Member Reviews

I was given a copy in exchange for an honest review.

A wonderful choice for anyone who are lovers of the epic fantasy subgenre. It is an incredibly well-written book. The star rating is tied to me being roughly confused with some aspects of the book, which should not discourage anyone who sees this.

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Echo of the Everycry is an epic fantasy that has so many good ingredients it's hard to know where to begin.

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I love a magical realism book and this one was no exception. I requested this on a whim because it sounded good and I am so glad I did because I loved it!
I have a complete book hangover now, this was a totally immersive magical experience and I wish I could relive it!

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It was well written but the story was way to long and predictable. I was bored multiple times throughout and nothing really pulled me in. I liked the idea and the way it was worded, but that's about it.

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Definitely not what I was expecting from the opening chapters! Loved it!

***Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher for providing me with a digital copy of this book to review.***

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This book was such a lovely surprise that once I started I found it hard to put down. The world building was rich and the plot was fast paced which is something I really enjoy. There a couple several plot twists that I didn’t see coming and a few I did. I love the complex lore and history of magic that this book had. It was really well written and easy to understand.
The characters were well developed and had plenty of depth to them.
This story follows our main character Larissa who doesn’t end up on the path she expected. Larissa is drawn to magic when she knows what happens if you use it. Larissa ends up on a quest to save her mother only for dark truths to come to light. She also learns secrets about the sisterhood she did not expect. From the beginning to the end you can see how much Larissa develops as a character and how she learns to own her abilities.

I’m eagerly awaiting the next book in the series for this one! I definitely recommend this one.

Thank you to Netgalley, the Publisher and the author for an advance copy in exchange for my honest review.

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I found this book so hard to get into. I suspect that while the initial idea was interesting to me, the tone and content just wasn't suitable - really sorry, it was a DNF for me.

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I seem to be drawn to sisterhood stories lately and this was no exception. I really loved seeing Larissa's character develop and come to terms with the magic in her. The fact that we get to see the cast of darkkins in the story really gave it an interesting dimension, we're not seeing the story from the society's heroes' eyes. The journey she went through was a ride ! So many things happened, it doesn't let any time for boredom, it's action packed, and not pretty. Harsh with the external and internal battles Larissa had to fight, I'd recommend it to anyone looking for action, character development, hidden truths and plot twists !

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This book was a surprise for me. I was hoping for an easy read, nothing special. But Wcho of the Evercry is not an easy read,not something you would pick and just skim through it. It's an absolute page turner. From the beginning you are thrown into the plot and you have to understand it. But there's magic in it. Author easily showed the way the world is functioning, and I love how it is working. I love magic and swords. Love the way they were cooperating.

I am in love with this book.

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The world building and character development in this book was strong. Even though early on, I did get a little bogged down in the intense world building, I know it was necessary for the full development of the storyline.

Main character, Larissa is well fleshed out. You know almost from the beginning what her weakness is....that she feels like she's let her mother down by not fulfilling many of her responsibilities as a fighter. Also, she has a strong attraction to magic which is often dangerous in her world since it can corrupt and then destroy you.

Larissa travels on a search for her mother and along the way, she finds something else about herself and grows and maturers. She will also learn that people aren't always what they appear to be and that she can't just reliability by looks alone.

Overall, a well=written book with very satisfying characters and storyline. Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC. I voluntarily chose to read and review it and the opinions contained within are my own.

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lthis was a great fun for me! i was fortunate to acquire an e-ARC of this book. it's a great fantasy with badass women characters taking centre stage. the first few chapters of the book were difficult for me to get into because it was difficult to grasp how everything functioned. but once you understand it you’ll be immediately drawn into the world. there’s a bit of romance hint but it is not focused on that at all. i adored the core trio women and how distinctive they were from one another. this book is an intricate tale of magic, adventure, and sisterhood featuring female knights and dark magic, with a magical world that will engulf and captivate you until the very end.

thank you to the author and netgalley for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Title: Echo of the Evercry
Author: E.J Dawson
Publisher: BooksGoSocial
Publishing Date: July 1, 2023
Pages: 339
Genre: Fantasy
Rating: ☆☆☆☆

I really loved the whole premise of this book, and the story was amazing. The lore and the complexity of the Evercry and the world that E.J Dawson built was amazing and thoroughly enjoyable.
It took me a while to get through it, which I don't really understand why. I really loved the story and the characters and the plot was great! I just didn't get super invested in it and I found myself distracted while reading it.
That being said though, I would HIGHLY recommend. I think perhaps the mood reader in me was really looking for something else at the time and I think that my mood doesn't reflect the talent and level that this book deserves!
I found myself really thinking a lot about the Everlight from Critical Role's Vox Machina... Although the only significant comparison would be the name. I think it threw me a little bit and kept me from immersing myself completely into the story.
Definitely the book deserves at least 4 stars. I would even go so far was to say if I pick up this book again one day I may up it to 4.5 or even 5 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for sending this book for review consideration! All opinions are my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley and E.J. Dawson for letting me review this book.

There are secrets, magic and more. I like the action scenes in this book.

The beginning felt like a blur. There was so much new information. Some of the names are too similar as well, like Larea and Larissa. But there were definitely parts I enjoyed. However, towards the end my interest faded. I still gladly finished the book, though.

I love that there was a content warning right at the beginning.

I recommend this book to everyone who loves to read Robert Jordan's books. There's a lot of well done worldbuilding in this book too.

Nice worldbuilding

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ove the premise of the book. The idea of castes within a pseudo-religious type of organization that includes knights and magic is interesting. However, I think the delivery of it could use a little work.

The writing read a little like an early draft of the book. The book could definitely be longer and offer a lot more for the reader. There were a lot of times throughout the book where I was looking for more explanation, more details, and even more world building. The plot twist at the end was great. I definitely didn’t see any of that coming. I do think the climax was a little too fast paced though. Again, more detail and world building would definitely benefit this book. I am also still a little confused about the Evercry; is it it’s own entity or just what the person turns into once they have been overtaken? Is there one Evercry that separates its power into agents? Unknown at this point.

The character growth was great. The empowerment at the end made the read worth it. The side characters are also likable. I do think there could have been a little more tension/animosity drawn out between Larissa and Valare. The almost immediate give in to the friendship was a little disappointing.

eARC received from NetGalley via BooksGoSocial

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Echo of the Evercry was such a captivating read. NA Epic high fantasy that was fast paced from start to finish and a different take on the magic system than I’ve read before. If you loved the political intrigue of the Cruel Prince or Fourth Wing, this is for you.

Larissa was such a relatable character and her development arc was one of my favourite parts of the story as you really see her find herself, becoming the assertive, strong woman she is. The story actually embodies a lot of women empowerment, featuring very few male characters which I enjoyed.

It’s also rare for me to not predict a plot twist but I did not see that ending coming and can’t wait to see what the next book brings!!

⚔️Plot twist
⚔️Political Intrigue
⚔️Found Family

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with a free eARC in exchange for an honest review!

While this book did have good character development and interesting worldbuilding, I unfortunately found myself quite bored at times and it took me a while to get through this. It was also a bit confusing near the end, and even though the climax is supposed to be the most interesting part, once again, it was kind of a slog to get through. I think this is just the kind of story that wasn’t for me, and plenty of other people would enjoy it.

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Oh. Oh wow. I went into this book with little knowledge of the author and their story telling style and oh wow was I blown away! This book checks all the marks for me and has peeked my interest in checking out the author’s other stories.

Echo of the Evercry is a fantastic Fantasy with a setting that is fully fleshed out with backstory, religion, and large world. The author dives into beautiful details of the world and paints a myriad of images to immerse one into their creation.

Characters: Main Female protagonists, wide range of personality, growth, and dynamics, engaging dialogue, relatable fears and desires. Their drives and personal story arcs make sense and fit well into the plot and with each other. 10/10

Plot: Twists and turns and when you think all the secrets have been revealed, hi, there’s more! It keeps you on the edge of your seat and turning the page rapidly, aching to know what happens next. The action is riveting and keeps you invested. The rhythm of the story is well plotted out, allowing for breaks between plot reveals and high action sequences that are just long enough to digest what happened and short enough to keep the pace of the story going.

The story has a Wheel of Time’s aes sedai vibe that I absolutely loved. (I’m sure it helps that the aes sedai are one of my favorite parts of the WoT series)

I would absolutely recommend this book if you’re looking for a fun quick Fantasy read!

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I love when a book blindsides me in the best one and this absolutely did that! If you are on the hunt for romance, this is not the book for you. If you are searching for drama, action, plot twists thrown at you that leave you second guessing who the villain really is grab this. Just do it. I absolutely need more from this world and this author.

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Thoroughly recommend this book - a woven tail of magic, adventure and sisterhood involving female knights and dark magic. The author has created a magic world that envelops you and draws you in. I can’t wait for a sequel. Thank you to #netgalley and the publisher for an advance copy. I will be seeking out more works by this author

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This book sucked me in almost immediately. Amazing world building, badass female characters finding themselves, plot twists. Just read this book! Totally worth it.

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