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Death is My BFF

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If you love paranormal or fantasy or romance, this book is the love baby of all three. Such a good book! Faith is a refreshing and relatable teenage girl who finds herself in a mess of demons, angels, warlocks, and of course, the Grim Reaper. Death is one of my favorite mmc's ever and I'm so excited for the next book.

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Ugh this book was so nostalgic!!!! I remember reading this as a teen on Wattpad and I'm so happy it's being published!!!! I will love Faith and Death 4evaaaaaaa

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This book brought back so many memories of Death and Faith’s storyline and i’m just so happy it’s finally being published into a complete series

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Thank you NetGalley, Wattpad WEBTOON Book Group, and Wattpad Books for a digital ARC of Death is My BFF!

When Faith Williams almost loses her life during a robbery at 8 years old, Death spares her soul with a promise to collect it when she's 18. Now, it’s her 18th birthday birthday, she has no memories from that night, but her art subconsciously knows Death. Faith meets David Star at a Halloween party. He’s handsome, rich, and ambitious, but Faith doesn’t know who he really is.

It was interesting to see this Wattpad book come to life. I loved the interactions between Faith and Death! They were filled with sass and tension. Death is a complicated person, but I loved the flashbacks to his past and seeing his character develop and a sneak peak into his point of view. The world-building was interesting, and it had many different characters that were enjoyable. It has everything you need for a good young adult fantasy read, such as, supernatural fights, secrets, romance, and fantasy creatures.

The ending was so good, and I can not wait until the next book comes out!

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Perfect for those who love supernatural. Amazing debut from the author! Our MMC is full of snark and dark humor, he had me cackling half the time. Did I mention he is built like a god? *swoon*

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“Once, I was just a young man, unprepared for the cards I’d been dealt. I let fate grind me under its heel. Now I was a monster who held the deck.”

Where to start? Where to start?.... I am in love with Death. He's funny. He’s sarcastic. He’s a little rude and can definitely be a jerk at times. He actually has a heart, albeit a tarnished one, and is caring. He just doesn't like to show it or have anyone know.

Katarina E. Tonks’ Death is My BFF is the story of eighteen-year-old Faith Williams who should have died when she was eight, but had her life spared by Death himself. The caveat being that when she turned eighteen, he would come for her and she would willingly go with him. Now, Death has returned for Faith’s soul. Unfortunately, he isn’t the only angel or demon after Faith.

Death is My BFF is a fun, entertaining read. There’s so much more to Death than meets the eye. Faith is more than she appears to be. These two are magnets who have no idea how much they need each other. The story itself has numerous surprises, with a cliffhanger I can’t seem to be mad about. I just wish I had the next book, Death is My Ride or Die in my hands right now!

~ Favorite Quotes ~

“Believe in the amazing catch that you are.”

“Always keep your promises, and never lie.”

“Family. Sometimes they just get you.”

“Fate has a funny way of putting you right where you belong.”

“You should stop apologizing for being yourself.”

“You’re stronger than this.”

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It was such a treat to return to this world. I was there when this story was on wattpad, and it's crazy to see just how much Tonk's writing has progressed to give us this more polished but just as fun version. I am so happy it's getting published because Death is My BFF, it has me excited to reread the whole series all over again.

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I read this on Wattpad way before receiving this ARC but did not realize that until I was like 100 pages into the book. very very good.

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I'm genuinely disappointed with this. The ebook I received is basically the same exact Wattpad story I read when I was 13. There seemed to be no editing or formatting to differentiate this from the Wattpad uploads.

I was hoping there would be improvements to the story, since Katarina would have had time to hone her skills. I did love the story as a young teen, but I think a traditionally published version of the story should be edited and formatted like any other novel (instead of copy paste from wattpad) and be edited for the sake of language and story arch to provide something truly remarkable based on the source material.

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When Faith was 8, she was spared death by Death himself with the promise that he'd come back for her in 10 years. It has been ten years and now, he is back to claim her. Faith has no recollection of anything he is talking about and is a bit confused about the strange goings on around her.
I was 100% into this book, so much that I thought about 1) skipping church to read it and 2) thought about reading it during church. (I did neither.) I felt it got a bit strange at the end but I would recommend this to my friends. If you are looking for a book for a teen, I have to warn you that there are some (not detailed) adult scenes. For that reason, I'd recommend it for older teens.
The book does end in a cliffhanger so be on the lookout for book 2 in The Death Chronicles.
Many thanks to Net Galley and Wattpad Books for providing me with an ARC of this book.

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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Thank you Wattpad Books for providing me with an eARC to read and review.

I really wanted to like this one so much more than I did. I remember reading the early drafts on Wattpad around a decade ago, and really enjoying the characters and the story. Unfortunately I didn’t find that it gave me that same feeling now. I felt like the book transported me back to that decade ago, and the writing felt juvenile. I struggled with the writing style because it felt too descriptive and at the same time didn’t give enough explanation.
I am also not 100% sure what the plot of this book was supposed to be. It didn’t feel like there really was a plot until the second half, and even then there wasn’t much explanation of what was happening or why. It just left me feeling confused instead of interested in this supposed prophecy.
I think the book would have benefited from some more rounds of editing. I felt like the characters weren’t consistent, the plot and pacing were all over the place, and it felt like tropes and twists were being thrown in just because. There were also awkward breaks in the middle of words:
“S or ry” & “Ab out”
were two common ones that were consistently presented like this in the eARC version that I read. It got annoying, especially “about” because she did often refer to characters’ abs, and it caused some confusion while I was reading.
There were some lines that also didn’t sit well with me. In a text exchange between Faith and her best friend Marcy, Faith says that some d-bag asked her out, and Marcy replies along the lines of anger issues = super sexy. It just gave me major ick, and I didn’t like that. There was also some major slut shaming between friends, and it didn’t serve any purpose in the story.
Honestly, I wanted to love this one but I felt like I was back on Wattpad reading an unedited story circa 2012.

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Okay ill admit I loved this book ESPECIALLY the last 3rd of it I couldn't stop reading. I need the next book asap! Not what I was expecting from the title but I'm pleasantly surprised. There are so many "what ifs" and plotlines left to resolve I have no idea what will happen. Safe to say I'm buying a physical copy and waiting eagerly for the next book.

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I don't even know how to describe how worth the wait this book was. It was everything. Every time a character was introduced, I squealed. Every time a familiar scene came up, I squealed. Needless to say, I did a lot of squealing that earned knowing looks from coworkers on my lunch breaks.

Let me start this potentially chaotic review born out of excitement with my own personal revelation: Death and Faith are my comfort characters. I didn't even know I had comfort characters outside of Sam and Dean Winchester, but these are it. Reading this book felt like reading about my friends, people I've known for years, and in a way, it feels true. I've been on this ride with the OG wattpad editions since I was a preteen, and watching their story flourish feels natural and familiar. I hope that feeling translates to new readers, too, that they get to know them and fall in love just as easily.

The tension between Death and Faith just seems to get better with every new telling of this story. Knowing that the 5 books on wattpad are being made into a published trilogy, I'm super happy with the pacing thus far. Kat made some really superior calls with this first book and I'm desperately eager to get my hands on the rest. The POV changes were perfectly timed, the side characters were just as entertaining as our mains (no surprise there), and all the juicy new content was so well-written. I mean, I knew David's secret already, but Kat wrote his defense so well that even I was second-guessing whether she might have changed it.

Which, also, can we talk about how many bombs Kat just casually dropped and kept walking like they were just innocent window displays?? Just bomb after bomb and twist after twist. Perfection.

This was a 10/10 read that I'm already encouraging everyone in my life to pick up. #BigDaddyDeath is finally out there for the world to enjoy!

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Death Is My BFF (The Death Chronicles Book 1) by Katarina E. Tonks
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ / Pages: 385 / Genre: Paranormal Urban Fantasy

Wow! At first glance, this seemed like just a coming of age story about a teenage girl, who was saved by the Angel of Death when she was a child ten years ago. Now, Death has returned to collect her soul. And, of course, Death is super hot and has a strange tendency to flirt with her, so she has no idea how much danger she’s actually in. But that story is just one layer of this tale. You also get a deeper look into Death’s own history plus the demons he regularly deals with. And then there’s the secret society of magical folk lurking among the humans. There’s a lot going on here, a ton of magical action, character surprises, and an ending that will definitely leave you anxious for Book 2. I loved the characters, the action, and the twists in this one!

Thank you @wattpadbooks and @netgalley for the advanced copy of this book.

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*** I received an arc of this book in exchanged for an honest review****

I first read this book on wattpad and felt so thankful to be able to have an arc of this story. If you're a fan of the original then you'll enjoy this rewritten version. Despite the occasional Wattpad-like parts, the overall book was quite enjoyable. In the book, Faith and Death have a complex relationship that is marked by tension and amusing exchanges. Their chemistry is nevertheless interesting despite it being outside of the typical love-hate trope. I'm excited for the second book and looking forward to reading more about faith's and death's story.

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I was so giddy to receive an ARC of Death is My BFF as someone who originally read this on Wattpad over ten years ago. I think I love it even more now as it is a nostalgic read.

The author does a great job a building the paranormal world where the Death, demons, and demigods exist, and I love the relationship between Faith and Death. They are top-tier enemies-to-lovers!

Readers will find Faith to be a very relatable main character. I think that is what drew so many of us OG readers into the story originally (well, and Death who is **swoon**).

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for an ARC of this book!

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I knew going into this book that it would be a 5 star read for me because I’m biased.

I first read this book, and the rest of the series, on Wattpad sometime between 2010 and 2014. That was where I originally fell in love with the characters. I was ecstatic when I learned it was being published!

I will recommend this book to everyone, because it’s seriously so amazing! I love both the Wattpad version and the new published version. I was originally a little scared that it wouldn’t live up the the version I read years ago, but I shouldn’t have. This is one of those books that I’ll find myself rereading over and over again.

I cannot wait for the rest of the books in the series to also be published. Please read this book, it’s amazing!

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DEATH IS MY BFF is the first volume of THE DEATH CHRONICLES, born from the incredible pen of Katarina E. Tonks.

When Faith Williams almost loses her life during a robbery, Death is there. While he spares her soul, he makes a promise to return when she’s eighteen and collect it.

Now it’s the eve of that special birthday, and Faith has no recollection of that fateful day. But echoes of Death appear in her art―his intense eyes, his intriguing demeanor―and she can’t get him out of her head. When he arrives in person, Faith is drawn into an epic supernatural battle where her very existence is questioned at every turn.

To add angst to agony, she meets the infamous David Star at a Halloween party, and he begins to show an interest in her. He’s handsome, rich, ambitious, and every girl’s dream, but Faith doesn’t know if she can trust him.

As Faith learns more about who David really is, and as Death pushes harder for her soul, an ancient prophecy emerges. When she discovers the secrets that bind all three together... all hell breaks loose.

After years, the entire Death and Faith series will finally arrive in our hands, a series that drove many Wattpad users crazy years ago.
It is a very gripping and intriguing NA romance. Perfect for lovers of the genre.

The author's pen is incredibly smooth, rhythmic, macabre in places and extremely detailed.

The characters are all well characterised and incredible. Faith is a very strong and brave and religious girl. Death on the other hand...

Well! BEH!

Death is terribly compelling.

Not to mention her POV >>

The plot itself is very cute, never trite, predictable or boring.
It reminded me a bit of Adalyn Grace's Belladonna vibes because of the connection created between Faith and Death.

I look forward to continuing this saga with the second volume.
I sincerely thank NetGalley, the publisher and the author for sending me an ARC copy of this volume in exchange for an honest opinion.

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I feel like most people already read this on Wattpad and are now reading it for the second time, but this is my first time experiencing Death is My BFF in all its glory, and wow.

I had a feeling I'd like this, just based on the cover and blurb, but what was inside really blew me away.

The pacing is perfect, not too fast or too slow. You get to know the characters and care for them in a relatively short amount of time. Some characters *cough* Ace *cough* were just introduced on-page and I was ready to follow them to the ends of the Earth. Yup, it was like THAT.

The writing is addicting, if you want to read this in one go you absolutely can because it's so hard to stop. You'll be going "just one more chapter, ok one more" and suddenly you'll be 70% through. This book will not let you come up for air!!!! But in a good way.

I think the plot is creative, basically we have Faith who died when she was eight, and unknowingly sold her soul to the Grim Reaper in return for living ten more years. Now that the ten years are up, Death came to collect.

Of course, Death has to be irresistible. When he enters the scene, you know you're about to be smiling, giggling, kicking your feet in the air. I love him and I love Faith and I adore them together and I also can't wait until we get more of them in the next books.

The one thing I really love about Faith (other than how cool, brave, and smart she is) is that she's goth/alt AND a Christian!!! BECAUSE HELLO, THAT'S ME!!! Faith is Catholic and I'm Eastern Orthodox Christian, but I still relate to her a lot. I don't think I've ever seen someone write an alt Christian character (who doesn't start dressing "normal") before so extra cupcake points for that.

Faith discovers, during the course of the book, that her soul is special and draws dark creatures to it like moths to a flame. She also has powers!!! She doesn't understand them yet, so we also don't know what exactly it is that she can do, but I'm looking forward to finding out in the future.

Death is My BFF ends on a cruel cliffhanger. It's making me want to go to Wattpad to check out the rest of the story, but as I understand, it's all a bit different in the published versions? So it's probably wiser to wait until the next book gets published too.


This book strikes me as very re-readable, so I'll most likely reread it before the second book is out.

Special shoutout to the Batman scene, it's my favourite scene in the whole book.

*Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for providing me with an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review*

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