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The Duke's Dragoon

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Member Reviews

The Duke’s Dragon. This is an excellently written book. I loved all the characters. Well mostly all of them. Mollie and Finn are a hoot.
Poor Finn certainly didn’t know how to handle being a husband or expecting father. He worried so much, but it was more cut and endearing. The book is a quick read for you readers. I loved the fun and excitement from Finn, Flaghtery and his other men as they thwart Raun and Buxon at the curtain wall. I the ease of reading the book.
The dialogue and or accents was clear and understanding. I loved that the story was not written and focused on the nobility, but rather the people who help maintain and run the keep and the castle. There were a lot of characters that were introduced, but the writer did a brilliant job of adding to the story or shall I say they were blended into the story perfectly. I had a wonderful time reading the book and I can’t wait to read more from this writer. I give this book two snaps and a twist. Until next time my fellow readers. Read on! I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.
#TheDuke’sDragon #C.H.Admirand #Netgally #Goodreads #Bookbub

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The Duke's Dragon by C.H. Admirand weaves a story from beginning to end with threads of intrigue, danger, smugglers and wreckers. It's a well-written romance that brims with tension building twists and turns, remarkable emotions, characters that come off the pages and pull you into their emotional ride that keeps you involved until the very end, passion, humourous dialogue between the O'Malley family, and with an enjoyable plot that leaves you eagerly anticipating the next in the series.  

I received a free ARC from NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.

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Love and Intrigue

This is an entertaining story about two stubborn people in love. Finn is one of the duke's guards. He is in love with Mollie, but he vowed to protect the duke. He leaves her behind to fulfill his duty but promises to return. Smugglers, traitors, and danger will keep him from the woman he loves. He will get a hair's breadth from meeting with the angel of death, and Mollie will put herself in peril to try to save him, a brave, but foolish endeavor since she does not have the skills to do it. Her distraction methods, so she could escape the duke's guards, might make you cringe, but love often makes us do foolish things. What the smugglers and traitors might fail to realize is that the duke's guards ought not to be underestimated. They have love and the angels on their side, but that does not mean they will have an easy time of it. I enjoyed this historical romance and would recommend it.

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This is book 4 of The Duke's Guard series. The series focuses on the men who guard the Duke of Wyndmere and his family. I have enjoyed all the books so far, and this one also did not disappoint. You can read this as a standalone, but I am glad that I have had the chance to read them all from the beginning, as it's nice to see how the relationships between the characters and members of the duke's guard develop and grow. This story is equally as exciting and intriguing as the others and I enjoyed Molly and Finn's story. Both were strong and passionate characters and were a great match for each other. The chemistry between them and the love they had for each other was undeniable. The story was unique and interesting and had me captivated from start to finish. The characters were well-defined and endearing and I loved the loyalty and comradery between the members of the guard. This was a very enjoyable story and I am glad to have had the opportunity to read it!
I received a complimentary copy from Dragonblade Publishing via Netgalley and am voluntarily leaving my review.

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I really like The Duke's Guard Series and look forward to reading each book when it comes out. Fortunately for me, there are 16 books in this series.
We were introduced to Finn in a previous book, but this book can be read as a stand alone. I would recommend going back and reading them all, as the Duke's Guard is quite a group.
This time there is trouble with the Duke of Wyndmere's property in Cornwall, Penwith Tower. There is a corrupt Excise man, Ruan (a smuggling pirate), and many in the village involved in the illegal activities.
Molly is a strong woman and is able to hold her own with Finn.
Great characters, nasty villains, and full of action.

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4 1/2*STARS*
The Irish O'Malley and Flaherty brothers and cousins, sixteen in all, made a vow to guard and protect the Duke of Wyndmere and his family. There is trouble at Penwith Tower in Cornwall. Smugglers and wreckers are using caves on the duke's property for storing their goods. With a corrupt Excise Man and a pirate, it makes for a demanding job to try and control their illegal activities. At the center is Finn O'Malley and the lass he loves, Molly Mallory. A tempestuous relationship that becomes more with a closer connection. Love a strong willed woman willing to stand up to the man she loves. This series always has an interesting take on the development of a couple's romance, including some humor.
Open bedroom door.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book.

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I absolutely adore these books. I was fortunate enough to be able to start on this series at the very beginning but you dont have too. She give a wonderful over view of what's happened in the story as to what pertians to this story. This is action more than romance story. But has a lovely romance as the basis. It continues the story of the Duke fighting to keep his properties through the eyes of his bodyguards. If you like strong women and swoon worthy men this is for you.
I recieved a free copy so that I might tell you what I honestly think. Hope you enjoyed my review. Now go enjoy the book.

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Terrific addition to the Duke's Guard series. Finn is one of the O'Malleys who comprise the Duke's Guard. He played a significant role in the previous book, The Duke's Shield, where we get the first inkling of his feelings for Mollie. Mollie is one of the maids at Wyndmere and is in love with Finn. But Finn is a stubborn Irishman and believes that he can't be an effective member of the Guard if he's distracted by Mollie, so he requests a transfer to the duke's Cornwall property. When trouble comes to Wyndmere, Finn returns to help and falls back under Mollie's spell.

As this book opens, it's time for Finn to return to Cornwall. It is heartbreaking to see him and Mollie say goodbye to each other. Finn knows that Mollie is the other half of his heart but can't bring himself to tell her so. He sees her feelings in her eyes, and it is hard for him to leave her behind, but the situation in Cornwall is too volatile to take her there. Mollie believes Finn cares for her, but he's never said so. He tells her he'll miss her and let him know if she needs him.

I ached for Mollie when she realized she was pregnant. She's convinced she needs to leave her job before anyone finds out. All she wants is Finn, but she believes he doesn't want her and that he's forgotten about her. I loved the scene with the duchess. Her kindness, understanding, and encouragement are precisely what Mollie needs. There is also a good scene with Patrick (Finn's brother and head of the guard), who has his own suspicions.

Meanwhile, there is trouble in Cornwall. Finn and the others are hard at work repairing the duke's property and trying to root out trouble. A French smuggler and corrupt excise officer use caves on the duke's property for nefarious purposes. Sabotage and murder are just part of what they must deal with. All of this added to a summons from Wyndmere, and Finn is back.

The reunion scene between Mollie and Finn shows the pride and stubbornness each possesses. Mollie isn't about to marry because of obligation or without love. Finn's frustration was evident and amusing as he and Mollie butt heads over his intentions. I loved seeing him finally come up with the words she needed to hear. Finn is prophetic when he tells Mollie their life together will be an adventure.

The roller coaster begins when Finn takes Mollie back to Cornwall with him. Kidnappings and beatings, complicated plans and rescues, and one stubborn and inventive Irishwoman had me on the edge of my seat through the end of the book. I loved watching the teamwork of the Guard and Coventry's and King's men; their respect for each other is always impressive. There were times I wanted to shake both Finn and Mollie for taking the risks they did though their actions were no surprise. The resolution was a nail-biter that leaves a possible lead-in for the next book.

I loved the relationship between Finn and Mollie. Finn can be adorably sweet one moment and frustratingly stubborn and overprotective the next. But his love for Mollie is undeniable. Mollie is steadfast in her love for Finn. She knows him well and handles his overprotectiveness in her own way. She is equally protective of him and doesn't hesitate to act if she thinks it's necessary. I loved the epilogue.

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Mollie Molloy works for the Duke and Duchess of Wyndmere. Unfortunately for her the man she has fallen in love with also works for the Duke, but on a different property.

Finn O'Malley is one of the Duke's Dragoons and has sworn an oath to protect the family with his life.

The Duke has many enemies, not least of them a crooked excise man and a pirate.

This historical romance is full of adventure and danger. Both our lead characters are maybe just a little too reckless and brave. There is also quite a bit of humour from the brothers and cousins that work together.

You could enjoy each book in this series on its own, but personally I'm glad to be reading them in order.

Great fun.

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An action packed story with smugglers, intrigue and lots of nefarious goings on. This could have overshadowed the romance if the character's were not so passionate and so suited to each other. Another good story in this series might be read as a stand alone but better read in order for the full effect. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Mollie Malloy happily works for the Duke and Duchess of Wyndmere in the Lake District, until the day her head is turned, and her heart is lost to the heartbreakingly handsome member of the duke’s guard—Finn O’Malley. Finn is tempted by lovely Mollie and cannot afford to be so he asks to be transferred to Cornwall. He sweeps back into her life when the head of the duke’s guard is injured. Finn struggles with his control and the need to honour his vow to protect the duke and his family. Duty calls and Finn returns to Cornwall. He and his men struggle to protect those rebuilding Penwith Tower, while smugglers and wreckers ply their trade in the caves beneath the duke’s ancient tower. Rumors abound that the local excise official has been looking the other way and lining his pockets. The official decides it’s time to get rid of O’Malley—the same time Finn receives an urgent message from Mollie.
This is the fourth book in the series about the men who guard the Duke of Wyndmere & his family. The book could be read on its own but I’m enjoying how the relationships between the members of the guard are developing also their relationship with the Duke & his family & of course the feisty woman they are falling in love with. I really liked both Finn & Mollie & their fiery, passionate feelings, they are certainly a match for each other. This is an action packed book that had the pages flying by, there’s smugglers, deceit & intrigue & I sometimes felt this took centre stage rather than the romance. However Finn & Mollie did have their hard won HEA but I would have liked some of the other issues to be concluded & only hope these will be in future books.
My review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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Epic Rip Roaring Rousing Romance:
Wow, this story is packed to the hilt with romance, adventure, gut-wrenching situations, friends and family. It reads like a Tilt-a-whirl and roller coaster ride all in one action packed story..
The characters are determined and fantastic along with their strong emotions. The romance is sweet, often frustrating, filled with passion, and sometimes I wanted to yell or shake them to their very core. I had many explicative leave my mouth many times. The connection between the duke, Finn's and Mollie's family and friends was so endearing and a joy to read about the faith and trust they all had in each other.
An epic story that has all the elements that make for an exciting and enjoyable read.
✔Book four of the Dukes Guard series. It can be read as a standalone.
✔The author's note at the end was extremely interesting and heartfelt.
✔Mature Advisory:
✔I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy for my honest opinion..

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I usually don't have trouble jumping into a series midway, but I struggled with this one. Clearly, much has happened in the series already... including most of the romance between the main couple in this book, so I completely missed watching them fall in love and realize their feelings, which is one of my favorite parts of a romance. It's a strange place to start a romance novel, with the two leads already together and with no real barrier between, but very well, that's on me for skipping ahead.

What's more concerning is the internal workings of the book itself. Even within a series meant to be read in whole, there should be a solid character arc and clear storytelling. However, the characters are wildly inconsistent, saying one thing one moment and another the next, depending on the dramatic demands of the scene, which was confusing and didn't give me a chance to feel for them. At the same time, I was so inundated by stilted, exposition-laden dialogue that it was hard to settle into the story or the world. Perhaps these issues would be less problematic to me personally if I'd started at the first of the series and knew everything and everyone they were talking about already, but it's still a major issue with craft that made the book nigh impossible to read.

My thanks to NetGalley and Dragonblade Publishing for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I don’t even know what to say.... I guess hold on and enjoy the exciting rollercoaster ride CH Admirand takes you on!! I can only say she is a romantic genius!!! Enjoy the ride!!!.

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