Cover Image: The Unfortunate Side Effects of Heartbreak and Magic

The Unfortunate Side Effects of Heartbreak and Magic

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This was an amazing story about family, magic, and love! I would definitely read again! I love that recipes are included as well, can't wait to give some a try!

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While I felt the Practical Magic in this by the family lineage and affiliation to magic, I didn't get the witty banter or fast talking one expects grom Gilmore Girls.
This moved too slowly for me.
I received an advance copy. All opinions are my own.

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This book was so cute! Such a feel good story, with magic and baking and love! It definitely gave Practical Magic meets Gilmore Girls as promised! It was a little predictable, but in a way that when you saw things coming and they go exactly as you thought they would it gives you a cozy feeling rather than making you mad you know? I would 100% recommend this to anyone who loves a cozy small town read. Also, I will definitely be making some of the recipes included! I thought that was such a cute touch for a book about a girl who owns a bakery

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“Every Revelare leaves, but they always come back”
“Rule number five: A legacy without love ain’t worth a damn, sugar”
I tore through this one, and it tore through me.
It reminded me of a cross between practical magic and something i can’t put my finger on..
Sadie Revelare is such a great character, albeit a bit oblivious at times. The story, the town and the family are described very well. It never got confusing. The writing was really good. All the characters were well developed and growing within the story.
This story is like a warm hug, i didn’t want it to end.
I hope with all my heart that her story continues!

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I was so excited for this one, with the promise of practical magic and anyone who is fans of Gilmore girls loving it.

The story was whimsical and definitely had the small town Gilmore girls vibes, and it is good for anyone who loves small town drama, second chance romance, and romance being the sub plot. This had so much more than just romance as this family is trying to over come their family curse while racing against a clock for their grand mother.

What I didn't enjoy was the writing was a little bit scattered because it was 90% internal dialog through Sadie. I found myself struggling to pick it back up throughout.

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The magical feel of this book really roped me in, but the romance advertised was not there for me.

What I liked was the deep dive into magic which did have a practical magic-like feel as Sadie walks through various meanings of herbs, identifies warning signs, and recites her grandmother's rules for practicing magic. I also really resonated with the themes of loss and moving on - Sadie's fear of losing people really played well into her character and her heartbreak curse.

However, I didn't feel connected to any of the characters or their relationships with others. It was written out that I should feel certain way that wasn't described in the book. For example, Sadie's and Jake's relationship - I was get how heartbroken Sadie was about losing him but I couldn't really connect to it - their relationship would have benefited from flashbacks to build that connection. Additionally, I couldn't connect to their budding relationship in the present. Jake turned me off hiding what he was hiding from Sadie for so long that it made me unable to root for them as a couple.

I definitely think the magical/family side is more compelling in this book than the romantic aspect!

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The description of this book compared it to Practical Magic and Gilmore Girls. As a huge Practical Magic fan, I was quickly intrigued. I get where the comparison comes from. The story follows Sadie and her family of witches as they struggle to cope with the death of Gigi. I really love the idea of this book, but I don't know if I'm sold.

I thought the end of chapter recipes were a great addition and I thoroughly enjoyed the last sentence of the book. It mirrored the ending quote from Practical Magic. My concern comes with the story. While reading, I was constantly waiting for something big to happen and it never did. Overall, I rated it three stars. I loved the concept and idea of the book but I don't think it delivered on my expectations.

Additional notes: On Loc 1864, Abby is spelled Abbi.

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Cute and amusing cozy witchcraft story, similar to Midnight at the Blackbird Cafe. I loved the recipe book scattered throughout and the baking descriptions were a highlight. While I enjoyed most of the characters, parts of the plot felt too long and drawn out.

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This book took me a few attempts to get into, but once I was in, I needed to know how it was going to end. I enjoyed the witchy aspect, but it took a bit to understand how their magic was working and the relation to the outside world. I enjoyed the characters and storyline. I thought the recipes were a cute touch and hopefully people can make some great things from this book!

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The Unfortunate Side Effects of Heartbreak and Magic" by Breanne Randall is a delightful novel that intertwines magic, family, and old love. The story follows Sadie and her family as well as the curses that follow each of them. For Sadie, she is cursed with potentially losing her magic after experiencing four heartbreaks. This has made her fearful of love her whole life. Her twin brother, Seth, has his own curse and has been away for years, as has their mother. That has left Sadie and her grandmother, who, together, own A Peach in Thyme cafe. Gigi is dying of cancer, and time is running out on both their time together and the estranged relationships Sadie has endured over time.

This story is full of heart, humor, and touching family moments. One of the standout features of the book is the character Gigi and her love for home remedies: "Always bury found pennies in the garden at midnight to make a wish come true. Never whistle indoors or you'll invite bad luck. Always wear green in some form or another." Gigi's quirky and inventive remedies will make readers laugh and feel like they have a taste of home.

Breanne Randall has crafted a cast of relatable and lovable characters. Sadie's journey is relatable for anyone who has experienced heartbreak, and her relationship with her twin brother, Seth, and their mother adds an extra layer of depth and emotion to the story. The rekindling of Sadie's romance with her childhood friend, Jake, is also a heartwarming addition to the story.

The magical elements of the novel are woven seamlessly into the plot, adding an extra layer of intrigue and excitement. The curse on Sadie's magic and her journey to overcome it add tension and drama to the story.

Overall, "The Unfortunate Side Effects of Heartbreak and Magic" is a charming and uplifting read that will leave readers with a warm feeling in their hearts. Breanne Randall's writing is engaging, and her characters are relatable and endearing. This novel is a must-read for anyone who enjoys a touch of magic, a bit of romance, and a good dose of humor.

Thank you to NetGalley, Alcove Press and Breanne Randall for an advanced reader's copy. This review is voluntary and all opinions are my own.

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This was a sweet, quick read, that I enjoyed a lot. Characters were developed well enough that as a reader I was invested in the outcome of the story. I love books that include receipes!

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Overall, I'd give this book 3.5 stars. While it's written well, I personally wasn't a fan of the story. The book follows Sadie Revelare, a young woman who has always believed that the curse of four heartbreaks that accompanies her magic would be worth the price. However, when her grandmother is diagnosed with cancer with only weeks to live, and her first heartbreak, Jake McNealy, returns to town after a decade, her carefully structured life begins to unravel.

As Sadie's estranged twin brother Seth returns to town with deeply buried family secrets that threaten to tear Sadie's world apart, she realizes that her grandmother has been the backbone of the family for generations, and with her death, Sadie isn't sure she'll have the strength to keep the family, and her magic, together.

As feelings for Jake begin to rekindle, and her grandmother growing sicker by the day, Sadie faces the last of her heartbreaks, and she has to decide: is love more important than magic?

While the book has a strong plot, it wasn't my cup of tea. However, if you're a fan of books that explore the complexities of family relationships, love, and magic, you might enjoy this one. The characters are well-developed, and the story is engaging enough to keep you turning the pages. Overall, I'd recommend giving it a try if the synopsis piques your interest.

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Thank you to the publisher for the free arc.

When I see a book regarding witches and witchcraft I'm always in, especially when there's an urban setting.
The Unfortunate Side Effects of Heartbreak and Magic uses these elements with mastery, binding them with tea, oilments, perfumes and, most of all, baking. Plus, it was absolutely interesting seeing how magic can be introduced in real life as a concrete part of it.
Another thing I really appreciated was the relationship between Gigi and her nephew, and the chemistry between Jake and Sadie. I love them since the very first moment he appears. And the garden? I adored it was presentend as a living thing.
Unluckily, other aspects didn't convinced me likewise.
The plot has too many elements in a too short amount of pages and some holes. The result is that lots of them haven't been fully developed and I lost interest in the novel. Same applies for the characters. Too many people and relationships that could have been deepened more. The final resolutions share the same problem: too fast, too simple, and I didn't like how that sort of love triangle (that could have been avoided) had been managed.
Anyway, with ups and down it was an enjoyable reading. I suggest you to give it a try!

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This was pitched as Practical Magic meets Gilmore Girls, which isn’t inaccurate, but it gave me different expectations. We follow Sadie, who runs a cafe in a small town. Sadie’s magic enables her to incorporate herbs in baked goods and other food to imbue them with some power (based on the magical correspondences of the herbs).

The inspiration from Practical Magic is evident and quite cosy. There is a strong sense of family and hereditary magic. Going into this, I was expecting the wit and humour of Gilmore Girls, but was disappointed. Instead, the Gilmore Girls inspiration seems to be more related to the small town vibes and the amount of drama and messiness that was in the show.

Some aspects of this were really enjoyable - it’s always heartwarming to read about a close-knit family, and the descriptions of baking and cooking put me in a baking mood. Each chapter also ends with a recipe for a cake, meal or drink that was referenced in that chapter, and the recipes look delicious for the most part.

Where this didn’t work for me was in the characters. We’re in Sadie’s head for the whole book, and quite often she seems to do, say, and think stupid things which got quite frustrating. I didn’t connect to any of the characters, and I found some of the side characters irritating. I found the motivations and behaviour of the romantic interest, Jake, to be unbelievable (for reasons that would be spoilers).

I would recommend this if you like a lot of messy drama and some magic. then this would be a good pick. If you’re after a book with the quippy dialogue of Lorelei Gilmore, then this will probably disappoint. I point this out because that was what I was hoping for (it’s what I enjoy from Gilmore Girls), and having the wrong expectations affected my enjoyment of the book, which is a shame.

Content warnings for cancer, attempted suicide, death of a family member.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Loved this book so much! Didn't really see the Gilmore girls comparison but if you are a fan of practical magic for sure this book is for you! Loved the recipes at the chapters end.

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This was very cozy and reminded me of a tight hug after a rough day. The story has some magic and witchy stuff sprinkled in but not too heavy. I also like little surprises at the end of each chapters!. The pace was a bit slow for me, but it kept my interests (the surprise end of each chapte helped)
Thank you netgalley for ARC. I truly enjoyed this book!!

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.25, 🌶️

this was such a cozy + magical read!

This book was very well written & with such lovable characters sprinkled in with the right amount of laughter!

I really enjoyed Sadie’s character + her growth throughout the book! Her love for her grandmother was so precious! & so many moments in this book my heart ached for Sadie! I loved how involved the side characters were in the book, you really got to understand the characters from a different perspective in a way!

The ending had my emotions all over the place & I was so happy with how this story wrapped up!

Will be adding this authors future books onto my list!

Thank you NetGalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review!

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I was very excited about the premise of this book. I appreciated that the author was able to portray a cozy, fall vibe throughout. At times I felt as those the plot was staggered and that the events in the book did not seem to fully relate back to the plot. I enjoyed the recipes in between chapters and thought that this gave the book a way to connect with the reader. Overall, I believe that this book would have benefited from having more direction with the plot and staying focused to the storyline. The book was okay for me, but unfortunately not what I had expected!

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Hands down the best book I’ve read all year!

I kept hearing “this book felt like a hug” and couldn’t imagine what that would feel like. Now that I’ve read Seth and Sadie’s story- I can tell you it is 100% true!!

For fans of anything witchy and warm - for those who love small town stories, characters with big hearts, and those looking for a story that perfectly wraps itself in a bow - THIS IS FOR YOU.

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When the tagline read, "For fans of Gilmore Girls and Practical Magic" I knew this would be the perfect book for me.

This is such a cozy read, the characters are fun and likeable! I struggled to put the book down the magic in the book mixed with the amazing characters just sucked me in. My favorite character in the book was definitely Gigi, she was so spunky. I also loved the way food was the cornerstone in this book. I loved the little recipes included within the book, such a sweet and personal touch.

Honestly, this is the perfect fall read! I can't wait for you all to read this one, it'll be released September 19th.

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