Member Reviews

** “Our past is always part of us. Some people are victims of it and remain so until the day they die. Others overcome old traumas and mistakes and go on to create a new and better life.” **

Irene Hannon starts a new series with the action-packed thriller “Into the Fire.”

Arson investigator Bri Tucker finds herself investigating the death of her former mentor, Les Kavanaugh, who before dying had asked to meet with her about some cases he was questioning. As she looks into his death, as well as other questionable fire-related deaths, she quickly gets drawn into some devious activities — ones that might even put herself at risk.

With the help of ATF Agent Marc Davis, they work to figure out the truth and connection about the various cases, all while trying to deny the sparks flying between them, as both work to overcome past traumas before beginning new relationships.

As always, Hannon creates a plot filled with twist and turns, heart-thumping action, and just the right amount of romance to leave the reader wanting more. She creates real and relatable characters filled with pluck and determination. She also fills “Into the Fire” with some great themes, like learning to forgive; the power of bitterness and revenge; how do we choose to overcome the past; fighting for truth and justice is worth the risk; and God’s timing always has a purpose (“But as Nan was fond of saying, while God’s timing was often a mystery to mere mortals, there was always a purpose behind it.”)

Fans of authors like Lynette Eason, Terri Blackstock, Kelly Irvin and Colleen Coble will love “Into the Fire,” which is due out Oct. 17. The series’ second installment, which focuses on Bri’s detective brother Jack, is due October 2024.

Five stars out of five.

Revell provided this complimentary copy through NetGalley for my honest, unbiased review.

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Into the Fire by Irene Hannon is a stellar work of romantic suspense. I would be the first to admit that I am highly critical of books in this genre. My “as if” radar typically pings like crazy, and I can’t help but roll my eyes and pray for the novel’s end. Into the Fire is an exception. The story is engaging, with a heart-racing plot and loveable and imperfect characters. My two biggest complaints about the novel: I figured out the antagonist early on…and the novel had to end. I am relieved Into the Fire is the first book of a series, as I want to see March and Bri again.

For me, a good romantic suspense novel is one that can stand on its own without the romance. Into the Fire does exactly that. I still would have enjoyed it if Bri and Marc decided they were better off as friends. Instead, the romance provides the frosting decorations on top of an already delicious cake. You don’t need it, but it adds a little extra something. It is creative and flawed, as all relationships are. Hannon writes out a believable mutual affection without it being overwhelming. She does not force the romance but lets it grow naturally…and slowly. Which is perfect. No instant attraction. No declaration of love halfway through the book.

Now, let’s talk about the plot. I’d never heard of smokejumpers prior to reading Into the Fire, but you can bet they fascinate me now. I love when books send me down research rabbit trails. Not because I think something’s inaccurate but rather because I just want to learn more. Irene Hannon deserves all the applause. The story thrills and satisfies. Irene Hannon lights a match, fans it to life, and pulls her readers closer to the flames. And let me tell you, this novel is a fire I’ll gladly walk into any day!

The “too long; didn’t read” summary: I LOVED THIS BOOK. Bring it on, book two!

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You won't want to miss Hannon's newest series! Through the twists and turns this story will have you on the edge of your seat until the very end!

I received an ARC through Netgalley and all opinions are my own.

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Irene Hannon introduces a new series, Undaunted Courage, with Into the Fire. Her main character, Bri Tucker is a former smokejumper who with a career ending injury moved back home to be close to family and take on a position as arson inspector. The story focuses on the death of a retired inspector, who had recently reached out to Bri but died in a fire, a fire that doesn't make sense. Introduced at this point is ATF agent Marc Davis who joins with Bri, not just as a fellow professional but later as a romantic interest to investigage the suspicous dath. Bri cannot ignore just this case that might be arson but also looking cases that the arson inspector could not let go of even after he retired. Then strange incidents boding danger to Bri cause family and Marc to worry about her safety. Who's responsible for the arson, why are they setting fires, and why is Bri in danger? There's romance, suspense, action in a definite must read. I look forward to the next book in the series, Irene Hannon always offers a enjoyable reading expeience. Thank you NetGalley and Revell for the ARC!

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Irene Hannon has written another page turner. Bri Tucker can't stop investigating the death of her colleague. With the help of Marc Davis, they chase the killer, while the killer watches them. There are twists and turns every suspense reader will enjoy. Hannon wove in information about fire investigation and gave just enough details to make the reader want more. I received a free copy with no expectations. Opinions are my own.

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Into the Fire is a great first novel in Irene Hannon's Undaunted Courage series. It follows Bri Tucker, a fire investigator, as she tries to investigate and connect several suspicious fires. She gets involved with ATF investigator, Marc Davis, who is called out to help. During Bri's investigation she also starts becoming a victim of odd "accidents" that Marc is very suspicious of. Will Bri make it out alive or will she be the next victim?
This is a great action and suspense filled novel. I've read a lot in this genre so I actually pegged the culprit from the first scene they were in but figuring out the why of it was a lovely ride. I can't wait to read the next novel of the series.

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Bri Tucker is an arson investigator. She's investigating a retired investigator's death, in a fire. Would an investigator really be that careless? Accidents happen right? Marc Davis works for the ATF. He's been called in to consult on the case. Everything seems cut and dried, but Bri believes she has found evidence that would point otherwise. Continuing to follow through on the investigation seems fruitless, yet for some reason Bri can't drop it. When a streak of bad luck seems to hit her Bri thinks nothing of it, but Marc is less than happy with the things that are going on and hopes to keep an eye on her.

Book one in the Undaunted Courage series definitely kept me turning the pages. I loved Bri and Marc's characters. Neither one was looking to jump into a relationship, yet both are open to changing their minds. I liked Bri's independence, she was a strong female character. Both had struggles in their past that they needed to learn to get past. The spiritual lessons that the characters learned were very relevant, but not given to pat answers and outcomes. The suspense was perfect and raised the heartbeat while reading. The romance helped in that too! If you are a fan of Irene Hannon's writing, or even if you have never read one of her books before, I highly recommend you change that and do so! You won't be disappointed!

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Into the Fire
by Irene Hannon
Publisher: Revell
Series: Undaunted Courage, Book 1
Rated: 4
Obtain: Borrow
Back of the Book: “As a former smokejumper, arson investigator Bri Tucker knows her way around fires. But after a mysterious blaze takes the life of a former colleague, Bri inherits a curious puzzle from him that raises questions about several fiery deaths. Someone, however, doesn't want her picking up where he left off in search of answers.
When she teams up with ATF Special Agent Marc Davis to solve the puzzle, the danger escalates. But will they manage to track down the person behind the mysterious deaths before their budding romance--and maybe even their lives--go up in flames?
The bestselling and award-winning queen of romantic suspense is back with a brand-new series that is sure to get your adrenaline pumping as you burn through the pages to discover the truth.”

Impressions: I loved how this story developed. It was a web of mystery and danger from the start. The set up and development of the characters and plot were complex but easy enough to follow. The romance was clean, not having any intense romantic encounters. The back of the book mirrored the story well. I look forward to reading more in this series.

Quotes: “Good manners have been a casualty in our politically correct society.”

“…we may not always understand God’s timing as it unfolds, but in hindsight we can often see a purpose to it.”

“She said punctuality was a sign of respect, and that it was rude to devalue other people’s time by being late.”

I received an ARC of this book via the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review shared here.

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4 stars
Into the Fire
Irene Hannon
The first in a new series by master of Christian suspense, Irene Hannon. This was so good. I was immediately drawn into the story, and I was very wrong about who I thought the “bad guy” was. It's always a great read when I don't figure out the mystery or who the criminal is, because it doesn't happen very often.
I loved the characters, the pacing and the humanity of the characters. Family and faith is everything to main character Bri Tucker and Marc Davis.
This book is perfect for any who enjoys suspense based books. I highly recommend!
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and Netgalley.

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Bri is investigating the death of a fellow Fire investigator when her boss brings in Marc an ATF investigator to help. It seems that Bri was left a clue of some suspicious fires by her coworker before he died. Now they must work together before anyone else dies. Both are trying very hard not to let their growing attraction to each other get in the way of their investigation. When they decide to put this one away as no more can be found and to see where that attraction takes them a new and unexpected development comes to light.
Thank you Netgalley and I. Hannon for the ARC copy. Love ;her work!

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Fire…can be used for warmth and sustain life.
Fire…can be used to burn and destroy.
Fire investigator Bri, is trying to find the person behind a retired fire investigator’s death by drugs and fire. The more she looks the more mysterious the answers.
This is a great read with suspense, guessing the perpetrator, and some romance along the way.

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A truly engaging book. One where I guessed the antagonist early but didn’t care because I wanted to know the why. I also wanted to know more about the heroine — her character was complex and richly layered. I appreciated how the villain was flawed but had reasons for their actions — no cardboard motivations in this book. A great read for those who love a twisty romantic suspense.

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The book was fast paced, had great surprising twists, was believable & enjoyable.

There were a couple times that I felt it would not necessarily have played out that way, but it is a good work of fiction.

I appreciated the author & character's Faith & morals & family ties.

I received this book as an ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Irene Hannon delivered another gripping thriller with relatable characters, much suspense, a nice live story and naturally interwoven Christian themes.

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Into the Fire, by Irene Hannon, is a tale about arson investigator Bri Tucker teaming up with ATF special agent Marc Davis to investigate and hopefully solve a fire incident. They are looking into a fire at the home of an experienced arson investigator. This fire had no witnesses; however, it is not long before connections from previous fires appear!

It is interesting to see a story arise from the pieces of the vidence Marc and Bri discover. When Bri receives obvious damage to her car, these investigators know she is being targeted. In the midst of all the evidence, you will also see the sparks fly between these two investigators!

Before the end of this tale, you will learn that two individuals have definitely set Bri up as their target. Both seem intent on ending her life. You wonder if either will be successful!

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Into the Fire
Irene Hannon
October 1
Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for a sneak peek at this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
*christian suspense
#1 in Undaunted Courage series
Truly engaging romantic suspense. I loved the main characters. Former smokejumper Bri Tucker inherits unfinished business from her predecessor when she joins forces with ATF Special Agent Marc Davis to track down a serial arsonist. Slow getting started, we had a lot of key players to get to know. Excellently written! If you like Christian fiction this book is for you!

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Irene Hanson really is the queen of romantic suspense. She writes perfectly flawed characters with insights into the human condition that make each one jump off the page. Paces the suspense so I’m anticipating the next heart pounding encounter.
Bri is relatively new in her job as a fire investigator when she lands the case of the death of a former colleague killed by fire. It looks like an accidental fire but something in her gut tells her there’s more than meets the eye. She isn’t happy when her boss brings in the ATF.
Marc is surprised when he arrives at the scene of the fire and meets the investigator assigned to the case, a prickly blond who is obviously not happy to see him. This could be interesting. As he looks over the scene he isn’t seeing anything that points to arson but everything is not always as they seem.
As suspicions rise it’s soon obvious that Bri is a target. Marc’s protective instincts rise to the surface along with a growing interest in Bri. Are the incidents connected to her past or the present case? They’ll find out, but the road is twisty and the clues don’t make much sense. Will they solve the case before someone else dies?
I’m always surprised at how this author strings out the suspense in her writing. I had no clue when the arsonist was revealed that they were the culprit.
The faith arc of the story was written in a way that would appeal to a wide audience, dealing with hurt, fears, regrets, and forgiveness. It was written in a way that was relatable to the real life struggles we each go through.
There is absolutely nothing in this book I would change—perfect! I loved the book and highly recommend it.
I was given a copy courtesy of Revell through NetGalley. This is my honest opinion of the book.

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Mystery, suspense, romance, page turner, this book had it all! The story and surprises throughout kept me reading without hardly stopping. There were so many great characters as well--Bri, Nan, Josh, Jack and Cara. I loved how the three siblings were so close and protective of each other.

Thanks so much to netgalley and the publisher for the arc. The opinions are my own.

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Into the Fire" was another great romantic suspense by Irene Hannon. I've never read a book by this author that I haven't loved. This book caught my attention from the first page. I loved the main characters, Bri and Marc and their chemistry. This book also dealt with the theme of forgiveness and the author handled this very well. I highly recommend this book.

I received this book from the publisher through NetGalley for my honest opinion.

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This book starts strong. It's a complex romantic mystery with plenty of twists and turns that kept me guessing until the end. The emotions and chemistry between the characters kept me engaged throughout the story. The book is excellently crafted with lots of action and compelling questions. The mystery and suspense were perfectly executed, without being overly complicated. However, in my opinion, the villain was revealed too soon and was a bit predictable. Despite this, I still enjoyed the book and recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good mystery.

Thank you to NetGalley and Revell for providing me with an eARC. I would like to clarify that all opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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