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Marshaling Her Heart

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Another great book in the Wyoming Sunrise series featuring Becky Pruitt, who has her own ranch and running it successfully with no help from her harsh and mean father. All of this series is about strong women in the wild west making a place for themselves where woman are delegated to being wives, bearing children and keeping the home. The Dead Eye outlaw gang is still in force and their motto is leave no one alive so there will be no evidence of who they are or what they look like. Now the marshals have moved in, determined to capture them and they are using Becky’s ranch as their headquarters. All of this is undercover and they are acting as hired help on her ranch. Hold on to your seats as the action surrounding the capture of this outlaw gang as it gets very intense. Also Becky’s feminine side emerges as she finds herself noticing her foreman, Nate more than she should and actually trusting his judgement.
I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the publisher through Netgalley. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, a positive review was not required.

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Marshaling Her Heart by the amazing wordsmith Mary Connealy is Book Three in her Wyoming Sunrise series. This is a Christian historical western book that includes danger, adventure, and romance. Even though this is Book Three, it may easily be read as a stand alone.

From the very first page this book had me hooked. I was totally invested in spunky Becky and Nate. It was easy to see this was going to be another page turner. The characters were unique and quirky. I enjoyed the strong women in the story, and Becky certainly is one. Nate is an honorable, great guy. There are also some bad guys, too, like the Deadeye Gang.

The writing is evenly paced and the story doesn’t lag. There is a lot going on to keep readers entertained. The author throws in some twists to keep readers on their toes. Her humor is delightful. The conversations sounded authentic for 1870s Wyoming.

There are life and Christian lessons woven throughout this novel. I love books that entertain and educate. Readers will learn about redemption, hope, love, marriage, and taking chances. The best lesson in this series is respect. In today’s world respect is in short supply, especially for women.

I highly recommend this fabulous book. Fans of historical and western fiction will adore it. The series would make a great Christmas gift. It gets a 5 star rating from me. A copy was provided by Celebrate Lit and NetGalley, but these are my honest thoughts.
#MarshalingHerHeart #NetGalley

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There's another book before this, not necessary to read but you'll be glad you did to get to know this special town in Wyoming. A state where women have some rights and a town where they are quite progressive and supportive of each other. Each person has special skills that contribute to making the town grow and they're great to learn more about. Becky has her own ranch; Nate works for her. The Deadeye gang is still at large and there the story unfolds, twists and winds. Keeps you turning the pages! Excellent story. Love, murder, danger, milestones and growing. Faith filled lessons.

I received this book free from the author, publisher and CelebrateLit book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

#Marshaling Her Heart #MaryConnealy #BooksYouCanFeelGoodAbout #CelebrateLit #ChristianHistoricalRomance #FiveStarNovel

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I have so enjoyed this Wyoming Sunrise, full of classic Mary Connealy mayhem, humor, romance, and faith. In Marshaling Her Heart, we at long last get to see Becky Pruitt fall in love and we learn who’s behind the Deadeye Gang once and for all. A particular moment in the book – when a character whispers the words, “To live is Christ, to die is gain” – is one of those moments when a story reaches out and grabs you in the heart, to linger with you for a long while after you’ve closed the last page. Those were some of the last words my dad said before he passed away, and seeing that character come to the same level of peace that Dad had was special for me and will be, I think, for all readers. Not having anything to do with my father of course but because it’s relatable and inspiring all at once.

If you’ve read the other books in the series, you’ve been well-acquainted with Becky who is best friends with Mariah and Nell, the heroines from Forged in Love and The Laws of Attraction, respectively. She’s the one who readily loans out her truly remarkable guard dog Brutus when he’s needed by her friends, and she is always ready to come to someone’s aid. She comes across as a strong, no-nonsense, independent young woman with a heart of gold, and in many ways that’s exactly what she is. But in Marshaling Her Heart, we get to see a more vulnerable side of her – one which will require her to rely on those who love her for help. It also will deepen her faith (and maybe ours too) and lead her to a happily-ever-after she didn’t see coming.

Which brings me to Nate Paxton, her trusty ranch foreman. He is steady and calming but also not a man to be messed with. Particularly if someone is messing with Becky. Even more particularly if that someone is Becky’s father. I loved watching him defend Becky in the wake of her father’s rage that she would no longer bend to his will – whether that means moving back home (I actually laughed out loud at her father for thinking she would) or helping with the suffrage movement. This puts both men – Nate as well as Becky’s father – in sharp contrast to each other, and even though I already thought Nate was a great guy he earned even more of my respect in this book. Not only for protecting Becky but for doing so without smothering her or diminishing her independence and strength. He – like Clint and Brand – is one of the truly good heroes, as only Mary Connealy can write them.

Bottom Line: If we must say goodbye to this delightful Wyoming Sunrise series by Mary Connealy, Marshaling Her Heart is the perfect send-off. Danger, humor, romance, more danger, more humor, more romance, a couple of the world’s best dogs, US Marshals, an outlaw gang, yummy food, at least one new baby, all the characters (including Brand’s girls) we’ve come to love, and a faith thread that was meaningful and sweet – its many layers kept me turning the pages, eager to see all things would end up for Mariah and Clint, Nell and Brand, and now Becky and Nate. The epilogue hit me in all the feels and left me with a satisfied sigh in my reader heart for a story well told.

(I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book)

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Becky had the best friends. But they were now married. Which left her often feeling alone. She needed them now more than ever.

Becky was successful in her ranch. She worked hard to be independent. But this created a dangerous situation and put her at risk.

Nate, her cow hand, was at the right place at the right time. He kept a constant watch as he knew the danger Becky was in. But he didn't realize he was in danger of losing his heart.

This is Book 3 of the Wyoming Sunrise Series. I enjoyed every one. I can't get enough of cowboy/cowgirl romance. Mary Connealy is one of the best in this genre.

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With the notorious Deadeye Gang on the loose, Becky's ranch becomes the obvious place to have the Marshal"s group deal with this threat. Trouble, romance and outlaws... great combination! Loved it!

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Marshaling Her Heart concludes Mary Connealy’s Wyoming Sunrise series. I have loved this series and she saved the best for last. I was entertained taking this journey back in time to Wyoming and meeting Nate and Becky. They were so much fun together on this adventure. There were a few scenes that had me laughing out loud. Just a delightful tale to read. I adored reading every single page.

Marshaling Her Heart would be getting one hundred stars from me if it was possible. I highly recommend it for fans and lovers of clean historical romance. As always, I will be looking for newer series and releases for I hope to be years to come.

I received a paperback copy of Mary Connealy’s Marshaling Her Heart from the publisher, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.

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Get ready for a rough and tumble look at the Wild West in this exciting story. With a threat of the DeadEye Gang causing havoc wherever they go, the town needs to band together to capture them. Becky has been running her ranch for awhile and has very trusted men working for her. A plan is set that involves her ranch as a place to surprise the gang as undercover Marshalls are now working at the ranch. She is not happy at all as things aren’t getting done the way she wants. The ranch is her livelihood so her friend Nate better step up and convince her that the plan will work.

Nate wants Becky to trust him because he does have her best interest at heart. I really like how he stood up to Becky’s dad when he tried to hit her. Respect is given in the town to women and Nate will not stand for anyone to strike a woman. I know Becky appreciates him looking out for her but is there an attraction developing between them?

The book delivers lots of action and danger which keeps readers entertained throughout the book. I enjoyed getting to know Nate better and seeing what an humble man he is. Get ready for action as this story gives readers laughs, strong women characters and a few surprises along the way.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

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This is an awesome book!! Once I started it I couldn't put it down. This is not the first book in this series but I have not read the other books but didn't have any trouble following the story. Connealy does an excellent job of filling the reader in on the back stories as you read the book. The characters are people that you come to care about and are cheering for as the story moves along. If you enjoy cowboys, outlaws, and sweet love stories this is the book for you.

Thanks to Net Galley and Bethany House for the reader's galley in return for an honest review of this book.

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The last book in the Wyoming Sunrise trilogy (it can also be a stand-alone novel) is about Becky Pruitt, a tough rancher who broke with her abusive father & has run her own ranch for years.

As the danger from the elusive Dead-Eye Gang increases, Becky must trust Nate Paxton, her ranch hand & a former U.S. marshal, to use her ranch as a base of operations to finally catch the gang.

I enjoyed this book as the Dead-Eye Gang—& Becky’s heart—are captured. I highly recommend this book & series. Thank you to LibraryThing for my free copy in exchange for my honest review. 4 stars.

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Marshaling Her Heart - Mary Connealy - 3.5 Stars

Marshaling Her Heart is book 3 in the Wyoming Sunrise Series and follows Becky Pruitt's journey through her successful ranch, relationship with Nate Paxton and her estranged abusive father. Becky has always been a very interesting character to me and I was super excited to follow along in her journey in this conclusion to the Wyoming Sunrise series! I really enjoyed book 1 (5 stars) and book 2 (4 stars).

I did really enjoy the story and the conclusion for all of our characters because we got to see a lot of their endings from book 1 and 2 - loved that! Loved being back in this town and seeing the ending with the faith content -- the peace Becky experienced. "To live is Christ, to die is Gain." Amen. She was at peace no matter what was going on in those moments. So much action throughout this story with the drama surrounding her father, the deadeye gang etc. I am excited to read more from Mary as this series has been great!

The only things that brought this specific book down for me was the amount of women's suffrage movement information was a bit overdone for me personally, I liked learning about it in general, but again, I wanted more of the relationship between Nate and Becky to be expanded upon versus details with the speaker for the movement, all the little things tied to that. I think this will be personal to every reader honestly. I just think we could have seen more developed with Nate and Becky personally.

We see a lot of hardships Becky had endured with her mother and brothers deaths and the abuse from her father. He does not like a strong female around and would hit her if she did things he didn't like. So we do see some of that abuse on page between Becky and her father. It was sad to see her relationship with him but I am glad we see her resolution and her healing taking place throughout the story.

I think readers who love a good western story, ranch setting, strong female leads and clean romance will enjoy this series! The ending I think was my favorite part with the faith content.

Thank you to Bethany House and NetGalley for providing me with a copy to honestly read and review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Marshalling Her Heart by Mary Connealy is the third and final book in her Wyoming Sunrise series.

It wraps up the danger and mystery behind the Deadeye Gang and shows the happily ever after of all three independent women we’ve come to know though these books.

I’ve been looking forward to Becky and Nate’s story. Becky has a hard backstory, but Nate is a wonderful counterpoint. I love how he cares for Becky. And the ending is perfect!

I enjoyed this series. If you love historical romance with strong women and supportive men, then this series is for you!

I received a complimentary copy of this book.
I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC guidelines.

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I really enjoyed the book. The dynamic between Becky and Nate was fun, relatable, complementing each other, push and pull, and enjoyable finally watching them get together. It was also enjoyable watching them, along with the marshals catch an outlaw gang that had been terrorizing the countryside. It was a great conclusion to the series.

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What is not to like in a western with some suspense. I enjoyed this story of a strong cowgirl who is being given a lot of trouble. She has woman friends and marshals to help her get out. I have enjoyed the whole series and always enjoy this author. I was given a complimentary copy of this book by the publisher.

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Romance. Adventure. Outlaws. Cowboys. Mystery. True Love. Happily Ever Afters. This third installment in the Wyoming Sunrise series has it all, and it meets every requirement I have for an excellent western romance! These beloved characters find their happily ever afters as they pursue the last of the dangerous Deadeye Gang, and the action and romance is packed into every chapter! Becky and Nate are the third couple to fall in love, and it was so satisfying to see them together after rooting for them since book one. My favorite parts of this story, however, were the glimpses of married life for all three heroines. Best of all, these three ladies are such a wonderful example of Christian friendship. I wish there was still a Pine Valley, Wyoming out there for me to visit! For now, I guess I will just have to travel to Pine Valley when I reread the Wyoming Sunrise series, which is definitely on the not-so-distant horizon.

I received a copy of this book for review purposes. My thoughts are my own— I really did love it!

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What a great story! This is the 3rd and final story in a trilogy: Wyoming Sunrise by Mary Connealy. All three are about amazing women in Wyoming who were part of the suffragette movement. This one is about Becky Pruitt and her Foreman Nate Paxton. Becky took her inheritance from her grandparents and started her own ranch because her father was using her and was also not respectful of her abilities or her personally. When it starts looking like her father may have something to do with all the stagecoach robberies that have been taking place Nate reveals that he was once a U.S. Marshall and his brother and a couple of other Marshalls are coming to look into the robberies. Nate has been pulled in on the case since he is a former Marshall and he asks Becky to allow the Marshalls to stay undercover on her ranch during the investigation. Meanwhile, her father, who is very unhappy about not getting Becky's inheritance to sink into his own operation, is stalking her. Lot of good suspense here and self discovery by Becky and Nate. I love the small town they are a part of and all the other characters that we met in the first two books that make up their friendship base.

Mary Connealy never disappoints! She on the top of my favorite authors list. I highly recommend you read this trilogy and then go back and read all her other series while you are waiting anxiously to see the next series start rolling out.

I have voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book that I received from NetGalley. All views expressed are only my own honest opinion.

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A wonderful finish to this series! I've loved every minute of this series and I believe this last one will be my favorite.
Becky is an amazing woman. I love her charismatic character. I really admired her for standing up for what is hers. .
I was happy to see Nell and Mariah back as Becky's friends.
I really liked how they stayed friends even after Nell and Mariah got married.
The guys are pretty awesome themselves. I love how they want to try and keep the ladies safe but problem is most times they don't want the guys' help.
This is why I certain scenes. I love Connealy's humor.
Maybe Samantha and Leland will get their own story. They sure do make for an interesting couple the way they're learning to navigate around each other. It's hilarious.
The ending of this story has a satisfying ending because in my opinion we get a special surprise!
I'm giving this book 5 stars for an awesome and exciting adventure!
I can't wait to see what Connealy writes next! And her book covers are always so beautiful!
I highly recommend this book.
My thanks for a copy of this book. I was NOT required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Becky Pruitt must trust her foreman Nate, when she finds that her ranch is in the crossfire between the law and the Dead Eye Gang.

An engaging western adventure, I loved catching up with my favorite characters from the previous books as they build their families and live their lives. Becky is a capable rancher, with a complicated family history. Nate and Becky make a great team, and I liked that she has someone so dependable to lean on. I loved the humor in their interactions, as well as Nate's respect for Becky.

There is a lot going on in this final book of the Wyoming Sunrise Series, as Becky and Nate fight for her ranch, new love is tested, and families grow. A highly enjoyable read with fantastic characters, faith, humor and adventure!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I have utterly fallen in love with these characters and this series (with exception of the Dead Eye Gang...them I'm not so fond of lol).

From books 1 and 2 I have been dying to get Becky's story.

She's had a rough life and has put up walls that has not only made her successful at running a ranch, but has also kept love out.

Enter Nate.

Nate kind of loses his mind around Becky and it's a readers delight to read about. I love his take charge action in protecting Becky at all costs without stepping on Becky's toes of being his boss. Their chemistry is fun and swoony.

I loved the forced proximity, the protective hero, the strong heroine and the mystery to be solved!

I loved being able to see the first two couples in this series and eve get some chapters from their points of view! This is a fun town to step foot in and I have thoroughly enjoyed this series!

If you like historical westerns, swoony romance and a touch of mystery and suspense I think you'd really love this book!

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the copy. All thoughts in this review are my own.

Content: Western frontier living, women's rights, stagecoach holdups, talk of murder and violence, mild violence, child abuse (not mentioned in great detail-but it's apparent), implied intimacy between married couples, only kisses described.

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Pine Valley, Wyoming 1871

What a great cast a characters!

Becky is a successful rancher much to the aggravation of her estranged father. Her foreman Nate is protective and defends Becky when her dad attempts to strike her. The slow burning romance was a good recipe for independent Becky and Nate.

It was wonderful to spend time again with Nell and Mariah that round out this trio of strong women.

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