Member Reviews

I found it rather strangely unhelpful in regards to modern use of money and the perspectives around using it. It might be the current recession, but the language seemed too complicated for children (especially our main audience) and conceptually seemed strange and offputting. It may only be my opinion, but it is the only one I have, and I wouldn't purchase this for my library if given the opportunity between this and an alternate title on money, even if the alternative was an older one.

This was a cute, cartoony book that lightly skims on a variety of money topics. The cartoon dollar bill dresses up in "coin outfits", crypto currency and digital money outfits, as well as credit card clothing. It briefly explains credit and overspending. The book also talks about saving, spending, investing, and giving money away. It is a very quick read and doesn't go into depth on any of the topics. The author does talk more about financial topics at the end of the book, but most children won't sit still to listen to that.
I think there are better ways to really teach children about money, and will continue looking.

A picture in which a dollar bill is teaching kids about money. It's a little weird but it seems to work.

I Am Money is a simple book that introduces the topic of money to young readers. The text is written in a way that isn't too confusing or abstract. for kids to understand The tips at the end of the book are great. I would recommend this book for the K-2 crowd.
Julia Cook's books are a staple in my classroom library because they always leave you with a solid message or "take away". I like that she is branching out to topics beyond social-emotional learning.
Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Explore for the opportunity to read this book.

This book was cute I read this to my daughter and she was interested in what it had to say and love the pictures. I like how it had little tips at the end of the book on other things you can do to either save money or what you can do to make money as a kid.

Thank you to NetGalley and SOURCEBOOKS Kids books for the ARC.
This book was a great way to introduce the concept of money to kids/toddlers. The book uses a very easy to understand format. The story mentions how spending money will not make us happy – a lesson needed. We enjoyed the book, especially the money tips at the end of the book.

I Am Money is a great way to introduce young kids to the topic of money. The book is told in an easy to understand format. I really enjoyed the money tips for you section at the end of the book. Especially when it says your value in life has nothing to do with what you can or cannot buy.

This book is a great introduction to the concept and forms of money that we use today. Perfect for young readers through the early grades, there is a lot of information packed into here that could be used as a springboard for further learning. For example, the book begins with a description of money but also includes credit and debit cards. As children grow, they can use this book to begin exploring how these different forms of money work.

This was an above-average non-fiction children's picture book on what money is and can be used for, and that careful management of it can help us be prepared for things that come up. It included the principle that using it to better ourselves can help us get more money we will need! I also appreciated the mention that spending money won't make us happy - a lesson well needed in our world! A nice collection of money tips at the end.
Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC.

Never too early to learn about money. “I Am Money” had varying facts, vibrant illustrations, and a story kids will enjoy, while also being a good conversation started for parents. T
he book covered a lot of topics surrounding money. A small holdup I had was the money character actually being a money clip, but cute, nevertheless. Money is a complex topic and this book covered a significant amount in a pack sized book.
Thank you to NetGalley, Sourcebooks Kids, and Sourcebooks Explore for providing me the opportunity to review "I Am Money” prior to publication . I am appreciative and leave my review voluntarily.