Member Reviews

The Water Outlaws is a wuxia fantasy novel inspired by the classic Chinese novel Water Margin. The story follows Lin Chong, a skilled arms instructor who is framed for a crime she did not commit and forced to flee into the wilderness. She eventually joins the Water Outlaws, a band of bandits who are fighting against the corrupt and oppressive Imperial government.

The Water Outlaws is a powerful and timely story about the fight for justice and equality. Huang's characters are complex and well-developed, and the plot is full of twists and turns. The novel also explores themes of gender, sexuality, and violence in a thoughtful and nuanced way.

One of the things that I enjoyed most about The Water Outlaws is the way that Huang subverts traditional wuxia tropes. In many wuxia stories, the protagonist is a male warrior who is skilled in martial arts and fights for justice. In The Water Outlaws, the protagonist is a female warrior who is also a skilled strategist and leader. Huang also challenges traditional gender roles by creating a world where women are just as capable as men in fighting, leading, and making decisions.

Another thing that I appreciated about The Water Outlaws is the way that Huang explores the themes of gender and sexuality. The novel features a diverse cast of characters, including queer and transgender characters. Huang does not shy away from difficult topics, such as sexual assault and violence against women. However, she does so in a way that is respectful and thought-provoking.

Overall, I highly recommend The Water Outlaws to anyone who enjoys wuxia fantasy, strong female characters, and thought-provoking stories. It is a powerful and timely novel that will stay with you long after you finish reading it.

Here are some additional thoughts on the book:

The writing is strong and evocative. Huang does a great job of bringing the world of The Water Outlaws to life.
The characters are well-developed and relatable. I found myself rooting for Lin Chong and the other Water Outlaws.
The plot is exciting and suspenseful. I couldn't put the book down!
The themes of the book are important and timely. The Water Outlaws is a story about fighting for justice, equality, and freedom.
If you're looking for a great wuxia fantasy novel with a strong female protagonist, then I highly recommend The Water Outlaws. It's a book that you won't soon forget.

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The Water Outlaws is a revolutionary feminist wuxia tale inspired by Water Margin, a novel written in Mandarin (the publication date of which is unknown, but which is certainly pre-1524). It follows Lin Chong, an instructor who works training soldiers for the Emperor, whose carefully constructed life of respectability is torn apart by a violently misogynist commanding officer. Fleeing, she finds herself amongst the Bandits of Liangshan, a crew of mostly women who consider themselves fighters for justice for the oppressed.

*I loved this novel.* Huang has so skillfully blended the conventions of wuxia, political intrigue, epic fight scenes, and complex & well developed magical systems that I wish I could go back a little bit in time so that I wasn’t finished reading yet. The plot drew me in and kept me interested, and the characters - in all their moral ambiguity - stole my heart. I so hope that Huang returns to Liangshan for a future novel.

*Content warnings:* sexual assault (on page), violence, murder, death, gore, injury detail, grief, misogyny, sexism, cannibalism (on page), torture (on page)

*Thank you to NetGalley and Tor Publishing Group for providing an ARC in exchange for this review*.

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3.75 ⭐️

Okayyyy, I was in my political fantasy phase and this book was pretty good! This book is more action focused and there TW associated with this book so please do research before proceeding! I will say the pacing of this book is on the slower side and it does take some time to get into the book, but once the pacing becomes faster, the book hooks you in FAST! When reading this, the writing style was great and it's so well written that I was just immersed into it!

Thank you Netgalley and Tordotcom, for this e-book ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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The Water Outlaws by S.L. Huang was utterly mind-blowing and I cannot stop recommending this book now I've completed it. I do understand it may not be a story for everyone, but it had all the elements of what makes a powerful novel that will linger long after the final pages. The characters are strong and fierce in their friendships and their convictions. They are flawed but they are determined to survive and for those around them to survive as well.
This story is inspired by Water Margin which according to the author is a Chinese tale which has been around generations longer than Robin Hood. However, since the English speaking world has had little exposure to Water Margin, the best comparison I can offer is Robin Hood and his Merry Men meets King Leonidas and his Spartans at the Hot Gates. There is blood and there is carnage because these women fight for what they love. They do not pull their punches and there are some fairly graphic scenes. I applaud the author for not toning it down as one might expect with a book led wholly by a cast of females, gender-fluid individuals, and gender-bending bandits. I cannot wait for our podcast episode to be released for this book on August 22nd on the podcast Books are Magical so more people can hear all about what we think about this phenomenal novel.

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"The Water Outlaws" by S.L. Huang draws inspiration from magic martial arts (wuxia), bringing to life the fierce and ruthless band known as the Water Outlaws as they challenge the norms of Imperial society and the oppressive patriarchy that governs it.

A civilian expert arms instructor who teaches the military, Lin Chong's carefully constructed life is torn apart by a vengeful and petty man. When she is unwilling to allow him to assault her, he frames her for a crime she did not commit and ruins her life. Branded as a criminal, she joins the Bandits of Liangshan—a group of misfits and criminals committed to justice for the oppressed and marginalized. Huang crafts a tale of empowerment, as these women and queer characters seize control of their destiny and fight against a corrupt society. Lin Chong's journey from a rule-following arms instructor to a revolutionary is a testament to the power of women reclaiming their agency.

The novel is action-packed and immersed in a world of violence and corruption. Huang's storytelling captures the struggles and triumphs of those fighting for justice against insurmountable odds. It delivers a powerful exploration of defiance, camaraderie, and the fight against a deeply ingrained patriarchy. While the violence against women within the story may be difficult for some readers, the book's unflinching portrayal of its themes adds poignancy to its narrative.

Thank you to Tor Books and Netgalley for the eARC. This is an honest review.

TW: Cannibalism, violence, torture, murder, beating, mention of sexual assault without details

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S.L. Huang’s latest novel, The Water Outlaws, garnered excitement from its announcement: it’s a retelling of the famous Chinese novel, The Water Margin (also translated into English as Outlaws of the Marsh or All Men are Brothers), with more women and genderqueer characters taking leading roles in the narrative. The Water Margin was originally written in the mid-14th century, attributed to Shi Nai’an, and tells the stories of a group of outlaws, fighting against a corrupt dynasty, who are originally pardoned to fight on behalf of the Emperor against an external threat. Huang takes that framework and focuses it into a tight narrative that really requires no knowledge of the aforementioned classic. It stands wonderfully, magically, on its own, with strong, complex characters and villains readers will love to hate.

[full review on Paste]

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A feminist book that will excite you with non-stop action. I loved how all of the different characters are brought together to form this band of legends that come from all different walks of life. This story made me feel that, as a woman, anything is possible if I am brave enough to make it reality. This book is an absolute masterpiece built on the foundations of a traditional story. I felt like I was getting revenge on everyone who has wronged me vicariously through the characters in this tale. I absolutely loved every second. I highly recommend The Water Outlaws..

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This book was amazing! The world building and magic along with fighting and weapons. This kept you on the edge of your seat. The pacing was so good. I loved the ending!! Chefs kiss. One of the best fantasy I've read this year, it's right under Fourth Wing.
I just reviewed The Water Outlaws by S. L. Huang. #TheWaterOutlaws #NetGalley
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Gritty and thought-provoking, The Water Outlaws is a fantasy full of epic fights, magical artifacts, and heart-pounding heists carried out by strong, strategizing, gender-bending bandits.

Lin Chong is a respected master arms instructor. Her disciplined rule-following ways have yielded a quiet comfortable life that Lin Chong is content with, until an ugly incident leaves her wrongfully accused of treason by Grand Marshal Gao Qui, a close friend of the emperor. Stripped of her rank, banished from her home and branded a criminal, Lin Chong prepares to spend the rest of her days in custody, but then she is rescued by a group of rogue heroes known as the Liangshan Bandits. This infamous cohort consists of spirited rebels who believe in shaping a better empire by targeting those who would bring harm to the poor and needy. With the help of these radical warriors, Lin Chong learns to re-evaluate what is right and wrong and fights to make those who are wrongfully in positions of power pay for their tyrannical acts.

Gritty and thought-provoking, The Water Outlaws is a fantasy full of epic fights, magical artifacts, and heart-pounding heists carried out by strong, strategizing, gender-bending bandits. The cast of characters that make up the Liangshan bandits are the heart and soul of the novel. From calculating scholars to big-hearted himbos, Huang shines by making a group of morally grey characters easy to love.

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Genre: fantasy, wuxia

Lin Chong serves in the Imperial Army as a master arms instructor, content to do her job and stay in line. An incident in the monastery condemns her, and when she escapes, she’s recruited by the Bandits of Liangshan, a group of women and queer identifying people who imagine a better world than what they are given: a place for progressive thinking.

Funny, reflective, adventurous and full of bravery. SL Huang said the goal was for an over-the-top cinematic wuxia drama, and Water Outlaws delivers. Huang takes a classic Chinese novel called Water Margin, and creates their own adventure. You don’t need to know the original story to have fun with this, though, as Huang breathes in life for the contemporary reader who may have little to no knowledge of Chinese literature. The wuxia adventure and magical elements make this a bright and fun fantasy. Yes, there are politics, religions, and war, but Huang blows them out of proportion to dramatic effect.

The audiobook is narrated by Emily Woo Zeller, who also narrated He Who Drowned the World, which I read in the same week. I was nervous about confusing storylines with the same narrator, but I shouldn’t have worried - the narrative choices and voices felt entirely different from the darker, grittier fantasy. I particularly enjoyed her narration of the Flower Monk, Lu Da, embodying the “eclectic patchwork of the human condition all by herself” as Huang describes.

The Water Outlaws is long, nearly 20 hours on audiobook, but a worthwhile and fun listen, with deep messaging on embracing your own identity and smashing the patriarchy, all while blowing things up.

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Happy Book Birthday to The Water Outlaws!

This was a book of mixed emotions. I think the premise is great with quote unquote found family band of outlaws, politics, and the patriarchy. The action sequences were epic. The government corruption and the science experiments were by far my favorite part. Huang is a talented writer. The multiple POVs were very strong, each containing their own narrative voice. But herein lies where it starts to fall apart for me; there are sososo many characters and I unfortunately couldn't connect and love any of them. The pace was also excruciatingly slow in the beginning I very nearly dnfed the book. The action does pick up and yet the plot feeling aimless never quite goes away. This being a retelling really hurt this book that had a lot of potential to be great. I was hoping for this to be more of a reimagining rather than full retelling. To me, for historical retelling to shine in a fiction sense it needs to be willing to deviate from the original to create something new. The Water Outlaws felt stuck to the history in a lot of ways. If I wanted a retelling of historical value I would read a nonfiction.

Thank you to Tor for the eArc in exchange for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed so much of this! I loved the focus on corrupt government and a group of female and/or queer outlaws who are determined to fundamentally change their world. The entire book is so well-written, especially the action scenes and the depictions of female rage.

The only things I struggled with are the fantasy elements and the desire to know more about the characters. The alchemy aspects went straight over my head (this is probably just a me problem) and I struggled to pay attention to them. I also wanted to know even more about the characters! All of them are so interesting with such unique and powerful backstories and sometimes it felt a bit surface level. It left me wanting more from them.

Overall, this is a solid book full of great characters and a great retelling of the Liangshan outlaws.

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CW: sexual assault, violence, cannibalism

The Water Outlaws follows Lin Chong, an expert arms instructor who trains soldiers for her Empire. Lin Chong is a rule-follower, unlike some of her closest companions. That all changes when a powerful man makes a move on her and she rejects his advances. In his humiliation, he accuses her of attempted murder and tears her life away from her.

Ling Chong is sent away and goes on the run from the Imperial Marshall, but she is saved by a former student and recruited by the Bandits of Liangshan. These bandits are outlaws living in the mountains, and their goal is to stand up for outsiders, but they have their own agenda.

This book is fast-paced and has an interesting cast of characters, though I wish we had a little more time to learn more about the characters and their motivations. I am not familiar with the work this is based on, but it didn't hinder my enjoyment. I recommend this for someone who wants fantasy with less Western influences.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading the e-ARC at the same time as listening to the audiobook. It made the experience so much more immersive and engaging! Plus Emily Woo Zeller is one of my all-time favorite narrators, and as always, she did a phenomenal job.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Tordotcom, and Dreamscape Media for providing an e-ARC and digital audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

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Good martial arts adventure! I also really enjoyed Burning Roses by this author so if for any reason you think this one may not quite be for you you should go read that novella. It’s more a fairy tale than the action driven story here so if one doesn’t suit you the other should. This one’s great for keeping you turning the pages to make sure things are going to be okay!

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Thank you to Tor Publishing and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book in return for an honest review.

The Water Outlaws by S. L. Huang is a thrilling and enjoyable genderspun retelling of the Chinese classic 'Water Margin', seamlessly blending the lawlessness of The Magnificent Seven with the captivating action of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

This novel masterfully weaves together a tapestry of action, political intrigue, and self-discovery that keeps readers engaged from start to finish. One of the standout aspects of the book is its exploration of themes such as found family, patriarchal oppression, and the unyielding fight for one's beliefs. The characters' journey to forge their own paths and challenge societal norms adds depth and relatability to the narrative. The combination of strong character dynamics, especially between the leaders of the Liangshan Bandits and a richly developed world creates a reading experience that is both exhilarating and thought-provoking.

For those who appreciate non-Western European retellings with a fresh twist and a balance of action and profound themes, The Water Outlaws delivers an unforgettable adventure that pays homage to its classic source material while carving out its own unique identity.

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AHHH, This book. A stunning and wild and gruesome story that had me gripped from the first chapter. I loved the powers that the characters possessed as well as the magical science sections from Lu Junyi. An all around fun, bloody, sad, but amazing read.

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"The Water Outlaws" by S.L Huang is a whirlwind of corrupt and morally grey characters, power-hungry leaders, unending tension, a battle of wits and magic, and a ragtag band of ninja-like women destined to take on the world. In this historical fiction, fantasy novel comes a group of women who fight for a better future where they are not abused or unjustly treated by those in power. The very same powerful leaders who enjoy making people bend and break to their will and will kill any who threaten or oppose their position in society.

Lin-Chong is an excellent fighter skilled in many weapons. Her job is to train the Emperor's soldiers. While there are those who enjoy challenging the unequal hierarchy and injustices, Lin Chong keeps her head down and does her best to fulfill her duty and go unnoticed. All it takes is one powerful man to ruin Lin Chong's good name and her future.

Labelled as a criminal and hunted down by those who want to see her dead, Lin Chong is forced to choose a fate she never would've thought of for herself. With few options, she must do what she can to survive, especially if there is a chance she might be able to clear her name. In her new life as a bandit, Lin Chong must rediscover what it means to be at a disadvantage and learn the importance of fighting for justice or else innocent people might die in the crossfire in a brutal battle for power.

This is a compelling novel about women rising up against an unjust and unequal power system to demand their own place in the hierarchy that isn't subservient and docile. This group of intellectual, witty, cutthroat women is fighting to destabilize a power structure that has been in place for years with the goal of creating a future in which those who would be sought out and imprisoned or killed by a corrupt empire can have the freedom to express themselves. They are awe-inspiring in their intellect and wit if not a little horrifying at times for their murderous capabilities and grizzly backgrounds.

"The Water Outlaws" is an epic battle for power, magic, and opportunity. Readers will easily be drawn into a world of intellectual and magical prowess that becomes more twisted and life-threatening as the story progresses. While some action scenes felt bogged down by details and conversations, the characters and world-building are so vivid and three-dimensional that readers will become invested in the plot and root for characters they both admire and maybe never thought they could respect. There is a little something for everyone in this mixed-genre story that will be enjoyed as readers embark on this chaotic journey.

Look for “The Water Outlaws” on its expected publication date of August 22nd, 2023 and save it to your TBR’s now! A big thank you to NetGalley and Tor Publishing Group (Todotcom) for providing me with a free e-arc of this book and for the opportunity to share my honest opinion in this review.

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I’m so glad I was able to read this, it had everything that I was expecting from the cover and from S. L. Huang. I really enjoyed the concept overall and how it works together with the characters. The characters were beautifully written and I’m so glad I was able to read this. It had a great historical and scifi elements going on and I can’t wait to read more from S. L. Huang.

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This book had all the components of a great LGBTQ+ Asian folklore remix turned into an epic high fantasy with great wuxia battle scenes: Great worldbuilding, interesting characters, a great plot, fantastic prose, fantastic battle choreography, and the exposition is deftly woven into both the narrative and the dialogue and never dumped.

So why am I rating this book three stars? Because this book simply failed to make me care about any of it. There were so many characters I never got a chance to get invested in any of them, we got to the home of the Liangshan bandits and I didn’t ever feel very invested in their mission, we didn’t get to meet the Emperor until close to the end of the book so whether or not he actually cared about what his subordinates were doing was always a toss-up (at least to me), and I truly didn’t understand the character of Lu Junyi. I didn’t understand her motives, her goals, her aims, or her emotions. To be honest, there are so many characters it feels as if we don’t ever get to feel any of their emotions unless it’s pain, anger, or anxiety.

So what I felt like I read was a plot-and-atmopshere driven slog of a nearly 500 page novel I felt no investment in. I didn’t care what happened to anyone in it or what the outcome was.

So why did I keep reading? I genuinely like Huang’s prose, her worldbuilding, her imagery, the battle scenes, and the work she was doing with alchemy and physics. It was interesting enough for me to slog through. I wouldn’t read it again and I personally don’t recommend it.

I was provided a copy of this title by NetGalley and the author. All thoughts, opinions, views, and ideas expressed herein are mine and mine alone. Thank you. Personal policy dictates that this review will not appear in my social media accounts due to receiving a rating of three stars or less.

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If you like:
- Chinese inspired epic fantasy
- Bandits rebelling against injustice
- Women with swords
- Found family of morally questionable people

Then you have to read The Water Outlaws by S.L. Huang!!

Lin Chong is such a stellar main character. Her corruption but also growth arc is masterfully done. She maintains a lawful alignment but her perception of the world and what is right changes.

There is a large cast of side characters or people who are mentioned only a couple times but their connections need to be remembered. It was a lot to try and keep track of but there is a dramatis personae to help. Lu Junyi and Wo Yung were two of the side characters that really stuck out to me and I enjoyed their POVs a lot!

Huang has an incredibly engaging writing style that transports you into the world. It has that feeling of a classic story but with expertly added queer representation and modern opinions. The book starts fast but then slows a fair bit for the 20-40% bit but then really picks up at a steady pace for the rest of the book to the point where I was on the edge of my seat by the end.

The magic system, thought clearly very important to the plot, was not the focus of my attention in a really good way. Like it didn’t feel out of place or forced in any way. The gods teeth were presented in a very scientific way and it made them feel really natural.

This is absolutely a must read for all fantasy lovers and the audiobook is narrated perfectly by Emily Woo Zeller!!

Thanks to Tor for the eARC!

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