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Snowball Unwrapped

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This is the fourth book in the Snowball series. I've read them all. I'll admit they are very charming. The cat has a talent like none other as it is a matchmaker. Such a fun series. I hope there will be more in this series.

I was given a complimentary copy of this book.
All opinions expressed are my own.

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Cozy mystery,, set at an Inn in a small town. The inn has a matchmaking cat named Snowball. Such a cute cat. Great story. Twins take place and shenanigans insue., several secondary characters some good some suspects. Devil cat also involved

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This was another great snowball book, I love her antics and the way she always manages to get into trouble even when she's trying to help. I enjoy reading from cat to human point of views, it makes for a fun read.

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Snowball Unwrapped is the 4th book in the Snowball series, but I will read the previous one. This is a cute series about a match making cat. I have read books with similar plots and enjoyed them, and this was definitely one that had me smiling throughout. Ilse Becker is the original host of Home & Hearth. The company has brought in Ben, a producer, as the ratings have been going down. He works as a co-host to try and fix things. He and Ilse DO NOT get along at all. When Ilse is dumped by her boyfriend she wants to go after him, but he is in the Philippines. Enter her twin sister, Jocelyn. She will do anything for Ilsa, so ends up standing in for her during the Live Shows leading up for Christmas. She does not have the same talents as her sister, so will she be able to pull this off. Throw in the connection that she and Ben has, as well as meddling match maker Snowball and a happily ever after sounds like it is coming.

This was such a cute and fun story. It is told from the perspective of Snowball, which didn't seem to bother me as much as other reviewers. The chemistry between Ben and Jocelyn was evident right from the start. I enjoyed the banter and fun they had both on screen and off. Of course Ben knows who Jocelyn is, but everyone else is fooled, at least throughout most to the book. Snowball is adorable and a great foil to Angel, the devil cat. I enjoyed the different shows and how they adapted to Jocelyn's inability to do what Ilsa can do. Overall, this was a fun, festive romance and even though I am not a cat lover, I loved Snowball.

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In the festive ambiance of Weber Haus, this holiday romance unfolds with twin-swap mistaken identity, TV show filming, and the mischievous feline matchmaker, Snowball. Despite initial reservations about the lead characters' outsider status in the beloved inn, Ben and Jocelyn's connection and chemistry shine through. The narrative cleverly avoids the pitfalls of a mistaken identity storyline, creating a relationship built on trust. The TV show element, typically not a favorite, surprises and captivates, offering delightful ideas for themed holiday parties. The cat, Snowball, orchestrates a few catjinks, adding humor to the tale. While some nitpicks include a wish for more involvement of the inn's owners and exploration of Ilse's character depth, the overall verdict is a heartwarming and adorable holiday read. The book combines comedy, lighthearted drama, and a delightful setting, making it a perfect one-sitting read with a cup of hot cocoa and sugar cookies.

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This series is new to me and I love it. I must go back and start with the first book. Snowball has a very special talent and this was such a heartwarming read.
Many thanks to Kensington and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This is the 4th book in the Snowball series. This is a cute wonderful Christmas sweet romance. Very easy to read and enjoy. Jocelyn takes over for her twin sister, Elise, filming her television series when Elise has to chase after her cad of a boyfriend. Ben knows there is something different going on. As her co-host he can tell it’s not the right twin. Snowball the Inn’s resident cat and romance consultant makes sure the two have a great Christmas romance.

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This was the first book I have read by Kristen McKanagh and I know it won't be my last.You will absolutely love the characters (both human and feline), the idyllic setting and the TV show filming shenanigans. I just couldn’t get enough of this book. If you love a good holiday book and cats well this book is gonna be a must read! I would recommend this cute book.

Thank you NetGalley and Kensington Books for allowing me to read this ARC for my honest opinion.

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I found myself giving up on this series, as the story told from the perspective of the cat just didn't work for me in the long run. This one isn't for me.

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Princess Fuzzypants here: This is the latest adventure of Snowball, a very sweet and considerate matchmaking kitty. As we know, humans require consistent feline snoopervision. They would fall apart if it was not for us kitties helping them to see the right course of action. Snowball’s romantic track record is stellar but she is going to have her paws full this time.

Jocelyn is trying to fool the cast and crew of her twin sister, Ilse’s tv show. Ilse, a diva if there ever was one, has swanned off to the Philippines just when her series is about to do five live Christmas shows at the inn where Snowball lives. The problem is all the skills and talents that Ilse showcases on her show are lacking in Jocelyn’s skill set. Jocelyn is terrified, but her cohost, who is constantly at loggerheads with Ilse, discovers the switch but tries to help Jocelyn pull off the hoax. In the process, the two fall in love, without too much help from Snowball. But it is going to prove impossible not to have it all blow up even before Ilse swoops in and denigrates her sister for trying to save Ilse’s career.

I have to admit I did not like Ilse at all. But that did not stop me from liking the book and being swept along with the romance. All ends well and Snowball’s record remains undefeated. Five purrs and two paws up.

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Snowball stories are a must read for Christmas: cute, sweet and well plotted. A sweet romance and a clever cat
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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This was a fun, light-hearted holiday book. Snowball is the star of the show, until Angel comes along. Similarly, Jocelyn is stepping in to cover for her twin, Ilse, having to fool Ilse's TV partner Ben and their whole viewing audience. What ensues is laughter, cat-prompted hijinks and romance! A book to make you smile.

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book, but my opinions are my own.

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This was an easy read … especially for the Christmas season. It was a little too super sweet for my taste, but I can see how it would appeal to the “Hallmark” fans. I liked Snowball, the adorable white cat. She will steal your heart. I probably won’t read any more books in this series, but that’s my personal preference in the types of books I enjoy reading. If you are interested in reading a light, sweet, fun romance with some quirky characters, then I would strongly encourage you to give it a try. You might find your new favorite series.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books for my advanced review copy. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

For more reviews, please visit my blog at: Over 1000 reviews posted!

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Double trouble! Jocelyn gets asked by her twin sister Ilse to take her place in being in her live shows being filmed at Weber House for the holidays. How can Jocelyn fit in without anyone noticing since she is nothing like Ilse?

This book is a little different since our main characters aren't part of the town like previous books, but the Christmas atmosphere through the show is definitely there. Snowball even has a bit of a twin in this book too, evil stage cat twin, Angel.

I liked all of the twists with Jocelyn making modifications to get by in filming. Hooray for prepped stuff since yikes Jocelyn could not cook or craft. Ben was a fun ally in keeping secrets and unlikely romantic interest since he didn't exactly get along with Ilse. Good thing Jocelyn wasn't like her very put together and a bit cold sister.

Cute cuddly cat cuteness and a fun party show themed romance made this book a good holiday read!

Thank you to Kensington and Netgalley for providing me a copy of this ARC for my honest review.

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What a great read! I loved reading the adventures and matchmaking of Snowball the cat. This book is a fun sweet read with just enough drama and romance to keep you turning the pages. Grab a cup of hot cocoa, a cozy blanket and settle in for a delightful read. I highly recommend the book. 5 stars all the way!!
I received a complimentary copy from Kensington Books via NetGalley and was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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There’s nothing like a trip back to Weber Haus to get you in the romantic holiday spirit. As if a case of twin-swap mistaken identity, TV show filming shenanigans and a fuzzy feline weren’t delightful enough, there’s a checklist smorgasbord of ideas for your next themed holiday party.

This series has quickly become my favorite go-to for putting me in a feel-good, romantic holiday mood. From opening bell with a delightful first-hand monologue from the adorable resident cat of the Weber Haus B&B, you can’t help but wear a smile on your face for the bulk of the read. Whether you’ve visited this idyllic countryside inn before, or it’s your first time visiting, there’s an overwhelming sense of “coming home” which envelops you with every turn of the page. I was ecstatic when this ARC was delivered to my mailbox (a squeal of delight may have permeated my apartment’s mailroom), and yet upon reading the synopsis I was filled with a few initial moments of quandary.

First and foremost, the lead characters of this fourth installment in the Snowball series, as well as a bulk of the secondary characters, are outsiders of the inn we’ve come to know and love thus far. Ben and Jocelyn have no familial or friendly connection to the inn, a detail which has been true for the previous couples we’ve encountered, so I questioned whether or not we would have the same connection to these “strangers”. The fact one of the titular figures of the series was “out-of-town” for all of the book’s shenanigans filled me with more than a wee bit ‘o trepidation. While I wish there could have been a tad more incorporation of the inn’s owners, rest assured that you will fall in love just as deeply with Ben and Jocelyn as any of the other characters we’ve seen in this series. As a matter of fact, these two might be tied with those from the first installment as my favorite leading couple. Crisis averted.

Then we come to the entire premise of the novel which promulgates the meet-cute of our two lovebirds: twin swap mistaken identity. Not gonna lie, not typically a fan of this Romancelandia trait. Going into this read I was shaking in my slippers that the entire basis for Ben and Jocelyn’s relationship would be based on a lie, and we’d be subject to some kind of big third act reveal upon Ben discovering that the woman he thought was his previously diva-esque co-host Ilse was in fact her mild-mannered twin sister Jocelyn all along. Hands down one of the biggest sighs of relief I’ve ever had was when Bed uncovered the truth of the swap in almost no time at all. The two must then work together to try and maintain the secret from being revealed to the rest of the crew, not to mention the hoity-toity studio executives. It was a nice twist on the standard mistaken identity storyline, as it grants our leads the opportunity to build a connection formulated on trust rather than deception.

And now for my final moment of hesitation before I cracked open this read: the TV show. Please don’t ask me to describe in any form of coherent reasoning why I’m never a fan of this feature in romance novels, but it’s just not my cup of tea. Again, I don’t know why, I can’t really explain it, but for some reason it always raises a sense of unbelievability and anxiety to the read which takes me out of the story. Well…Kristen McKanagh is obviously some kind of sorceress, because darn it anyhow if she didn’t make me love this part of the story. The fact that Jocelyn was pretending to be her perfect TV show hostess of a twin meant that there was an expected level of stress surrounding her appearance on each live segment taping, and it was so heartening to see her slowly become more comfortable with each show as Ben was there to stand by and support her. Not to mention, each show legitimately gives you some amazing ideas for themed holiday parties that you can hold with friends and family this season. so I quickly started looking forward to the description of each show. Am I going to steal the Christmas movie viewing party idea with suggested decorations, snacks and adult beverage combos? Yeah duh.

Snowball might be the resident cat and infamous matchmaker of Weber Haus, and while she did participate in a few meowing catjinks to throw Jocelyn and Ben into the same orbit, believe me when I say these two didn’t need much of a nudge for their chemistry to leap off the page. Ben has had nothing but a bitter feud going with Jocelyn’s twin sister, Ilse, who has viewed his attempts to improve her TV show Home & Hearth as a ploy to get her fired so he can overtake the show for his own. Ben’s not looking forward to filming a series of live holiday shows with his contemptuous co-host, which is why he’s practically stunned into silence upon arriving at the countryside filming location to find an unexpected warmth emanating from Ilse that he’s never seen before. Tee hee, little does he know why he finds himself drawn to her unusual behavior and welcoming smile. Eventually he realizes the continuous smirks and soft touches upon his arm are too far out of character for the diva Ilse, and comes to the conclusion that her fairly unknown twin must be the woman standing in front of him. Cue the true connection between these two to come forth.

Both Jocelyn and Ben have a personal interest in keeping the ruse going. For Jocelyn, her sister entrusted her with the care of her show, and therefore her career, after a disastrous breakup with her boyfriend leaves Ilse brokenhearted and seething for a confrontation. For Ben, the success of these live shows could result in him being granted the one thing he’s always wanted, a show of his own that he can create from the ground up. Rather than expose the truth to the rest of the crew, they both decide to dive deep and help each other through this mess, no matter how many temperamental personal assistants, fawning interns, or demon Snowball-lookalike cat attacks get thrown their way. As mentioned before, the situation results in Ben and Jocelyn mutually relying on, and trusting one another to get through this span of shows, which naturally means they need to spend a lot of time together in fairly close quarters. Their chemistry is palpable, not only to us as the readers, but to the viewers and executives of the show. Ben plays a big part in rehearsing with Jocelyn to a point where she can feel somewhat comfortable going on the air, but when she also insists on supporting him in his efforts to act as his cheerleader (something he’s gone so long in his life without), well pardon me if my eyes get a bit watery at such a beautiful sentiment!

As you can see, I thoroughly delighted in reading this book. I finished it in one pool-side sitting, which was kind of ironic considering it’s set in a winter wonderland. Now, if I had to nitpick and find a few things which I wish could have been featured differently? I’ve already mentioned how I wish some of the inn’s owners had been incorporated more fully, and this was especially true of Snowball’s owner, Miss Tilly, who spent the entire slew of weekly filming escapades away from the inn. Even Ben laments over the fact she was going to be away, as he thought she would have been a delightful character to feature a few times throughout the episodes they were taping, and I for one agree that would have been fantastic to see.

My other nitpicks come with the designated “look-alikes” of the read. Let’s start with Ilse. She’s obviously a complicated character, as we hear details of her diva reactions on and off-set. but Jocelyn also relays the sad story of their childhood growing up in the foster system, and how Ilse did everything she could to make it in the entertainment industry to ensure she could provide and take care of her sister. This was a depth of character I wasn’t expecting, and thoroughly enjoyed, but I would have appreciated a bit more exploration of it on the page. Not to mention, the details of her fleeing off to the Philippines to confront her cheating ex, and her eventual return to the inn to re-take her place with filming the show all concluded a bit too quickly and “off-screen” for my liking. The fact another male character from Ilse and Jocelyn’s childhood is thrown into the mix, presented as Jocelyn’s best friend yet also loving Ilse from afar, wasn’t incorporated as fully into the plot as that story line deserved.

And finally, Angel, the devil cat. This feline is a fixture on the Home & Hearth show, and though she seemingly has a loving relationship with Ilse, Angel takes any opportunity possible to attack Jocelyn and Ben live, on air. The fact the beloved Snowball oftentimes gets blamed for Angel’s hijinks, or has to rescue our lovebirds from a vicious attack was all the more hilarious. So…would I have liked to read one final scene where Angel and Snowball have a cat conversation together, whether through meows or some kind of telepathic exchange about the events of the novel? Yes. I did. But we can probably chalk that up to the fact that I’m a crazy cat lady…who just doesn’t happen to own a cat. Ok, I think we can all agree this final nitpick can be ignored, please and thank you, and have a happy holidays.

This book is purrrtastically adorable. From the characters (both human and feline), to the idyllic setting and the TV show filming shenanigans, I simply couldn’t get enough. You can definitely finish this read in one sitting, though it wouldn’t hurt to take a break at some point to get a cup of hot cocoa and a sugar cookie or five. If you’re looking for a fun read with the perfect amount of comedy and lighthearted drama blended together, then you won’t want to pass this one up.

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I haven’t written anything else by this author; if I had I would have realized that the cat is the narrator and given it a pass

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I loved this new book in the Snowball Series as once again Snowball played matchmaker at the Victorian inn known as the Weber Haus.
The story was cute, funny, and romantic all wrapped up in the show, Homes and Hearth, airing live from the inn with five holiday themed parties. Add to that Ilse, one of the show's hosts abruptly left and her twin sister, Jocelyn reluctantly agreed to be the coldhearted Ilsa for her sister's sake. That of course brought on a fun Twin Gate story I enjoyed reading. There was even another cat that caused problems for poor Snowball.
I liked the five holiday themed parties all mapped out for the reader at the end of the book too. I received an advance copy of this book and I willingly chose to write an honest review.

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Snowball Unwrapped is book #4 in the Snowball series by Kristen McKanagh.

I don’t usually read romance stories, but a cat matchmaker drew me in. I wasn’t disappointed. The characters are well developed and interesting. The trouble that Snowball had with her lookalike and Jocelyn filling in for her very different twin was entertaining. It was a fun Christmas-themed book. I plan to read the earlier books in the series.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) copy of this book and I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

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Snowball Unwrapped by Kristen McKanagh, book four in the Snowball series, isn’t so much about Snowball the resident cat, it’s about the budding romance assisted by the imaginative and crafty cat. Snowball, you see, has a gift no other cat has: the gift of matchmaking. This was a feel good book with a twin swap, opposites attract and the attraction being encouraged by a smart, insistent, and adorable white cat, Snowball, the resident cat at Weber Haus.

Ilse Becker is the host of a TV show called Home and Hearth, that features cooking and craft segments. Her fiancé is double timing her, so she convinces her identical twin sister Jocelyn to stand in for her while she sorts her personal problems. The problem is that they have vastly different personalities, and Jocelyn lacks the craft and culinary skills Ilse is famous for. The episodes are to be filmed live in the grand Victorian building, Weber Haus, that has been converted to a B&B. Ilse is always at odds with her male co-host, Ben, who she thinks is trying to take over the show. There is a strong, romantic spark between Ben and Jocelyn; their chemistry evident on the live shows. Snowball recognizes the signs and sets out on her matchmaking endeavors. Ilse’s career might be on the line but will Jocelyn’s lack of talent and friendship with Ben save or destroy Ilse’s future. Jocelyn decides to do her best and hope things go well. Ben figures out the switch pretty early, but it is in his best interest to help Jocelyn. He helps her to avoid several disasters, and they begin to get close with the help of Snowball. Not everyone is happy with the situation; shenanigans are rampant and numerous obstacles to overcome. Add in a Snowball look-alike named Angel, a mischievous devil cat, and the fur will start flying, but does make the story more charming. When Ilse returns early, almost sabotaging the deception, all bets are off as how this will end. I highly recommend Snowball Unwrapped to other readers.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.

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