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After That Night

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I love the Will Trent series & Karin Slaughter never disappoints. How could Sarah’s past be connected to the patient she just lost? Well, just wait and see, you won’t be disappointed. I will say this does get a tad repetitive while breaking down how it all fits together, but not so much that I didn’t enjoy the book. Make sure you grab it August 22, 2023 when it releases.

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What a great book! You have to love Will Trent! He is such a misfit and an unusual character. Although not quite the same as the books, I love the TV show too. Dynamite casting! Will is at his best in this book and he is slowly changing. Nothing like the love of a good woman to change a man for the better. This thriller was a pulse pounding read and kept me guessing until the very end. Karin's fans will devour this book and readers of Catherine Coulter's FBI series should give Karin Slaughter a try. They won't be disappointed.

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After That Night is a truly shocking book. It is not for the faint of heart. Please check trigger warnings before reading. It was a gripping thriller. Karin Slaughter truly makes the most original books with twists I would never expect. This book was gory, painful, believable, and outright sad. It was like a car crash. I couldn’t look away (in this case, I couldn’t stop reading). I loved the main characters Sara, Will, and Faith. Their stories felt so real and my heart ached with them. This book definitely left an imprint on me. I’ll be thinking about it for a long time.
If you like thrillers with dark stories, this book is for you. I think it’s one of the darkest books I’ve read. Again, please check trigger warnings and read with caution. I definitely recommend it, because it’s written so well and the story has a lot of social commentary with it. I loved it but also hated it because of the truths it spoke about our society. It was a whirlwind. Thank you to NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read this ARC.

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After This Night is my first Karin Slaughter book and my first book in the Will Trent series, I had access to both the Kindle and audiobook versions, but I listened to the audiobook more. The book was quite lengthy, and the chapters were long. I felt it was easy to get hooked at first as Sara tried to save one of her patients as their dying words mentioned they were raped and to help her find justice. However, I lost interest as the story kept going. The story was read more like a cop detective book than a suspense thriller, which did not agree with me. The ending was fantastic, though. I did not expect the ending, and that saved the book for me.

Thank you to NetGallery and to both William Morrow and Blackstone Audio for giving be a copy of the book.

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Karin Slaughter has a long view, and in this novel, she explicates the rape of Dr. Sara Linton, the one that's shaped her life in so many ways. This is both a meticulously assembled suspense novel as well as a mystery, drawing on characters established in the long arc of both her series. Sara Linton, the lynch pin of both the Grant County and the Will Trent series, has been on duty in the ER when a young woman crashes a car into an ambulance. Before she loses consciousness - as well as her fight for life - she confesses to Sara that she's been assaulted. Sara, despite her past, feels a commitment to her, and agrees to testify at a civil trial the parents bring against the young man accused of the rape.

It turns out the young man is the son of two doctors who had gone through medical school with Sara, one of whom scooped the fellowship meant for her after her assault. After her testimony, the boy's mother drops some hints that makes Sara want to pursue things further. The book is a nest of awful connections and terrible plots, resulting in the assaults of several young women.

Slaughter is not as graphically violent a writer as she was with her first couple of books (Blindsighted and Kisscut are especially disturbing), but she's always had the agency of women top of mind as a writer, and it's a theme that's run through all her novels. This makes them sound like polemics which they certainly are not - they're impossible to put down suspense novels - but the things she has to say about feminine agency are often profound. Slaughter is such an interesting writer. She's has such a natural gift for storytelling and narrative pacing, but she's also thoughtful and she's absolutely wonderful with character development.

While I sometimes feel a bit bruised myself after reading one of her books, I'm always glad I did. There's a reason I've been turning back to them over the course her her now 20+ year career.

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Slaughter’s eleventh Will Trent entry finds Will and partner Faith bucking their boss Amanda’s assignment once again and instead investigating a series of very disturbing rapes. Will’s hated Aunt Eliza and makes a brief and amusing appearance.
Recommended for Slaughters’ many fans.

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Karin Slaughter does it again with another compulsive read. Will Trent and Sarah Linton are back in the 11th installment of the Will Trent series. In this novel, readers are taken back to one of the worse nights of Sarah’s life. It’s been 15 years since it’s occurred. However, Sarah is reminded of the horrific incident when she treats a patient with similar injuries. Will, Sarah, Faith (with a few other characters along the way) begin investigating, and what they uncover is disturbing and very personal.

Like her previous novels, this one is dark and graphic. The plot, characters and the big reveal are so well done. I literally loved it all.

Since this is a series, there will be some things that you may miss out on if you haven’t read the previous novels. I have been reading this series out of order, so I have a general idea of relationship dynamics between the side characters. However, I think you could read this novel as a standalone. I found that Slaughter did a great job “recapping” some of the significant events of Sarah and Will’s life… but you may not know everything about Faith, Tessa, etc, if you haven’t read the previous novels.

Looking forward to the next Karin Slaughter novel 😊

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I enjoyed this one! I have never read any of the other books in this series, so I think it would have made the story a little more enjoyable if I knew the characters better. This one had a dark and twisty mystery that spans multiple years. I enjoyed how the author was able to connect all these different characters together. While there wasn't a ton of action or suspense, the story still kept my interest.

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As I delved into After That Night by Karin Slaughter, I was immediately drawn into a gripping tale that left me on the edge of my seat. This was my first book by the author and it still worked well as a standalone for me.

The story revolves around Sara Linton, a successful doctor who had her life shattered fifteen years ago by a violent attack. Now engaged to the man she loves, Sara thinks she has left the past behind. However, when she encounters a brutally attacked young woman in the ER, she realizes the past is coming back to haunt her. As Sara joins forces with GBI Special Agent Will Trent to seek justice for the victim, she finds herself facing difficult and unwanted memories of her own past trauma.

The book delves into emotionally powerful themes, exploring the far-reaching and long-lasting effects of violence on victims. While it's not an easy read and may have disturbing triggers for some, the author handles these topics with exceptional insight. I was completely gripped by the suspense and found the book to be a first-class thriller. Now, I'm on a mission to read more books in the series to uncover the full depth of the characters and their stories!

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The Will Trent series continues with After That Night. I have
read every book in this series, and it just gets better and
better. Karin Slaughter's story telling draws you in until the
very last word. The characters are so relatable, you are
rooting for them the whole time, while feeling the pain of
their pasts.
Sara Linton's life hasn't been the same after the night she
was viscously attacked, but she managed to move on to
become a successful doctor with a happy life. Now, 15 years
later, another young woman is brutally attacked with
similarities to her own rape. Between Sara, the GBI, Will
Trent, Faith and Amanda, they work together to solve the
recent crimes and connect the dots to give Sara the closure
she has searched for all these vears.
Thank you @netgalley @karinslaughterauthor and
@harpercollins for the ARC of this book. It was an amazing read!

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Will and the gang are back for another nail bitting story that is as engaging as it gruesome. This book focus’s on Dr. Sarah Linton, who’s giving testimony on a rape charge for a patient she helped 3 years earlier. The trial opens up old wounds from her own sexual assault, an event that changed her irrevocably and that she has done her best to forget about. That all becomes impossible when it’s brought to her attention that there might be a connection between what happened to her, and what happened to the girl whose trial she’s giving testimony to.

What follows is a page turning tale of love and perseverance that’s told through the harrowing lens of rape and rape culture. Trigger warnings galore for this one! I’m not surprised that Karin Slaughter knocked it out of the park once again, but I continue to be in awe of her ability to write such compelling stories with such care of the subject matter.

I only got into the Will Trent series about a year ago and have proceeded to devour every book I could get my hands on. Because of that, this is the first Will Trent story I’ve had to wait for. Thank you to Harper Collins for not making that wait as long as it could have been!.

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There is no author who writes crime fiction like Karin Slaughter. I committed to the Will Trent series a year ago and it amazes me how each book gets better and better. While her stories are dark and disturbing, they are so tactfully written and well-researched that as you read, it feels like you are following an episode of Dateline.

Full review to come as I gather more thoughts but if you are okay with graphic scenes and more disturbing content (rape), do not pass on this suspenseful thriller.

Thank you William Morrow for the ARC!!

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The author does a great job of building the characters and the plot is very intricate. I love this crime book considering the realistic civil trial of the story! I will definitely be reading more of the authors books and the rest of this series!

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Dr. Sara Linton is working in the ER on a quiet night when a young girl, Dani, is rushed in. She's barely coherent and bleeding profusely. She's hanging on by a thread when she whispers in Dr. Linton's ear, "stop him...please...stop him..."

This book took me on a WILD ride. From start to finish, it was packed with jaw-dropping revelations that kept me guessing until the end. I had a theory (as we always do!) and I loved every minute of this whodunit.

"After That Night" by Karin Slaughter is the 11th book in the Will Trent series, however, it can be read as a standalone. Please note: MAJOR TW.

This book will be published on August 22, 2023! Pre-order your copy now!

#AfterThatNight #NetGalley #KarinSlaughter #WilliamMorrowPublishing

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I love Karin Slaughter, but I did not realize this was a series book. If I had, I probably would have selected something different.

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When it comes to one of my favorite series and offered the opportunity to read the latest addition to said series, to say the least I was thrilled and thanking William Morrow and Net Galley for the opportunity. From the first book in the Will Trent series by Karin Slaughter I was hooked, finding the first novel to be excellent crime fiction with characters I was ready to invest in from Will, to Faith, to Amanda and delighted when he fell in love with Dr. Sara Linton and she became part of his story. With this novel Slaughter brings in a look at a past event in Sara’s life. Fifteen years before she was brutally assaulted and now testifying in a trial against a young man accused of assaulting Dani Cooper the situation seems to be linked to her own assault. Having promised Dani on Dani’s deathbed she would bring down the individual who assaulted Dani, Sarah with the help of Will and his partner Faith, begin to look into what came before and similarities to present events. While they use their FBI connections, the story is more fascinating as Sara is a main participant in discovering the clues and putting the case together as the three investigate. The topic is brutal but one to be told and gives voice to those whose lives have been torn apart by brutality as experienced by Dani, Sara and other women in the story. The twists and turns, the characters, the development of the story as Faith, Will and Sarah bring facts and names together makes this another excellent addition to the Will Trent series. Highly recommended and if read as a standalone I hope the reader says OK back to book one to learn all about Will Trent. Time to get hooked on an excellent series!

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Getting a new Karin Slaughter book every year is always super exciting for me but getting a new Will Trent book makes it all the better. This series is hands down one of the best crime fiction series around and every time a new book is released they get better. A question I always get when a new book in this series is released is can it be read on its own? Yes, technically you can because the author does an excellent job of providing any pertinent background information but the series as a whole is so incredibly good I always say read the whole thing if you have time.

If you’ve read the author before you know she is unflinchingly dark in the stories she writes and this was particularly harrowing as it deals with brutal instances of sexual assault. It’s definitely difficult to read about at times but at the same time I couldn’t stop reading because the writing is so damn good. As disturbing as certain scenes are to read I always feel like her books are such important reads as she gives a voice to voiceless women and she does so with a particular brand of care and consideration. Her writing is so bold that it’s not the type of book you finish and forget about. I finished yesterday and still cannot get the characters out of my head. Speaking of the characters it was so amazing to be back in this world and see what Will, Sara, Faith and Amanda were up to. I have such a strong attachment to this group of people and it’s always a treat to check in with them. If you like your thrillers dark this one is a must read, so well written, so disturbing and so gripping. Highly recommended.

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In this book Sara revisits some of her past demons and Will and Faith carefully navigate a connected case.

This is the second book that I have read in the series and a page turner for me for sure. And while the book has details and references that bring a reader up to speed with the past happenings and can be read as a stand-alone story, I thoroughly enjoyed the dynamic that Will Trent and Sara Linton have and will for sure be going back to find the previous books that I haven’t read in this series.

It was a great summer read with an engaging plot line that included many twists and turns, which I love. I can’t wait for more!

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Absolutely perfect. No one writes crime like Karin Slaughter and this is one of her best storylines. It's dark, which is no surprise, but it's also emotional albeit less gritty and procedural as previous books in the series. I already can't wait to re-read it! All the stars in the world for Will and Sara.

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Another late night staying up to finish a Karin Slaughter novel. Will Trent and Sara Linton are back at it, with this case landing a little too close to home. It opens with Sara testifying in a rape/murder case against a college boy whose family she knows from her own university days. After a shocking revelation, Sara must revisit the ghosts (and demons) of her past and what led to her becoming a medical examiner rather than the surgeon she had dreamed of being. They are thrust into a world of wealth and privilege and depravity - where money solves all problems and makes people disappear.

Another page turner by Slaughter - can’t wait to meet her in person in Tulsa and have her sign a copy for my library!

TW: rape, assault

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