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Accidental Attachment

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Accidental Attachment was a fun book that I read in one sitting. When author Brooke accidentally sends her editor, Chase, the wrong book - one that she wrote fantasizing about their relationship - he loves it and not knowing it's about them pushes for it to be published instead of what she was supposed to have turned in.

Brooke and Chase's journey from fan fic to real life love is engaging and a perfect way to escape for a few hours.

It was so easy to relate to what Brooke did. I've sent someone the wrong file before and could absolutely feel the humiliation and mortification that Brooke felt and fear that Chase would find out that it was about him.

Reading about them actually falling in love in "real life" was joyous.

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Brooke Baker is the author of a popular fantasy series that is soon to be made into a Netflix show. She's fast approaching the deadline for her new book, a spinoff of the original series and she's struggling. She knows the book is no good when she emails it to her hot new editor, Chase Dawson, so when they meet up to discuss the book and he's excited about it, she's confused... until he mentions the title. Accidental Attachment is a romance novel that was never supposed to be seen by anyone... much less the object of her fantasies sitting before her seemingly oblivious that he's the inspiration for her male character. And Brooke is determined never to let him know! But he puts his job on the line to ensure publication and when obligations have Brooke headed out on tour, Chase volunteers to drive her tour bus and work with her on editing in their down time. How will Brooke keep her secret for three weeks in such close quarters?
I do love this book! It's definitely a slow burn but the close proximity in the tour bus caused several spicy and hilarious situations. I loved Brooke's snarky self-deprecating humor and how she really comes out of her shell throughout the book. And Chase is such a lovable character, dependable and sweet. Benji, although he's a dog, was a main character himself, so pivotal to the story and such a great character. The one thing I didn't really like was the way Brooke acts like Benji understands everything, even down to reading her computer screen. It was a little weird and over the top. But overall I really enjoyed this book.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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DNF @ 32%.

I saw the cover of this book and I immediately wanted to read it. I read the blurb and I knew I had to read it. I started reading it and I did not like it at all.

To say that this book is drawn out is an understatement. I got to 32% and absolutely nothing has happened. Brooke basically only talks to her dog or is drinking bottles of wine at a time. Don't get me wrong, I loved Benji and his superhero costumes but I did not like Brooke. All she did was complain.

And what is up with Chase's roommate? It's just weird. I did like Mo, she reminded me of a dog that has the zoomies. If that makes sense.

At one point, Chase tells Brooke "She's so funny." How is she funny? I don't understand. I found her annoying, to be honest.

There's no reason for this book to be almost 600 pages. There were so many things that didn't need to be included. But that's just my opinion.

Thank you to NetGalley, and Max Monroe for this ARC.

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Loved this book! Devoured in one sitting. Loved the dynamic and the flow of the story. Thanks for the ARC!

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Wanted to love it. I placed a preorder of this book the moment I saw a synopsis of this book in Max Monroe's newsletter, so imagine how excited I was to get an advanced copy of the book from NetGalley. I dove into reading it immediately. Imagine my bigger surprise when I read at least 5 books in between breaks from this book. As is probably obvious from the amount of books I read during "breaks", it just did not hold my attention. I really didn't feel a connection with Brooke or Chase. Don't get me wrong, some parts of this book are really, really good, but for the most part, it really just drags too much for my taste. It is sad when you are reading a romance novel and are enjoying the parts written about the dog more than the romance (which isn't more than a fantasy until WAY too far along in the book.) I like a good, slow burn as much as the next person, but unfortunately, this just wasn't it. I hate that I didn't love this book. 3 stars

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I started reading this book and could tell right away it wasn't for me. It wasn't that the writing was bad - it's mostly the genre. I like romances with humor, but full on RomCom isn't my thing. If Netgalley didn't force it, I wouldn't rate it, as I don't think it's fair when I read so little of the book.

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I was given this book to review having never heard of the author but am always up for a new read. This was a classic rom com which did have some very funny lines in it. There were no big surprises and it was an ok easy beach read.

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I LOVED this book! Brooke's internal dialogue had by belly laughing in the beginning and the book just got better and better. After I read the book, I listened to the audio, which made it all even better. Another amazing read from Max Monroe. Oh, and can we talk about that cover too?? Beautiful!

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There was so much to love about Accidental Attachment by Max Monroe; from outrageous, laugh-out-loud moments to the sexy build-up between Brooke and Chase, I was immediately drawn into the story and our main characters' close proximity cross-country adventure.

This is honestly one of the funniest Max Monroe books I've ever read, and their stories are never short on humor. But there's just something about Brooke; she's been dealt a few rough hands in life, but she constantly finds the light in everything from the tight quarters in their shared RV to the adorable superhero outfits she ensures her service dog, Benji, sports. Chase is an excellent foil to Brooke. He's the perfect combination of lax and stern (at least when he needs to be), is easy on the eyes, and is great at taking care of Brooke and her family. He's the kind of editor I bet all writers wish they had. Both Brooke and Chase play off of each other so well, but it was equally entertaining to read their inner thoughts as well.

The whole plot of Accidental Attachment was just one entertaining moment after another. From antics in the RV (both PG and not-so-PG) to the super steamy bits of Brooke's book we get to read, I was grinning while reading from one page to the next.

As a side note, I would totally read the entirety of Brooke's version of Accidental Attachment if Max Monroe ever decided to venture down an even steamier route.

Max Monroe's books are always fun rom-coms, and Accidental Attachment coupled a fun premise with a fabulous, tension-filled will they/won't they romance that definitely puts this book towards the top of my favorite Max Monroe stories.

Fans of this writing duo's hilarious writing style will not want to miss Chase and Brooke's story!

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One tiny word: MEH.

ACCIDENTAL ATTACHMENT was okay, but there were a few issues I couldn't get past.

(1) The Hero, Chase, has zero flaws. In fact, in the book the Heroine (who is an author) gets in trouble because she writes an character in her book with no flaws. Chase is a perfect man, with perfect manners, a perfect huge penis, a perfect body, who always says the perfect thing. He was booooorrrring.

(2) This is a story that takes a formula and then repeats it over and over and over again until I was skimming entire chapters. Road Trip. She's awkward, he drives, she makes him laugh, sexual tension, "I can't tell him the truth", fun day in a new city, medical fainting crisis. REPEAT IN EVERY CHAPTER. Throw in a 3rd act break-up. Make up. Predictable grand gesture. The end.

There was a decent amount of chemistry between Chase and Brooke. Brooke was likably awkward. And this book had great family relationships.

ACCIDENTAL ATTACHMENT was an okay, a fairly light read, but didn't wow me in any way.

𝗥𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚: ⭐️⭐️💫
𝗦𝗧𝗘𝗔𝗠 𝗟𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗟: Rated R / 1-4 descriptive sex scenes, may have harsh language.
𝗧𝗥𝗜𝗚𝗚𝗘𝗥𝗦: cheating ex, ex with addiction problems, medical fainting
𝗙𝗘𝗘𝗟𝗦: 1/5 - Light and funny Rom-Com with little to no drama.

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I have mixed feelings about it. Don't get me wrong, I love Max Monroe's writing, but this one just felt too long. The first half of the book dragged on without any significant events happening, but once the romantic moments kicked in, it got better. I fell in love with the characters, especially Brooke, Chase, and their furry friend, Benji. The audiobook was also enjoyable with great narration that brought the characters to life. The humor was on point and had me laughing out loud multiple times. Despite some slow moments, the world-building and secondary characters added depth to the story. Overall, Accidental Attachment is a decent read with some sweet and romantic moments, but it's not my favorite by Max Monroe.

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<strong>An good read </strong>

I know, I know... as one of the fans of this writing team, I am just like others, wanting to love love love this book. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy it, but it is a sloooow burn, and it missed a little bit for me.

Brooke has unique challenges that I found interesting and engaging. I enjoyed her relationship with her service dog. (but then it went on, and on, and I was over it.)
Chase is absolutely adorable and exactly what we want from a book boyfriend... kind, understanding, gorgeous, yep. All of it.
Their connection was slow, and I found myself needing more, quicker. And, I didn't really like that she wasn't upfront with him about how this all came to be. But I did really loved all the close proximity issues. Some parts (of their reason for being on the road trip) seemed to be forgotten, and brushed over.

I absolutely chuckled and smiled, all throughout the read, which is a usual and wonderful thing about this author, and why I always look forward to reading them. I also cringed and scowled. I was expecting something similar to the crazy hot sizzle and chemistry between characters that are present in most of their other offerings, and I didn't get that here. But I did enjoy the creativity of this story.

While it did leave me a little conflicted, I absolutely recommend this read, and the many other works from this creative and talented duo. I thank the author and Netgalley for the free ARC. I voluntarily leave my review.

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Max Monroe is an immediate one-click for me. As someone who loves quirky romantic comedies, they have definitely nailed it in a lot of previous reads before.

This one wasn't quite it.

Brooke Baker is on the struggle bus when it comes to her sophomore effort at releasing a new paranormal novel. She feels like her current draft is far from living up to the expectations set by her incredibly successful first release. But she is running up to her deadline and she needs to send it to her editor. The gorgeous editor that she is crushing on so hard.

When writer's block around her paranormal release strikes, she finds her happy time in writing fan fiction about her fantasies featuring her new editor Chase Dawson. Panic over her deadline and wine apparently do not mix because she accidentally sends said fan fiction to Chase instead of her uber-rough paranormal fic draft.

This was the perfect premise that led me to jump on the opportunity to read this book. Unfortunately, it did not deliver.

Brooke was really hard to relate to. I am fine with clumsy. I can relate to being socially awkward and quirky. Unfortunately. she just came off as being too much. The antics just started to get really repetitive it took away from a character with so much potential to have substance.

By the time we got to really know Chase, I was already checked out of the story. There was a lot of fluff leading up to the development of his character.

I gave this book an extra star because Benji the service dog was the only charismatic element compelling me to keep turning the pages.

** I am voluntarily reviewing an advance copy of this book. Thank you to Max Monroe and NetGalley for providing an ARC. **

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Review for Accidental Attachment by Max Monroe

Another hit by Max Monroe! Their signature hilarious banter had me LOLing throughout the book. 

The MFC internal dialog is hilarious. Trying to move on after a divorce, Brooke with her best puppy pal, Benji end up on an accidental road trip with her Hot AF editor, Chase. Yes. The one she happened to write a little fan fiction about and then accidentally sent to him.

Chase is a sweet AF co-star in this book, who honestly seems about perfect. He is gentle and understanding with Brooke — right up until that one part when all shit hits the fan. 

However, you know all Max Monroe books are HEAs, and this one is sweet as ever. Plus the Extended Epilogue made it even better!


- Hilarious banter/internal dialog from MFC

- Sweet sexy MMC

- Cameos from previous MC in Max Monroe Books :)

- “And I want to remember every single second. I want this to be a core memory that I remember for the rest of life. And afterlife and a million after lives after that. “

- Sending the book was an accident, but you and I, we were meant to be.” 

-WTF was going on with the weird roommate? I know this kind of doesn't matter in the story, however it was a side thing that didn't get resolved.
- The authors mention the book is long. Believe them LOL. It is good and not sure there is anything 'cutable' however it felt long.

Thank you to NetGalley and Max Monroe LLC who provided me with a copy of this audiobook. In exchange I am giving an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thank you to Netgalley for allowing me to preview this title.
This story was well written and the perfect amount of humor and quirkiness from the main female character Brooke. The narrators on the audio version also do a fantastic job at keeping the story enticing. This book follows the journey of Brooke and her trusty sidekick, superhero service dog Benji on an adventure to play off what could be the best mistake of Brooke’s life. This was a very cute rom com that I would definitely recommend to fellow readers.

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We have yet to meet a Max Monroe story we don’t love, and this thick beauty is no exception! In true Max Monroe fashion, this story is hilarious, beautifully layered, with a perfect pace to keep you turning the page (or listening, as Amy did!)

FMC Brooke is a writer who accidentally turns in the wrong book to her super hot editor, MMC Chase. The book she ends up turning in is her super spicy fanfic of the crush she has on her editor, and he is oblivious to the fact that the MMC in said story is inspired by him.

Brooke’s novel of Clive and River is expertly layered into the story, and thank goodness because Brooke and Chase’s story is a very slooooow burn. Thankfully you get the spicy scenes from Brooke’s novel as well as her fantasies about her editor.

Rae’s favourite part was the close proximity road trip. It was absolutely delightful and delivered the perfect opportunity for banter, tension and chaos. (The squirrel!) Amy loved the outstanding side characters, including the costume-wearing superhero service dog. These amazing people, like Brooke’s sister added to the relatability of the characters. We also adored all the hidden Easter eggs for their other books!

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I received an E-Arc by Netgalley and the publisher for an honest review.

This story was so cute. It felt like a romantic comedy adventure. I could totally see this as a rom com movie. Hope a movie would be made from this. I can see it now. Although I’m not sure who I could cast.

It’s a slow burn. I love the build up between Chase and Brooke in the romance department. I love how they both help each other out in the little things. Both of them talk and are quirky with each other. They fit and they compliment each other. I really liked that. I liked how they are there for one another in the story. They do have steamy moments for each other but does that play out?

The book is written from Brooke and Chase point of view. It was funny and interesting to read! The pace is long so if you do read it be patient with the story.

I loved this line in the book “Fate is going to give me another opportunity. And this time, I’m going to try really hard not to vomit.”

Another part in the book I liked was when Brooke helped Chase deal with his ex-girlfriend. That had me laughing. It was the best ever!

Benji is the other character in this story who is Brooke’s dog. He’s a German Shepard who makes sure Brooke is okay with her health condition. I really thought this was good to be included in a story. Benji is an amazing character too. I love how Brooke talks to her dog like he can completely understand her. Such a nice connection there.

It’s a light, swoon, and laughing out loud read. Pick it up today if you want something like this.

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Thank you That’s What She Said publishing for my gifted arc in exchange for an honest review!!

Max Monroe never disappoints!! This was filled with laughs, steam and heartfelt moments. You could fell the chemistry between Brooke and Chase. I had secondhand embarrassment for Brooke when she realized what draft she sent to Chase. The third act dispute had a very clever conclusion that I loved!

It was a little on the longer side, but I still enjoyed every minute!

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Accidental Attachment bY Maz Monroe unfortunately didn't deliver for me.

From the first page I thought that inner dialogue was a bit over the top, the silliness and the quirkyness too exaggerated when talking about MFC.
I liked more MMC and his inner dialogue which was more toned down and funnier for me.
There is a lot of inner dialogue in this book, as well as MFC talking to her dog, and while I enjoy things like that this was simply too much. I had a feeling like she forced herself to be as quirky as possible.

Also nothing much happened until way into the book, and while I don't necessarily mind slow burn this was sooo slow.
I didn't feel the chemistry between them either, it fell flat in that segment, and the humor which plays a big role for me was not really funny, it was somehow forced.

The idea was really interesting and I was so looking forward to reading this.

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I love the story and Chase and Brooke are great characters with Benji as a sidekick of sorts I wanted to be drawn in. But, the way the book was written, the format was difficult for me to keep interested. I felt there was too much extra going on that took away from the real story.

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