Member Reviews

This is my first time reading a book written by Carrie Turansky. I was very impressed with The Legacy of Longdale Manor. This book is a dual time-period fiction and found it to flow beautifully. Turansky did a beautiful job laying out the story. I am excited to read another book by Carrie Turansky.

The character development in this book was great. As Gwen and Charlotte both have different issues they are dealing with and relationships they must deal with to become who they are at the end of the book. Dealing with forgiveness, new relationships, healing, and faith.

The story line was great and engaging. Definitely held my attention and kept me up late reading into the wee hours. The mystery behind it all falling into place kept me intrigued.

This was definitely a clean Christian romance. Though does deal with some hard issues like infidelity, it does not go into detail at all.

The historical aspect was a little light for my liking, but all in all it portraited the difference in the two time periods.

Though not really full of scripture The Legacy of Longdale pointed us to Christ as both Charlotte and Gwen had their own personal struggles and relationships they had to overcome as they wrestled with their faith. Which really shed some light on some real struggles the reader could be going through.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and it gave me some things to think about.

*I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

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Carrie Turanaky’s books have a way of drawing you in to the point that you just don’t want to leave….even when there’s dinner to be made and other “necessities” to do! This is a wonderful dual time lined story that has Longdale Manor at its center. I loved all the main characters…Charlotte and Ian in 1912 and Gwen and David in 2012.

The Legacy of Longdale Manor is such a treat to listen to. Amy Scanlon is quickly becoming one of my favorite narrators!

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read/listen to The Legacy of Longdale Manor. All opinions are my own.

Publication date: 1 September 2023

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The Legacy of Longdale Manor, by Carrie Turansky, is a beautifully written dual-timeline story set in the Lake District of England at the beginning of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. This touching novel tells the stories of two women separated by a century, yet connected by common struggles, doubts, and losses. The thoughtful plot moves easily between the two points in time, united by scenes of family, friendship, adversity, longing, forgiveness, and redemption.

An unforgettable element of this novel is undoubtedly the well-developed characters who are believably authentic and refreshingly vulnerable. They often show themselves to be compassionate, thoughtful, resilient, and determined. Their questions, their insecurities, their fears, and their needs are certainly understandable and relatable. Their struggles are genuine, challenging their beliefs and threatening their goals, yet their fortitude is inspiring. Despite unexpected circumstances and surprising discoveries, they display courage and determination to help their loved-ones and to seek healing for their own hurts and disappointments.

Ms. Turansky is a very gifted writer. In The Legacy of Longdale Manor she has crafted a novel that is enriching and memorable. From the first page to the last, it is a tender and heartfelt story of loss, love, faith, and family. This novel grows quite meaningful as it explores relevant themes like trust, grace, and forgiveness. This book certainly offers a thoughtful, immersive, and moving reading experience, and I recommend it most sincerely.  

*I was given a copy of this book by the author/publisher through NetGalley and JustRead Publicity Tours. A review was not required. The review I have written is voluntary and contains opinions that are entirely my own.

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Great combination of christian and historical fiction. I really enjoyed this story.

The story takes place in England in 1912 and 2012. The story takes place on a farm and at Longdale Manor in both time periods. The art and furniture are center stage being evaluated at the Manor house in 2012, which made it fun. There are families associated with both locations that have been involved with the history of the area. But not all the characters in the story know their connection to these locations.

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Carrie Turansky is a beloved author in the Christian world, and is one of my absolute favorites. With the exception of one book, I have read everything this dear author has written. So when I saw "The Legacy of Londale Manor," I grabbed it up without even reading what it was about. I knew I'd love it!

And I absolutely did.

"The Legacy of Longdale Manor" follows the story of a family dealing with the recent death of their patriarch...and the subsequent revealing of his secret life. Betrayed and lost, the family has to find a way to move on and pick up the pieces of their lives. Daughter Charlotte is struggling especially hard, and what follows is her journey to finding strength in Jesus and the ability to forgive the hurt caused her. A story filled with beautiful, multi-faceted characters and a theme that is relevant for our hurting world.

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The Legacy of Longdale Manor by Carrie Turansky is a beautifully written split-time novel set in England. This is my first time reading this author, and I love her style and voice. The beauty of the Lake District is captured in the descriptions of both Longdale Manor and Valley View Farm. I yearned to walk the peaceful gardens of Longdale Manor or check on the lambing ewes in the pastures of Valley View. Just being in the pages of this book is a relaxing retreat!
But on top of that is a wonderful story of two women, Gwen from 2012 and Charlotte from 1912, who find themselves questioning their roots while trying to find footing in their future. It would be impossible for me to tell you which woman’s story I liked best because I thoroughly enjoyed walking with them through hard times in their life and watching their faith move them in new directions. It’s hard to put into words all the qualities of this story that I loved without giving too much away, but this book, for me, was a breath of fresh air. Yes, there was plenty of tension, grief, and drama, but the way Gwen and Charlotte worked through their problems was so natural and inspirational that I couldn’t leave their story for long. I couldn’t quit cheering for them. And I definitely won’t be forgetting them anytime soon!
Overall, I absolutely loved The Legacy of Longdale Manor. Fans of Amanda Dykes and Ashely Clark will enjoy this book. (I recommend it as your next read!)

I was given a copy of this book from the publisher with no expectations of a positive review. All opinions are my own.

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Intriguing historical fiction and also a contemporary story line.
I enjoyed both time lines and seeing how their stories intertwined.
1912 - Charlotte is the primary character, and her family goes through hard things. Charlotte learns of a painful secret and is unable to share it with anyone, so suffers alone.

2012 - Gwen, an art historian is the heroine, and because of a serious mistake she made on the job, her grandfather sends her to Longdale Manor to appraise art and antiquities as a way of redeeming herself. While there, she learns about her family's history.

Both of these timelines were fascinating, and I especially enjoyed the setting.

This story has a hint of mystery throughout the pages. There are also many thought provoking themes, including family relationship struggles, betrayal, grief, love, and much more.
I recommend this to anyone who enjoys historical fiction (or English settings).

Disclaimer: I receive complimentary books from various sources, including, publishers, publicists, authors, and/or NetGalley. I am not required to write a positive review, and have not received any compensation. The opinions shared here are my own entirely. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

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I have enjoyed stories by Carrie Turansky in the past, and I am so glad to have had this opportunity to read this story as well. I loved how the author intertwined this characters storylines, and developed such wonderfully deep and rich characters. I could feel for Gwen as she tried so hard to impress and live up to her Grandfather's expectations. It was quite the coincidence when he sent her to the very place that would help her in her search for explaining her past. I had to wonder if he sent her there intentionally.

I will continue to seek more stories by Ms. Turansky. She is a gifted storyteller!

Thank you, Netgalley and Bethany House, for this opportunity to read this story in exchange for an honest review.

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I was so excited for this book but ultimately it didn't have the charm and story that so gripped me in Across the Blue.

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I generally enjoy dual timeline novels, and I adore reading stories set in England, so it was no surprise that I loved this one.

In 2012, Gwen, an art historian, makes a big mistake at work-which, for her, is extra big, as her grandfather is her boss, and she hates that she’s let him down. She agrees to take on a job helping a widow sell some art pieces, but discovers more than just art. Back in time in 1912, Charlotte discovers a secret that in order to cope with, divulges her thoughts in her journal.

This was sweet and wholesome, and I really liked the emphasis on faith, family, and forgiveness that span through a century. I look forward to reading more from this author!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Bethany House Publishing for an advanced copy of The Legacy of Longdale Manor. This historical novel traces the lives of two women whose lives become intertwined in England's Lake District a century apart. It is a poignant story of love, family, forgiveness, and a deep faith in God.

This is my first novel by Carrie Turansky, and I thoroughly enjoyed her references to prayer and faith in God. .

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What a wonderful dual timeline novel! The stories, set in 2012 and 1912, held me equally captivated throughout the entire novel. I usually am drawn to one timeline over the other, yet in this book, I cared equally about both Gwen and David, as well as Charlotte and Ian.

This story focused on heart issues, what or who we put our trust in, and on forgiveness. Both of the main female characters had reasons to forgive their fathers. They could either hold on to the hurt and become bitter, or release that hurt through forgiveness.

I loved the pace of these stories. I felt like I was able to get to know these characters well in both storylines. I felt for them as they experienced the highs and lows of new romances, as the female characters worked through emotional family discoveries, and as all of the characters grew in their faith walks.

I enjoyed this novel from start to finish. It was an incredibly uplifting read and left me filled with hope.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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Another great book by author Carrie Turansky. Legacy of Longdale Manor was the first book I've read, by this author that wasn't a biblical time period. Legacy of Long dale Manor is now one of my favorite book this year.

The book was a easy read and the characters are well written. You fall in love with the story from the very beginning. The reader will be engulfed in the story between 2012 and 1912. The story between the different time periods is very easy to follow along.

Highly recommend this book be add to your list as a must read!

I received this complimentary copy from the publisher for a honest review. All thought are mine and mine alone.

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Gwen Monroe is a devoted daughter who suddenly loses her mother. Her mother had promised upon graduation from school, she’d reveal her father’s identity. Her mother is unable to fulfill her promise. Hence, she had no leads to her father.

Gwen, an art historian, makes a costly mistake in 2012, which sets the story in motion. She works for a prestigious company her grandfather owns, consequently this is a major blow to her career. Her grandfather sends her to a job in an attempt to improve matters. It is to appraise artifacts at Longdale Manor estate, there, she discovers a connection between an old notebook and a father she has never met. The novel then takes a sudden detour to 1912.Introducing readers to the young women in the notebook.

Following Charlotte Harper's father's untimely death, Charlotte is organizing her father’s office, when she uncovers a secret her father has been hiding from everyone. It changes her perception of her father and her faith. Charlotte's mother finds herself penniless. Their family home must be sold. Charlotte's mother needs support, so she seeks help from her estranged father. There was no guarantee this man would rescue their family, but she had to try.

Charlotte meets Ian Storey, an educated, handsome, kind man. He works on a sheep farm in the Lake District to support his family.

Art history and restoration were fascinating subjects. This English dual-time story is intriguing. It had a natural thread of forgiveness and faith that ran through both time periods, along with a mystery, family drama, and an inviting romance.

I enjoyed how this charming story connected Gwen and Charlotte's search for information about their fathers, and how each having an unexpected scandal. The two young ladies go off on a quest to find their own path after losing faith in their fathers. They discover who they are, what works for them, which puts them on a road of faith and forgiveness.

The intricate connections between the stories kept me engrossed in this story and the fact that both Gwen and Charlotte had attractive, passionate, and fascinating suitors. It’s entertaining to read.

Disclosure Material Connection: I requested and received a copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Nora St. Laurent
TBCN Where Book Fun Begins!
The Book Club Network blog

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"The Legacy of Longdale Manor" weaves together the stories of two remarkable women, Gwen Monroe and Charlotte Harper, whose lives are separated by a century but connected by the enduring themes of family, faith, and forgiveness.

In the present day, art historian Gwen Monroe travels to England's Lake District to appraise the belongings of a family friend at Longdale Manor. In her quest to prove herself to her prestigious grandfather, Gwen stumbles upon a one-hundred-year-old journal and a mysterious shepherd's staff that leads to revelations about the father she never knew.
As she delves into the past, Gwen's journey becomes a heartfelt exploration of her identity and the importance of family bonds.

Meanwhile, in 1912, Charlotte Harper, dealing with the aftermath of her father's death, embarks on her own emotional journey. Alongside her family, she travels to the Lake District with hopes of finding a home at Longdale Manor. However, old wounds and secrets make this endeavor challenging. Through Charlotte's experiences, readers are taken on a profound exploration of faith, love, and the power of forgiveness.

Carrie Turansky skillfully crafts a tale that spans generations, intertwining the lives of her characters with a delicate touch. The narrative seamlessly transitions between past and present, drawing readers into the captivating world of Longdale Manor. Turansky's attention to historical detail and her ability to create authentic, relatable characters breathe life into the story.

At its core, "The Legacy of Longdale Manor" is a story of healing and resilience. Both Gwen and Charlotte's journeys are deeply moving, resonating with readers on a profound level. The themes of faith and forgiveness are explored with grace and sensitivity, making this novel not only a captivating historical romance but also a poignant exploration of the human spirit.

Turansky's writing is evocative, painting vivid scenes of the picturesque Lake District and bringing the characters to life with depth and nuance. The author actually visited many of the places featured in the novel, which probably helped inform her descriptions.

Fans of historical fiction and dual-time period narratives will find this book to be a compelling and emotionally satisfying read. In conclusion, "The Legacy of Longdale Manor" is a beautifully crafted novel that tugs at the heartstrings.

Thanks to Bethany House for approving my request for this title on Negalley. This did not inform my review and all opinions expressed are freely given.

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We know that the past affects our present in ways we can’t even fathom, and this story is the perfect example of the past and present colliding in unimaginable ways.

The Legacy of Longdale Manor is the story of four individuals who are trying to make their way after life throws the curveballs that it tends to do. One pair is in the past, the other in the present, but their worries and issues transcend time and mirror one another seamlessly.

The whole arc of family and forgiveness, especially as it pertains to family secrets, was very powerful. In Charlotte’s case, she is burdened with a secret that no one would want on their shoulders. It bothered me so much that I had to put the book down several times and contemplate what I would do if I were put in that situation. How Charlotte handled it showed so much strength of character, which is always inspiring.

The ending was quite satisfying though there was a sad twist I was not expecting. Though it was a tragedy it gave the narrative some authenticity, which I always appreciate.

I really enjoyed this dual timeline and fell in love with these characters, this time period, and the history and legacy of Longdale Manor.

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Faced by the repercussions of a disastrous appraisal, Gwen must work hard to regain her grandfather’s trust. That work sends her on a journey of self-discovery and love. The story also involves the diary of Charlotte, who discovers that not all those who profess to be Christian have the right motives.

This is a clean read. It has subplots of mystery, love, Faith, honoring the past, and making room for the future.

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This is an enthralling dual-timeline book that will tug at your heartstrings and possibly make you cry (I NEVER used to cry. Then I had kids and all my hormones changed!).

Did you know that el roi means "the God Who sees me"? That's what this book is about to me. Being seen for who you really are; not just what you do or who your family says you are. But who you REALLY are. It's about being truly known. It's about restoration, healing, forgiveness.

I whole-heartedly recommend this book.

~I was given a complimentary copy of this book. No positive review was required, and all opinions are my own.

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"When we choose to forgive others, we are not excusing what they did or saying it was right. We're releasing them into God's hands and allowing Him to deal out justice as He sees fit." - The Legacy of Longdale Manor by Carrie Turansky

Inside the lovely cover is a compelling dual timeline novel set in the buolic Lake District of England. The heroines are Charlotte in 1912 and Gwen in 2012, young women facing challenges as they enter the next chapter of life. They are linked by Longdale Manor, a stately home they come to under very different circumstances, and the journal Charlotte pours her heart into that's read 100 years later by Gwen.

The overarching themes of fatherhood and forgiveness will be healing for readers who've been disappointed by their fathers. To balance the heavy topics, the novel also includes lambs, a bookstore, antiques, and two sweet and simple romances.

Ms. Turansky is a talented and prolific author of British historical fiction, so I was surprised to learn this is her first dual timeline story. It was well executed with genuine characters facing painful real-world challenges and relying on their faith to sustain them through difficult times.

A 'quote' from Charlotte's journal that's shared at the end of the will definitely stay with me: "Time is fleeting, the days fade fast. Treasure faith and family, only they will last."

Thank you to Bethany House Publishing and NetGalley for the review copy of this novel. All thoughts are my own; I was not required to write a positive review.

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Carrie Turansky’s The Legacy of Longdale Manor is a sweeping and emotional tale of hope, renewal, belonging and redemption readers will find impossible to put down.

In 2012, art historian Gwen Morris traveled all the way to the Lake District to appraise the paintings and antiques of an old family friend and hopefully appease her grandfather in the process and prove to him that she should not be underestimated. Arriving at Longdale Manor, Gwen meets David Bradford, who has his own problems to contend with as he is at his wits’ end trying to save the crumbling house and make it profitable again. Turning it into a luxury hotel seems like the obvious solution yet all his plans could hit a wall after Gwen makes a shocking discovery of an old journal and a beautifully carved shepherd’s staff similar to one in a photo of her parents which leaves her desperate for answers…

A hundred years earlier and a grief-stricken Charlotte Harper uncovers a painful secret she cannot reveal to anybody – save to her journal. Traveling to the Lake District to stay on a sheep farm in the hope that she can build a home there with her family, Charlotte finds herself surprised by her attraction to shepherd Ian Storey, even though romance is the very last thing on her mind with her grandfather seemingly still haunted by past mistakes and old wounds, Will Charlotte ever be happy? Or should she resign herself to a lifetime of heartache and regret?

Divided by time, but united by a determination to succeed and find fulfillment in their lives, will Gwen and Charlotte find their heart’s desire at Longdale Manor? Or is it too late for both of them?

Carrie Turansky has the storyteller’s gift and with The Legacy of Longdale Manor has written a stirring, affecting, emotional and heart-breaking but ultimately uplifting tale about healing, second chances and love with characters who are nuanced, beautifully drawn and impossible not to care about.

A first-class dual time line romance written straight from the heart, Carrie Turansky’s The Legacy of Longdale Manor is an enjoyable and engaging tale that readers will not forget in a hurry.

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