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Polishing the Duke

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I have read this story before where someone suddenly finds themselves a peer and needs help with all the rules and regulations for both themselves and their family member's to enter society. However the characters and the story line were very done with Pierce being extremely likable and needing very little polishing it leaves time for them to get to know each other and fall in love. A very easy and enjoyable read. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Pierce Selkirk has built himself a successful business. As he is deciding if he should expand to more haberdashery shops he is told he is not illegitimate as he believed, and he is now the Duke of Stoneham.
Lady Nalyssa Shelbourne lost her place in society after the suicide of her father. Now she makes a living teaching others everything they need to take their places in that same society.
This historical romance is the third book in a fabulous series. You don't need to read them in order because they are all stand alone stories. You will however meet some of the characters from the other books here. We have some very special heroes and heroines. This hero in particular has an unusual talent that comes in very handy. It's very easy to hooked into the story from the beginning to the end.
Great fun.

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"Polishing the Duke" is the third entry to Alexa Aston's "Suddenly a Duke" series. I loved the potential double-entendre of the title but this enjoyable read is (sadly!) only slightly steamy. Lady Nalyssa Sherbourne is a 29-year-old disgraced daughter of a deceased earl. Her disgrace was not her fault, but resulted from her father's destitution and resultant suicide. She has since made a life for herself training non-aristocrats for entrance to the ton. She has been hired by the recently deceased Duke of Stoneham to "polish" his son - who was raised thinking he was illegitimate - to take his rightful place as Duke.

Pierce, newly the Duke, is willing to learn but skeptical. There is quick chemistry between himself and Nalyssa, and he quickly sets his sight on her as his bride, even knowing (and with her constant reminders) that she is not marriage material due to her borderline reputability amongst the ton. Love, of course, prevails.

This was a mildly entertaining easy read. The premise seemed more than a little off - a duke marrying a commoner, then hiding her and their child, then "marrying" again and siring additional children and being honest with no one until his death? Incredibly farfetched even as a romance novel setting and just despicable behavior. I admittedly liked Amanda a little less for being willing to go along with such shenanigans. Pierce's quick decision to make Nalyssa his bride also felt a little out of left field. It felt like she was more convenient than anything else. Still, I liked the story overall. I hope we revisit Penelope at some point in the future!

3.5 stars, rounded to 3. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a complimentary ARC of this book. The opinions herein are my own.

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I read the first book in this series, and I really enjoyed it. This one didn’t work as well for me as that one did. I felt like Pierce and Nalyssa’s relationship was a bit forced and the conflict at the end was rather abrupt. The writing style seemed stiff to me as well. This wasn’t my favorite by this author.

I received an ARC from NetGalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

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An honourable woman takes the job to prepare the duke and his family for the society that she knows and shuns her. The book is also an informative insight into society rules, both reasonable, sensible or otherwise. Meanwhile an engaging romantic tale unfolds. A very enjoyable read.

I received an ARC from Netgalley and leaving my review voluntarily.

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This is book 3 in "Suddenly a Duke" series. Although It can be read as a stand alone, the characters from the couples from the first two books do make an appearance in this book.
I was wondering how a man who owns a haberdashery, becomes a Duke. Alexa Aston does a wonderful job of weaving this story. I like her two main characters, Pierce and Nalyssa (didn't like the name). But characters were strong minded and strong willed. But together they made a formidable team.
What I like about Alexa Aston books are that her secondary characters are always great. That was the case in Pierce's ;mother and sister.
I want to thank Netgalley for the opportunity to review this book.

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Lady Nalyssa is a society outcast due to her father’s suicide. She makes a living by teaching people who were not raised in the ton how to behave and dress in society. She takes on Pierce who is a tailor now turned duke. Whilst trying to make him appealing to the ton, she finds herself very attracted to him. While at one time she would have been considered way above him when he was a tailor, she now feels she is too below his duke status to consider as a partner. I received an ARC from NetGalley and Dragonblade Publishing for my honest review.

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Loved It!

I loved the romance and emotions within this storyline. Pierce knew what he wanted and wasn’t afraid to go for it. He was a wonderful character and his personality shone throughout the story and the love he had for his family.

Nalyssa had been through a rough time and was working towards a better future. The ton had turned their backs on her but when they wanted help training one of their own to succeed their title, she was the first person they turned to!

Such a swoon-worthy storyline full of wonderful characters, tender emotions with some steam and oh when Pierce did the most romantic thing ever, I think I fell in love with him!

If there was a recommended read for April, this would be it! Loved It!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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4 stars

Lovely story. Nalyssa the ton groomer has to make sure that Pierce is ready to greet the Ton. He ran a haberdasher shop but was really the duke's heir. The previous Duke didn't acknowledge then because he thought his fiendish father would kill then, which I thought was a bit OTT. Another author did a similar story but had the second marriage unconsummated which wouldn't have provided a villain for this one. People from the first two books come along.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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A great story with a haberdashery owner who suddenly discovers he’s a duke and a woman of the ton stained by scandal. I enjoyed the characters with a well written plot. Pierce and Nalyssa make a great pairing.

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Just One Night:
A most interesting beginning certainly had my attention. Complicated relationships are brought forth after the death of the Duke of Stoneham.
The story is filled with anxiety, many endearing lessons (I now know how to properly pour tea), beautiful letters where you will need a tissue box handy, along with a blooming romance that can't be denied. Soon the pages are smoldering with desirous attraction and longing.
A wonderful story with interesting characters and a few favorite characters from the previous books. It was enjoyable to have them included in this story also. Never a dull moment and the ending is a Oh No, this can't be happening moment, but all will leave us with a very happy ending.
I truly enjoyed the story, and the epilogue was very rewarding.
✔Book 3 of the Suddenly a Duke series but reads as a stand-alone.
✔Con. Nalyssa for her name. Didn't roll off my tongue very well🤷‍♀️
✔4.5 Star rounded up to 5
👀I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy for my honest opinion.

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I enjoyed reading Polishing the Duke; so very much. Light hearted at times and serious others. Never a dull chapter. Nalyssa, is as unique as her name. Pierce is practically an instant Duke. Not much Polishing was needed.

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This is an interesting twist on the suddenly-a-duke trope. Pierce always thought that he was an illegitimate child of an Earl but it turned out he wasn't. He was born in wedlock and now he's the duke of Stoneham. Lady Nalyssa is a woman on the fringes of the ton, making a living trying to give social newcomers some town polish. But although Pierce was a haberdasher he's got pretty good manners and he already has the confidence of a duke, and guarding her heart is a harder task than teaching him to mind his spoons. . His newly displaced halfbrother causes some trouble.

I enjoyed this story although I thought Nalyssa changed her mind at the drop of a hat. I loved Pierce's wedding surprise.

Series status: The events are partly concurrent with those of the previous book but it stands alone.

Steam level: a premarital tryst.

I received a free copy and this is a voluntary review.

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Historical romance. Regency-era England. Book 3 of the Suddenly a Duke series. An old duke reveals a deathbed secret that his first love and their child is not actually a bastard and is indeed the next duke and hires the Lady Nalyssa to polish him up for Society after the solicitor informs him of his change in circumstance. Nalyssa has been ruined by her father’s debts and subsequent suicide and has made a business of cleaning up long lost relatives to titles and making them proper gentlemen. She meets Pierce and his mother and sister when he becomes the new duke. While he has held a grudge against his father for many years, he quickly learns that many people will rely on him now that he has the title. Add in a younger half-brother who thought that he was the heir and is suddenly not. Though Nalyssa has no hopes of marrying, she and Pierce are instantly attracted to each other. I liked how well she got along with Pierce’s family and the way that she explains how seemingly frivolous spending leads to employment and income for others. I also enjoyed Pierce’s ability to be both stubborn and logical when faced with his new challenges. Quick and enjoyable read!

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Alexa Aston’s new Suddenly a Duke series is just so much fun. I have loved all three of the already-released ones and cannot wait for more. Polishing the Duke may well be my favorite yet. So, we’ve all read books about folks who suddenly come into titles. Sometimes they think they’re illegitimate and learn they’re not, usually when the father is on his deathbed and reveals this because they have no other heirs. In this case, not only does Pierce have to deal with the fact that the man he’s despised for ruining his mother is actually his father, but he and his sister are the legitimate issue, not the Earl who has been throwing his title (and future title) around like the jerk he is.

Enter Nalyssa, who isn’t really accepted by the ton anymore because of her own father issues, but has a quasi-acceptable position polishing up newly titled folks. It’s her job to make Pierce, a successful tradesman, into the Duke he is . . . without falling for him or having him fall for her. Alas, the Duke needs a wife and here’s Nalyssa, so, logical fella that he is, wouldn’t it make sense for them to get together? Yeah, nope, says N.

Well, you know it’s a happily ever after, so the two of them will get together, but there are so many twists and turns to that point, you can’t even be sure it will happen. But the writing in this book is just a delight, plus you get to see beloved characters from the previous books (you don’t have to read them in order, but I suggest it). Alexa Aston makes these books a delight, and you will find yourself unable to put them down. This series is one of the most interesting I’ve gotten into, and I cannot wait for the next. Easy 5+ star read. You will not be disappointed!

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This was a good book. I loved the characters and the story line was very touchy and heartwarming. I would definitely recommend this book.

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An amazing story we have here . Pierce had thought all his life that he and his younger sister were bastards but they turned his mother had married the Earl who later become Duke when they were not even 20 years old . Now that his father died he became the Duke . His father before his death had asked Lady Nalyssa Shelbourne to prepare his wife and two children for the Polite Society . Nalyssa is a lady but 10 years ago her father after gambling all their money he committed suicide and now she has to work to earn her living . So she is training men who come to a title . While she helps Pierce she feels attraction for him but nothing can happen between them because of her past . Pierce is determined to make her his Dushess . Will he make her change her mind ?
I received this book from net galley and the publisher as an ARC. Thank you! All thoughts and opinions are my own .

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