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The Woman in Carriage 3

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An absolutely page turner!!

I confess I was attracted to this book because it reminded me of The GIrl on the Train (can you believe it's been nearly ten years?) but the book turned out to be a gem on its own!!!

The book is split into four different parts, and each part is a different setting that sees the story flow. There were lots of different characters, and each could in theory have been the culprit, so it was fun trying to figure things out!!

The main character Hattie is realistic and "personal". I don't know if it's a London thing, but I've met women like her in the past that I never stayed in touch with for obvious reasons,. Sometimes they pop in my mind and I wonder if they're doing better.... so reading about Hattie was bitter sweet lol

The ending was satisfying and fun to read, as it skips to the future and explains what each charatce is now up to...

I loved this book and I think you would, too!!!
Disclosure: I would like to thank the publisher and author for my advanced review copy of the book. This is my honest review

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A ride on the train leads to dark revelations and murder. I absolutely LOVED this novel. Shocking twists, suspense--I couldn't put it down. It's a scary world out there full of questionable characters. Don't stuck in a train cabin with them . . . Excellent thriller! A must read!

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"The Woman in Carriage 3" by Alison James is a slow-burn psychological thriller you won't be able to put down. The story kicks off with a bang, with a death on a train, and sets the scene for an interesting ride.

The story follows Hattie Swell and a bunch of other commuters who are brought together by an incident on the 18:53 train. Hattie travels on the 18:53 train home every night. She used to work in digital marketing in London but lost everything (her job, her boyfriend, her flat) due to one drink too many. Now, at the age of 29, she is back at her parents' house and commutes every day to her temporary job in London. One would think she would learn her lesson and stop drinking, but she moves from one drink to another and jump from one-night stand to another to drown her sorrows.

Hattie isn't a very likable character, and many the times I wanted to scream at her to grow up. She recognizes the other travelers who share the same carriage as her, but it isn't until the train stops suddenly, due to the aforementioned incident, that they start talking and eventually open a Whats-Up group called "'The 18:53 Crew" at the suggestion of one of them. However, after the unexpected death of one of them, the gang breaks up.

That brings us to the list of characters. Meet:
Julian cobbold - a barrister and a likable man with a tragic past.

Casper Merriweather - a Jude Law lookalike who works in an auction house.

Carnen Demirci - a Turkey woman who is a University Administrator.

Bridget Dempsy - a mousy-looking girl who is a civil servant.

Lewis Handley - a tight-lipped tattoo guy.

Life goes on. Hattie keeps in touch with some members of the group, tightens connections with others, and makes even more bad decisions until reality smacks her in the face. I won't reveal any more of the plot to avoid spoilers.

The book is told from the third-person POV, focusing mostly on Hattie. The book is divided into four parts, and the author introduces two new characters in the second part: Neil Waller and Natalia Finch, small crooks with big ambitions. Each part of the book reveals new info about the goings-on and provides more background stories of some of the characters.

Overall, I liked the book. The story was engaging, the characters believable, and the steady pace of the plot kept me turning the pages. Hattie really irritated me. I was rooting for her and wanting to shake her in equal measure. This is one of those books that you just bang through because you have to know where the journey ends. All the loose ends were tied up very neatly, which I liked. It isn't the edge of your seat exciting, but it had just the right amount of suspense to keep you going. I debated between 4 and 5 stars and decided on 5/5 stars as I thoroughly enjoyed the story. Definitely recommended, but don't expect a fast-paced thriller and allow yourself to enjoy the ride.

* Thank you NetGalley and (publisher) for the opportunity to read this arc. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for a copy of "The Woman in Carriage 3" in exchange for my honest opinion.

The prologue of this book introduces us to Hattie Sewell who finds a body on the non-stop 18:53 train which she takes home every day with the same group of people. So naturally she finds that she knows the body.

Hattie is a mess of a character. She is drunk for most of the story or trying to hooking up with random men that she meets on her dating apps. She's moved back home to live with her parents after losing her flat, her boyfriend and her job because of her drinking. She makes questionable choices for someone who is almost 30 years old and this makes her an easy target for most of what happens in this book.

The other characters that we meet on the train are: Julian Cobbold, a QC who is a very likeable character from the start. Casper Merriweather who works for an auction house and seems too good to be true. Carmen Demirci works at a university. Lewis Handley who says he's a single father but reveals very little else about himself at first. Bridget Dempsey who dresses like a frump and doesn't join the group in their drinking on the train. Julian starts a WhatsApp group for them called 'The 18:53 Crew' after they bond during an emergency stop while an ill passenger is taken off the train.

When the body is found on the train it seems like a simple coronary, but was it?

The second part of the book introduces us to Neil Waller and Natalia Finch. They were both criminals when they met and together they grow bolder and bolder.

The book is an absolute page turner when one of the passengers it turns out works for Special Branch and the identities of Neil and Natalia a revealed. We also learn why Hattie was targeted.

The third part of the book reveals what exactly happened, when it happened and why. Through some more questionable choices Hattie puts herself in great danger.

Part four of the book reveals what happens to the characters 4 weeks later on and ties up most of the loose ends with a few surprises left for the reader.

While it was hard to like Hattie this book was hard to put down because you want to find out exactly what happens to everyone.

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The Woman in Carriage 3 by Alison James is a twisty novel of suspense with a startling conclusion.

An interesting, intriguing and entertaining story.
The pace is great, the tension and build up superb and the storytelling hooked me.
The suspense had me opening this book as often as I could.
This author has created the perfect story with intriguing and interesting characters.
Alison James ratchets up the tension and delivers a shocking twist that will keep readers guessing until the very end.

Overall, the plot, the characters and all the twists in this book made this book an enjoyable read.

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thank You NetGalley and Bookouture for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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Hitchkockian tale where 'The Sting' meets 'Girl on a Train' and nothing is as it seems. Just one train delay and everything begins ... Highly recommended

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The Woman in Carriage 3 by Alison James is a riveting tale from beginning to end, and I was virtually flying through the pages in a desperate attempt to slot every delicious piece into place.

Hattie is staggering through her life with no clear direction, living at home and wondering only where her next drink will come from. Working a series of temp jobs, she takes the 18.53 commuter train each day, never really paying much attention to her fellow riders. But a delay one day will have her bonding with those in her carriage, and life will never again be the same as alliances are formed and suspicions are aroused. How well can you ever really know those with whom you share a daily commute?

I have long been a fan of the writing of Alison James and can highly recommend this latest.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for an ARC.

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This is a well crafted murder read.
But, wow, what a picture of how not to live your life.
Being a country girl, it is frightening to me to use mass transportation. You don’t know people and anything could happen!
At least the main character gets a wake up call to change her life.

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I have not read anything by this author before, but I thought this was an excellent read - lots of page turners, which left you wanting to find out more. I have added her books to my Amazon wish list.

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Solid writing and a good mystery. Entertaining way to spend an afternoon. I will seek out other titles by this author. Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for an ARC of this.

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I was given this book by NetGalley for an honest review-
Hattie rides the bus home each night and sits with the same group of people. As they begin to know each other she is attracted and begins dating one but always on his terms. She has no idea that he isn’t who he says he is or what he is hoping for with her. And then there is a murder on her trip home- who is the guilty one and why?
This book will grab you and keep you turning the pages!

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Hattie Sewell is not living her best life. She's stuck in a dead end job (which she eventually gets fired from) and has had to move back in with her parents. She escapes from this reality by drinking too much and having one-night stands. So she's not in a great place when circumstances throw her together with a group of fellow riders on her commuter train. The riders become friends of a sort, but when one of them dies suddenly, suspicion falls on the other group members.

Although Hattie wasn't a particularly likeable character, I found myself rooting for her to succeed. The book was full of unexpected twists and turns and definitely captured my interest. Would definitely recommend, and I'm looking forward to reading more books by this author.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC!

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An entertaining, twist filled thriller that kept my attention til the end. The characters were well written and engaging. Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the arc.

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Sometimes you see people several days a week, but you don't really know them. You meet them on the train, the bus, at the bakery,.. and after a couple of times you start to say hello, but that's where it ends. Sometimes though you do start a conversation, meet up and it can be the beginning of a strong friendship or even more. You could have found the love of your life.

The main character is Hattie. She has had a few setbacks in life, but they are all due to her own behavior. You should think people learn from their mistakes, but is Hattie one of those or does she even dig a bigger hole for herself...?

How I loved this story. The characters were great. I loved Julian and Lewis and Hattie needed a good talking-to. Carmen remained a bit on the background, while I did not trust Casper and felt something was weird about Bridget.  I wonder if other readers felt the same or not.

The question is: Was I right in having those feelings of did my radar abandon me as per usual? :)

I was addicted to this book. I could not stop reading. I just had to find out every detail, no matter what. 5 stars

Thank you

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Thank you net galley and publisher for this ARC. Alison James is one of my new favorite authors and I was excited to read this book. I had a hard time getting into this book. Other people seem to really enjoy it though!

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An unputdownable pacy thrill that I devoured in a day. Great characters and plot line with some fantastic twists. One of my favourite books of the year. Thank you to NetGalley, Bookouture and the author for the chance to review.

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“The Woman in Cabin 3” is a thriller by Alison James. This had a pretty basic beginning - a group of strangers on a train bond together over a medical emergency on said train. The group decides to form a friendship, since they take the same train every workday. Over time, friendships are made - until something happens (a few things happen?) to change the group forever. I found this book taking a while for the set-up, but it was necessary for the plot to unfold. Once it becomes obvious who done what how and why, the story slows down a bit more for more set-up, but when the story’s not setting up for further action or plot advancement, the story goes at a pretty good clip. I cannot say that the main female character (Hattie) is my favorite - for someone almost 30 she surprisingly does not have her act together, which was rather frustrating. I did rather like one of the other characters, Julian, but maybe that was because he wasn’t flakey and had working brain cells to counter Hattie’s lack. Fast read that kept me interested and wanting to know how things would unfold.

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A really well written thriller. It had plenty of twists and turns to keep you guessing throughout the storyline. The characters all had a littl but of unbelievability about them that kept you in the fence if if you lied them and if you believed them.

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When she isn’t completely inebriated Hattie gets the 18;53 train from London to her home (she’s back with her parents) in Summerlands.

One night on this particular train service the train stops for a medical emergency. A generous passenger buys some drinks and they make a small group of friends. One of those lovely community minutes but it really goes wrong here.

This book takes you for a ride, a very thrilling one though! While Hattie was struggling with her drinking and lack of prospects she soon ends up in deep.

This was a great book to read and I thoroughly enjoyed all the characters who held real intrigue. A really good thriller with great suspense and great characterisation.

I was sent this book as an ARC from netgalley in exchange for a honest review.

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Hattie gets the 18.53 train most days if she isn't going out on the razzle.
One day the train stops on the journey to transfer a passenger to an ambulance. She gets to know the people she is sitting close to, and they plan to sit together on the journey each day. Then one of the group drops dead, and the police find out it is a homicide, not a heart attack.

I devoured this book, it was suspenseful, and tense. Lots of twists, and while I did not like Hattie much, she is selfish and self centred, in my opinion.
The story flows wonderfully, and I like the style of the author's writing as well.
A great mystery novel. I do recommend.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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