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Coven is a fun, witch graphic novel with demons and magic galore. The graphics are great and the story s delightful.

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Coven is a witchy graphic novel that features a group of witches fighting a chaos demon. It''s a crazy fun adventure with a lot to offer! I am very excited to see future installments, but I also want to mention the artwork and style fits perfectly and is stunning!

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I really enjoyed reading Coven. A fun witchy read with eitches, rituals, a witchy shop, a coven and demon. I liked the graphics in the book. All the witchy, magical images and images of demons.

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please note that the trigger warnings and topes/themes may contain spoilers
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
this was a super fun graphic novel about a group of 4 friends who explore witchcraft together.
the illustrations were beautiful and the story moved quickly. there were tons of horror/spooky easter eggs thrown around which were fun to try and find.
there were some tense moments without being scary and definitely an opening for a prequel or subsequent book about what happens next.
great diversity throughout and gave late 80's/90's vibes without being cringy or corny while following a group of high school teens.

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A very fun graphic novel about a group of witches battling their first chaos demon. I really enjoyed this and absolutely loved the ending which opens up many new possibilities for this expanding Coven.

The writing fit perfectly and the illustration is glorious. Cannot wait for the next instalment and get deeper into these characters.

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This was such a fun and interesting comic! Very witchy vibes, found family aka coven, demon of chaos, a mysterious witchy mentor, this book was amazing! I also loved the art so much omg. It was so cute, it made me want to start drawing again ❤️

-- ty to the authors, the publisher and Netgalley for an advanced copy!

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I was given a copy to review by Europe Comics and Netgalley. My reviews are always honest and all opinions are my own. #ARCReview #Netgalley #Coven #TaousMerakchi #DaCoffeeTime #GraphicNovel #WitchyComic

I adored this graphic novel! It had everything I enjoy and more besides! But I won’t get ahead of myself with this review. The premise or blurb of this graphic novel is rather ‘simple’. Eve(I love her), Diane (and I love her), Lily (and I love her too) and Morgane (and I love her three…well you get the idea) are all young rebels with a mission. The beloved elm tree in the friends park is slated for felling to make way for a paved picnic area and no one seems to care! The girls are angry and appalled and decide when all seems lost they will turn to witchcraft to save it. They are even more surprised when the ritual seems to work but soon after strange happenings awaken them to a terrible reality a Demon of Chaos has somehow been summoned and is hell-bent on destroying them. Will they be able to banish the demon or will it manage to tear the group apart?

One thing I need to say is the inclusion of ‘posters’ from The Craft and The Faculty as well as Buffy the Vampire slayer spoke not only to teenage me but adult me as well! I adore those movies and shows and I have to say this graphic novel fits right into that genre and theme. The story on the surface seems simple, the good old ‘good’ vs ‘evil trope but it’s so much more than that. While we see the girls friendships and relationships with their parents and friends as well as the ‘action’ and drama the Demon of Chaos unleashes on their lives.

I thought each of the four friends had time to shine and despite potentially falling into some tropes and cliches it worked with the group dynamic. On top of that I loved the inclusion that was just there, as it should be. I also adored the twist at the end which I did not see coming at all.

As far as the art style and colours go they are fabulous. I loved the style itself and I adored the expressions some of the characters pulled at certain times. Eve had some particularly good expressions throughout but I felt the emotions were conveyed well with both the colours, surroundings and expressions/body language of the characters.

I will definitely be looking out for work by both the author and artist since I loved both the writing and art. If you love witchy reads, fun and friendship as well as a sprinkle of horror you will find it in Coven!

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A fun Queer, witchy Graphic Novel about a group of friends practicing a spell to save an Elm Tree but accidentally awaking a Demon!
Beautiful art style by the illustrator!

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Oh. I'm mixed-feeled.
I love the aesthetic of the story. But I don't know, I think it wasn't for me. I didn't click with the characters and I didn't care this much about what could happend to them :/
I think it can please lots of people and I still had a good time but it clearly wasn't the book of the year to me :(

But I'm glad I read it, I was very attracted by the cover and was curious about the content :)

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the ARC !

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Very fun graphic novel!

The art is absolutely gorgeous, all of the details made me really giddy. The movie posters in the girls' rooms were an especially excellent touch. I love how distinct the characters'styles were without feeling too out there, like they could actually be friends in real life without it feeling too cliquey (e.g. Nerds and jocks).

Lily was my favourite character, but I wanted to see more of her relationship. It felt a bit flat as to why she kept it secret, that felt like it was falling more into a stereotype than anything else in the plot.

Would definitely recommend for lovers of the movie The Craft or fiction podcast Bloodythirsty Hearts.

Thanks to NetGalley for the early copy ✨

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This really felt like an update version of The Craft - if you leave out all of the creepy 90s junk. I really enjoyed this and can't wait to see how the world likes it as well.

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It was cute and sometimes interesting, sadly enough I don't think I am the target audiance for this graphic novel. I have a hard time reading them espeacially when I don't have a physical copy, it can also be caused by my poor eyesight. I wish this auther all the best and luck, wishing this reaches the right audiance who can love it.

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This was such a fast paced, enjoyable book, Thankyou NetGalley and Europe comics for the chance to read this! This was so like the craft but so much better in my opinion, the characters were so easy to get and understand and they were extremely likeable through the whole book. The witchy vibes from this book are perfect for fall season, I expected it to be a slow read but I couldn’t put it down once I started reading, and the END I was not prepared but it couldn’t have been more perfect!

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Wow, this was a very thrilling and nostalgic experience!
As a very big fan of The Craft and thrillers alike I thoroughly enjoyed this graphic novel!
I loved the variety in personalities, backgrounds, and virtues of the main characters.
The pacing of the story was great and had just enough action and interesting dialogue to keep me hooked.
The art style is beautiful and very intriguing, and I appreciate the consistency of the details.
The only reason this one is a 4 star instead of 5 is because it left me on a cliffhanger and wanting more in the end. Not necessarily a bad thing, I just feel that I didn’t have closure.
I really hope there is going to be another installment to this series. I would love to read and enjoy it!

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Thank you to the author and the publisher for granting me the opportunity to read an ARC of "Coven".

This graphic novel has a captivating art style that caught my attention. However, I made the decision to DNF the book at approximately 8%.

The storyline was not compelling enough for me to pick this graphic novel over other books in my TBR to continue to read. Nevertheless, I want to acknowledge and express my admiration for the diverse representation.

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This is a fun coming of age witchy tale, particularly if (like me) you were obsessed with The Craft when it released!

Nicely illustrated, and whilst the story could easily expand in places, that's part of it being a graphic novel I suspect

I received an advance copy for free from NetGalley, on the expectation that I would provide an honest review.

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What an ending!? You’ve gotta give me more now… I need to know what happens! There was loads to take in with this and it was gorgeous at times, but found it a bit of a slog at times!

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content/trigger warning:
blood magic (very quick finger prick)
hallucinations (caused by a demon)
hanging (it's a hallucination)

fat/plus size
one character mentions their two moms several times but they aren't really shown nor a large part of the plot

I loved this! The story was exciting and the art was *chef's kiss*

"Coven" is about a group of witchy friends who have drifted a part. When a tree in their town park is set to be cut down and replaced with a pavement picnic area, they come together and use a spell to stop it. Realizing they work well together, they team up to perform other spells.

They're not new witches. They know the rules of magic. Don't be selfish. Help others. Stay neutral. But a chaos demon shows up and is causing mayhem during every spell they do. It's turning them against each other. Can the local elder witch help? Can they do this alone? How do you even stop a chaos demon?!? Will their parents stay away long enough for them to finish a spell?

I loved Coven! It has big 90s vibes while being set in the 2020s. You can see the love and influence of The Craft and Buffy, but it doesn't copy them. The story was exciting. The art was *chef's kiss*. And the twist at the end made me want more! I want to see them grow as witches and how it will impact their relationships with their families and each other.

My overall rating is a solid 5/5. It's going to be hard for any graphic novel release this year to top my love for Coven.

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3/5 ⭐️
So the artwork of this was actually really good. I enjoyed the story for what it was, but I did think it was like 10 pages to long.

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By Taous Merakchi and Da Coffee Time

Eve, Diane, Lily, and Morgane are young rebels with a mission. The beloved elm tree in the four old friends' local park is slated for felling, and nobody seems to care. Appalled, the girls decide to try to save it using witchcraft. Against all odds, their ritual works! Soon after, strange phenomena awaken them to a terrible reality: a Demon of Chaos has somehow been invoked, and it is hell-bent on destroying them...


This graphic novel@was a super cute read. I really enjoyed the artwork and the storyline was a lovely tale of friendship and discovery. Things start off innocently enough, but when the ritual the group performs has unintended consequences and things take a sinister turn, their friendship is sorely tested but each young woman really comes into her own.

Coven was a really enjoyable coming of age story and I’d be keen to read more if it continues as a series.

Thanks to @netgalley and @europecomics for the digital copy in exchange for an honest review.

Coven is out now.

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