Member Reviews

This is a police procedural set in Seattle, Washington, the 10th book in the Tracy Crosswhite series.

Twenty years earlier, there had been a serial killer operating on Route 99. It took quite a while for the police to figure out that the killings were connected. Then the killer stopped leaving bodies. It was unknown if it was because he had died, moved away, or been incarcerated.

The police department has recently taken a beating, and their funding is in question. They need to solve some cases. The captain assigns the job to Detective Tracy Crosswhite and Captain Johnny Nolasco, with the captain leading. It is not a plum assignment, and could turn out badly for them if they don't succeed.

There is as much focus on politics and hierarchy in this book as there is on solving the crimes, and some of the practices surprised me. For example, having the fire department be the first responder to injured people, including suspected homicides. They were to determine if the person was alive. Thinking of all the contamination to the scene made me wince.

The resolution, when it came, was shocking and fast. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading about police procedurals, cold cases, and serial killers.

I received an e-ARC from the publisher Thomas & Mercer via NetGalley, and voluntarily read and reviewed this book.

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One Last Kill
Written by Robert Dugoni
Publisher Thomas & Mercer
Release Date October 03, 2023

Characters: 5/5
Plot: 5/5
Pace: 5/5
Suspense: 5/5
Overall Enjoyment: 5/5

“ Detective Tracy Crosswhite draws a long-dormant serial killer out of hiding in a nerve-shattering novel by New York Times bestselling author Robert Dugoni.”

With a publishers blurb that has serial killer mentioned, I had to read this book and I am so freaking glad I did.

Three decades ago the route 99 serial killer took his first of thirteen victims. The police tried to find clues that would lead to the killers where about’s but failed in finding justice for the family. Now it is Tracy Crosswhite’s turn. The lead detective who was not able to put the killer away, has basically dared Crosswhite to do what he could not. Seattle was riddled with families that felt that the police were not able to do anything to stop the killer from taking another victim. But then just as fast as the killer started…….he stopped. Captain Johnny Nolaaco, the initial detective, reluctantly helps in tracking down a killer by bringing him out of hiding. Something is different this time around. Visiting old leads and witnesses they find that someone knows more than they are letting on. Corruption, and cover ups are more deadly than coming face to face with the killer. Can the two of them find the notorious route 99 killer? Will they bite off more than they can chew?

This is the 10th Tracey Crosswhite novel in the series and I have only read two others. But I will say that this can definitely be read as a stand alone and you will certainly be entertained and engrossed from page one. Especially if you enjoy thriller novels with police procedurals then you need to get your copy as soon as it is released. The characters are so well developed and bad ass that you won’t want to wait to find out what they are up to next and the ability to keep the ending a secret was something I did not expect. Usually, I have some clue as to who the suspect is but not in this book.

5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley as well as the author and publisher for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my unbiased and honest review.

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Robert Dugoni is a great author I discovered earlier this year. After reading his ‘Her Deadly Game’ which I loved, I started on the Tracy Crosswhite series. But, jumped to this after book # 2. Interestingly, there are references to that story in this book. In the afterword, the author mentions that even though each story is standalone, he does try to carry a few threads/references from previous books. This was another great crime novel combining a strong plot, great characters and pace.

Over 25 years back, there were a series of murders of over 10 women – all strangled and marked with an angel wings symbol on their bodies. While the first few victims were prostitutes, the last 4 were women who had worked for the city at some point. Johnny Nolasco, now captain, was in-charge of the investigation then. The case was never solved.

As the 25th anniversary of the last murder approaches, Police Chief Weber decides to reopen the cold case after she learns there would be media coverage. She asks Tracy and Nolasco to lead the new investigation, a pair who never got along. Tracy is worried that if the murderer is still alive, it may prompt him/her to resurface and start killing again. She pores over the prior evidence, suspects, and other records. This is sensitive since Nolasco led the investigation then and is still sore that he could not crack the case. As she digs deeper, she finds aspects of the victims’ profile which should have been probed further. She also hopes advances in forensic science and technology will help.

I loved Tracy’s character, approach and the uneasy truce she reaches with Nolasco to work on this case. In contrast to the simplistic portrayal of Nolasco’s character in the first two books I read, this one has a nuanced characterisation. The police procedures and the development of the plot was excellent. I liked how Tracy tries to understand what kind of a person they are looking for – why the carving? why did he change the profile of his victims? Her dialogue with Santos, a profiler and the Cowboy serial killer (from book 2) made for engaging reading. The reasoning at the end could have been a little better.

My rating: 4.75 / 5.

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Thank you to the author, publisher and Net Galley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I thought it would never happen, but Tracy and Nolasco finally work together! Anyways, I genuinely love the characters in this series and once again, the author hits it out of the park. The mixture of the serial killer angle mixed with corrupt local politics was a complete page turner, and I look forward to the next Det. Crosswhite story. Kudos Mr. Dugoni - 5 stars!!!!

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This companion piece to the Tracey Crosswhite mysteries is a standalone as well. Tracey is on cold cases and she is dealt the case of a serial killer of 25 years ago. She has also been assigned to work with her nemesis, Johnny Nolasco, who was the head of the original task force. The killer has begun to kill again, victims being women who were special assistants to the former mayor.

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Tracy Crosswhite book # 10

When I see a Robert Dugoni novel I have to put my hands on it, he is on the top of my favourite authors list. Although this latest is part of a series the story stands well on its own although it is a good idea to have read the previous installments to understands the politics within the police department and the pressure driving Tracy. This latest is an excellent addition to the series.

In a few words:

Hunting for a serial killer three decades later is not an easy task Tracy is just the person that could pull this through, she is expected to put all her attention on this cold case and bring the victim’s family closure.... even if it means working with her nemesis Captain Johnny Nolasco. Nolasco dares her to close the case...Revisiting old evidences and new .ones they unearth corruption and cover-ups...The illusive killer makes his chilling comeback.

My thoughts:

The chemistry between the two characters is interesting. Obvious, they don’t like each other even less working together, totally annoyed with every moves the other does. Nevertheless when they uncover a web of high level corruption and cover-ups Tracy and Nolasco pool they efforts and refused to give up.

I was immediately drawn into the plot which at first was rather slow to take sail and get going but when Tracy and Nolasco explored the leads and closer to the truth the got, danger lurked at every corner, tension mount and the story sets off into a pulse pounding mystery.

“One Last Kill” is well plotted, the characters play excellent roles, the many twist and turns give an excellent spin to be enjoyed. It is said in the third person narrative and in a dual timeline between the present when case was reopened and the 1993-1996 investigation into the first murder. It was very captivating to follow the different approaches. Although I loved the story mostly, the ending was a big disappointment... Justice wasn’t served here...

If you enjoy police procedurals and crime mysteries featuring a strong lead female investigator you may want to give this one a go.

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A serial killer known as the Route 99 killer murdered women in the 90s. He left a distinctive signature – a fact never released to the public. In the present day, Tracy Crosswhite, now a wife and mother, is working on cold cases and reporting to a Chief whom she knows to be corrupt. Said Chief tasks Tracy to relook at the case, and find the killer. In a spiteful move, the Chief sends Captain Johnny Nolasco, Tracy’s nemesis, to help her. In typical Robert Dugoni style this is a fast-paced, well thought-out crime thriller that introduces new characters, while including some of those we’ve met in previous Tracy Crosswhite books. As usual, the story is packed with murder, corruption, manipulation and mystery. The dialogue is wonderful, the characters real, and I particularly enjoyed how the relationship between Tracy and Nolasco plays out in One Last Kill. Altogether a riveting read.

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Tracy Crosswhite has struggled with her department’s leadership after uncovering corruption with the department’s ranks. Now she has been assigned to the cold case department and publicly announced as reopening the twenty year old investigation of the Route 99 serial killer. This not only increases the pressure on her to provide closure to the victims’ families, it also increases the likelihood the killer with restart the killing spree. To add insult to injury, her nemesis and captain, Johnny Nolasco has also been named as part of the new task force. He was the lead investigator on the original task force and his resentment of Tracy rises to a fever pitch as he perceives Tracy’s situation as a slap at his credibility. Each action she takes only agitates him more as they begin to reevaluate what happened all those years ago. Tracy wants to balance her family life and enjoy time with her husband Dan and daughter Daniella but the circumstances of the task force make that even more difficult. The members of the original task force have details to shed light on what may have gone wrong twenty years ago and they may not be blameless in the failure to solve the murder cases.

Another intriguing, page turner that keeps you guessing and wanting more. Highly recommend diving into this series.

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I have loved this series from book one and now on book ten and I'm still loving it! It can be read as a standalone, there's definitely enough background info to feel like you're not missing anything too important though I've always been a fan of starting a series from the beginning and every book in this series is so worth the read! If you love a good serial killer mystery with great characters I highly recommend picking up One Last Kill asap! I'm not sure what I loved more the story or the acknowledgments where I read there will be more Tracy Crosswhite books!!

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This book is #10 and the final installment in the series with Tracey Crosswhite. Detective Crosswhite has been put in charge of the Cold Cases and given the task of finding a serial killer who has been off the grid over 20 years. She is met with strong resistance from the original task force who had been dismantled. As Detective Crosswhite draws out the killer she stays the course through sheer determination and good police work in spite of set backs from a compromised former mayor and police chief on the take.
A good read and plenty of switchbacks to keep one engrossed in the story. Hang on for the ending!

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I have read several books on this series of Tracy Crosswhite. Tracy has made some transitions in her career and now she has landed on cold cases. Having a young daughter, and supportive husband, gives her some flexibility. One of the things that I enjoy in this series, nothing is forgotten. Co-workers, informants, and cases. Tracy has one of those personalities that she needs to find the truth. Because her need for the truth, she sees the black and white and lets the evidence lead her. Tracy is now working on a case that was given to her to possible fail. She is working with the original detective Nolasco that has been haunted by this case for 30 years and who also hostile towards Tracy. The tension drives the case and with the tension that an anniversary date of the last murder. A killer is still on the loose who seemed to be a few steps ahead of the case. A series of killings that started with prostitutes' and ended with the murder of middle class women. Tracy is concerned with the reopening of the case, more killings will come. Who will the killer strike.

Tracy does not have much to go on. A mark on the victims and no known common variables. With her hostile partner, together they begin to fit the pieces that were missed 30 years ago. She knows if she can find out what message the killer was making, she is confident they will find the killer.

Enjoyed unravelling the clues and the strong character of Tracy. Always a little redemption in each case. Great read.

A special thank you to Thomas & Mercer and Netgalley for the ARC and the opportunity to post an honest review

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Of course, Tracy Crosswhite can't catch a break. She's had some time off to clear her head and enjoy some much needed family time. But the minute she's back in the office, her new nemesis, the chief of police, pushes a 25-year-old serial killer cold case to the top of her list, so that the department can get ahead of some bad press. Not only are there no new leads for Tracy to follow, the chief also pairs her up with the lead detective for the original investigation who also happens to be Tracy's old nemesis, Lt. Nolasco. Then, after 25 years, the killer strikes again, turning the cold case into a hot one and adding the pressure of preventing more killing.

After a bit of a slow start, Dugoni turns up the heat and increases the pace and gives the reader another twisty tale. Where has the killer been for 25 years? Why are they killing again? How are they staying a step ahead of the investigation? Will Tracy and Nolasco be able to resolve their differences and work together. Keep turning the pages to find out!

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I was SO thrilled to have the opportunity to dive into another Tracy Crosswhite story thanks to Netgalley and author Robert Dugoni. One Last Kill is the 10th in the series and I flew through it just as I flew through the previous 9. Tracy's tenacity, knowledge and genuine care for the people she helps as a detective was once again the best part of the book. I was enthralled trying to figure out all the details, the whodunit, the twists and the intricate explanations. I always enjoy the personal moments with her family and coworkers-turned-family and there were plenty of those! I absolutely loved this book and can't wait for everyone to read it when it releases!

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Book 10 of the Tracy Crosswhite series and I was still absolutely captivated by this story. In this book, Tracy Crosswhite is asked to work on a cold case to find a serial killer responsible for killing 13 women in the late 1990s. She is partnered with her nemesis, Nolasco to bring fresh eyes to the case he failed to solve over 25 years ago. She expects to butt heads with him every step of the way, but as they follow new leads, they learn to trust each other and finally solve this mystery.

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Another great one from Dugoni. Excellent story telling. A good mystery that isn't obvious. Female and male characters that don't fit into stereotypes. This is my second read in the Tracy Crosswhite series. Dugoni does a great job having each story stand on it's own. You don't have to have read the previous books or read them in order to enjoy the book or follow the progress. Thanks to Netgalley for this great book.

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Brilliant installment, perhaps one of my favourites in this series. Loved the changing relationship between the 2 enemies.

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Book 10 in the series and boy what an addition.

Tracy is instructed to reopen an old case of a serial killer called the Route 99 killer. An unsolved case where the killer stopped killing many years ago, a local paper is running a series of stories on it leading up to its anniversary.
The task force set up to catch the killer never did and there was public outrage. Not wanting the negative press again and looking for an easy scapegoat, Tracy’s boss puts her on the case with her nemesis and superior Nolasco.

An unlikely partnership with plenty of history from previous books, their fractured relationship has to be put to one side as the killer starts killing again and they are under ever increasing pressure to find the culprit.

An utterly enthralling read that references past books aplenty, we have dirty cops, corrupt politicians and of course a serial killer.
Dugoni weaves you through the complex story and circumstances with ease as you turn another page in anticipation. A superbly crafted story, this series is one that just keeps giving thankfully.

Up there with, if not the strongest in the series so far. An absolute powerhouse of a book. Loved loved loved it.

Thanks for the publisher for the ARC through Netgalley.

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I received this from Netgalley for an honest review. Tracy just received a nightmare of a cold case. She also knows her Chief wants her to fail. I must admit I thought I had it completely figured out. Wrong! The twist is going to get you. One great thriller.

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. It didn't disappoint! Must read!!

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If you’re a reader of Robert Dugoni’s Tracy Crosswhite series, you know that it’s no secret that there’s no love lost between her and Captain Johnny Nolasco, who trained her in the police academy when she was a rookie cop. Tracy is still working solo as the cold case team when Chief Marcella Weber orders Nolasco to assist Detective Crosswhite with a more than 25-year-old case in One Last Kill because the local paper is set to run a series about the murders. The chief is hoping that this time around the case can be wrapped up before the media can rub their noses in the mud once again. The first victims were prostitutes; the last four women were middle class. The killer has not killed for years. Does this mean he is incarcerated, moved, or perhaps dead? The story is told in both past and present so that the reader gets a sense of what occurred in the original investigation and what the two detectives are dealing with in the revived case.

Neither Nolasco nor Tracy is happy with the arrangement. There has always been bad blood between the pair, and Nolasco is jealous of Tracy’s success. He feels that she’s become a media darling and the chief’s favorite. The latter could not be farther from the truth, but Tracy lets that go for the time being. Nolasco led the investigation the first time around, and he’d like nothing better than to take the wind out of Tracy’s sails now. Tracy, ever the professional, simply wants to catch the guy and save lives.

Too late. After the department holds a press conference announcing the reopening of the case, Tracy fears that the killing may start again. It doesn’t take long before a body is found. Could it be a copycat, or has the murderer re-emerged to finish what he started. What message is he trying to send? And will the two old foes be able to work together to bring a killer to justice, or will the police be stymied once again?

Robert Dugoni has penned a carefully crafted police procedural, highlighting his star detective, Tracy Crosswhite. Due to her experience, she is always trying to think at least one step ahead of the murderer, anticipating as if it were a chess match. Unfortunately, her chief does not always agree due to her own corrupt tendencies. Complicating matters is the fact that since the very beginning of the case it has been evident that there is a mole in the department. For those who read this series, there are references to the newspaper reporter who disappeared, Lisa Childress, who is featured in the previous book (What She Found), as well as her daughter Lisa, who appears in this story. It may be helpful to read that book to understand some of the complexities of the political nature of the events that occur, past and present.

Dugoni’s plot is brilliant, his characters believable, and now I can’t wait for the next one!

I received an ARC of One Last Kill in exchange for my honest review. My thoughts and opinions are my own. Thanks to NetGalley, Thomas & Mercer, and the author.

5 stars

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