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Accidental Attachment

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Ugh this book! This book had me hooked from the very beginning. I could NOT and would NOT put it down. It went everywhere with me. I loved it

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This was a good story! It was my first title from Max Monroe and I was excited to dive in. This was a real slow-burn which isn't always my favorite. Although, that is a personal preference, I was still able to enjoy this! I liked Brookes character and did find her job to be fascinating. Those smaller details were able to keep me hooked while I waited for the romance to pick up! Im still excited to dive into other titles by this author duo!

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Omg I am completely obsessed with this rom com!!!!
Brooke was such an awesome main character.She was so funny and lovable,I loved her from the start which made me root for her even more!And Benji is the cutest dog ever.
Chase was a man Brooke needed in her life and I'm so happy for her!
I really loved the idea for this book,how she sent Chase the wrong book and Chase loved it so much without even knowing it's about them.
The reason I didn't give it 5⭐ was that I felt that maybe the book was a little slow at some parts and the proposal at the end happened too fast for them.

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Love, love, love this book! It's the perfect mix of funny, romantic and spicy!
Monroe did an amazing job of making Brooke absolutely hilarious and so lovable. Giving Brooke a medical condition called vasovagal syncope where she occasionally faints, anxiety and cute awkwardness along with the cutest superhero costume wearing service dog made for such a unique and entertaining story. I loved how real and down to earth she was despite being a super famous author.
Chase was the ultimate crush! Hot, successful, sweet, caring. He was as flawless as Clive was and I can totally see why she was as infatuated and obsessed with him from day one.
I laughed so hard when she checked herself to make sure she didn't pee and the part where she said she was worried if he'd fit "without an episiotomy," was pure gold! Honestly every single one of her inner monologues had me laughing out loud.
I'm still smiling from how much I enjoyed this book! My only wish is that Monroe actually comes out with the story of Clive and River because omg did it sound so freaking HOT!
The quote at the end when Brooke says: "I couldn't have written this better if I'd tried." well, Max Monroe, you really couldn't have written this any better because it was AMAZING! I'll now be running to read everything else you've written if they're anywhere near as good as this book!

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This book was adorable! Brooke was so quirky and fun. Chase was clueless and cute. Such a lovely romcom. The book was VERY slow burn (a little too slow, in my opinion). I also felt like it needed a lot of editing, it is much too long. There were some scenes (or even full chapters) where the characters were literally just walking in the park doing nothing. I think there were some previous book characters popping up during these scenes, but as someone who has never read Max Monroe, I didn't get it. I also felt that, while Benji was so adorable, Brooke was a little TOO obsessed with him. I'm all for talking to your dog (I do it too!) but she kind of went overboard and it started getting weird.

Overall, Accidental Attachment was cute and funny, a great rom com. I just felt like it needed to be trimmed down a bit.

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The preview warns that you will not be disappointed and boy were they right! I started to read with the intention of reading a few pages before bed. I stayed up all night and read in one sitting . This is book is hilarious! On some level something that everyone can relate to. It had me laughing in the middle of the night. Great book!

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When I saw the announcement for this book release I started stalking the authors' socials and newsletter for the ARC sign-ups and I was lucky enough to be picked. I have loved all of the books these two have written thus far and I knew this would be the same.

Accidental Attachment
4.5/5 stars

What I loved:
-Benji, he is Brooke's service dog who loves to be dressed up in super hero costumes and is Brooke's best sounding board. Even though this character is a dog I loved how they wrote him with so much sass and the best reactions to Brooke's borderline crazy behavior
-Chase/Brooke, these two are made for each other in so many ways but I think what I loved most about them is they are always trying to bring out the best in each other. It also helps they are HUGE book nerds and have a similar sense of adventure
- Cross-country roundtrip, they travel across the country in a one bed motor home with just Benji for a buffer.....forced proximity lovers this is for you
- Siblings, I love the close connection both Chase and Brooke have with their sisters and they play such an important role in the story as a whole
- Accidental Attachment, the fan fiction novel she sends to Chase instead of her actual book. After getting to read little sections of this book from Brooke and Chase's working on it I really want this to be a real if Max Monroe wanna write that too I'll be first in line to buy it
- Awkward, these authors so such a great job with building characters who are REAL and Brooke is just a bit awkward and I understand that and appreciate seeing it represented in such a fun way.

Overall I LOVED this book and I think any of my friends out there who love a workplace romance with a side of comedy, slow burn, forced proximity and a dog you should absolutely try this out!

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The is book has been swept up in my feed and dms for past week! I resisted first million times but I had to see what’s it about. Foreword by the authors says that the authors had a blast writing this book and it shows! Omg it’s like a banter between best friends with pitcher of margaritas. I am sitting in the next table and couldn’t tear myself away from the fun and so order a pitcher of margaritas for myself 😂!!

This is fantasy fiction! Fantasy of what a writer’s life should be, fantasy of the kind of man every woman deserves. Brooke is a former high school counselor who writes a fantasy series and Netflix picks it up because of the cult following the series inspired! Chase is her new editor she has a crush on…what does she do? She writes a book based on characters based on her and chase and accidentally sends it off the chase! Shenanigans ensue!!

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The easy friendship and chemistry between Brooke and her editor Chase keeps you turning each page, eager to see when on this motor home Netflix series road tour they’ll both tell each other how they truly feel. A very slow burn that is worth the wait.

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Accidental Attachment by Max Monroe was a laugh out loud read for me. While it was a VERY slow burn, which is not my favorite, the overall story and characters were great! It has you laughing from start to finish. The chemistry between Brooke and Chase flies off the pages. Overall, good slow burn. I’d recommend it for a fun, flirty, little bit steamy read!

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While reading the synopsis and the premise of this book, I really thought this would be up my alley, unfortunately, it wasn't, it's just a perfectly fine book, but nothing ground-breaking or remarkable about it.
The plot is nice and well-executed, the writing style is really enjoyable and the characters are likable, but I couldn't, for the life of me, get past the unprofessionalism of the MCs, from both parts, it gave me the ick from the start to finish, and prevented me from enjoying the book all together.

In theory, this is the perfect mix, and I guess this book could be appreciated by many who, like me, enjoy tropes such as:
📚 workplace romance where the lines between what's professional and personal blur (quite a lot)
📚 classic chick.-lit comedy
📚 all-around perfect male MC, the perfect book-boyfriend™️
📚 forced proximity
📚 disability, or rather, chronic disease/syndrome rep

The FMC reminded me of Dante Alighieri and his fainting spells in the Divina Commedia, and it was quite fun to read about.

I will definitely be back for more by Max Monroe, because I believe they deserve a second chance!

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I really enjoyed the realistic portrayal of having a chronic illness and the challenges that can come with that. Max Monroe books are always hysterical, and I find myself chuckling throughout (I know not to read them in public unless I want people glancing at me, wondering why I can't stop laughing). The two main characters' personalities and actions felt a little too dramatic and unrealistic, but overall I enjoyed the story.

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This was probably one of the funniest books I have read to date. I laughed nearly the entire time! Brooke was a so funny. She has a medical issue where her blood-pressure drops in high-stress situations. I loved that the authors made light of this situation. As someone with a chronic medical problem, it’s nice not to be so serious about it all of the time, to find the positive (sometimes funny) sides of it as well.

Chase is an absolute dream of a man. So respectful, considerate, and understanding. Everything you want a man to be, basically.

Chase is Brooke’s editor. This story all takes place when Brooke accidentally sends him a romance she wrote based on a fantasy relationship between the two of them. Things get hectic when he actually loves the draft of the book and wants to take it straight to publishing. The two of them must co-exist on a mobile home while they tour the country together, with this secret sizzling inside Brooke.

The audio was great. I feel like the narrators did an awesome job at capturing Brooke and Chase’s personalities.

I really enjoyed this book all the way through. I’ll definitely have to check out more books by Max & Monroe. Thank you Netgalley and Max Monroe for the advanced arc of this book, in exchange for my honest feedback.

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Accidental Attachment is a hilarious, lighthearted rom com by Max Monroe. Actualy this is my first book them but I really enjoyed this. You can get slow burn romance, Workplace romance, forced proximity and oh god Benji has my heart! Brook’s dog had so much personality he became an important side character.

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[This review is for the ARC of Accidental Attachment.]
Max Monroe may have a new fan. I found Brooke and Chase's romance to be funny and mostly light-hearted, but not drawn out too much. I recommend this book to readers who enjoy lower stakes contemporary romance and don't mind modern colloquialisms and a little bit of appropriately-timed potty humor.

Brooke is a very successful fantasy author whose series was picked up by Netflix and is soon to premier, prompting the need for her to go on tour and promote herself. On top of that, she is on contract to write a new fantasy novel, but hates what she's written so far. On the night it's due to be sent to the editor, she gets drunk and accidentally sends the fanfiction she wrote about herself and her very crush-worthy new editor instead. It turns out that Chase, her editor, absolutely loves the new direction her writing is going in this new book, also titled Accidental Attachment. Brooke is mortified that he wants to publish her smut and even more mortified that she has to go on a roadtrip with him so they can edit her book while on her Netflix tour. Say 'Hello' to forced proximity tropes.

To me, the synopsis implied more in-book book editing. It's mostly off-page and what felt like half the book was just the roadtrip tour being put together and Brooke understandably stressing about it. So, the pacing of the story was very unbalanced. On the bright side, once the pace picks up after the halfway point, it really picks up speed and is a fast read to the end. Also, I would have to say that the plot development in the first half is necessary to make the second half more impactful.

As far as steaminess goes, this was a definite slow-burn due to the characters' professional working relationship, but it's very explicit when they finally get together. The characters in Brooke's book (I'm not sure why it's also titled Accidental Attachment in the story, but it makes it very difficult to differentiate the two in a review) have one very steamy scene near the beginning of the real book, but otherwise everything else tends to be just references to the relationship between River and Clive, the fanfiction counterparts to the main characters.

Brooke is a surprisingly relatable lead. She is witty and uses humor to deal with uncomfortable situations. She has chronic vasovagal syncope, meaning that she faints when she gets too excited or stressed. Because of this, her service dog and best friend, Benji, is always nearby to monitor her vitals and force her to sit on the floor before she falls down. Since she spends most of her time in her apartment with only her dog, she tends to anthropomorphize him and use him as a way of working through issues with herself. She also suffers from anxiety, so she ends up talking to him a lot.

Chase is handsome, kind, good-looking, and appears to be a completely normal put-together adult. He's a huge fan of Brooke to begin with and is super excited to be working with her for the first time. He has some baggage from a former relationship that didn't end well, but for the most part it doesn't affect him on a daily basis. As a romantic partner, he is big on respect and consent. He also appreciates instantly clear non-judgmental communication.

As a pair, their romance is pretty cute and they balance each other out well. Chase tends to be a workaholic, so Brooke's procrastination makes him go out and enjoy things that aren't work. Brooke is very non-confrontational, but Chase's need for honesty in all things forces her to talk about issues she'd otherwise brush over and then dwell on later.

The main conflict of the story is that because of Brooke's non-confrontational nature combined with her anxiety, she doesn't tell Chase right away that she sent him the wrong manuscript or that River and Clive are based on them. Will she tell him? If so, when? How will he react? These are the main issues that need to be resolved by the end of the book and while they are low-stake, they end up packing quite an emotional punch.

In conclusion, I would have liked more inserted scenes from Brooke's fanfiction throughout the book. I think it would have helped with the pacing issues since the romance takes a while to get started. On a similar note, I would have liked to read scenes where we see Brooke and Chase working on parts of the fanfiction together. Seeing Brooke blush and get flustered when Chase reads something steamy aloud would have been fun. But overall, this was a good read and ended up being very engaging.

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Max Monroe has done it again. I loved Accidental Attachment from the first page to the last. Brooke and Chase were perfect and had me laughing the whole time. While I don't carry maple syrup around like Brooke, I may be known to carry lemon juice. 🤣 Also, who else wants a superhero doggo?

❤️Forbidden, Workplace Romance that blurs the personal/professional lines

❤️Secret Crush

🔥Charming, irresistible, suit-wearing hero

🔥Forced Proximity

👙Explosive Slow-Burn

❤️Friends to Lovers

🔥Fire heroine—Adorably awkward, Vasovagal Syncope warrior with a lovable service dog named Benji!

😒I can't reread it for the first time ever again.

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📚 Bookworms (author & editor)
⚡️ Forced proximity
☁️ Awkward fmc
🐶 Service dog
☀️ Sunshine mmc
❤️ Forbidden relationship
🔥 Slow burn

What could be more humiliating than having a crush on one’s editor ? Probably sending a fanfiction about that said crush to that said crush. Brooke did it all. She wrote a story featuring her and her current crush (her editor Chase !) and accidentally send it. And he loves it and wants them to publish it. The have 3 weeks to make the edit so they're gonna be working closely together...

The most annoying thing about this book is how perfect Chase is ? I mean seriously, if I could find someone like him or end hunger on earth, it would certainly take me a while to decide (I’m still not sure which one I’ll choose ok ! Sorry people) A guy like that cannot be real (and still single)

I already knew Max Monroe’s work and this one was even better. I have to be honest, it’s not my favorite romance trope, but everything is so fresh and cute. It’s something I’ve seen before but never done that great !

I also love the “destiny” storyline. They really were meant to be and throughout the book, even if Brooke doesn’t believe it, the reader can.

And yes, this book totally made me emotional and thinking about my current crush (and believe me that story is so much more sad and lonely than this book !!)

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The synopsis of this book was super cute and I was really excited to start reading. What a hilarious gaffe that Brooke accidentally sent her hot editor, Chase, a salacious romance novel instead of her intended book follow up! I could definitely feel the chemistry between the two characters, but even the slow burn took way too long to get to. Also, despite their chemistry, they came across as very immature. Even Mo was an over-the-top annoying fangirl, which I didn't vibe with. Benji was a redeemable character though as a loveable, loyal pup!

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I am a big fan of this writing duo. I am always super excited about reading one of their novels. Having said that this story underwhelmed me. It was too long,, the story dragged, there seemed to be a lot of scenarios / scenes that seemed to be taken from movies / books. The " misunderstanding " was clear from the start and was not a surprise ( also a Friends plot line)

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This book was ok. It didn’t really hold my attention, and I felt like it was drawn out way too long. It was mildly entertaining.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions expressed are my own.

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