Member Reviews

I read through DBT Skills for Teens with Anxiety by Dr. Atara Hiller through an educator lens and truly appreciated the book. The explanations and strategies are easy to understand and make sense for teens. I have been using this book with teens that I work with frequently this school year and they are enjoying everything we've been doing from here!

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This is an excellent guide not just for teens, but for adults, too. I love how the sections can be used as needed, rather than following it like a traditional book.

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This is a practical book filled with select DBT skills to help teens experiencing anxiety. The book has worksheets and scenarios to apply skills to for teens. Although DBT was designed for people with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) originally, DBT is filled with life skills and this book is designed specially for anxiety inducing scenarios. And despite it being titled for teens, I can see it helping plenty of adults too!

Thanks to NetGalley and Zeitgeist Publishing for this ARC.

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This is perfect for teens who want to know more about Anxiety. I didn’t expect much getting into this but I too learned from this book

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I am a Special Education Teacher. This book is a great resource for parents and educators. It provides step-by-step directions along with tracker sheets ( progress monitor IEP goals). This is a great book that can be used at home with your teen. Many of these techniques referenced would also be helpful for anyone ( teenager and up). Thank you for providing me with an advanced digital copy. I have ordered a paper copy to use in my classroom.

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It's all in the title - you've picked this book up because you are (or you're supporting) a teen with anxiety and you might have heard that Dialectical Behavioral Therapy skills can help with emotional regulation. This is an easy-to-read book which explains all the acronyms - DEARMAN, GIVE, FAST, ACCEPTS, and more. It is as if author Atara Hiller condensed down Marsha Linehan's seminal work on DBT, "Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder", down to the most essential points and stresses that these skills are effective for all teens who are struggling with anxiety.

I read the Kindle edition, but would appreciate a copy of the print edition as well to get access to the worksheets in the appendix. I received an advance reader copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review via Netgalley and the publishers.

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This is a fantastic book! I like how it’s presented one small big at a time and has lots of simple tasks to learn these skills.

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This is a helpful and easy to understand book full of skills. I will use this with my teens, for sure!

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Thank you to Zeitgeist and Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest feedback. As other commenters have stated, this book is written for a teenager. I am a therapist always looking for more resources for my teens. This is a hands on way to help them and provides worksheets to supplement their therapy experience.

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DBT Skills for Teens has a plethora of strategies for calming one self and living with anxiety. It’s a wonderful resource for teens and parents looking to help. I love that the organization of the book allows kiddos to refer back to the book constantly. We are so appreciative of the resources provided in this book. Thank you to Netgalley for the DRC.

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As a LCPC who specializes in youth, I’m always on the lookout for new material and resources! It’s hard to get kids to buy in to wanting to “do the work” outside of the therapy session.

I loved how the author talks to the TEEN. Not that parent, but the actual teen themselves. I love the history delivery about DBT, I love the examples, I love the personal sharing, I love the activities. I wish I could give more than 5 stars!

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While I was very familiar with CBT, I only became aware of DBT about five years ago. DBT combines that best of CBT and mindfullness techniques to provide support for individuals with mental health disorders. I found this book to be a great resource for parents and mental health professionals. The book provides pratical tools and skill-building opportunities to help teens overcome challenges and reduce their anxiety. And, it is written in a format that teens will understand and appreciate.

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While the information shared and very well done in a way that’s easy for a teen to understand without being too patronizing, my favorite piece of this book are the exercises that gives the reader ways to practice each skill. I appreciate somethings that tangible and not just theoretical.

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Dialectical Behavior Therapy has often been touted as the type of therapy for individuals with borderline personality disorder. Psychology professionals are now realizing that DBT can be useful for many other diagnoses as well, including eating disorders and anxiety. This book provides easy to read and therefore, easy to implement DBT strategies. It includes mindfulness skills, distress tolerance skills, interpersonal skills, and ways to manage emotions. All of the main tenets of DBT are provided in a “teen friendly” format with vignettes, worksheets, and other helpful tips. There are “ready to use” scenarios and “kits” for relevant topics for teens including: text anxiety, peer pressure, and fights with family and friends. I highly recommend this book. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance review copy in exchange for my honest review. If I could give this more than 5 stars, I would.

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As a BCBA, I’m always in need good high quality resources for teens. Buy in is scarce with the resources I currently have for the teens on my caseload. Looking through this is promising! We will see how they respond.

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I don’t think I’m the right audience for this because I didn’t find the tips helpful. But I think for children and teens this will be a tool that might open a lot of conversations.

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Though not a teenager, I found the techniques presented to be very helpful in situations when my anxiety flares up. It provided a good overview of DBT and how to apply these skills to anxiety.

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Parents looking for real world examples of how to help understand their anxious teen, will gain insight from this material on day one. It provides workable strategies and realistic action items to help teens cope. It will become a great refence guide, even after they leave their teen years. Highly recommend.

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I like the font and layout as well as the content! I will eventually buy a copy or two for my library, but I will wait to see if I can purchase through vendors that assist with our processing needs, such as Follett Titlewave for print and Overdrive Sora for the ebook; the book is not currently available in these systems . Thanks for allowing me to preview the work, that definitely led to my decision to place the book on my purchasing wish list. If I must buy the paperback through Amazon I will, but I limit that type of purchase due to processing time constraints.

After I purchase and promote in my library I can link to a blog post.

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"If you are reading this book, you have likely been struggling with anxiety."
"Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is an effective treatment for people who struggle with emotions, including anxiety, depression, anger and shame."

"DBT Skills for Teens with Anxiety" is a hard-hitting, educational book about how we can be more in tune with ourselves and what we feel., and handling of certain situations in a better way. It was a treat to read this and an eye-opening experience.

The book is written uniquely and is divided into three simple parts with a few chapters on anxiety, mindfulness, potential conflict resolutions and more. The chapters are short, the sentences easy to read, and consist of activities on changing your emotions and thoughts next time you go through anxiety.

I would advise anyone who sees this comment to give the book a go if they have ever fallen into bad or uncomfortable situations.

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