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A Match Made in London

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I received an Advance Reader Copy from the publisher via NetGalley. This in no way impacted on my view.

For Violet Edwards, she knows that she needs to find a husband and quick. She has spent most of her season as a wallflower, and being around others causes her stutter to get worse. Now her mother is planning on sending her into the country, and she can't face the future of being her grandmother's carer. Violet's only hope is Mrs. Harding's School For Young Ladies, also known as the infamous School for Spinsters! However, Violet never expected that her lessons would include spending time with the handsome Earl of Scarsdale, who is everything she could ever want, but so far out of her reach; or is he?

Another regency romance where the heroine is a wallflower, and the hero is the first man to catch her eye. Nonetheless this was really enjoyable. Violet may have been a wallflower, but once she got angry or had some fire in her, she was ready to fight, and Damian set her alight like no other. They were perfect for each other, but her lack of a dowry and connections, and Damian's father destroying the family with his gambling habits, they could never be together. Damian's only hope to save himself and his sisters was to marry the heiress Lady Persephone, who was cruel and enjoyed toying with other people's emotions. I despised Persephone, and I know that her partner in crime, Lady Ashleigh, will be the heroine of book 2, so I hope she has a good back story. There were twists and turns in Violet and Damian's relationship, and I loved the way they worked together, particularly when it came to the family's finances, and proved that Violet was no wilting flower. A fantastic start to a new series.

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This is my first book by this author and also the first installment of what looks to be a promising series, The School for Spinsters. Violet is a lovely, sweet girl with a kind heart. But because of a slight stutter she has and her shyness, she is ridiculed by the ton and has not yet had a successful season. She decides to take matters into her own hands and enrolls herself in the School for Spinsters. Damien is a rake, but he is also an Earl who needs to marry a wealthy heiress in order to pull his family out of debt. In the meantime, to gain some quick cash, he has taken up the offer from the headmistress of the School of Spinsters to bring Violet out of her shell and teach her how to interact with men. As their lessons progress, so does the attraction they feel for each other. But Damien needs to marry for money to help his family. Will he follow his duty or his heart?
This was a lovely introduction to this new series. The story was captivating and pulled me in from the very start. Violet was a lovely character, and I enjoyed seeing her growth throughout the story. The story was well-written with interesting characters and I am anxious to see what the next story brings!
I received a complimentary copy from Dragonblade Publishing via Netgalley and am voluntarily leaving my review.

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Unfortunately this one wasn’t working for me, gave up at around 30%.

I just felt quite uncomfortable with the plot and it wasn’t for me in the end.

Thanks for the opportunity!

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Thanks to NetGalley for a copy of this ebook and this is my freely given opinion.

I am a sucker for an underdog and wallflower.

The FMC of this character, Violet Edwards is a wallflower with a terrible stutter. She is horribly bullied by her own family, as well as the popular Society misses. She knows she is not much of a catch, and her self esteem is nonexistent considering even her mother demeans and derides her. But she is still a woman with dreams and desires of her own. They are simple dreams, of having a decent marriage and being a mother. In hopes of achieving this, she applies to be taken in as a student at the rumoured School for Spinsters, in the hopes of being made over into a woman who can catch a husband. Her plans are accelerated when she finds out her mother plans on sending her away to care for her elderly grandmother, a woman who has threatened to beat her out of her stutter.

The MMC, Damian Everett, the Earl of Scarsdale, is a handsome, popular man, but put into an untenable situation when his father, the Marquess, puts the family into massive debt through is profligate lifestyle and gambling. Despite it being his fault that his family is financially ruined, and his marriage is in jeopardy, he pressures Evans to save them by marrying the biggest heiress of the Season, the spoiled, cruel, selfish, pretentious, manipulative, but popular beauty, Lady Persephone, the daughter of the Duke of Westerford. Damian despises her, but dances to her tune in the hopes of courting and marrying her and obtaining her dowry. He hates that he must do so, but he loves his family and is willing to make the sacrifice. But he pushes back in his own way when Persephone mocks and makes Violet the target of her petty fun.

As part of her training at the School, the instructors determine that she must be broken down to build her up... and that she must be forced to be roused to passion and anger to fight back to become the woman she needs to be - to build her confidence and get her what she wants. As part of this, they force her into situations with a few of her nemeses, including Damian. Violet only sees that Damian is a part of Persephone's court and misconstrues his words and actions, thinking he is just as cruel and mocking as she is. But this becomes a bit of an enemies to friends romance as Violet and Damian grow to know each other better and become close.

Violet is likely one of the most bullied heroines in a historical romance in my recent memory, and such a shy wallflower. It even felt like the teachers were bullying her too, even though they had a rationale to it. But this was a sweet romance brewing between Damian and Violet and it was nice to read of Violet gaining her confidence and facing her abusers. I do feel though that neither Persephone or her father got their comeuppance for their ill treatment and interference of others and I wanted a bit of justice for Damian and Violet, from them. Parental figures did not show well in this story either, considering how Violet's mother treated her, and how Damian's parents had so much disregard for his feelings and future, and depending on him to save them from the consequences of their lifestyles and behaviour, especially his father.

So an HEA found between the two lovers - despite being surrounded by horrible people in their lives.

3.75 stars out of 5

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Could Violet Find Love While She Finds Her Voice?

Violet had a stutter and was ridiculed by some women of the ton. She decided to apply for the School for Spinsters to help her gain the confidence to find a husband. As Damian tutored her, the two found themselves falling in love. However, Damian needed and heiress to marry for the sake of his family, and violet was not one. Could love find a way?

I read many of this author's books several years ago and loved them. I was delighted to return to her stories. They are always entertaining and romantic. This book was no exception. I was angry on Violet's behalf, and I was rooting for the lovers to find a way. My only disappointment was that not everyone got their comeuppance. I am hoping one powerful duke and his daughter will get their due in the next book. I recommend this story to lovers of Regency romance.

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I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I enjoyed this book. The characters were easy to root for!

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Violet and Damian certainly brought some lively entertainment to this love story. Let me get this out of the way first. Persephony and Ashley would not be able to drink that water down lemonade drink’s because of the fat lips that they are sporting at the ball. Now on with the review. This was an excellent story written about a young woman and her dilemma of overcoming confidence and her speech impediment. The story brought facts and information to the reader that was clear and understanding. The story is a page turner filled with exciting twist and turns that helped build Violets confidence level. The characters are clearly outspoken and strong willed. Damian is the only one I believe that was a protector for Violet. Rachel is the one I think that offered Violet her freedom. The romance was sweet and very cheek. I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

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A Match Made in London by Michelle Willingham takes a different approach. Rachel Harding and her partner, Cedric Gregor, run a school for spinsters. They work with the young women to solve whatever problems they have keeping them from making a match, while at the same time search London for their perfect match. Cedric works in the guise of Mrs. Harding’s secretary. It is important that his true nature does not get out. If people think they are a couple, so be it. Violet Edwards has arrived before her stated time because she is running away. Her mother plans to send her to the country to act as a companion for her grandmother, a decidedly unpleasant thought. Violet is a wallflower. She has no confidence and she stutters. A dreadful combination. Some of the other young women are horrible to her and so she retreats further into herself. This is not who she wants to be. She has saved her pin money for months to pay for this. She is ready.
Mrs. Harper is not so sure, but she makes arrangements.

One of the people she hires to assist is Damian Everett, the Earl of Scarsdale. He needs money and he can certainly treat Violet as she will be treated by men of the ton. She needs him to help harden herself and gain the confidence she needs to handle the situations with which she will be presented when out in society. He is really a shy man, but circumstances will not allow it. He feels terrible about what he is doing to Violet but he needs the money. This was certainly a different approach to a Regency romance. It was a good one, though. Of course, they fell in love. That was predetermined, but watching them make their way to that point was highly entertaining. Interesting point of view. I am anxious to get further into this series. I recommend it.

I was invited to read a free e-ARC of A Match Made in London by Dragonblade, through Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are mine. #Netgalley #Dragonblade #MichelleWillingham #AMatchMadeInLondon

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This is my first book by Michelle Willingham and it will not be my last. A Match Made in London had a perfect blend of chemistry and characters you wanted to root for.

Violet Edwards is painfully shy and is threatened and abused by her family. She enrolls at the School for Spinsters to try to land a husband. She thinks her training will just be some fashion advice and walking with a book on her head. Oh no! Headmistress Rachel and "fairy godfather" Cedric will break Violet down, get her angry until she has the confidence to stand up for herself. I really loved Violet (even if her transformation was pretty quick, I love that she found her empowerment.)

Damien Everett, Earl of Scarsdale, is looking for a rich heiress to save his family. His father is a drunk and they are deep in debt. He takes a "job" with the School to teach Miss Edwards how to talk to a man and how to defend herself, all the while unaware that the matchmakers are at work. He is instantly attracted to Violet and the reader knows he's one of the good guys. But Violet isn't an heiress, so he, of course, tries to fight his attraction.

He courts and proposes to Lady Persephone, a horrible shrew. I think his involvement with Persephone went on way too long and she and her father never actually get their comeuppance. There was no scene where we get their reactions to the HEA of Violet and Damien and to a few other things Damien was involved in. The ending felt a bit rushed and I felt like a few key scenes were missing.

This was a fast paced story. I really loved the chemistry between Violet and Damien, even though I didn't fully trust Damien and I think he played with Violet's heart too long.

Nitpicking: It was a little strange to me that all the parents and grandparents in the book were referred to by their first names, even by their relatives.

I would love to read a book about Rachel, Cedric, and Lady Ashleigh. I bet that Mean Girl has some delicious secrets.

Thanks to NetGalley for a copy of this book. All thoughts are my own and freely given.

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Violet Edwards is painfully shy with a terrible stutter. Despite her mother’s threats to send her away, she has plans of her own to win a husband. She enrols herself in the infamous School for Spinsters, where she hopes to be transformed from a wallflower into a breathtaking debutante. Damian Everett, the Earl of Scarsdale, is a charming gentleman seeking a wife but his father’s mountain of debts have left him with no choice but to wed an heiress. When he’s offered a generous stipend to help a shy wallflower, he can’t refuse. All he has to do is provoke Violet Edwards into finding her backbone.
The first book in a new series & a lovely starter, well written with strong characters. I really liked Damien but I loved Violet who was shrinking at the beginning but grew in confidence & I adored her gradual transformation. I loved the chemistry between Damien & Violet & how it got hotter & hotter. I loved how Damien saw the real Violet & that he could be himself with her. Whilst I thoroughly enjoyed the book & look forward to more I felt the ending was rushed, was Gran rich & was Violet her heir, I also wanted the Duke & Persephone to get their just desserts & hope this happens in a future book
My review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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She Deserved To Be Loved For Herself!

Violet a shy stuttering wallflower has only one dream to find a man who could love and adore her forever, have a happy home and family life. She had noticed Damian the Earl of Scarsdale but knew he was out of her league.

Damian had turned over a new leaf, he was no longer the rake he used to be and now had to find a heiress to get his family out of financial trouble.

With the help of the School for Spinsters, Violet is trying to become a better person, to build confidence and become someone who would be noticed and loved for herself. Damian is one of the people chosen to help with this. He sees the true Violet and starts to fall in love with her but his head is telling him he cannot be with her, he needs to marry well.

A witty romantic love story proving that anyone can overcome their fears and rise above the bullies of the world! Violet worked hard to be accepted, building her confidence and become the person she grew into who did deserve all the love and attention she received from the love of her life Damian.

A beautiful emotional steamy storyline with a HEA!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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She is a wallflower, he is a rake....

Yep, it starts with a tried and true trope. Damian is a very experienced rake who has skated by on his good looks, but now he needs to set aside his ways and marry a duke's evil daughter o save the family from financial ruin (thanks dad, for gambling the family fortune away and then some.).
The earl is good intentioned but determined to marry the evil Persephone as its the quickest way to restore the family fortune.

Violet, has a stutter, is a plain wallflower with little money and a horrible mother (they kind of both have shady parents). She has saved her pin money to pay for lessons on how not to be a wallflower ( love Mr. Gregor, he's so clever). and Damian is hired to tutor her in confidence lessons, something Violet is lacking (oh, Violet, she has so much potential!).

This a a great read with familiar tropes but written with a deft hand so you are engaged with the characters and invested in their plight.

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Violet's shyness and her stutter repels men of the ton. Her family and acquaintances openly ridicule her.

Now she has found that her mother has planned to send her to the country to live with her horrid grandmother to be her caregiver. Shut away until she dies -- the only way to avoid such a dreadful fate is to marry, fast.

This is a good book that was enjoyable to read which had underlying messages about respect, dignity and a persons ability to make their own choices.

I'm looking forward to book 2 which will be out June 2023.

Thank-you to Dragonblade Publishing and NetGalley for providing me with a digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.

#AMatchMadeinLondon #NetGalley

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Book: A Match Made in London
Author: Michelle Willingham
Series: (The School for Spinsters, Book 1)
Publisher: Dragonblade
Book Length: 272 pages
Overall Rating: 5/5 Stars
Blog Rating: 5/5 Saltire Flags

London, 1816

This book is centered on the introverted Violet Edwards who has a speech impediment and the ton’s cold hearted debutants make it a million times worse as they cruelly imitate Violet’s stutter, putting her down and bully her every chance they get! Violet unfortunately is an easy target since she has such low self-esteem and never defends herself. Even her own mama is embarrassed by her daughter's stutter and convinced she will never acquire the needed husband, feeling her daughter is a total failure as a woman!

Violet overhear’s her mentally abusive mother tell her friend how she plans on stealing Violet's entire dowry and giving it to her younger sister, claiming it will make her more appealing and desirable to attract a husband. She also secretly plans to send Violet away to the isolated country to care for her ailing mother-in-law, who is extremely selfish and abusive, who believes daily beatings will cure Violet of her stutter! Basically her mother mentally abuses her and her father’s mother will physically abuse her every time she opens her mouth. Well Violet is having none of that and has her own plans to obtain a husband!

Violet had heard "The School for Spinsters” worked wonders for one of her wallflower friends, and it is her last resort at this point. Now she has signed up and is being interviewed hoping the school’s headmistress will accept her and allow her entrance for “The School for Spinsters.” This is where she hopes to kick the shyness and stammer out of her life for good and become the type of beauty she has always envied and capture a kind husband.Well that is what she fantasized about until she realized the school hired a swoon worthy rake she despised as her teacher! One who had hurt her terribly in the past!

Damian Everett, is the Earl of Scarsdale, was previously known as the infamous rake, but is now known as the charismatic handsome gentleman seeking a wife, due to his fathers outrageous gambling debts! He needs to marry for money, which means she must be a wealthy heiress to save his family since his father left him and his sisters in such dire straits! However his father still continues to gamble even when he has asked these gambling establishments to not allow his father in, but not all of them listen! Furthermore his father throws the guilt completely and unfairly on Damien’s shoulders! He is basically his family's sacrificial lamb where he must marry for financial gain and not for love which his sweet sister finds totally devastating and unfair! However, Damien hates watching his sister and mother sell their belongings, plus keeping this a secret from the ton or they would be socially ruined!

Desperate times call for desperate measures, therefore he really doesn’t have a choice in this matter and the only family in London that can cover their debt is the most awful woman, the spoiled Lady Persephone Camden who is a wealthy Duke’s daughter but also enjoys being courted by so many gentlemen. It's just a game to her and she is also Violet’s main bully who cold heartedly teases her every chance she gets. So when the school headmistress makes Damien a generous offer finding out about his family’s financial difficulties it is hard to turn down and he could not refuse. Even though he being a titled gentleman should not be working in trade at all but everyone had promised to keep this totally confidential. Furthermore it is the only woman in London who despises him, Violet Edwards!

Although soon the table’s change and he see’s Violets inner beauty as well as her outer beauty, but he must make her believe it too. However, he is determined to show Violet her self worth but soon these lessons turn into desire and finding himself totally smitten with a woman for the first time ever! The problem is she can not financially save his family so does he turn his back on his family or the woman he loves? Now that he has fallen madly in love with Violet will he abandon the woman who owns his heart for his family who are overflowing in debt? What shall he decide and will this destroy Violet and all the progress and self worth she has finally accomplished? Find out what happens in this rake and the wallflower novel and see who will win in this game of love!

Another spectacular book and what a grand start in this brand new series, The School for Spinsters by award winning author Michelle Willingham. Any time I read a Michelle Willingham book I know it’s gonna be another satisfying, fun, fast paced, romantic adventure that I will absolutely love! However, I have been reading Ms. Willimgham’s books since her debut in 2007 with her MacEgan Brothers series. I alway finish each book completely satisfied with a smile on my face, as they are absolutely captivating, fascinating and so much fun to read and get completely swept away in!

There is nothing more delightful than a Michelle Willingham book one of my go to authors! I am so happy she joined Dragonblade Publishers too with such a brilliant pack of authors! Again, I highly recommend this gripping tale by this extremely talented author as it is definitely a book you don't want to miss!

The School for Spinsters
Book 1 - A Match Made in London
Book 2 - Match Me, I’m Falling
Book 3 - Match Me If You Can

Disclaimer: I recieved an Advance Reader Copy from Dragonblade publishers. I voluntarily agreed to do an honest, fair, review and blog through netgalley. All words, thoughts and ideas are my own.

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4 stars

Good story and start to a series. Violet has a horrible stutter. Her mother isn't very sympathetic and says as she hasn't made progress she's sending to her grandmother who in the past has been scathing. The mother wants to concentrate on the younger sister who is always nice to Violet. Violet hears of a school that takes on debutante's with issues and decides that she'll give it one more try. The school is run by a widow and her gay friend. He is out and about in society and sees and hears all. He knows Damien has money troubles but thinks he might be a good match for Violet so he bribes him to teach her the waltz. Violet becomes annoyed at Damien and this helps her become more assertive. Damien is keen to marry a Duke's daughter but Violet suggests this is a bad move because Persephone is very selfish and callous. There's also a longer arc about the duke undermining Damien's father and stealing money. Violet falls in love, realises it's hopeless so ends up with her Gran who isn't as bad as she thought as Gran had taken her daughters ideas of Violet.

I'll look out for the next one!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Fast read with lots of romance and tugs on the heartstrings. Love the cover art. This would make a great anytime read but it was definitely well- suited to the spring. All around satisfying reading experience.

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I recall reading and enjoying a book from this author many years ago. So, as soon as I saw the gorgeous purple cover on this one, I knew that I had to read it. I generally shy away from stories involving "tutoring" but this was not the same tired old plot. Wallflower Violet appealed to Mrs. Harding's school for spinsters because she desperately needed to learn the skills required to find a husband. Enter the Earl of Scarsdale. Damian's family was on the verge of financial ruin and he reluctantly agreed to assist with Violet's lessons. Obviously, over time, the lessons become real.
This book was very entertaining. It made me laugh, cry and stay up all night reading it. The dialog was witty and there were a few plot twists that I did not see coming. I am eagerly awaiting the next installment in this series.
I received a free ARC from NetGalley and this is my honest review.

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Miss Violet Edwards has had her confidence trampled down by her mother and the "mean girls" from her generation just because she has a speach impediment. A girl can only take so much before her self preservation kicks in.
Damien Everett, the Earl of Scarsdale only has one choice to save his family from the problems his father is causing.He must marry an heiress.
This historical romance is about our characters learning how to take control of their own lives, and the courage that needs. It is a slightly steamy read, but it has more difficult emotional scenes especially for our heroine.
This is the first book in a new series by an author I've not read before. I will certainly be reading the rest of the series. I look forward to it.
Good fun.

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This is the 1st book of The School for Spinsters Series, it can be read as stand alone. My first in this series and this book is good.  Violet Edward is a wallflower, shy and have problem with speaking. Her mother underestimate her, girl around always mocking her. This is not stoppig her to change, she want to learn and transformation become more confident and brave. Damian Everett, the Earl of Scarsdale wrap into problem, his father have gambling and drinking problem and bring the family down. Now he try to save his sibling by married an heirs. Violet and Damian first encounter not so good, somehow Damian helping Violet to be more confident. I adore Violet brave to change, i annoyed by Damian wish wasy, at the end i enjoy the dynamic in this book.

Thank you to NetGalley for provide this book, it is pleasure to review this book.

#AMatchMadeinLondon #TheSchoolforSpinsters #MichelleWillingham #DragonbladePublishing #NetGalley #ARC

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Damian Everett, the Earl of Scarsdale, sees only one answer to his family's need to get out of debt, marry for money. Lady Persephone Camden is one of the wealthiest heiresses, but also the most unpleasant and vindictive, and the bane of Miss Violet Edward's existence. Painfully shy with a stutter, she is already unsuccessful after three seasons. To get away from her mother and help finding a husband, she applies at Mrs. Harding's School For Young Ladies. To be accepted, Violet must be successful in accomplishing certain challenges. Damian is offered money in Mrs Harding's plan to help Violet with her stutter and to overcome her shyness, but it's more than money that draws him to Violet. Violet sees him as the husband she wants, but can never have. Mrs.Harding is very clever in how she challenges Violet to overcome her fears and manipulating the one man that is perfect for Violet.
A lot of steam with descriptive sex and a perfect trope.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book.

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