Member Reviews

Debbie Macomber is one of my favorite authors so when I was lucky to receive this book from NetGalley I knew I had to read it right away. I absolutely loved this one. I pushed everything aside and did not put this one down.
What a great story of friendship and two women that created a bond and they were each able to help one another in ways they didn't even know.
I highly suggest reading this book and I absolutely love the cover.

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Joan has been in a serious rut since her husband passed away unexpectedly several years ago. While she has been wallowing in her grief and Covid restrictions, life has gone on and suddenly Joan realizes she needs to do something to get her life back. I loved all of the many characters in this story and could not put this book down while I was on vacation. Debbie Macomber is a truly gifted writer and I appreciate her sharing her gift with us.

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I have been a reader of Ms. Macomber books for years. Her books have been touching caring heart-wrenching at times but always full of positivity and encouragement. In this story we meet Joan she lost her husband four years ago and still cannot function at all. She has shut herself off from the world. While waiting on her son to come celebrate her birthday she finds herself all alone when he does not show up. Her sister has been getting on her to start living again telling her she's too young to give up on her life. She begins to take her sisters advise her first step going to do her hair. While there she speaks to the owner about possible having a boarder in her home. So begins this journey for Joan as she welcomes young nurse student Maggie into her home along the way her son gives her a puppy and before Joan knows it her life has turned and change for the better. What I love about this book the romance is not the main theme this novel is probably more women fiction but I love how the story and little glimpse of romances aligned together. Another wonderful uplifting novel by Ms. Macomber. Review will be on goodreads and eventually on amazon.

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You can't go wrong with a Debbie Macomber book. Her characters are charming and relatable. Joan is a widow and life has throw her for a curve. Maggie Herbert has a terrible home situation with a father that spends all his time drinking. Joan take Maggie in as a boarder and life turns around for both of them. Joan finds love and Maggie reconciles with her father and gets him in rehab. A story of family, friendship and love as only Debbie can deliver..

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Debbie Macomber will always be a favorite author of mine and I immensely enjoyed "Must Love Flowers".

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A book that felt like a warm fuzzy blanket, I've been missing my Debbie Macomber reads, and this one felt like a great hug!
This is a story of love and loss, of death and rebirth, and all the while caring for others. We have widows and widowers, and those who have lost those dear to them. Moving on? Hard to do, but this story gives hope for those who need to put that foot out the door.
Loved how one step led to to so many more. Once they opened their hearts so many blessings came, and through the pen of this amazing writer.
You will be chuckling at how Edison arrives and worms his way into so many hearts! Also you will be giggling at banter that goes on here!
Now I'm waiting for another book!
I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Ballantine Books, and was not required to give a positive review.

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I'm so glad that Debbie is back. This a truly heart warming story. I love the interaction between the characters. Love will always find a way.

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Awesome book. I just love Debbie Macomber and I hope this is not her last book. I look forward to every book and this book did not disappoint. Losing someone is hard, I was there after 27 years and have found true love again so there is a special someone out there for everyone like in the story.

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"Must Love Flowers" by Debbie Macomber is a heartwarming and inspiring book that tells the story of Joan, a widow who had been living a life of solitude for the past four years. When Joan finally decides to take a chance on life again, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery that is both beautiful and emotional.

Macomber's writing is captivating and filled with vivid descriptions that bring the story to life. The characters are well-developed, and their interactions feel authentic and genuine. As Joan learns to navigate the ups and downs of life, the reader is taken on a journey of growth and self-discovery.

Overall, "Must Love Flowers" is a must-read for anyone looking for a heartwarming and inspiring story. Macomber's writing is both beautiful and thought-provoking, and the characters will stay with you long after you finish the book. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a touching and uplifting read."

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Joan Sample is trying to navigate life after the death of her husband, except really she is just hiding out. On her birthday, 4 years after the death of her husband, with the help of her sister and two sons Joan realizes she is has been in rut. The next day she receives a letter from her HOA regarding the condition of her lawn and flower beds which sets into motion a series of events that start the beginning of her journey towards healing. In this journey we meet a variety of people who help Joan along the way. Maggie is a struggling nursing student who is working 2 jobs and dealing with an alcoholic father. As Joan opens her home to Maggie they begin to help each with a unique and special relationship.
This book is a wonderful glimpse into life after the passing of a loved one being it is a spouse, parent or child. This book came at an interesting time for me as I am in the place of grieving my dad who passed away in December.

**Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley along with Debbie’s assistant who sent me an e-ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I love Debbie Macomber's book. She writes stories that effect my heart and my emotions. She is one of my autobuy authors and a favorite. She never writes a bad book and this one was absolutely fantastic.
I just reviewed Must Love Flowers by Debbie Macomber. #MustLoveFlowers #NetGalley
[NetGalley URL]

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Another great book by Debbie Macomber. She never disappoints. Her books are always full of raw emotions and this one was no exception.

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I’m so glad Debbie Macomber came out of retirement! I look forward to her books and this one is no exception. What a wonderful and heartwarming story about dealing with grief no matter if it’s a spouse, parent or child. She does an amazing job of writing this story with just the right touch. It includes some great characters, a bit of romance and some second chances along with a deep dive into how one handles loss. Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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So glad that Debbie came out of retirement! Her closets can wait. This is a classic Debbie Macomber story featuring love, loss, and growth. The stories of the characters start out separate and then are interwoven and tie together for a great story. I enjoyed this book and it was a quick, satisfying read. Thank you to the publisher and Net Galley for the ARC.

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Joan Sample is a widow living in the PNW. She is having difficulty dealing with her grief. She decides to get counseling, join a grief support group, and take in a young boarder who has problems of her own. This was a cozy quick read but not a lot happens. I thank NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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Joan has been wallowing in grief since the death of her husband four years ago. Then a gift card leads her to the hair salon and a chance conversation there leads her to Maggie, a nursing student. Maggie has been grieving the loss of her mother and her father’s descent into alcoholism. Joan is looking for a boarder and Maggie needs to escape her home. These two women will help each other with their journeys through grief and will discover that, as the clouds lift, there are second chances.

Must Love Flowers is a fast, totally enjoyable read. The characters are so real that they could be your neighbors and you know that all will end well. It’s Debbie Macomber at her best!Debbie, you can’t retire! Your closets can wait. 5 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley, Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine and Debbie Macomber for this ARC.

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Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book. Joans life hasn't been the same since she list her husband several years ago. She hasn't gone out much due to covid. She decided to make a change after her birthday. She had a college student living at the house and several other changes. This book was both well written and a joy to read. Cant wait to see what you write next.

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I am grateful that Debbie came out of her brief retirement to continue her life’s work. Debbie Macomber is known for writing warm and inspiring stories that pull you into the vivid lives of her characters. In “Must Love Flowers,” two struggling women in different life stages begin a serendipitous journey to find healing and rebirth after life-altering losses. It’s about working through unbearable grief and coming out the other side a new person. It’s about human interaction, love, family, friendship, and kindness.

Four years ago, Joan Sample’s husband, Jared, died suddenly of an aneurism. The moment her husband’s heart stopped, so did her life. It had been 4 years since Jared’s death and Joan was still living in isolation. Her sister Emmie and her two adult sons were very concerned about her. Emmie repeatedly suggested that Joan begin counseling, join a grief support group, or even rent a room to a border. Joan was terrified to take the next step, so she remained stuck in the quicksand of her home.

However, after spending yet another birthday home alone, Joan decided to take her sister’s advice. In a whirlwind of just a few weeks, Joan hired a landscaper to breathe new life into her once prized yard, began replanting flowers, signed up for one-on-one counseling, began making friends through a grief support group, and even rented a room to young nursing student.

Enter Maggie, a young struggling nursing student who lost her mother during childhood. She was working two jobs, going to college, and taking care of her abusive alcoholic father. She was sad and desperate when Joan came into her life.

Joan and Maggie quickly fell into a mother-daughter type relationship. Day by day, they helped each other rebuild their lives.

Supporting characters were also well developed and added diversity, depth, and new perspectives on life after loss.

I loved this book and was invested from page one. As I have also lost loved ones before their time, including a child and a parent, I immediately connected with the devastation, pain, and daily challenges that each of the characters faced.

I am grateful to Author Debbie Macomber, NetGalley, and Random House Ballantine Books for allowing me the opportunity to review this Advanced Reader’s Copy. This is a voluntary review, and all comments and opinions are entirely my own.

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What a lovely story.
Engaging & interesting.
I was captivated by the book
from the start. A beautiful
& emotional story of family,
love & loss.
Beautifully told with characters that charm and steal your heart.
Written in a heartwarming way, with honesty, humor, love, acceptance.
This is a must-read that leaves you feeling good.

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I read the blurb in the beginning about Debbie thinking about retirement. I am so glad she decided to continue writing.

I loved this book. It is a classic Debbie Macomber book. The characters are very likable and although they had separate stories, they were all interwoven. The story worked and it was a quick, enjoyable read. I didn't want to put it down.

Thank you to the publisher and Net Galley for an ARC of this book. This is my honest review.

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