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Finally Mine

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This was a very good book. I enjoyed reading it. The characters and plot kept me interested. I would read another book by this author.

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heart eyes emoji* I sighed in pleasure the whole way through Finally Mine. It may have taken Gloria years, but she managed to find the strength to change her circumstances. Seeing her bloom was real pleasure. And Aldo! Yummy yummy Aldo. Even when he was feeling sorry for himself, he was trying to put Gloria's needs first. This was a bit long, but the plot kept moving along nicely and the end will definitely give you warm fuzzies!.

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I absolutely loved Pretend Your Mine, so I couldn’t wait for book 2 of the series! However, it fell short for me. I didn’t like how the scenes were repeated from book one, but just in their POV. It was a waste of time, and I couldn’t engage with the story.

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I really enjoyed watching the growth Gloria went through. She was such a trooper for Aldo once he returned. Those deployments and injuries do a number on you. Aldo was the perfect guy for her.

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Gloria was in an abusive relationship for 10 years. She is finally learning what it means to stand on her own two feet. Aldo has loved Gloria since high school, but he's about to deploy with the National Guard and he wants to make sure Gloria has some time to find herself before he asks her out. When he returns injured from the war, nothing goes as they had planned.

Gloria's story is such an important one to be told. I'm so glad Lucy Score decided to give us a look into not only the love story of Aldo and Gloria, but the empowering difficult struggle of overcoming an abusive relationship. Two books into the series and I'm ready to move to Benevolence.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bloom Books for the ARC of Finally Mine.

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This book was a struggle for me. It starts off very rough. The second part of the book gets better as the romance develops, but I had some serious issues with how they handled domestic violence. Nobody stepped in to help Gloria, not even the hero, who knew what was going on but felt powerless to do anything. It's not okay how the characters just ignored what was happening, and it made it hard for me to keep reading.

If you're sensitive to domestic violence, I'd recommend giving this book a pass.
I received an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review

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I think Lucy is now one of my new favorites. I loved the world building, the characters, and even the cover art of both of these books.. I definitely have to read more!

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Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher, and author for the copy of this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

Lucy Score is a new fave of mine. I loved this story, the characters, everything!

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I really liked "Pretend You're Mine," the first book in this series. I requested this one before I realized that it followed the exact same timeline as "Pretend You're Mine." SO much of Gloria and Aldo's story was already told in "Pretend You're Mine." I didn't feel like this book was necessary at all. I would have enjoyed the book so much more if it showed more of Gloria & Aldo in high school or if we didn't know as much about Aldo's injury/recovery in the first book. This book followed the exact same events, just told from Aldo & Gloria's perspective, so it was like reading the same book twice. Read the first one, and skip this one!

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Gloria is determined to reclaim her life after escaping a toxic relationship that consumed a decade of her life. With newfound freedom, she indulges in makeovers and margaritas while rediscovering her sense of self in her mother's kitchen. Despite the scars from her past, Gloria refuses to be defined by her trauma.

Just as she decides to take a break from men and focus on herself, Aldo Moretta, a charismatic hometown hero, enters her life. Aldo's charming words and flirtatious gestures sweep Gloria off her feet, leaving her both exhilarated and anxious. As Aldo prepares to deploy for six months, he expresses his desire for a date with Gloria upon his return, igniting a whirlwind of emotions within her.

Their connection deepens with a single, unforgettable kiss before Aldo's departure. But fate takes an unexpected turn when Aldo's deployment is cut short by an injury, thrusting Gloria into a role she never anticipated: the hero for both of them. Now, Gloria must navigate the complexities of love, sacrifice, and resilience as she charts a new path forward with Aldo by her side.

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Gloria and Aldo are such a cute couple and I loved them and their relationship. What I really didn't like was how there was nothing really new in this book. This sequel follows the side characters from book one. But instead of it being a different time line it follows the exact same time line as book one. So you know exactly everything that will happen and we get scenes word for word the same as book one. Which made this book so boring. We already knew all the major twists. It probably would have been more surprising if you hadn't read book one but doesn't that defet the purpose of having a series. I really feel let down by this series so far compared to her newest small town romance. I really hope that I like the 3 book better since it follows a side character who we didn't see much at all. So it should be all new content.

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This book was amazing, I love the plot and the characters.
This book really did keep me engrossed throughout.
I honestly cant wait for more books in this series.

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Finally mine is book two in Lucy Score’s Benevolence series. Score does it again with great characters and the perfect romance.

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I read Pretend You're Mine, which is the first book in this series and absolutely loved it! Lucy Score is such a funny, good, engaging author. I loved getting a glimpse of Gloria and Also in Pretend You're Mine so I was excited to start this book immediately after reading Pretend You're Mine. I will say that I had deja vu throughout most of this book, in that there aren't many 'unique' scenes until about 70% of the way through the book. You are very much seeing Aldo and Gloria's POV in many repeat scenes with Luke and Harper, which made it a fast read, but also kind of boring. I kept holding out to see if we got more interaction with JUST Aldo and Gloria, and while we did eventually get some of that, I wished we explored it more instead of rehashing everything we read in Pretend You're Mine. I would recommend this book, but I would say, don't read it if you just finished Pretend You're Mine. It will be too repetitive for most readers. I read in the author's note that she wrote this book 3 years after Pretend You're Mine, so I understand that at the time, she was probably 'refreshing the reader's memory' of what happened if they read this 3 years after the first book, and in that case. I think this book would work, but I don't recommend reading them back to back like I did.

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I’m not sure what it is about Lucy’s books but something just doesn’t click all the way. Maybe it’s that some characters feel over engineered or over complicated, maybe it’s that the story often feels longwinded instead of tight and focused, but while it’s an ok story and straightforward plot, nothing ever sticks as memorable. I felt like I could out this down easily and maybe come back to it or maybe not and I wouldn’t feel bereft of not seeing it to the end.

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DNF, just not the romance for me. No one felt like a real person and it was just a tad too dramatic, but I'm sure there are people who will love this book. Thank you NetGalley and Bloom Books for this ARC.

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It's a Lucy book. You know what you're getting. I think a lot of people are going to have trouble with the fact that Gloria was in an abusive relationship and at first glance, it appears that no one ever tried to help her. But give it time, because that's going to be explained in a way that makes sense, especially if you have an understanding of how abuse often works.

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Definitely can be read as a standalone, however I preferred to read it in order. Aldo and Gloria needed this story, Gloria needed this second chance at life and it felt so empowering watching her grow. Truly an emotional read

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Ok so I was not a big fan of the first one but I really continue reading this series because of this couple and NO REGRETS!!!
Lucy Score really out did herself in this one and I'm so, so in love with this book and I'll pick up the final one RIGHT NOW.
I'm really enjoying to read more of lucy and she's slowly becoming one of my favorites EVER

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Gloria is breaking free from an abusive relationship and discovering her true self. She's making friends and pursuing her desires, things she couldn't do before. You can feel Gloria's pain, but also her passion and determination to prove she's more than a victim. She's becoming independent and strong, overcoming obstacles along the way.

Aldo is the perfect guy - kind, caring, and attracted to Gloria since high school. They finally have a chance together, but Aldo's deployment complicates things. He returns home early after an accident, facing obstacles and trying to push Gloria away.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bloom Books for the opportunity to read Finally Mine.

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