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I’m pretty sure at this point that I will love anything Mia Sheridan writes - just always a gripping drama with the most swoony romance stories. I adored the instant connection with these two MCs and the whole idea of fate. Also, 10/10 epilogue. It has a bit of everything:

-enemies to lovers
-opposites attract
-insta love
-second chance romance

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Grace and Carson meet in Las Vegas one weekend when they both happened to be at the same hotel for conventions in their respective industries. Grace is a law student, while Carson is a adult film star. While Grace can admit that she finds Carson very sexy, she finds him obnoxious and cocky and definitely pre-judges him because of his profession. When they get stuck in an elevator together and Grace has a panic attack, she learns that she was wrong to judge Carson by first impressions. He's actually quite sweet, as well as very determined to take care of her until help arrives. It becomes clear there's mutual attraction there and they both decide to blow off their conventions and spend an unforgettable weekend together before going their separate ways.

I really enjoyed the chemistry between Grace and Carson and quickly became invested in them as a couple. I especially liked that even though both characters had less than stellar pasts, their encounter with one another, even though it was only one weekend with no guarantee they would ever see each other again, inspired them both make major changes in their lives. What happens in Vegas did not stay in Vegas in this case.

Sheridan got me in the feels during their time apart, and then she got me all over again when they eventually do find their way back to one another.

Stinger is both moving and sexy. It’s angsty yet also has a healthy dose of humor, and was just an overall very satisfying read that has me wanting to read more of Sheridan's novels.

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The book was slow at times but overall I loved the romance between the two characters. Falling in love with a porn star may just be a new favorite trope of mine. Loved the steamy sex scenes. I preferred the chapters that were from Carson's point of view. I did find several typos throughout the book though that could have easily been fixed. These things happen though. Overall, I enjoyed this romance.

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this book is the perfect example of why I never DNF. grace hamilton is a law student and carson stinger is in the adult entertainment industry. both are in vegas for separate conferences at the same hotel. after a couple run ins, they get trapped in an elevator together.

this book is divided into 3 parts… part 1 was NOT for me. it was overly vulgar, the sexual innuendos made me cringe and I just hated it. for someone who always finishes a book, no matter how much I don’t want to, I almost put this down for good multiple times. I hated it. i’m all for a romance scene here and there, but I don’t need to read constant sex. the wording and descriptions… I was texting my friends and sending screenshots laughing at how bad they were. it was just awful.

parts 2 & 3 were like a totally different book, in all the best ways. it follows our characters over the next couple years, after their weekend conference in Vegas. it reminded me a bit of Things We Never Got Over. I loved it.

i’ve never been so torn on a rating. part 1 would be 1 star because that’s the lowest I can do. part 2-3 would be at least 4 stars… at least. i’ve settled on 3 stars since it ended on a high note for me. I would recommend this, as long as y’all know what you’re getting into for the first third of the book. once you push through that, it’s really good!

thank you to NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Holy smokes. This book was hot as sin and took an expected twist I wasn’t expecting but loved.

When Grace Hamilton goes to Vegas for a law conference the last thing she expects is to get stuck in an elevator with Carson Stinger, Straight Male Performer, who’s there for his own convention. The chemistry between them is too strong to ignore so they end up spending the weekend together, until Grace realizes she caught feels and leaves sooner than expected. Cue 5 years later, while Grace and Carson are in different places in their lives than when they first met, fate put them in the same town so they could run into each other again to see what happens.

I loved that each chapter had both of their POV’s, especially the glimpses of what was happening in their lives as the years progressed until we got up to present day. Carson started out as a showboating porn star but Grace knew that wasn’t the whole story and got him to reveal his true self and never took him at face value, well after they got stuck in the elevator. The positive changes both characters made before reuniting lead to them being even more perfect for each other when they reconnected.

Thank you Bloom Books, Mia Sheridan and netgalley for an ARC!

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Well, my first Mia Sheridan book was a huge hit, I absolutely loved this book! The writing was fantastic and I loved the story.

This book was written in dual POV's with a few time-jumps but was very easy to follow and get completely sucked in to and the characters were incredibly easy to love. I couldn't help but root for this couple who dislike each other from the start but then randomly connect so deeply after one elevator malfunction forces them together that they end up spending the weekend wrapped up in each other. Literally and figuratively!

I was thrilled to follow along and learn that Carson Stinger, Straight Male Performer has way more substance to him than he lets on at the beginning. I love how one brief encounter between he and Grace leads to such an incredible love story filled with just the right amount of angst, drama, and tons of spice. I mean it's to be expected from a porn star, right? But as spicy as some of these scenes were, they were equally beautiful and intimate.

Both characters have such an impact on the other that their entire lives are changed after one weekend together, but this connection between them never fades over the years. The character development that follows was so lovely, especially for Carson, and I loved every minute of it.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and can't wait to read more by this author!

Thank you to Bloom Books for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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A part of the Sign of Love collection, inspired by the astrological sign of Scorpio, Stinger is the epitome of meeting your person at the wrong time.

Having read two books from the collection, I wasn't sure what to expect but I can tell you that the beginning of this book definitely differed from Archer's Voice and Kyland. Divided into three parts, we meet Grace, a law school student, and Carson, a porn star, in Las Vegas for conferences both at the age of 23 years-old. While they have a fun-filled weekend together, they both impact the other in a way that forces them to evaluate their lives.

In the first half of the book, I thought there was personally too much sex and found the time jumps to be a bit jarring. The second part was intriguing as we begin to see more depth and substance from the characters. But the best part of the book was the third section. That's what really made this book for me. When we jump ahead in time once more, we see Grace and Carson are doing different things with their lives (no spoilers, just loved the mystery aspect). It was interesting, captivating, and I couldn't be happier with it.

If I haven't said it before, Mia Sheridan truly has the ability to not only make a person engrossed with her works but also feel for the characters written. While this may not have been my favourite (that spot belongs to Archer's Voice), Stinger was truly an amazing and moving book to read.

eARC was kindly provided by Bloom Books in exchange of an honest review. Thank you!

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My first Mia Sheridan book was Archer's voice and like most, I totally loved it. Going into Stinger, I thought there is no way it will be as great. Well, I was wrong! It is just as wonderful. Both books are 5 stars reads. Each take you on an beautiful emotional journey.
When a guy introduces himself as, Carson Stinger, straight male can't help but laugh and think this is going to be interesting! Immediately, you think typical playboy player but don't be so quick to judge this book by it's cover. Carson may come off that way but he is soooo much more. After a not so pleasant meeting and then a chance encounter with straight lace, Grace.... He let's his mask slip and she sees the wonders beneath it.
To know Carson is to love him. Too bad he doesn't see it for himself. Grace is as prudish and controlled as they get. A pre-law student. These opposites sure do attract and their chemistry can not be denied. Their chance meeting turned into a no strings attached, fun filled weekend…... The heat between them was so erotic yet intimate. Not dirty, just beautiful. In getting to know each other feelings do develop. They also realize they want more out of their lives.... both on the wrong path.
Sometimes, it takes someone else seeing into your soul to make you truly see yourself. But they said it was just for a weekend. Just for fun... could it be more? How? Can a weekend or a chance meeting change the course of your life??? Is it fate?
Life is wild
Anything is possible.
The story matured as it went on. What started out as something sexy and entertaining morphed into something deep and substantial. I loved the slow transformation... the story evolved right along with the characters. Which I found very refreshing. The level of emotions I felt in this book were so intense. Every thing from joy to sorrow. I found myself tearing up quite a few times. Such an amazing journey with brilliant characters. Carson and Grace will always have a place in my heart. You need to experience this book!
Mia Sheridan writes unique and poignant stories. Her characters will stay with you forever. Nothing cookie cutter with her. She is truly talented. I can not wait to devour the rest of her books….... hmmmm I think Leo will be up next!!

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This was the perfect spicy second chance romance I didn’t know I needed.

Hitting on some tough topics like sex trafficking but following the adult entertainment industry. I loved the forced proximity and alternating POVs.

Spicy, wild male love interest meets girl next door and they make the perfect couple!

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I really enjoyed this novel!! It was as sad as Archer’s Voice so it was definitely a change of pace!

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By: Mia Sheridan


Second chance or Vegas bust?

First let me start by say that I’m a huge fan of the author. This released and re-edited book definitely had some huge misses for me but overall good. The beginning was drawn out and part unnecessary and not needed. But in the second half the development of Grace and Carson was very good and I was able to finish it pretty fast. The authors ability to have two separate individuals struggling in their everyday life and try to navigate someone else’s thoughts, needs and desires was intense and gives all the fills.

Authors Blurb: Sometimes, it seems you don't even realize anything is wrong until someone comes along and changes you, and makes you want more.

Grace Hamilton is the girl with a plan. She knows exactly where her life is going, and prides herself on always achieving her goals. She's never stepped outside the lines she draws for herself, and never considered what her heart truly wants. That is, until him.

Carson Stinger doesn't play by any rules except his own. Working in the adult entertainment industry, he doesn't care what others think of his choices, and takes each day as it comes. No direction, no plan. He knows what women want from him, and in his eyes, it's all he has to offer…until her.

When unexpected circumstances force them together, Grace and Carson are swept up into the electric chemistry between them, surrendering to a steamy Las Vegas weekend in each other's arms. But for two people whose worlds could never coexist, they know their time is short. That is, until their hearts get involved without their permission…

This book has everything I love in a book. Then you add that it's beautifully written and believable. It is easily a five star read. Written in dual POV my personal favorite this story flows so incredibly well that the next thing you know your 80% into the book and loving every second of it. The believable way the characters interact is perfect. Run, Hop, Jump or use your (1 click) finger to do whatever you have to do and get this amazing book. It'll break your heart, you'll want to scream with frustration and it'll let you discover that love just might conquer all. The chemistry is steamy and sweet and oh so romantic.

Thanks Netgally for letting me read and review.📚💕

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mia sheridan does it once again! i swear everything she writes, i will devour it & this was no different! grace & carson are absolutely amazing. this was my first romance book that the mmc was in the adult industry but i loooved that aspect so much! i was rooting for them the entire time. i want more with them because wow, i loved them.

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Whoa! This book was a rollercoaster! The love story here spans over 10 years which is fated mates that I love! This love story for me was great not because it was fated mates but because of the way it evolved. Las Vegas was definitely a main character and very important to this story. I really enjoy when authors do this, it adds a different element to their books. Also, the side characters were so important to this story it shows so much depth to the characters.

There was also such an important story going along parallel to the love story which was great. It kept me intrigued the entire time. I felt like I got multiple stories in one.

Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review, as always all words are my own.

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I am just so in looove with the way Mia writes!! My review is already on Goodreads and the edit will be up later this week!! I apologize for being late life has hard! :(

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Mia Sheridan is a wonderful storyteller and her stories reflect that. This one is no different. It was interesting and dynamic and kept me rapt from the beginning to end.

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I’ve read several of Mia’s books and have enjoyed them all though this one for me was her best. I love Carson’s character and his love/hate for Titanic, these parts had me giggling at how cute he was. Also seeing how much these few days changed them both was such a sweet thing to read. Their intimate scenes were more than just sex and when Carson describes the feeling of making love it felt very real and made me feel for him and how this would most likely end. But it doesn’t end there we are taken through their lives and the years later and how they have changed. Carson is such a hero and all around good guy I loved his character so much. I would love to read stories about the other characters in this book as it could definitely be a series.

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I love Mia's journey into more romantic suspense storylines so when the chance to read something from her back catalog that was being edited and re-released by Bloom came about on Netgalley I jumped on it.

The first part of this book was not good. It was cringey dialogue and stilted characters that were mostly driven by lust. Maybe that would have worked for me 10 years ago but I guess my taste has evolved. The repetitive, "why do you call me Buttercup?" really got on my nerves.

I actually really enjoyed the 2nd part of the book when the MC's have gone their separate ways and their lives have gone in different directions than intended. In fact, I think if the author had condensed the first part and fleshed out the 2nd part I would have really liked it, so in my opinion, this was a missed opportunity by the editing team. The ending was a bit rushed and far fetched and again could have been more poignant if reworked. The 2nd half saved this book for me because I honestly would have DNF's if it wasn't for Netgalley.

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I adored this book, Mia Sheridan is a wonderful author, her captivating storytelling creates an intimate connection with the characters, evoking a range of emotions. Despite initial reservations about a plot involving a porn star, Sheridan breaks stereotypes, crafting genuine and memorable characters. A must-read for romance and drama fans.

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“I was going to live for all the years I had rejected relationships that might have come naturally if I hadn’t been overly focused on other things, and for all the years I had made choices that I thought would make other people happy, never considering what would make me happy.”

My goodness this book. Like.. what in the actual.. I can’t even cope! This was the second Mia Sheridan book I’d read and she is quickly becoming a favorite romance author of mine.

Stinger was fast paced romance, slow burn, nail biting angsty & everything else in between. Grace and Carson were everything I needed in a book & I cannot recommend it enough. This was the easiest five stars ever & @miasheridanauthor is fantastic at building worlds that just grasp you from the very first page.

Who would have thought that a male adult entertainment star & a lawyer would be a perfect match? Though there are time jumps that make you want these two to get back together already and instances that make you scream “No!” When you think all is lost.. the City of Sin and fate work together to bring back two people who are truly meant for each other.

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Apparently I read this back in 2014 when it was released the first time, but I did a quick reread.

Basically we have law student with a plan meets porn star, and decide to spend a steamy weekend together. Of course, it's not that easy, and feelings commence. Fast forward years and porn star (Stinger, obviously) is now an ex Navy SEAL, and law student is a prosecutor, and they haven't seen each other since that weekend in Vegas...but they randomly run into each other and things reignite.

The steam is this book is off the charts, but fairly well written. The plot is predictable, but entertaining. It's not this author's best work, but still a fun read.

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