Member Reviews

As a parent, one of the most important things I can do is expose my child to the world’s diversity in a safe and fun way. Exploring disabilities can be difficult due to the lack in representation. This book was a great example of how we should never discount a person’s dreams and passions - a lesson anybody could and should respect and share. I’m glad to share stories with my 18-month-old son like this. While some of the bigger words would be better suited for a slightly older child, I will surely pick up a physical copy and read this to him again and again.

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A beautiful story of our differences and rising above our circumstances to obtain our goals and/or dreams. Beautifully colored illustrations. Overall a very meaningful story with hope and affection.

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I really loved this story and the illustrations. The author's history makes it much better, and I hope to see this on library displays soon.

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A great new rendition of a mermaid story!
Tatiana is a mermaid determined to win the championship, only she was born without her fluke fins. With the help of loving adoptive parents and a persistent teacher, Tatiana learns to swim faster than other mermaids with just the use of her arms.
A beautiful analogy of Jessica's own story.

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This was a great read for Disability Pride month, and a book our library is sure to purchase this fall. Long adapts the story of her life and career effectively, though the story feels a bit oversimplified at times. Despite the simplicity of the narrative arc, the tale conveys the fact that difference and disability doesn't disqualify your dreams, all without falling into the "inspiration porn" trope. O'Callaghan's illustrations are a perfect fit for an aquatic story, and her use of color makes each page pop. This will definitely be a hit with our younger readers.

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I love this book! As someone with a facial birthmark, who was also made fun of by her peers, I loved this book. What is different makes us special, which is the fantastic message of this book. I love that the main character is driven to succeed and was grateful they showed her struggle. I will recommend this to all the children I come in contact with at the library.

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I read this with my 2 year old that LOVES mermaids. This book fit in perfect with us working on being kind lately. She was easily able to recognize the other mermaids were not being kind to Tatiana because she appears different than them. I love the message of the book, the illustrations and it kept my toddlers attention the entire story. #ARC #netgalley

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This is such a cute and brave story. While I do not agree with the line "you can do anything you want to". I do agree with you can try for what you want to achieve and that is the success whether you win or fail at it. This was a simple and sweet story sure to inspire. I felt the little info about the real life person was more so inspiring. I thought the story could have had a little more details and growing up or trying and failing some or more like "the little engine that could" but I still found it so encouraging and cute.

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A fantastic book about determination and drive to succeed!

Tatiana is a mermaid with big dreams. She wants to compete in the Mermaid Games! After hearing one of the racers say that she'll never compete with no tail, she heads out to find the best coach on the reef to help her achieve her goal. Her new coach encourages her to use what she has, rather than think about what she doesn't. With a lot of practice and coaching, Tatiana is finally ready to compete in the games!

This book was amazing and stunning! If I had the ability to give it more than 5 stars I would! The Mermaid with No Tail will draw in readers of all ages and is a great book to recommend for those who like mermaids and sports.

Thanks NetGalley and Sounds True Publishing, Sounds True for the eARC!

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Gorgeous book, gorgeous author, and gorgeous message!

This 21-page book is about one of the most decorated athletes of all time, swimmer Jessica Long, with 29 Paralympic Medals. She also happens to have had both legs amputated below the knee. The book's message is simple and SO POWERFUL: 1) Your difference is your greatest gift, and 2) think about what you have vs. what you don't.

With an impressive foreword by *Michael Phelps*, this book is short enough to be read to very young children, but with fantastic illustrations by Airin O'Callaghan that will appeal to many children through elementary years. DEFINITELY a gifting book!

Pub date 9/26/23 - best of luck to Jessica as an author!

Thank you, Sounds True Inc., and NetGalley, for providing an eARC for review consideration. All opinions expressed are my own.

#inclusion #soundstrue #netgalley @jessicatatianalong @soundstrue @netgalley

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My daughter has been interested in Mermaids for 4 years. Finding a mermaid book that was inclusive and centered on a hardworking young lady was such a gift!

This heartwarming children's story is based on a real lift American Paralympic swimmer (Jessica Long), who wrote the book! With a foreward by Michael Phelps, the tone was set for the story (as the adult reader to a young girl, I was emotional already).

The illustrations are beautiful and the story was simple, but sweet and can resonate with readers no matter what their age. It's OK to be different.

When this book comes out, (September) I will pick up a copy for my little mermaid.
I would recommend this book to children who enjoyed the Pout Pout Fish Book series, and those that love Mermaids, and the ocean!

Thank you, NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for a review!

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This book is very cute, and I think it's so important to see representation spread to the fantastical in addition to the realistic stories kids consume.

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Thanks for this eARC!

This was such a sweet story of the grit and determination of a little mermaid without a tail, which mirrors the author’s experience with limb differences. My daughter was captivated by the sweet illustrations and compelling story of a champion in the making. This is a great starting place for discussions about both limb differences and the power of persistence. Loved it!

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Published: 09/26/23

Thank you NetGalley and Sounds True Publishing, Sounds True for accepting my request to read and review The Mermaid with No Tail.

The book is related to the author's life experience. Long was adopted, was born with birth defects that required below-the-knee amputations. Her parents encouraged her to always do her best, and that they believed in her.

She learned to swim and went on to the Paralympics winning gold. The book celebrates differences and hard work.

Giftable with several teaching opportunities available.

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I am a mother to a mermaid obsessed little girl. Just tonight even we watched Disney's "The Little Mermaid" to satisfy her need for more mermaid magic and strength. So, when I saw a story about the Mermaid with no tail, I knew I had to request an ARC to read to my daughter, and so that we could review it.

The story is a true story based on Jessica Long (US Paralympic Champion) and her journey to being an admired and adored athlete despite her disability. In the she is named Tatiana (her given birth name) and talks about her adoption, the initial rejection as an athlete when wanting to join in the prestigious mermaid games and how others made fun of her. It talks about her parents believing in her, and finding a coach to be on her team and celebrate her differences (hi Michael Phelps "Phelpsy").

It makes it clear to anyone reading that if you want goals to be achieved then you have to work hard, practice, practice, practice, and adapt and overcome things that might initially get in your way... like a mermaid with no tail fins.

I read this to my 4 year old daughter tonight, and the best reviewer for a childs book is a child, so I asked her what her favourite thing about this book was. She responded "I liked that even though she didn't have a tail she still learned to swim strong". So, the message was clear even for a four year old. It gave us a nice way to have open dialogue about working hard and believing in yourself, and even if you think you cant, you can with the right people behind you and the right mindset.

Overall, a lovely well written story that is inspiring to 4 year olds and 30 year olds alike. I will happily buy this book for our bookshelf on its release!

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The Mermaid with No Tail is an inspirational and beautifully illustrated book that teaches young readers to celebrate their differences and follow their dreams. Written by Jessica Long, a paralympic swimmer, this heartening story follows a mermaid named Tatiana who was missing her tail, but had a dream to compete in the underwater Mermaid Games. Despite the other mermaid racers telling her she wouldn't have a chance in competing, Tatiana was determined to prove them wrong. With the help of a shark named Phelpsy, Tatiana practices, competes and succeeds in becoming the champion of the Mermaid Games. This is a precious story that teaches readers a wonderful lesson. "The thing that makes you different is your greatest gift." I am looking forward to getting my hands on a copy of this book so I can share this amazing story with my elementary school students and other educators.

Thank you to Jessica Long, NetGalley and Sounds True Publishing for the ARC and opportunity to review this book!

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The Mermaid with No Tail is perfect for my collection of books as a child therapist. First, the illustrations are beautiful. Second, it portrays disabilities perfectly. My only criticism is the larger words, but they can be used as teaching moments. Highly recommend.

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This book was one of the cutest books we’ve read with disability representation. I loved the discussions we had about how someone who is disabled May look different, but they’re still the same on the inside. Truly loved it!

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This is a great book for teaching how to adapt for disabilities. Tatiana learned to swim without her tail and use her arms.

My second grader loved this book and learned about not giving up. It was a good reading level for her.

The illustrations were done really well and had a good amount of detail and color. "The thing that makes you different is your greatest gift."

Thank you to Sounds True Publishing and Netgalley for providing me a copy of this ARC for my honest review.

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I loved this! The story and art are both beautifully done. I liked the line “focus on what you do have instead of worrying about what you don’t have”.

We need to have more fantasy books with disability representation.

Thank you to NetGalley for making this available in exchange for an honest review!

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