horseman holding her prisoner without reason other than his looks was what bothered me. Thank you Netgalley and Bloom Books for the egalley in exchange for my honest review.

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"Love has a funny way of rearranging priorities."

I loved this book! It took a little bit to get into it but once I got into it I couldn't put it down. I was so entranced in the story and what was going to happen next. Sara was such a strong character and I loved watching as she developed with her situation. Then there is Pestilence, watching him go from basically robotic to having the feelings and emotions he has, how can you not fall in love with him. I can't wait to start the next one, because War is coming!

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I thought the idea of it was pretty good! Interesting plot but it didn’t do much to stick with me. Fun but very similar writing style to other romance books.

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This was a reread for me and I still really enjoy this book. Pestilence is the first book in the four horsemen series that follows our main character Sara and Pestilence. One thing I will say about this book or really this series in particular is the male love interests are brutal and these books really are to show how the four horsemen find their humanity by falling in love. With that being said the start of Sara and Pestilences relationship was brutal. I really enjoyed seeing Pestilence change over time and see why even with all our flaws are, humanity is still worth saving. For lovers of fantasy/darker romance, you will like this one.

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This book has me in a CHOKEHOLD ok. Yes Pestilence is one of the four Horsemen and therefore a harbinger of death via the plague, but he just struck me as one those alien beings or time travelers we get in movies/romcoms that have no idea what to do with earthly things and worse yet — emotions. Oh the horror.

Post-apocalyptic is one of my favorites settings/tropes, whatever you want to call it, so I was already really excited for this one. Catch me running to my local bookshop for the next 2 installations of these!

The Four Horsemen came to Earth and disrupted current civilization as we know it. Then— they disappeared. Five years later, only Pestilence emerges, and starts spreading the plague through every city he travels through. In various towns, remaining survivors try to ambush Pestilence as he comes through town. Sara, unfortunately, is the chosen one in hers. Tasked with attempting to kill Pestilence, she does, but here’s the problem— he’s really immortal. He doesn’t die. Pestilence takes Sara as his prisoner, so that she may suffer as he did when she “killed” him. However, as Sara travels with him, he begins to see and learn through Sara that humanity is not all he thought it to be, and Sara in return learns there is more to Pestilence. The problem is he still has to follow through on his task to destroy the world.

This series is actually a re-release, with new covers and I’m so glad all of these are out because I need to BINGE. Thank you to NetGalley, Laura Thalassa, and Sourcebooks Bloom Books for an early copy of the re-release. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Is love enough to stop one of the horsemen of the apocalypse?
Sara, driven by a wish to protect her family and friends, attempts to kill pestilence, the only horseman of the apocalypse currently awake. She finds out that he cannot be killed and is taken prisoner. Through Sara, Pestilence becomes aware of humanity. Although he is set to his task, he finds there to be more than he was initially aware of.
I hesitate to call this a dark romance, but there are some toxic elements in it as well as some very cute moments. I don't think it is for everyone, but those who like fantasy romance, impossible choices, and nonhuman male love interests will love this book.
It is the first book in a series but seems like it would be possible to read it as a standalone.

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Four Horsemen from Biblical Revelation are coming and nothing will be the same after those four will ride around the world spreading Famine, War, Death, and Pestilence. No one can stop them, and then they are gone as quickly as they appeared in our world.
I know that this story has some cons, but it was such a nice and entertaining read that some of them are to be omitted. Our heroine, Sara, has got an impossible task - to try to secure somehow other evacuating people and keep Pestilence away (you know the story of David and Goliath - then you can imagine this one!). The plague is coming and it's inevitable, but when you know it you try to even kill a Horseman of Apocalypse, as nothing is to risk as you will die anyways, right?
Pestilence is feeling her ambush as dirt, even when it should be deadly... but immortality has its perks, right? And as he has no feeling when Sara does not die in his presence, he takes her with him! So no mercy for this girl, and will make her suffer!
Trust me this book is not for the faint heart, as Ms. Thassala shows humanity and also diety at its worst with no censorship here (which I appreciate). And at first, we only know Sara and can imagine what is going on in her mind, but then we can see a change in Pestilence, and start to understand him or at least can try to start doing so (and this is when I started to like him somehow - you know, how some people grow up in the environment of hate and then pass it to the others? What arises between Sara and Pestilence grows slowly, harshly, and definitely not easy in those circumstances where one party wanted to kill the other, and the other kills everyone by its presence. I liked this story and I will definitely jump into book two as the style of Ms. Thalassa works for me very well!

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I have never read an apocalypse book like this one. While it took a bit to get the story moving, I absolutely loved Sara and Pestilence and was rooting for them to the end.

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i'm obsessed with any series that is based around the four horsemen and this didn't disappoint at all! i absolutely loved it and ate. it. up!! i finished this and immediately wanted to start book 2!

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"Pestilence" is a riveting and unconventional take on the apocalyptic romance genre, written by Laura Thalassa. The story dives headfirst into a world ravaged by a deadly pandemic that takes the form of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. The first installment in the "Four Horsemen" series, "Pestilence" focuses on the character Pestilence, who represents the biblical Horseman of Conquest

The relationship that unfolds between Pestilence and Sara, the protagonist, is the heart of the story. Their interactions are marked by tension, growth, and moments of unexpected tenderness. Thalassa manages to create palpable chemistry between them, even in the midst of the dire circumstances they face.

Pestlience is a captivating read that blends romance and apocalyptic fiction in an innovative way. With its intriguing premise, well-developed characters, and emotionally charged narrative, the book offers a fresh perspective on the often-explored themes of love and redemption in the face of chaos. If you're a fan of unique takes on the romance and dystopian genres, this book is well worth your time. Just be prepared for a story that delves into both darkness and light, creating a memorable reading experience.

Thank you to Netgalley and Laura Thalassa for the ARC copy and a chance to read this book.

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If you are looking for a fast paced dark fantasy romance, this is for you.

The theme of humanity throughout this book was interesting, but I found it underdeveloped (also like the romance). The interactions between Sara and Pestilence did not convince me that Pestilence actually saw the good in humanity and would change, or that they fell in love.

I am interested in the fantasy elements in this series so I will continue to read the next books in the series.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an e-arc in exchange for my review.

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Sara was a firefighter before the horsemen came to earth. When Pestilence returns, Sara stays to help the town evacuate, including her own family. Sara and her team mates that remain behind decide they are going to kill Pestilence and Sara draws the short straw. However, Pestilence is immortal and he cannot be permanently killed.

He looks too perfect, almost like an angel, but has a deadly task. Pestilence has been killed many, many times. When Pestilence regenerates after Sara tries to kill him, Pestilence decides to spare Sara to make an example of her.

And so starts this emotional journey. Is it Stockholm syndrome? Is it redemption and love? Have your tissues ready as this had some sections that were quite difficult to read, but it is worth it. Sara is amazing. She is such a strong woman and I was enthralled with her character development. How she handled the various situations Pestilence put her in. I think Pestilence was also the best horseman to start with as he had an innate curiosity. Watching both his redemption and emotional growth was wonderful. Such a great book!

Big thanks to NetGalley, Sourcebooks Bloom Books and Laura Thalassa for this early release copy. I am now a Laura Thalassa super fan!

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I enjoyed reading this. Some of the stories are a little immature at times, but I enjoyed the plot, characters, and the smut.

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This book was absolutely not what I was expecting. I was expecting some light plot, heavy smut, think the stripper version of the four horsemen. But this book was a deeper, jarring commentary on the duality of humanity.

I will admit, I didn't like the fmc for most of the book. I loved her compassion, but her indecisiveness was getting to me. I kept having to remind myself that it I found myself alive in a post-apocalyptic world (couldn't be me, kill me in the first wave y'all), I would also struggle with the idea of falling for the dude who seems to be causing the apocalypse.

Similarly, with Pestilence, his stubbornness led to him feeling a bit flat to start with, but I feel like that was intentional because y'all, I swear he grows on you.

Overall, this book made me feel things I did not sign up for, but I tend to love introspection so I'm not actually mad at it. I can't wait to pick up War now that I know the vibes I'm going into!

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Laura Thalassa's novel "Pestilence" presents a captivating and thought-provoking take on the concept of the Four Horsemen, infusing the narrative with elements of intrigue, growth, and unexpected beauty. Through its exploration of the Horseman, Pestilence and the development of its characters, the book offers readers a unique and engaging perspective on the apocalypse.

As someone who is obsessed by the end of the world ideas and the 4 Horsemen, it was interesting to see what possibilities could come from a story told in Revelations.

The way Pestilence is portrayed in the book departs from the repulsive and monstrous depiction often associated with pestilence, allowing readers to see him in a new light. Thalassa skillfully transforms his purpose into a compelling exploration of mercy and kindness, raising questions about the deeper meanings behind his actions. This unique perspective challenges readers to reconsider their preconceived notions about destruction and the forces that drive it.

The heart of "Pestilence" lies in the enthralling growth of its characters. The protagonist, with their blend of literary wit and unwavering determination, brings a refreshing dynamism to the story. Their interactions with Pestilence, marked by a slow-burning connection, serve as a central driving force of the narrative. The book's strength lies in its exploration of character development and the evolving relationship between these two main characters. While the world-building may not be as intricate as in some other novels, Thalassa's emphasis on the characters' growth and the evolution of their dynamic compensates for this by immersing the reader in their journey.

The absence of extensive environmental descriptions in the book serves an interesting purpose. Rather than detaching readers from the narrative, this approach encourages them to use their imagination and experiences to visualize the post-apocalyptic setting. As the story takes place in a version of our own world, this technique invites readers to easily place themselves within the story, further enhancing their engagement with the characters and their experiences.

While "Pestilence" earns high praise for its innovative take on the Four Horsemen concept, the character-driven narrative, and the imaginative engagement it fosters, it is not without a minor drawback. The limited depth of the world-building might leave some readers yearning for more intricate details of the post-apocalyptic landscape. However, the novel's strengths far outweigh this aspect, providing a rich and enjoyable reading experience.

I am SO excited for the next book and cannot wait to see what happens next and what romantic endeavors will come from each of the horsemen.
(I am especially intrigued to meet Death!)

Thank you again to NetGalley for the book & to Laura Thalassa for the writing!
I was looking forward to reading more since having finished The Bargainer series.

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