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Review for 'The Wagging Tails Dog Home' by Sarah Hope.
Read and reviewed for Sarah Hope, NetGalley, Boldwood, Book & Tonic and Rachel's Random Resources Tours.
Publication date 31st May 2023.
This is the first book I have read by this author. It is also the first book in The Wagging Tails Dogs' Home Series.
This book is set in Cornwall, England 🏴, UK 🇬🇧. The bonus for me of books that are partly or fully based in the UK is that I live in the UK and have sometimes visited places mentioned in the book which makes it easier to picture. I absolutely love that this book is set in Cornwall which I absolutely love visiting and holidaying there, which I must admit was another thing that drew me to it and I cannot wait to see if I recognize any places mentioned.
I was originally drawn to this book by its eye catching cover and its intriguing synopsis and title. I am also a huge animal lover so any animal based books is a bonus for me!! I must admit I was also biased due to the publisher being Boldwood. I have yet to read a book published by Boldwood that I haven't enjoyed. Hopefully this won't be the first... Watch this space! (Written before I started reading the book).
This novel consists of 34 chapters and an epilogue. The chapters are short to medium in length so easy to read 'just one more chapter' before bed...OK, I know yeah right, but still just in case!
This book is written in third person perspective and the main protagonist is Ginny Stevenson. The benefits of third person perspective are that it let's you see the bigger picture of what's going on and you get to know more characters more, what they are thinking and what they are doing. It feels like you get to see the whole picture and not miss out in anything.
This book has fantastic descriptions that set you straight in the scenes. The cover, title and synopsis suit the storyline perfectly.
Where the heck have you been hiding all my life Sarah!!! Love, LOVE, LOVED this absolutely gorgeous page turner!! An absolute must read!!!
OMG!!! I absolutely LOVED this gorgeous pageturner and I cannot WAIT for the next book in this series to come out!! It is just guaranteed to be stunning!! As I previously mentioned, any books that revolve around animals is a HUGE bonus for me!!! I am a MASSIVE animal lover and after all my pets being rescues to then volunteering in rescues, working in rescues and now running my own little cat rescue (Golden Oldies Cat Rescue And Hospice which you can look up on Facebook if you are interested) I know exactly how Ginny feels and have the same passion running through me for the animals so I was 100000% invested in this beautiful storyline all about Wagging Tails Dog Home. Sarah even goes one step further than just writing a stunning fictional story about a dog rescue and that is the fact that she has not only based her beautiful story on a genuine no kill shelter called Wellidogs based in Grendon Northamptonshire and even helps to promote it in her notes so I want to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU AND WELL DONE Sarah for promoting what seems to be an amazing rescue but to also for your kind notes in your acknowledgements thanking volunteers and workers at dog rescues, such an amazing thing to do!!! I absolutely adore the fact that you based many of the rescue dogs in the books on the dogs at Wellidogs such as basing Ralph on Wellidogs resident dogs. Just amazing and I absolutely love it and I really cannot compliments this book enough!!! Even if you are a reader who has no experience with rescue at all Sarah's stunning and evocative writing skills will drop you straight into the middle of Wagging Tails Dogs Home as well as Trestow, Cornwall where she ensures you can hear the dogs' happy barks, feel the sand on your feet and smell Elsie's yummy pastries baking. This book is very well written with vivid descriptions setting the picture perfectly in the readers mind. The title, description and cover works perfectly with the storyline. It is one of those books that are very easy to read and perfect for any reading situations whether you are laying on a beach or curled up in front of a fire. It is an absolutely ideal read for anyone who is looking for a fantastic read that will have you hooked from beginning to end. I absolutely LOVED the realism of this storyline which made it so easy to picture everything that was going on which had been helped by Sally's fantastic evocative writing skills. I cannot wait to get hooked into more of Sally's books so I hope she is busy writing her next one!! This is definitely one of those books that will turn a frown upside down and make life seem a lot brighter. It is packed with fun, dogs, romance, heartbreak, friendship, laughter and everything you could ask for in a fantastic feel good book. I have more or less covered the storyline but it is about Ginny who works at Wigging Tails Dogs Home tirelessly trying to help the rescue dogs all needing their furever homes. Ginny and the team at the rescue are organising a Family Fun Event and are wondering why the local newspaper the 'Trestow Telegraph ' hasn't started advertising it like they normally do. When Ginny discovers the usual journalist she works with there has left and that Darryl has taken over she asks him to continue advertising. However, things take a turn for the worse when he writes several tiny articles with the wrong or damning information on them. When Ginny invites him to visit the rescue he shows no interest in the dogs at all and is getting annoyed with his boss who just happens to be Ginny's ex Jason for giving him rubbish to write about. Things start taking a turn for the better when Darryl seems to take a Uturn on the rescue writing positive articles and even helping out. Is Darryl just doing it to try and get a big story? Will Jason win back Ginny's heart? Most importantly can Wagging Tails Dog Home raise enough funds especially when news is out that there is an illegal puppy farm operating in the area?? Well, I'm not going to tell you am I!!! You'll just have to grab a copy of this stunner yourself to find out! I can promise you it will be a fun rollercoaster ride of drama, romance, dogs and absolutely everything you could want in an absolutely unforgettable and stunning page turner!!!! Sarah's evocative writing skills drew me deep into the book bringing the atmosphere and characters to life all around me. It is one of those books that I could not put down. I ended up walking around the house looking at my kindle reading away and absolutely devoured it in one sitting.
Well done Sarah on an absolutely stunning and perfect start to what promises to be a gorgeous series!!!
This may be the first book I have read by Sarah but I cannot wait to get hold of more books by this extremely talented author!!!
It is always worrying when starting a new series as you have no idea who the characters are. It is very important for me to bond with not only the lead protagonists but also any characters that may make repeat appearances during the series too.
The characters were all an eclectic mix and each one of them were realistic and strong. I was completely invested in them all. It also makes them more realistic, believable and made me feel even more for them than I normally would. I absolutely LOVED Ginny in regards to her love for the dogs at the rescue. She is such a kind hearted person and a MASSIVE animal lover and she is definitely the type of person I would love to have in my life!!! The passion she has for the dogs sparks out of the pages and you really can feel the emotions running through your fingertips!!! However, I did have a small niggle with her in the fact that she was consistently pushing Darryl away and even after all the help at the rescue he provided she still wasn't grateful. Playing devil's advocate though I could see her point as he could have done an awful lot of damage to the rescue which would have been truly unforgivable. Moving on to Darryl I could not stand him at first and the way he ignored the dogs when he visited the rescue made me want to scream at him!! Actually, I won't say anymore about him as I don't want to give anything away. I could not stand Jason who really did need taking down a peg, or one hundred!!! However, again I won't say anything. The other characters were also just as amazing and intriguing and I loved getting to know each of them and looking forward to getting to know them more as well as (hopefully) seeing some relationships grow between certain characters!!! I really cannot wait to meet Ginny, Darryl, Flora, Elsie, Sally, Alex, Susan, Tim, Percy and Malcolm as well as all the dogs including Lily, Tinkerbell, the pups, Tiger, Belle, Ralph, Luna and the many more characters and dogs soon!!!!!! Each of the characters and dogs are memorable and unique in their own ways and they are a group of people that I wont be forgetting any time soon!
Pick up this book and get lost in this absolutely gorgeous page turner!
Congratulations Sarah on an absolutely stunning read that I just could not put down!!! I am absolutely mind blown that I have never read any of your absolutely gorgeous books yet!! I am looking forward to reading more of your previous and future books. I would absolutely love to see this book turned into a movie!!! Welcome to my favourite author list and here's to your next success 🥂
Overall an unputdownable, gorgeous, STUNNING page turning book filled with dog, tears, drama, romance, fun, laughter, friendship and so much more!!
Genres covered in this book include Small Town & Rural Fiction, Contemporary Women Fiction, Friendship Fiction, Coming Of Age Fiction, Women's Romance Fiction, Fiction Mashups, Rural Life Humour, Family Life Fiction, Women's Contemporary Fiction, Teen & Young Adult, Holiday Romance, Literary Fiction, Romance Fiction, Romantic Comedy, General Humour, Women's Friendship Fiction, Contemporary Fiction, Women Writers And Fiction and Contemporary Romance amongst others.
I would recommend this book to the fans of the above as well as fans of Sophie Kinsella, Sariah Wilson, Lindsey Kelk, Abby Jiminez Emily Henry, Bridget Jones, Mhairi McFarlane and Sophie Kinsella and just anyone looking for a great read!!
288 pages.
This book is just £1.89 to purchase on kindle, free with kindle unlimited and £9.24 in paperback via Amazon, at time of review which I think is an absolute bargain for this book!!!
Rated 5/5 (I enjoyed it ) on Goodreads, Instagram, Amazon UK and Amazon US and on over 30 Facebook pages plus my blog on Facebook.
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This is an entertaining and lighthearted read, full of adorable dogs and with a god variety of characters. Under the humour and the fun, however, there is a slightly darker message, highlighting how dogs have been abandoned and may be the victim of puppy farming. There are also some anguished owners who have to give up their pets for different reasons. What shines out is the sincerity of the volunteers at the dogs' home, who go out of their way to make the dogs feel safer and more secure.
Ginny has had a difficult time in the past and has moved away from London after a messy love affair. Jason, her ex-boyfriend, is arrogant and one to avoid. Ginny's determination to make the dogs' lives better drives her on and takes her to the local newspaper where she meets Darryl. Trust is something Ginny finds almost impossible and she has to decide if she is able to take a leap into the dark and to start a new relationship. You will find yourself rooting for the dogs and also Ginny to get a happy ever after. There is a lot of potential in the setting with plenty of scope for future stories.
In short: Second chances all round.
Thanks to the author for a copy of the book

A new to me author from my favorite publisher so I definitely wanted to check it out and I am so glad I did.
The first few pages I was a little overwhelmed by the amount of characters we met at the dogs' home, but as the story proceeded it became clear that the focus of the story was Ginny, the dogs' home and additionally Ginny's love life.
I loved the dogs we met at the home and their stories were moving and as a new dog owner the statistics about dogs being abondonned and what happens to them was heartbreaking. I enjoyed all the drama and ups and downs of getting the fun day arranged and the side of the story with the new journalist and ex suddenly reappearing and of course the romance. There were ups and downs and overall it was a moving and uplifting story.

With the subject of this book being dogs, I knew I’d find it interesting, but didn’t realize I’d want to read it in one go.
The love of dogs and working with them is what settles Ginny, who comes to live in this place, after leaving London let down and heartbroken. She loves her work and gives it her all.
One of her tasks is to organise an event that will raise funds for the Home and also will give peole a chance to adopt these abandoned creatures.
When the usual newspaper reporter doesn’t seem to be writing about the Home, Ginny visits the newspaper office to find out why. There she has a run in with his replacement. Darryl seems totally disinterested in the Home, doesn’t realy listen to her, and publishes a badly written and error-filled article.
On her second visit, she realizes that Darryl’s boss is her ex – who has suddenly landed in town and wants to rekindle their relationship.
When Darryl agrees to visit the Home, Ginny is very skeptical about him and his motives. However, he surprises her not just with the article.
A lovely book about second chances – for the beautiful dogs to find a home and for Ginny to find love.
The descriptions of the dogs, their background stories and their adoptions are absolutely sweet. The characters too are very endearing.
I absolutely enjoyed this book – my first by this author.

This is my first ever read from Sarah Hope and I’m now glad that she has an entire back catalogue on Kindle Unlimited for me to devour and work through, because this was such a pleasure to read, it has dogs and romance, I mean what more do you want, oh did I mention it’s set in Cornwall (if you set a book in Cornwall or Scotland it’s an auto win for me) Sarah captures Cornwall perfectly, just as I remember my many holidays as a teenager to my recent return trips, I could be walking those path’s myself.
I admit the first thing that draw me in was doggos, especially when it’s a rescue centre, my animals are my life and we have always rescued cats and dogs when we can , our most recent has been with us seven months after the sudden death of his owner. So I guess I was more sentimental than usual going into this. I would love to take so many more in if I could i am always in awe of people working at animal rescue centres because Ithink it would break my heart not being able to take them all home. That’s what I loved about in reading this , I got to meet the characters that do this daily.
The story was so easy to fall into, getting out of its pages wasn’t quite as easy as I had to force myself to go to bed, although that shows how good a book it is. I adored the very slow burn romance, they’re my favourites because they give you time to get to know and care for the characters and want them to get their HEA. I definitely recommend this book to animal, book and romance lovers and I am looking forward to diving into more of her books.
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
***blog tour review******

The Wagging Tails Dogs’ Home - Sarah Hope
I could write a thousand words to talk about this book, but it really doesn’t need that many.
The Wagging Tails Dogs’ Home is delightful. It’s an easy read that will fill your heart with happiness.
There are some interesting characters and so many adorable dogs.
Add in a charming setting and what you get is a fabulous read that positively oozes warmth and happy vibes.
A well written, feel good summer read.
With thanks to Netgalley, Boldwood Books and Rachel’s Random Resources for a digital arc of this title.

Well I seen the cover of this book and the title and of course I just knew that it was for me! The story within definitely exceeded my expectations and I am now a fan of Sarah Hope writing style. The main attraction for me was the dog's but I also loved the kind hearted characters and the development of a romance between Ginny and Darryl. I have a rescue dog myself and they are the most loving and beautiful natured little beings. I would love to work at the Wagging Tails Dogs home but I honestly don't think I could handle it, it would break me and I would want to adopt every dog myself. I loved learning about the very special people it takes to run a home like that. It honestly warmed my heart. The slow development of a little human romance was also a page turner. I don't have a single criticism of this book for me everything about it is just perfect and I look forward to reading more of this authors books. It's a huge recommend from me!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are my own."
I think animal rescue rom-com is my favorite sub-genre, and The Wagging Tails Dog Home fits the bill.
All the characters have amazing personalities and create a real sense of community. Also the romance is a part of what makes the book great. The interactions with both humans and dogs are what make the book great.

sweet quick read about a dogs home, loved the story. if you are an animal lover you will love this book.

Boldwood Books publish a whole variety of wonderful books and when I saw there was one set in a dogs’ home, I knew it was something I would want to read. I got into it straight away, the characters you meet in the first chapter all seem lovely and you are drawn into the story straight away.
The main character Ginny Stevenson is in her mid-thirties and works at the Wagging Tails Dogs’ Home in Cornwall, where they are struggling for money to keep everything going. Flora founded the Dogs’ Home thirty-five years ago and is helped by a team including Susan, Percy, Alex and Tim.
Everyone involved is busy preparing for the annual Family Fun Day and Dog Show where they hope to raise enough funds to keep the dogs’ home running. When the usual pre-event publicity fails to emerge, Ginny goes along to the local newspaper to see what’s happening and meets up with new journalist Darryl Thomas, who is very rude and dismissive. She is determined to convince him just how important the work of the dogs’ home is and how essential good publicity is.
I got into the book straight away and really liked Ginny and everyone working with the dogs. It’s also a real treat to meet all the dogs in the book and follow their stories. I did want to shake Ginny at times though and give her a good talking to about her reactions to some things! But that shows it’s a good book, because I cared about the characters and believed in them, I was invested in their fates and wanted a happy ending for them.
Overall, I’d definitely recommend the book and I look forward to reading more of the author’s work.

This is such a cute, easy, and uplifting read full of doggies and puppies. Wagging tails is not just a rescue centre for dogs. It is the heart of the community. They're all one big family volunteers or not. There is also a little romance thrown into this story between Ginny and Darryl, but with an ex in the background who won't leave her alone and he also happens to be Darryls boss will these two make it? Ginny is such a beautiful character. She's full of love, caring, and a determined woman, especially when it comes to rescuing her dogs and rehoming them. It has a brilliant ending for everyone. It is an easy, enjoyable, light read. Perfect for any dog lovers. Highly recommend. I can't wait for book two already to see what they've all been up to. A well-deserved four stars from me. *BLOG TOUR*

fun, loveable, enjoyable read, i read this so fast as i could not put it down, such a cosy read, and will make you smile and lift your mood.

An enjoyable read. Set in a dog rescue & rehoming charity and filled with believable, fully-formed characters (both two- and four-legged). A storyline that held my interest from beginning to end, although I did find some of the plot somewhat unbelievable (although it is fiction so I let that go) and sections of storyline rather rushed. However, this did not affect my enjoyment of the book as it is not only set in an interesting part of the country, and we readers are taken on a few trips with Ginny and Darryl, but also set in a wonderful dog rescue so we get to learn about a few of the dogs there, and as a dog lover this added to my enjoyment of the book as a whole.
A light & enjoyable read.

a fun read based round a chaotic dogs home, ginny has been hurt badly and really doesn’t trust people, at times you want to tell her to chill as she is very quick to fly off the handle with daryl but once she invite him to the dogs home she starts to see a different side to him.
an easy lighthearted read

Darryl was negative, rude and unhelpful, and Ginny, although a good person, was also negative, and I wondered if this would be the uplifting read I expected. Once Darryl's true self emerged and his evident love of dogs, I liked him more, and Ginny's drive to ensure the dog's home succeeded endeared her. The cast of characters, dog and human, were believable and added authenticity to the story. The plot leaned towards predictability, but it's an engaging story with characters that the reader invest in as the story progresses. It also explores relevant contemporary issues affecting dogs in the UK which is appealing. I like the characters, the issues raised and the setting of this story.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher.

An easy holiday read, particularly for dog lovers. It also has a lovely coastal setting. I found it frustrating that Ginny kept pestering Darryl to write an article for the newspaper about the dogs home and their fund raising event. This was unrealistic - if a reporter doesn’t want to write an article I don’t think you can badger them into doing it.

Ginny and Darryl clash when he, in his new role at the local newspaper, is not helping them out in the way the paper usually would. As they spend time together she realises she was wrong about him, so what next? A great read.

Today it is my turn on the blog tour for The Wagging Tails Dog's Home by Sarah Hope
📚 Book Review 📚
The Wagging Tails Dog's Home by Sarah Hope
I received an advance review copy for free thanks to Rachel's Random Resources and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Life could not be busier for Ginny and the team at Wagging Tails.
The annual dog show is looming, a crucial event when it comes to fundraising and ensuring the volunteers can continue the brilliant work they do.
But their trusted newspaper reporter, who always includes them in his weekly column, is retiring, only to be replaced with a city-slicker named Darryl. And Darryl, as Ginny soon learns, has no interest in articles he deems 'below him'.
Not one to take no as an answer, Ginny becomes determined to get him to meet the dogs themselves. One look at their cute faces and they'll worm their way into his heart.
But what Ginny doesn't anticipate is that Darryl might be more open-hearted than he seems. And inviting him to the dogs' home might be the best decision she ever made – even if she doesn't realise it at first!
My Opinion
I am a big animal lover and used to work at my local dog rescue centre so when I saw this book I just knew that I had to read it. This was such a lovely and easy book to read that I read over 90% in one sitting. This will appeal to animal lovers and like me you will want to adopt a few of the dogs yourself.
Ginny is desperately trying to fundraise so that the dog's home can afford to pay the bills and feed the animals. When she reaches out to her contact at the local paper she soon learns that Darryl might take a bit of convincing. A delightful, highly recommended read.
Rating: 4/5

After a bad break up, Ginny left London and dedicated 4 years of her life to the Wagging Tails Dogs Home. Now, she's helping to prepare their biggest fundraising event of the year; a fete with dog training, market stalls and hopefully plenty of adoptions!
When she realises that the local paper has yet to run their usual advertisements for the fete, Ginny is shocked to learn that her contact has retired and Darryl, the journalist replacing him, has no interest in helping them.
Determined to save the shelter, Ginny is on a mission to prove to Darryl that once he visits the dogs, he'll be on side. Will Ginny win him over and save the fete? Or will Darryl's disinterest mark the end of the shelter?
Thank you to Author @sarah_hope_writes @netgalley & @bookandtonic for providing me with an ARC of this book. All opinions shared are my own.
This was a sweet story about the lengths people will go to for those they love; animal or human. Ginny and those who work/volunteer at the shelter are a true found family and it was lovely to witness their relationships grow. This was an easy read and I'll happily continue the series.
Look out for publication on May 31st 🥳

The Wagging Tails Dogs Home by Sarah Hope is a positively delightful contemporary novel that will warm your heart.
If you love dogs – this is definitely the book for you. I am a crazy cat lady but I absolutely adored this book.
There are so many dogs in need of new homes that the shelters are overflowing. No one ever wants to turn a dog away. Looking after the dogs costs money. The reader follows the staff at the dogs home as they prepare for their annual fund raising event. There are hiccups along the way but the dedicated staff are determined not to let the dogs down.
We witness lives that have also been let down by others. Being hurt has made souls cautious but there are good people out there.
All the characters were well drawn, realistic and likable. It felt more like meeting new friends as I dropped in on their lives. There was a wonderful camaraderie as the staff at the dogs home had huge, generous hearts.
Not every rescue is easy. Dogs can have problems, just like people. My heart went out to a number of dogs in the book.
Sarah Hope has perfectly captured the scenes with her words. I ‘walked’ through the novel as I ‘shared’ the lives of the people and the dogs.
The action is set in Cornwall. I particularly loved the trip to Looe Island as I have holidayed in Looe since 1986 and my brother lives there, so the location and the history of the island were familiar to me.
The Wagging Tails Dogs Home was an absolutely charming read. I do hope there is a sequel please Sarah Hope.
I received a free copy via Rachel’s Random Resources for a blog tour. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.