Member Reviews

Joan Sample is a widow. Her husband died shortly before the pandemic, so between grief and isolation she let her old life go. When a letter from the neighborhood HMO and her birthday combine to show Joan that her life needed to change. Maggie Herbert is a nursing student working at a coffee shop. Living with her alcoholic isn’t helpful. Maggie’s busy life doesn’t have time for the cute customer who asked her out. As their lives change Joan and Maggie find that you Must Love Flowers.

Debbie Macomber’s Must Love Flowers be her most recent novel. When widow Joan Sample realizes she’s in a depression and rut, she’s determined to find the woman she once was. Between her grief and a pandemic, it’s been years of loneliness. Determined to change things Joan starts going to a grief support group and hires a landscaper to get her garden in shape. She also decides to take in a border. Maggie Herbert is a busy woman between her job at a coffee shop and nursing glasses there isn’t time for much else. Her alcoholic father only adds to the complications of her life. Maggie wants to find a place of her own. Must Love Flowers take two women on different paths in life and brings them together to become house mates, friends, and companions. As they become friends their lives take a turn for the better. Joan and Maggie are there for each other and the complications that their relationships bring. There’s a surprise connection that neither seen coming. They just find that moving on is a way to find new loves and experiences. Debbie Macomber writes a story of finding yourself after a huge loss and finally moving on with your life. Two women who start as strangers are brought together when they move in together. Add extenuating circumstances as there are neighbors, a dog and love interests as well as family complications. Must Love Flowers take a woman dealing with grief and loss and changes her life with the addition of a hunky landscaper and her two sons and the young border she takes in along with the new friends at her grief support group. Debbie Macomber writes a wonderful story of finding yourself again after a major loss and wanting to change your circumstances to keep your dream alive. Lives are changed, loss is shared, and loneliness is no longer an issue. Must Love Flowers a must read for Debbie Macomber fans. This fan enjoyed the story and am as always looking forward to her next story. This is a wonderful novel by a wonderful storyteller and if you’re looking for a great book to read, I’d highly recommend any of Debbie Macomber’s books.

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3.25/5 stars! So this book wasn't bad. It just wasn't what I wanted. It was touted as a contemporary romance, but it felt more like women's lit + romance. I enjoy contemp romance, but disliked this more general, less humorous, romance novel. I appreciated Maggie and Joan getting to know each other and there were some sweet moments, but it overall felt too sweet for my personal tastes. That said, the writing was exceptionally well done.

I received an advance review copy for free through NetGalley, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I always say that Debbie’s books would make excellent Hallmark movies and Must Love Flowers is no exception.
Great story of finding love and connection after the death of a loved one. This one does deal with some heavier topics but it’s done in an excellent manner.
Definitely recommend this book.

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I really enjoyed this rea. The characters and plot were great. The main character was in a stage of grief and found a way to get out of his and move on with her life. Was a great read I really enjoy Debbie's books!

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This was a great book and a interesting read. I loved the characters and the way the story went. I am in a bit of the same situation and it’s inspired me to get on with life.

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Debbie Macomber never fails. She writes a very clean enjoyable romance without going into "R" rating. This book had good characters that you could like. I enjoyed this book of life moving on for a widow.

Thank you to Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine and NetGalley for this ARC. This is my honest opinion and has no bearing on a free book.

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Thank you so much for the chance to read this. I really enjoyed it. I just love how it shows you that age in not a factor in falling in love. You can start over at any time of your life!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an advance copy of Must Love Flowers by Debbie Macomber in exchange for my honest review and opinion. I've been fortunate enough to have read numerous books by Debbie Macomber and they are all absolutely fantastic. She has a way of writing that just resonates with you and digs deep into your emotions. This book tugs at your heartstrings and makes you believe in love and happiness. I'm so appreciative of being given the chance to read this and tell all my friends about it so they can get their hands on it the minute it's published.

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Joan is a widow, who has struggled with her grief and trying to keep moving forward; staying inside and keeping to herself became her new way of life, after COVID hit. Maggie is stalled in her life, trying to keep herself afloat and graduate from nursing school while taking care of her alcoholic father. Maggie and Joan connect, and a beautiful friendship flourishes and helps them both. Their friendship is the best part of this book. (Maggie's sons are the worst, if you ask me - especially the way Nick behaves toward Maggie and his mother),

The characters deal with some pretty heavy topics and loss is a constant topic, but I feel like the healing and positivity are worth picking this book up!

I received a copy of this book through NetGalley; all opinions are my own.

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Must Love Flowers is a simple, sweet story. But I found it a bit dull, predictable, and too easily resolved.

This story is loaded with truths and unexpected healing from multiple sources as Joan, the main character, opens her eyes and heart. Would make a cute Hallmark movie.

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Debbie Macomber hits it out of the park again. I just love her books! They are well written and great stories.
Joan loses her husband and her way. After 4 years she gets a letter from her HOA that says her yard needs to be fixed up. She had let it go. She hires a landscaper, Phil. She also starts counseling and joins a group. And then she decides to rent one of her older son’s rooms to Maggie. The whole story was very believable and drew me in from the beginning.
Thank you to Netgalley and Random House Publishing for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Grief, everyone handles it differently. Joan who lost her husband suddenly just before the pandemic pretty much has become a recluse. Four years after her husband is gone on her birthday, she starts making a few changes. A new haircut, dinner out with her son and a funny message left on a landscaper’s voice mail start her life moving forward. Joan takes in a boarder and joins a grief group. She soon finds that there is a whole world waiting for her that she has missed. A very heartwarming story, I throughly enjoyed it! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Anyone who knows me really well knows that I love Debbie Macomber books. I am also probably not her target audience as I am only 24 years old. Still, her books are like the book equivalent of a Hallmark movie. While I enjoyed this story, I still believe that some of her favorite books are the Christmas novels she writes every year. I look forward to those so much! I would definitely compare her books to Elin HIlderbrand (another favorite author) or Danielle Steele! I can't wait to get my hands on Debbie's next book. This one was like eating and savoring a bar of delicious chocolate. Loved it! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me in exchange for my honest review!

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Reading Debbie Macomber is like disappearing for a bit from the every day and filling your time with family, friends, inspiration and love! Debbie has the ability to engage the reader, keep the story lines fresh and make the reader want more! This title had everything the reader could want (except maybe another title from the same author!)
Thank you to the publisher for allowing me to read this title prior to publication--I loved each and every word!!!

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Must love flowers by Debbie Macomber

This is a great book by Debbie. How is love her books always
Highly recommend

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When I need a break from mysteries and thrillers a Debbie Macomber book is perfect! Her books always feel like wrapping yourself in a warm cozy blanket. This was no exception, a heartwarming story with characters that by the end felt like friends. I do love flowers and I did love this story. I hope Debbie decides against retirement and continues to writes these heartwarming stories!

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Must Love Flowers by Debbie Macomber is a breath of fresh air. I mostly read fantasy, but I love a good Debbie Macomber when I want something light-hearted, with friendships and a cute puppy or guy. Must Love Flowers ticked all the boxes for what I was looking for then. Sometimes, you must be emotionally in the right place for a book. Must Love Flowers deals with the loss of loved ones, emotional parental abuse, and moving on from the death of a loved one. Our main character lost her husband four years ago and shortly before the pandemic, so like a lot of us, she is recovering from the death of her husband but also from being forced to stay at home, which has caused a lot of people to become isolated. But events transpire to pull her out of her isolation and grief, and doors are opened to so much more than she could have ever expected. Debbie Macomber's books are stories that pull at your heartstrings and usually bring you out smiling on the other side.

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MUST LOVE FLOWERS is a beautiful story of living life after the death of a loved one. Something that seems to have the power to stop life altogether. This dark time of life was written in the most loving and beautiful way and offers the reader hope. What better gift is there than that?

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Book Review: Must Love Flowers
Stars: 4 X 5
Author: Debbie Macomber @debbiemacomber
Publisher: Ballantine Book from Penguin Random House
Thank you @netgalley for the ARC

Joan Samples life has not been what she expected. She is now an empty nester who also happens now to be a widow. It has been few years since her husband passed and Joan has been unable to deal with her grief. She has become a recluse.
Her two son’s lives are busy and they forget things like her birthday which she ends up spending alone. After talking with her sister she finally decides to take her life back. Her house and her yard need a lot of TLC. She hires a Gardner for the yard and joins a grief support group.

Since she is an empty nester and she is alone in the house she decides to rent a room out. Along comes Maggie a nursing student who works as a Barista when not in school. Slowly as Maggie and Joan begin to know each other they become friends. Joan learns she can open her heart again. Maggie herself has family problems and finds life can be somewhat abnormal. Maggie and Joan find strength in each other. The both discover as life starts to normalize that they can open their heart to the possibility of love again.
Will these second chances be successful or not?

Debbie Macomber has always been on of my favorite authors. The topic in this book are different as the characters deal with grief, alcoholism, and depression to name a few but Debbie Macomber writes it all with a heart warming and uplifting way. After reading his story, I need to remember that not all family is blood related, family is who and what you want it to be. This book was a wonderful read and I am so happy that Debbie Macomber came out of retirement (after four months) to write it. This is a novel of self discovery, healing and found happiness.

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I have been reading Debbie Macomber books for years because she never disappoints! Must Love Flowers was a wonderful read full of important messages about hope, grief, love and the family you pick along the way. Joan has been widowed for four years and has become a bit of a recluse. After encouragement from her sister and a letter from her HOA, she goes to a grief counselor, takes in a boarder, and hires a lawn care company. With those decisions, she finds new friends and new purpose to rejoin the living (much to her two sons' relief). Maggie is the boarder she rents a room to, a college student working towards a nursing degree with a troubled home life. Together, these two women move forward on new paths. This is a quick read that will leave your heart full.

Thank you to Debbie Macomber, the publisher and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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