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The Taken Ones

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Ahh!! I really hope this is a series. I need more!! Great suspense & twists. This might be my fave Jess Lourey to date.

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Until The Taken Ones, I’d only read Lourey’s Murder by Month mysteries. As I like her humoristic and down-to-earth style, I wanted to try one of her thrillers and wasn’t disappointed! Loved this book, even though I usually don’t pick books centering around child abuse. Full of unexpected plot twists throughout, well-paced. I wasn’t sure whether I would fully warm up to Van, the main character, until at about 70%. After that, I read in one sitting and LOVED the ending. Will read more of her thrillers and am looking forward to the sequel!

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No one does it better than Lourey when it comes to missing girls and timelines set in the past. This one alternates between summer of 1980 and the present. We meet a cold case investigator with secrets of her own and a her partner, a forensic investigator. This was such a well written book that zips along at a fast pace. This is book one in a new series by Lourey and I definitely going to read book two and beyond. I highly recommend this to any mystery reader, especially one who grew up in the 80's like I did.

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The Taken Ones
Jess Lourey

Synopsis: Summer 1980: Despite the local superstition that the Bendy Man haunts the woods, three girls go into a Minnesota forest. Only one comes out, dead silent, her memory gone. The mystery of the Taken Ones captures the nation.

Summer 2022: Cold case detective Van Reed and forensic scientist Harry Steinbeck are assigned a disturbing homicide—a woman buried alive, clutching a heart charm necklace belonging to one of the vanished girls. Van follows her gut. Harry trusts in facts. They’re both desperate to catch a killer before he kills again. They have something else in common: each has ties to the original case in ways they’re reluctant to share.

OMG, Jess Lourey writes such creeptastic tales. Once you pick them up you are fully immersed and The Taken Ones was no different. I was so caught up in this twisty tale and struggled to put it down. I was furiously flipping the pages to find out whodunnit! It was dark, gritty, and unpredictable.

All of her books are set in MN and I love it so much. It makes me feel so in the know while reading. This one had heavy Minneapolis references and I could clearly picture everything she described in vivid detail.

There are so many moving parts to this story and this detective duo. We end with an epilogue that absolutely has me craving more. Well played Lourey! I cannot wait to see where this series goes.

What I loved;
✨ Suspenseful Crime/Mystery
✨ Dual Timelines
✨ Flawed MC’s
✨ MN Setting

A huge thank you to Thomas & Mercer and NetGalley for the digital ARC, and to Jess Lourey for the gifted physical ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I have read most of Jess Lourey’s books but this is by far my favorite book. I love the character Van and I hope there are going to be lots more books coming with her in them. There are several storylines in this book that are just chilling. I caught myself several times holding my breath or tapping my foot in nervousness. I didn’t want it to end but at the same time I was dying to see how it ended. This is one book that you have to read. I have had it finished for several days and can’t stop thinking about it.

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This was one of my most anticipated @netgalley books I had! I've never read anything by Lourey. (That will now be changing!) It opened up with finding someone buried alive. That's one way to punch this book open!

There were a LOT of moving parts in this, including flashbacks to a wild past of the MC, which I ended up wanting a whole book on. I had such a hard time putting this one down this weekend, I was hooked. AND THEN SHE LEAVES YOU ON A CLIFFHANGER. (The book is wrapped up, don't worry. But now this will clearly be a series with these two officers which I am VERY excited about.)

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Small town cold case is opened up after a woman is found buried alive 👀

I loved Van and Harry! Van had the most outrageous childhood and I think it helps her with cases. Some of the nightmares seem a little weird but it works. It adds something to the story.

I really couldn’t figure out what happened all that time ago but the story kept me reading until I found out and it was super interesting!

The ending really sets up us for a good book 2!

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The Taken Ones is the first in a new series by Jess Lourey. I’m a new fan of this author this being my first read, but suffice to say it won’t be my last. Jess Lourey knows how to write compelling, complex and likeable characters. This one features our main character, Van who escaped a traumatic childhood to work investigating cold cases. The story features flashbacks to our heroines past which were chilling and foreboding. I am hoping that future books will explore more of her backstory and childhood. I read this book over two days, I couldn’t put it down. Jess Lourey writes a masterpiece of a thriller you won’t want to miss. I can’t wait for more Steinbeck and Reid.

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Really enjoyed this novel. Story was very interesting and engaging. Looking forward to reading more by this author. Highly recommend!

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Evangeline Reed was a woman with some seriously disturbing secrets, at least one of which threatened to sideline her in a quest to put to rest a decades old and still ongoing crime. Jess Lourey, the author who created Reed and put her in the new novel “The Taken Ones,” continues in her own ongoing and highly successful quest to lure various facies of her readers’ limbic systems into a dark room and her her way with them.

Evangeline’s childhood was a horror, a horror that seems to have given her a gift, and a drive, that she would eventually put to use as a Minneapolis homicide cop to save lives, and to help snatch others from their own horrors. Known in adulthood as Van, detective Reed required the trust and goodwill of her partner to literally turn her nightmares into evidence, and procure extremely unlikely legal convictions. But that partner was now gone, and Van Reed was now barely holding on to her job as a cold case investigator for the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, her drive and her apparently preternatural evil detector now untethered.
There is an abyss, and Jess Lourey knows where it is. The Taken Ones, a complex mystery-adventure with a terrifying antagonist, a really annoying boss, a close-in set of very sympathetic compatriots, and a real jerk-face of a rival, implores the reader to visit multiple abysses, which may or may not (no spoilers) be linked in interesting ways.

Agent Harry Steinbeck, straight laced, well bred, and very put together forensic scientist is now the closest thing to a partner to Van. He seems to know more than he lets on. The years 1980 and 2022 bookend the activities of a spooky, demented, and highly unusual taker-killer. The four decade gap in time allows Lourey to create complex and interesting then-and-now type characters that seem to appear in many of her books.

You should read several of Lourey’s books, many of which are organized in series. The Taken Ones sports the subtitle “A Reed and Steinbeck Thriller.” We can rightfully assume that this is the first in a series, and it looks like it is going to be an excellent ride. I strongly recommend you pick up The Taken Ones as soon as it is available (pre-order here), then wait impatiently with the rest of us for the second Reed and Steinbeck to come out. In the meantime, read Lourey’s breakthrough book “Unspeakable Things,” her latest and highly acclaimed “The Quarry Girls,” and one of my favorites “Bloodline.”

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A woman is buried alive and two girls have vanished. This is a great story and definitely one that everyone should read. This is a new author for me but i really enjoyed this book. It was very suspenseful and keeps you guessing until the end. Don't miss out on this amazing read.

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As usual with Jess Lourey novels I was gripped from the first page. By half a dozen chapters in, I was hoping that I wasn’t reading a standalone and hopeful for more Van and Harry. The multi-layered personalities of the two MC’s, their chemistry, a dastardly 40 year old mystery to be solved, forensics, a female sleuth. What more could you want?!! To say I loved The Taken Ones would be a huge understatement. Thanks for another page turner Jess! And thanks too to NetGalley for a free advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This is the first book I've read of Jess Lourey's and its one of my favorites so far this year.
My mouth ACTUALLY, not just figuratively, dropped, multiple times throughout the book, beginning as early as chapter 12 (first 25%). The plot twists kept coming.

I am honestly shocked that so many different stories, twists, turns, and aspects can be included in one book and Jess Lourey never fails to lose steam with any of them. Everything ties together and stays relevant. I've seen many authors try and fail. As a reader, it is very much appreciated!

Read. The. Book.

And when it comes to Harry...please hurry Jess! 🤣

*Thank you Jess Lourey, Thomas & Mercer, and NetGalley for this ARC. I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.*

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Thank you, NetGalley for the ARC!

I just could not get into the story, I didn't like how when a new chapter started it would start with a history lesson. Maybe I would have enjoyed the story more if I read the start story before to connect better with the characters. I might give the audio book a try instead but reading this book wasn't for me. I think people who like police proceedings will really like this book.

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The Taken Ones is another classic Jess Lourey book. It is fueled by wonderful characters and excellent writing.

The Taken Ones is a story narrated in two timelines. One in the summer of 1980, where two girls are kidnapped, with a third one returning traumatised with no memory, and the other one in the summer of 2022, where a body of a woman who has been buried alive has been discovered.

Jess Lourey is a tremendous storyteller, with an excellent knack for building suspense. The storytelling is utterly compelling, with twists and reveals set up at appropriate intervals, which led to good pacing in the story. It is incredibly atmospheric, portraying the haunting tone and the intensity of the crime. Jess Lourey hooks you in with her clever plot and her overall storytelling.

But, for all its merits, it is ultimately the characters, Van and Harry who drive the story forward. Van, in particular, is a brilliant lead - chaotic, brave and smart. Her background arc is superbly done, and the weight of her secret is an excellent addition to her character writing. Harry and Van have a great dynamic, and they balance each other off pretty well.

I do however wish that the supernatural elements in the story, despite how well it connected the plots, to have been explained a little better. But, since it is the first book in the series, I am holding out hope for this one and Harry's secret.

Thank you to Jess Lourey and Thomas & Mercer for the ARC.

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I am a long-time Jess Lourey reader, and it has been a pretty cool journey to see her find her stride and groove as an author. This book does not disappoint. Creepy, smart, good dialogue, numerous plot lines, interesting characters -- this book has it all. I was invested, and even though I didn't like the main character, I cared what happened to her. This is an auspicious start to what I hope becomes a long-running series.

Well done.

I received a complimentary copy of the book from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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5 stars all around! I loved this book and am very excited that it could possibly have a series, according to the Goodreads description that says "Steinbeck and Reed #1"!
This book centers around a cold case detective who is working with a police department that shunned her. They have to now work together to solve a new case of a woman buried alive to see if it could be connected to a cold case of three children, two that were taken and one survivor that may have seen everything. Det. Van Reed and her new partner Harry Steinbeck may have some old trauma themselves, which is factoring into how they handle these cases.
I absolutely love the description of the setting that Jess Lourey uses in her books. I LOVED Quarry Girls and I think the scene descriptions in Minnesota and in the 80s are just wonderful, and I thoroughly enjoyed the setting in this book. I cannot wait to read more of her books! Thank you to the author herself and Netgalley for trading this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Another great Jess Lourey book! I was instantly hooked. Great characters, a story that drew me in and held my attention the whole time. It could have turned into "too far out there" and unbelievable but it was told in such a way that made it completely believable. I want to read more Reed & Steinbeck adventures!

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Did I read this entire book in one sitting? Yes. Yes I did. Do I need more Steinbeck and Reed adventures right now?! Yes. Yes I do.

This book is a true crime/mystery lovers dream. Every single one of Jess Lourey’s books have hooked me from page one - this one was no different. I was completely shocked and creeped out by the reveal of who done it. And I will probably have nightmares about it lol.

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4.5/5 stars! Thank you to Jess Lourey, NetGalley and Thomas and Mercer for an e-ARC of The Taken Ones! I loved the Jess Lourey book I’d previously read, so I was beyond excited to dive into this one and it didn’t disappoint!

This book has multiple points of view & different timelines, which are both things I enjoy in a thriller and, of course, lots of twists and turns along the way! I absolutely hope that we see another Steinbeck and Reed thriller come out again soon because I absolutely loved them and their dynamic. I absolutely recommend adding this one to your TBR list and grab it when it publishes late this year (available to preorder on Amazon now).

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