Member Reviews

Inspirational! I’ve always suffered with low self esteem and negative self talk. This book is full of stories and anecdotes to help alter your mindset. Katie definitely knows how to relate to her readers. I also follow the author on instagram to get.a daily dose of motivation.

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This should be a must read for all women from teenage years to senior citizens! Women berate themselves far too much and what would our world look like if that pattern stopped??!! If we wanted our self first before anything else in our life, how would our individual and collective lives shift for better. Tremendously.
W.A.N.T is an acronym for women against negative talk and Author Katie Horwitch is the perfect role model for this way of being. Highly recommend the book.

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I’m working really hard on changing how I talk to myself, so this book gave me a lot to think about. I’m begging you to change the cover, this is not at all a book I’d pick up with how it looks right now. This book is accessible, but offers a lot of great advice in it. I appreciate the short chapters and the overall lay out of the book is great.

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Although I overall liked this book, I had a hard time getting into it. I wasn’t interested in the author’s stories about herself and her family; I just wanted to start working on myself. Once I got past the beginning, I found the book very helpful.

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I really enjoyed this book! Self talk is always an area that I can improve upon so I am always looking to find ways to shift my perspective. I don't know this author and so that was a barrier to understand her perspective but overall I really liked it. This is definitely a book I would have liked to have the audio for, but it was good.

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Katie has crafted a really important book with Want Your Self. Self-love and self-talk are among the topics she covers. I loved her examples and personal touches with the book. They paired really well with the facts and research about how important our self-talk and compassion are. I'm suggesting this book to my young nieces along with friends in my self-love coaching group. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. Five stars!

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