Member Reviews

The way this book had me completely enthralled! . I couldn't stop reading if I wanted to, but trust me, I didn't want to! The ending left me both heartbroken and wanting more. I look forward to the next installment in this series!

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I really couldn’t get into this book. The cover was the first thing that drew me into book and the premise sounded interesting. However, it didn’t live up to my expectations. I didn’t like the protagonist and found her irritating and didn’t seem to evolve over the course of the book. Unfortunately this one wasn’t for me, but I’m sure it will find the right readers.

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I dnf'd this book at 20 percent. It kept on going from one thing to the next. There doesn't seem to beca problem except for people acting weird. I just don't understand the point in this book, sorry.

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Thanks to NetGalley for a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

There are many things I have to say about this book. I deffinitely appreciate the idea for this story. The book tells us about a teenage girl named Alexandra who is said to caused a car accident in which her dad had died. Due to this tragic event she moves with her mother to a brand new city and started going to school in which there are kids with specific problems. Their relationship is pretty cold but they are trying really hard to get back to normal life. One day Alexandra starts to have very realistic visions that shows her a mysterious boy with tree-shaped tattoo. He feels weirdly familiar even if she thinks that they have never met. The girl decides to find him and confront the fact that these visions very closely resemble memories she does not have.

I think that the author is having a really nice writing style. The book was enjoyable to read. Unfortunately the plot is rushing way too much for my liking. I got the impression that our main character is ticking points off the plan of events that need to happen for the plot to continue and nothing is really stopping her. There is a basement at school in which there are closed cells? Her best friend gives her keys to them, The principal's office is locked? Okay, let's use student ID to open the doors.There is a boy who has very important informations about what is going on but he is not eager to talk? No problem, just tell him that you really need his help and next minute both of you are sitting in some private room when he is showing you medical documents of all students from school that he casually hacked. It's ridicilous considering the fact that this book also have some sci-fi elements in the plot. If I were to add any positives, I really enjoyed the dynamics of mother-daughter relationship but again, it was rushed as well so we don't have much space to come out properly.

Theoretically this book is the first in a series but at this point I don't know if I want to continue even if the cliffhanger was well done.

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I guess it was not my thing since I couldn't finish this. I was in 40% through the book yet still cannot enjoy it.

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This was a book that was right up my alley. There's a clever blend of mystery, fantasy sci-fi, and themes around friendship and family dynamics. There's slight romance too, but it really wasn't what I was reading for.

The Unforgettable Alexandra Shaw follows a teenage girl, who attends a reformatory school after causing her father's death in a car accident where she was driving. She has two best friends: Kayla, who is outgoing and popular, and Hannah, a quiet bookworm. Weird things happen sometimes, but in general all is well — except Alexandra keeps getting weird visions of a boy she's never met but seems to have loved, once. And then he shows up, claiming she's died in the car accident too.

The writing style is pretty solidly YA and easy to read — Alexandra, Kayla, and Hannah all act and sound like typical teenagers, frustrating dramatics and all.

Plot-wise, the story started out super intriguing and was very difficult to put down. The book did a pretty good job of intertwining characters and story elements into the mystery. I do think it could have been done a little more subtly especially at the start; the narration felt more observant than Alexandra the character was and it made the importance of some props too obvious for my liking. As a reader it feels like we're told too early what parts are important and what isn't Still, I generally enjoyed the first half and being able to follow Alexandra as she started noticing discrepancies and weird behavior around her.

My favorite character dynamic in this book is undoubtedly between Alexandra and her mother; the scenes that stick out to me the strongest in the entire novel are the ones where this relationships hangs over the story with an unspoken but still looming presence and those leading up to its unravelling. And so, the final act of the book is a mixed bag for me. We get a lot of the family dynamic, but the plot also gets a little messy and tries to rely on other side characters that aren't nearly as interesting.

Still, there's a great set-up for book 2 and I will definitely be tuning in.

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Thank you net galley for providing me with an advanced readers copy of the Unforgettable Alexandra Shaw in exchange for a honest review.

This book was as the title says unforgettable.. and it really was. I loved the characters so much. Don't get me wrong the world building is by no means bad but the characters? Yeah I was obsessesed. Alex in particular is one of my fave fmcs to read about, she's such a great complex character. Absolutely would recommend this to everyone,

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this book was literally crazy - imagine someone rocking up and informing you that not only did your dad die in this scary accident, but you did too??? i read this easily in one sitting, it is devourable and fast paced - perfect for a young adult thriller. i did not see any of these twists coming - and it filled the gap AGGGTM left in my heart, i’m a big fan of all fun young adult mysteries - especially when they have a bit of subtle side romance !!! outstanding for a debut author.

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Mixed feelings; it was fun and well paced but there were parts I just felt like I had to skim through as I wasn't entirely invested, and the writing style wasn't my favourite but I can't wait to read more!

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OMG did the weird slang piss me off!!! I can do with it but this time, it was just TOO MUCH. Things like "effing", "hoof it" (I discovered things here tbh) or "STFU" don't belong in a book. Maybe in texts but please make it correct English nonetheless. It annoyed me to no end and I'm gen Z!!! Just very cringed. Aside from that, the plot was quite convoluted and everything was handed to the characters. A locked door? Oh, here's the key. Trying to figure out something? There you go, a memory. A security guard? No worries, a teenagers overpowers him... See how ridiculous that is? The characters were boring and I couldn't care less about their problems. 1 star.

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I adored every twisty, turn second of this book. It will grab you from the first page and hold on tight.

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This wasn’t really my cup of tea so I stopped around 32% mark. But the writing style was nice with the pages I did read, easy to read but sadly not my type of book.

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I did not finish this one, it was not for me, I couldn't relate to the characters, and just did not care for the story.

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Wow! What a debut! I totally enjoyed this book. I’ll definitely keep this author on my radar. Easy story to get in to with fabulous characters. . Crazy great tension and reveals. This started off strong and has kept me flipping pages long past my bedtime.
Thank you NetGalley and A Lloyd Spanton for the opportunity to read and review this book

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I will be coming back to this book in the later time as for now it was unfortunately a dnf. I was not in the mood for the genre.

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What a story. I highly recommend this book. What a page turner, read it within one night.

The characters are so beautifully written. Heartbreaking moments, and don't get me started with that ending. It was perfect.

Can't wait to read more from this author.

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It’s been a couple of months since I read this and I still don’t know what to think about it…. The premise was rather intriguing and the writing made it hard to put the book down — however, the entire thing did not really pull together very well.

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I did not see these twists coming. Every time I thought knew where the story was headed, I was spun in circles.

Incredibly well written and leaves you hanging onto every word to find out what happens next.

I look forward to the sequel!

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The Unforgettable Alexandra Shaw was promised to be many things, but most plot elements fell flat and were unexplored.
I will admit, Alexandra was a compelling character to read about, but her narration style and the narrative voice of this book just filled me with a sense of ire. The book was full of random idiosyncrasies, random plot threads that never go anywhere, a flat mostly uninteresting cast of characters, random facades, and despite all of the intrigue this book could have provided, was deeply deeply boring.

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The cover, title, and summary really worked together to draw me in and make me want to read this book. Unfortunately, I think that the way in which is was written worked against it because it took what could have been a been concept and just make it kind of irritating. Other than the narration style, though, this was a book that was right up my alley. I mean, it's got mystery, fantasy, and a bit of romance as well. What more could you want in a young adult book. Bottom line for me was that it was solidly YA. I overall enjoyed reading it, I just think that I might not be the right audience for young adult books anymore.

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