Member Reviews

Into the Fire opens with a horrific crime and as the story progresses there are more crimes just as horrific. Bri Tucker, an investigator for the St Louis Regional Bomb and Arson Unit is assigned to investigate the death of another fire investigator who died as the result of a home fire. He was known to be methodical and never abused drugs and alcohol, but an autopsy showed both in his system. To complicate things even more, just prior to his death he had requested a meeting with Bri. Why? Because the nature of the crime, ATF agent Marc Davis is assigned to help as needed with the case. He brings more to the case than she could have ever imagined.

The author has crafted an absorbing story. Bri and Marc are interesting protagonists. They share an early history filled with great psychological trauma. Because they were fortunate to have people who cared for them raise them helped to shape the type of people they became. Just when it seems their investigation has reached a dead end, shocking evidence surfaces and Bri's determination to uncover the truth may cost her life. Can she survive?

Well plotted and fast moving, the story keeps readers engrossed from start to finish. Highly recommended.

I received a complimentary copy pf this book from Revell. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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Bri was a smokejumper until her parachute failed and she was badly injured. She still has pain and a limp as reminders. Bri is now an arson investigator. A newly retired coworker, Les Kavanaugh, dies in a house fire. There are things that makes Bri suspicious as how could an arson investigator be so careless to allow the possibility of a fire inside his own home? And, what was it he had wanted to meet and discuss with Bri? Les had continued investigating some fires on his own after retirement. Was he possibly getting too close to something? If so, what was it?
Marc Davis, a recent transfer, was working the Kavanaugh case with Bri. There was an immediate attraction which they both fought to ignore.
If Kavanaugh's death and the fire in his home were murder, Bri is determined to find the killer. She begins to notice some similarities in other cases that she put together from a piece of paper Les had left for her.
Then, some strange things begin happening to Bri. Is someone targeting her, or is it just coincidental? A tree limb falls on her car. She has to replace all four tires on her car due to driving over roofing nails.
Lots of twists and turns in this story. The plot will keep you guessing who the criminal is that is starting fires that kill people.
I was given an advanced ecopy by the publisher, Revell, through Netgalley. I was under no obligation to leave a positive review.

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I was absolutely absorbed into this story. I usually like romantic suspense but this one was turned up a notch. It was so good.

I loved the story with Bri and Marc. She's a county fire investigator and he works for the ATF. When they are put together on a case and things don't add up, not only are they looking for clues, but they are trying to piece together how they feel about each other in spite of past hurts.

The tension ramps up as things are starting not to add up in Bri's life as well as the case. The mystery itself is great, not giving it all away until later. The way it is presented makes the story feel like it is real.

The chemistry between the characters is great. We have dynamic family relationships, friendships, and even the romantic relationships. There is a theme of healing throughout as well.

This was a well-written story that I couldn't put down from beginning to end.

I received an early copy from the publisher through NetGalley and this is my honest review.

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Oh my! This book had me on the edge of my seat! There’s something quite menacingly frightening about fires and this new series takes that fear and amps it up ten fold. Irene Hannon’s created a thrilling romantic suspense which features a former fire jumper now arson investigator and an ATF special agent. It’s one exciting ride filled with romance, action, and a touch of faith that I couldn’t put down!

Bri Tucker is investigating a series of fires that at first don’t seem to be connected. But, when one of the victim’s family members voices his suspicions and she finds new evidence that links a colleagues’ death with other victims, she teams up with ATF special agent Marc Davis to solve several potential murders. As Bri gets closer to the truth, a seemingly unrelated series of “accidents” befall her. Is it the old stalker ex-boyfriend she left in Idaho who’s followed her to her new job? Or, is she dealing with an unhinged murderer who’s targeted her next?

I absolutely loved this suspenseful read! Bri and Marc both have complicated pasts and carry a lot of baggage. As their pasts slowly unfold, they become more understandable, sympathetic characters. Bri is tough, strong, and no pushover. She’s hesitant to get into another relationship, but, Marc seems to melt down her walls and she in turn helps him find peace with his past. The faith element is expertly introduced through these characters and woven into the story in a natural way.

The mystery kept me guessing the whole time with plenty of twists and turns. I like to think I can solve things pretty quickly, but for me, the villain was a complete surprise! We’re given a look inside the twisted mind of the killer from the get go and it’s one creepy place! I loved that I was kept in the dark until the very end with a few breadcrumbs along the way. The pacing was fantastic with a great balance between action, romance, and suspense.

In addition to Bri, we get to know her siblings who along with her are all adopted. I can’t wait to get Jack’s and Cara’s stories. This is one series you need to read if you’re a romantic suspense fan! I received an advanced complimentary copy from the publisher. All opinions are completely my own and voluntarily provided.

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Into the Fire starts with a fiery death and continues to provide twists and turns to the very end.

This is the start of a new series from one of Christian fiction’s most versatile writers. So far, it looks to be a doozy. Bri Tucker is a former smokejumper. She changed careers and became an arson investigator after a life altering injury. When a fire claims the life of a former colleague, she teams up with AFT Special Agent Marc Davis to solve the puzzle before more lives are lost.

As time passes and the mystery only deepens, so does the bond between these two. Unfortunately Bri got badly burned by her ex, and Marc isn’t looking to get involved as he supports his grandma through cancer treatment.

But sometimes, the head and the heart want two different things and the two grow closer, with gently baby steps to keep too many jitters at bay. Can Bri learn to trust and will Marc make room in his life for another woman? And really, will the danger overtake them before they figure out what’s really going on?

You’d expect an Irene Hannon novel to have a fast pace, watertight plot and satisfying conclusion and this story is no exception. I enjoyed this book very much.

I received a copy of Into the Fire from the publisher via NetGalley, the opinions are my own.

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Into the Fire. by Irene Hannon is the first book by her that I’ve had the pleasure of reading and it definitely won’t be the last. Full of action and intrigue, romance and mystery, it was a definite page turner! Bri and Mark both work in fire fighting, though each in a different capacity. When they are placed together on a case, sparks fly. But someone doesn’t want them to find the answers to this case. And the result could be deadly!
Super good! I’ll for sure be checking more out! Thanks NetGalley

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When I see Irene Hannon's name on a book, I always know without a doubt that I am in for a read that is going to keep me at the edge of my seat. She has such a great way of creating intriguing stories and layered characters that I absolutely can never get enough of. Into the Fire was no exception.

There was so much going on in this story and just when I thought I was starting to figure things out, there'd be another twist or turn to keep me guessing and wondering how everything fit together. We are given a glimpse from the villain's POV, which just further allowed us to see how complex and well-written the characters all were--- not to mention adding an extra level of creepiness to the story too. Even on the bits that I was able to guess as the story went along, I found myself drawn in and invested to see the why of it all. Of course, in addition to the suspense, the romance was fantastic too. I really enjoyed Bri and Marc's chemistry and thought it was balanced really nicely with the suspense too.

If you're looking for a great Christian romantic suspense read, this is absolutely one worth checking out.

**I received a complimentary copy for consideration. All opinions are my own.

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Into The Fire
Irene Hannon

Arson investigator and fomer smokejumper Bri Tucker knows a thing or two about fires. When she's called to the scene of a mysterious blaze that claimed the life of a former colleague who was investigating several seemingly unrelated cases, something doesn't feel right. As Bri attempts to piece together the puzzle it becomes evident that someone doesn't want her to solve it.

ATF Special Agent Marc Davis is assigned to work with Bri on her latest case, but he quickly becomes involved in helping her decipher the code her colleague left behind.

In looking at this novel, we first approached it from the main characters’ points of view. The nagging sense of suspicion that all was not as it appeared failed to connect the arson cases together. Hannon developed the storyline by helping the characters uncover the missing pieces while moving toward the conclusion at a good pace without bogging down the timeline. However, from the reader’s standpoint, we were able to easily identify the culprit early on in the book. We prefer a bit more suspense and twists that keep us wondering further into the book.
We received an advance copy from the publisher. This is our honest review.

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Hannon has crafted another entertaining Christian romantic suspense with a good balance of relationship development and investigative procedure. Bri and Marc are well presented characters as they overcome previous issues to face the possibility of new romance. I really liked their commitment to their faith. I liked the murder plot revolving around fires. I learned how investigators might go about determining whether a fire was arson or not. While the villain might not have been a surprise, the motive was a mystery to me until near the end. And near the end was also a good dose of suspense.

This is the first in a new series and it is going to be a good one. I'll be watching for future novels to see how other heroes will face future challenges.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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What at first seemed to be unrelated house fires, soon become suspicious as a well known fire investigator is found dead in his home. Arson investigator, Bri Tucker is given the case to see if she can discover how he died and if the past fires are related to one another.

Bri is one independent, capable young lady who has a difficult time trusting men, So, when ATF Agent Marc Davis is assigned to work with her, things are a bit awkward and uncomfortable. But, Marc was extremely patient and gave her the space she needed. The relationship that developed between Bri and Marc was set at just the right pace, not too fast to make it seem rushed, and not too slow that you wonder if they will ever go on a date.

Irene Hannon always creates a suspenseful story and one that I look forward to reading. With dual points of view, including the killer, you are drawn into the story and enjoying every nail biting scene. The next book in the series is sure to be just as great as this one.

I was given a copy of the book through the Revell Blogger program and NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

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This is a delightful romantic suspense novel that doesn’t give all its secrets until the end. If found it interesting how the author writes the murderer’s point of view in first person and everyone else in third person. I tend to dislike first person but I found it worked because it kept the person’s identity more of a mystery until almost the end. I didn’t catch onto who it was until just before the characters themselves did. The characters were likable and relatable.

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I really enjoyed this story! I did guess the antagonist early on, but I wanted, no needed, to know the why. The relationships were so good and really drove the story for me. I'm excited for the rest of this series!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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4.5 stars

Irene Hannon is known for her layered characters (including the villains!) and tightly written suspense, and Into the Fire is a prime example! What a way to kick off a new series! I was on the edge of my seat, waiting to see what would happen next and holding my breath when the danger blazes up into an inferno. I haven’t read many suspense novels that feature arson investigators, which is a shame because there are so many great possibilities! Possibilities which Hannon deftly weaves into this new novel, turning several into probabilities and making sure Bri & Marc have their work cut out for them! And while they’re working together to solve these potential crimes, there’s also a delicious bit of chemistry between them that fans from a slow burn to a steady flame.

Bri Tucker may be a relatively new arson investigator but she’s very experienced when it comes to fires, including her years as a smokejumper for the US Forest Service. And the fiery death of a retired arson investigator – who had recently reached out to her – isn’t sitting right with her. It looks like an accident. It probably IS an accident. Right? Well… maybe. She can’t put her finger on exactly what bothers her yet, but the more she digs into the puzzling clues he left behind the more convinced she is that Les’s death was no accident. And Marc Davis, the ATF Special Agent who’s lending her his expertise and gut instincts, agrees. Especially when several ‘accidents’ come a little too close to home where Bri is concerned.

Oh y’all. The layers in this case are so twisty. We start out with the antagonist’s POV and, while Hannon doesn’t tell us much about them, we can see right away that this is a seriously disturbed individual. But this may not be the only antagonist that Bri will need to watch out for, and we’re soon just as tangled in this investigation as Bri and Marc are. Except that we also know things that these two investigators don’t, thanks to Hannon’s signature ‘inside the killer’s head’ perspective, and what they don’t know really may hurt them. I felt like I was right in the trenches with Bri and Marc, trying to decipher Les’s clues, the sense of urgency increasing as we race ever closer to a showdown. I had definite suspicions about the main antagonist’s true identity but being suspicious certainly didn’t stop me from gasping out loud as one of the characters finally starts connecting the dots. Because while I may have suspected the who, I had no inkling of the why and it took me just as much by surprise as it did our brave protagonists. There’s also quite a bit of story left when the culprit is revealed, and it seemed at least in this case that the devil you now know can be scarier than the devil you still don’t. Because sometimes the devil you now know has nothing – and everything – left to lose.

Bottom Line: Into the Fire by Irene Hannon will keep you glued to the page and make you useless for anything else but reading this book until you’ve reached the final word. I was quickly caught up in the layered plot which was full of unexpected twists and some intense moments. All of the characters felt so compelling, from the protagonists to the supporting players and even the villain(s), and I look forward to seeing how Bri’s siblings are featured in future books. Bri and Marc both have deep pain in their life, pain that’s been harbored for many years and revealed to very few people. I loved how the author used this not only to bring them closer together but to naturally incorporate a look at the raw side of forgiveness – a theme that is not presented tritely but with thoughtful authenticity instead. Getting a front row seat to watch Bri and Marc fall in love is the icing on the cake to the suspenseful ride that is Into the Fire!

(I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book)

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Irene Hannon has begun another great series!! Into the Fire is the first book in her Undaunted Courage series. The story takes you on a wild hunt for an arsonist and wow, you will be surprised. No spoilers here though. It’s full of family drama and God’s grace and forgiveness. I can’t wait for book two!!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. The opinions expressed are completely my own.

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Irene Hannon delivers another great book. The story moves along at a good pace and the characters are well developed and relatable. The language is clean and the romance is implied. The author does leave little tidbits of hints as to who is behind the fires being set. The way that the perp kills the people is well thought out. I like how the author ends her books. She doesn't say who did it, end of story. She lets you know the how and why. You also are told what happens to the main characters after the fact. And, as always, the author educates you on another interesting career of a fire investigator. Having had a house fire myself, some of the scenes seemed a little unreal to me. For instance, the main characters sit down for a meal after Marc worked in a burned out house all day. He washes his face and hands and all's right with the world. Believe me, the smell from his clothes would squelch any appetite. But the way the story was told, it fit ok for it is fiction.

Thank you to Netgalley for an advanced copy for an honest review. These thoughts are my own.

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This is book one in Undaunted Courage series, what a great place to start. This book has many twist and turns in it. I love the development of the characters and the plot. I look forward to reading more from this series. In book one we meet former smoke jumper, arson investigator, Bri Tucker, who teams up with ATF Special Agent Marc Davis. Bri and Mark have a mystery they would like to solve but is there really anything to find? While trying to solve a possible murder Bri finds herself under attack as well. Mark and Bri must work together all while fighting a flame between them. I was given this book for my honest opinion.

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Bri Tucker is a former smoke jumper who is now working as an arson investigator. The fire she is investigating now is that of her former boss who has just retired. The pieces just don't add up as an accident. She is joined by ATF Special Agent Marc Davis. This book is full of mystery. They have to solve the current fire. Also, they discover a pattern to this fire that connects to other fires that have been ruled as accidental. It has to be someone that knows about fires. While they continue to delve into the investigation, someone is trying to silence them. Strange accidents keep happening to Bri.

This is a good mystery that kept me reading and guessing to the end. Ms. Hannon does not disappoint.

I received this book from Revell Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I was not compensated in any way.

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Another thriller, suspense turner and romance book by Irene Hannon. "Into the fire" will keep you guessing about who was killing and starting the fires.

What a great storyline especially between Bri and Marc. Bri Tucker is a arson investigator who is working on the arson case of a former college. A.T.F Agent Marc Davis was brought in the help Bri with the case. The relationship between the two is one that involves the Lord. Marc is trying to move on from the death of his mom and dad and Bri has a problem with trust. You see how the Lord works in their lives.

The characters war well written. I story will is a page-turner and will be hard to put down.

I will highly recommend this book to friends and others through Facebook, blog and reviews.

I give this book and 5 out of 5

I received this book for the publisher through Netgalley for a honest review. All thoughts and opinions are mine and mine alone.

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This is another adrenaline laced romantic suspense that kept me turning the pages. Irene Hannon is one of my favorite authors in this genre. I never miss one of her books. The book is about a woman who is a fire investigator, which I thought was original and different. As always, the action is fast, and the romance is a slow build, and the ending is a happy one. All the things I love in a story.
*I was given a copy of this book by Revell Publishers, and this is my honest opinion.

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Irene Hannon is a must read for me and I was excited that she has a new series coming out. The Undaunted Courage series involves a new set of siblings, Bri, Jack and Cara.

Book 1, Into the Fire, focuses on Bri, an arson investigator, and Marc, the ATF agent who works with her to solve a mystery of a string of fires. Although their attraction is immediate, they try to hold off on dating until after this case is solved. All the side characters are great including Nan.

This was such an engaging story and I now I can't wait for Jack's story!

Thank you Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read and review. All opinions are my own.

Publication date: 17 October 2023

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