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The Hotel

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Member Reviews

This is a well written descriptive creepy thriller. The premise is very unique and modern however I did struggle to get into this one although the writing is good I hated how there felt like a lot of repetition especially with Bex's name being said what felt like every other line, but that might just be me. I do think a lot of people will enjoy this as it is an atmospheric gothic thriller it just wasn't for me.

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The premise really intrigued me, but I was very disappointed by this one. First I’ll say that the writing was solid. However, it was overwritten especially for a mystery/thriller. Books of this genre I like to fly through because the biggest draw is the plot. It should keep you turning the page faster and faster because you just cannot wait to get to the ending that ties it all up. I did want to rush through and finish it, but not because I was waiting for some big twist. I wasn’t very shocked or surprised by how it ended, and the second twist fell especially flat. I didn’t find myself connecting to any of the characters either. It wasn’t a terrible book by any means, but it just didn’t do it for me.

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This was a solid book that was fun to read. I liked the back and forth between past and present. I did find it to drag a little at times and then the ending was a little rushed.

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I want to start with thanking NetGalley, the publisher and the author for giving me a copy of this book to read in exchange for my honest opinion.

Secondly, I am very very sorry to say that I did not finish this book. I really wanted to enjoy this book but sadly, I didn't. It was too slow for me and I found too many things in this storyline unbelievable. It just didn't grab my attention, so I decided to stop. The writing is good and the storyline has a lot of potential, so I can see why others would like it.

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This book really surprised me in a good way! It was my first title from this author but definitely will not be my last. A solid four star book for me!

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I have mixed feelings about this book. On the one hand, it’s a good plot, has plenty of gothic drama and is fast paced. On the other hand, I found the characters dull and quite predictable. I think it will certainly appeal to those who love a pacy gothic horror story even if it didn’t entirely grab me.

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This is my first book from Louise Mumford and I was impressed. The Hotel is a fun, fast-paced read with a vivid setting and plenty of chills. A perfect book for a holiday this summer.

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Ghost Hunters meets 'The Shining.' This was so fun. Ghosts haunting a hotel, a girl's disappearance in the same hotel, and a young film crew wanting to find out if the hotel's dark history truly has resulted in paranormal activity. This was spooky, intriguing, and exciting with a beautiful setting.

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10 years ago something happened to Leo - are we now going to find out? I loved how the book went between then and now as the story unfolded. Loved the twists at the end also. I had to keep reading as I needed to know if we were going to find out what had happened to Leo.

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Explorers in a abandoned hotel with tragic history, one disappeared, assumed dead. Decades on and the others are still haunted by the experience. Film company going to make a re-run of the event. For some reason the survivors agree to this. Good descriptions of the creepy hotel, eventually. An awful lot about the explorers' lives but that never grabbed me I'm afraid. It was almost a did-not-finish always hoping that the story would improve. Sadly it didn't. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy.

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Ten years ago Bex and three friends go to Ravencliffe to film and see if the ghost stories are true. Tragedy strikes and her best friend Leo disappears. Present day they are going back to Ravencliffe with a film crew and try to make sense of what happened that night.
This was a great creepy story that I finished quickly. Thanks NetGalley and HQ Digital for this ARC that will be released June 22, 2023!

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A teenage group of aspiring Spielbergs visit a haunted hotel to film a short film. One of them dies. 10 years later, Bex wants to uncover the truth.

I appreciate the author tried to do something a bit different plot wise but I wasn’t hooked. There wasn’t any suspense for me, nor was I shocked by the ending.


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Not since the Overlook Hotel has a setting for a book been so creepy. Great thriller - I will been the lookout for more from this author.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The descriptions were really vivid, I could definitely picture Ravencliffe and all its spooky grounds in my mind. A great suspenseful read. The ending wasn’t quite what I had in mind but I liked it… a really interesting storyline. Would read more from this author.I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Twisty and full of suspence. I was on the edge of my seat. Gripped from start to finish. Read in one sitting. Couldn't put it down. Definitely recommend.

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The Hotel by Louise Mumford is an exceptional book!

If you enjoy mystery, thriller sorts of books then you will definitely enjoy this book!

The 4 teenagers take a trip to an abandoned hotel and boy does that trip change every single one of their lives and not necessarily in a good way.

This story talks about the way tragedy impacts everyone In substantially different ways and how each person handles it is based on their personality.

Bex, Leo, Richard and Oscar will never be the same after this trip. History, mystery, fear and personality tie into this story and drives it from start to finish.

Definitely recommend!

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I really wanted to love this as I do enjoy Louise Mumfords books but it was a miss for me unfortunately. The premise is such a good idea-ten years after one of a group disappeared whilst investigating an abandoned house, the survivors go back with a film crew to try to discover the truth about what happened that night.
I liked the way the story was told via different media but it took too long to get to the interesting stuff and the characters weren’t interesting enough to care about. The ending was also a little disappointing for me. Not one of her best I’m afraid.

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I didn’t enjoy this, sorry.
I found character motivations unbelievable and the plot not good enough to make me suspend belief.
Lots of spelling mistakes in author bio at beginning of book

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Having only recently discovered Louise Mumford I was delighted to see another new title from this author of suspense, a welcome addition to my book shelf

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I really enjoy locked room mysteries and The Hotel by Louise Mumford is a definite locked Hotel mystery with gothic undertones.
I received a copy of the book for a free and unbiased opinion.
This a tense, thriller set in two time frames- the present where Bex is a recluse hiding from the publicity of a viral film and the past when she is 18 year old with her future set before her- an 18 year old who decides to film in an abandoned Victorian hotel.
I thought Bex was a relatable and likeable character- her decisions good and bad make sense even when they sound dangerous and I could understand her purpose behind them.
The Ravencliffe Hotel is a character in its own right and the author succeeds in making the Hotel and its past eery and creepy. In fact, I don’t think I will ever be able to stay in another Victorian Hotel without wondered about whether it has a shady past.
I thought I knew what the ending was going to be having read so many of these kinds of books but I have to admit to being surprised by how it all ended up.
This was a quick, and delightful read and would recommend this to anyone who enjoys a good mystery.

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I really liked this one! Not much more to say than that. Good plot. Good pacing. Four stars.rnrmfnfmf

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