Member Reviews

A grieving billionaire, single father, widow not open to romance and a twin forced to take her sisters place on a date she isn’t interested in so her sister can secure a promotion. A disastrous first date with a surprise common ground found at the last minute leads to a friendship and the potential for more.
It was a realistic straightforward story showing the progression of grief with a hint of what selfish actions of others can result in.
Margoux looking for promotion feels she has to date her employers nephew however a bout of sickness has her roping in her twin sister Sloane to take her place. Sloane is given the direction to be boring so there is no second date. Sloane and Roman are both interested in Art and at the end of the very awkward date he notices her keyring which sparks his interest as it’s a limited edition piece of art.
Roman invites Sloane who he thinks is margoux to see the artists private collection and their friendship grows from that point with both of them starting to develop feelings. The deception is discovered and Margaux, Sloane and Roman all suffer for it however this was quite well written and realistic.

When Margaux Sheridan asks her identical twin sister, Sloane, to go on a date in her place, she has no idea of what has been set in motion. Margaux’s boss is trying to fix her up with her nephew and she fears if things go bad, so will her promotion. Sloane agrees to go on the date, just this once with Roman Bellisario, a wealthy widower and art collector who is still grieving the loss of his wife. Their date does not go well and Sloane is relieved until Roman believes that he owes her another dinner and discovers her love of art. Over the next few weeks, Roman begins to enjoy the time spent with Sloane, still not aware that she is not Margaux. Sloane is attracted to Roman and is feeling the guilt of lying to him and is determined to tell him the truth. Roman’s feelings when learning of the ruse is so well worth the read. I so enjoyed the interaction between Sloane and Roman and Roman and his two young daughters. I received an advance review copy at no cost and without obligation for an honest review. (paytonpuppy)

When I read the blurb for this story I wasn't sure what I would think but it was very well written and I loved it! I was absolutely hooked on this story and these characters. Loved it!

You or Someone Like You by Winter Renshaw is a contemporary romance that will leave you with a smile from ear to ear after reading about Sloane and Roman. This twin swap read is one where these characters slowly build their relationship and develop their feelings so when the truth comes out, the emotions are high. I loved how we were along for the ride with these two as they learn about each other and realize that maybe there is something more. Sloane is the calm, art loving twin that 'speaks' to Roman's hidden side and begins to bring him out of his shell. I found that this read was enjoyable and so fun and delightful and now cannot wait for another Winter Renshaw read.

Bonne romance, tendre
Ce récit est plus léger que certains de cette autrice : Sloane remplace sa sœur jumelle Margaux lors d’un rendez-vous avec Roman. Elle sait qu’elle le connait déjà mais lui ne la reconnais pas. Entre rancune du passé, deuil, leur histoire est compliquée. Le seul point négatif pour moi a été le temps pris pour Sloane pour révéler la supercherie.
Les sentiments sont bien décrits pour transmettre les émotions et leurs évolutions dans la relation, malgré un début assez froid entre Sloane et Roman.

Winter did it again with another fantastic story. So beautifully told and thought out. I loved every single thing about this story.

I was completely drawn into this contemporary love story. Sloane lives with her twin sister Margaux, a self-involved corporate climber. When Sloane agrees to cover for Margaux on a blind date, it sets in motion a myriad of events, some good, some not. Sloane and her reluctant date, the recently widowed Roman Bellisario, have more in common than either of them expect, and more than Sloane can reveal. There is a tiny thread between them, coincidences, perhaps otherworldly intervention. I loved watching them uncover more about each other, their joy and growing love. The author did a wonderful job of creating a cast of characters, each with their own issues and secrets, and a sense of hope for the future.
Thank you to Montlake and NetGalley for the review copy.

There are always signs and coincidences in life and romance, if we’d only pay attention. Sloane isn’t who Roman thinks she is and that’s the catalyst for a romance of deception. An adult twin swap? Bring it on. What could go wrong on a blind date between an identical twin and a grumpy widower who dislike each other on sight? Just about everything … complicated by the lie of Sloane’s true identity. It starts out harmless enough with Sloane forced to take her twin’s place on the date with a simple mission: Nip any chance for a 2nd date with Roman Bellasario in the bud. Roman turns out a real dish, while smart, introverted, and kind Sloane isn’t the frivolous airhead he expected from Margaux’s public reputation. A coincidence gives Roman has a change of heart and he wants a 2nd date. So does Sloane. Wait, what? Roman still thinks that Sloane is Margaux …
How can Sloane keep dating Roman by pretending to be her twin while lying to her twin about continuing to date him? Oh, the irony.
This slow-burn love charade has some cards stacked against it. Still, their connection is real and full of heart, depth, past histories … and conundrums about forgiveness and moving on. Not only is Sloane a woman of substance, but Roman is a catch as a loving dad. Their journey of him discovering how to love again with Sloane is sighworthy. I love the concept of mistaken identity and twin swap mixed together, especially when the conceit is two strangers who aren’t supposed to be attracted to each but actually are, the guy thinks the girl is someone else, and she doesn’t confess the charade while deluding herself that the romance isn’t real.
He’s a notoriously elusive art collector and she’s an art dealer, but pre-judging each other forces them to dig beneath the surface of who they assume each other to be. It’s fascinating watching them uncover that each is more than they appear to be and fall in love from all the things they share in common. There’s plenty to overcome for them though. When love begins with a lie, a predictable reckoning ahead is bound to happen with some fessing up on both sides before this romance has a real shot. This one ends with a bang and pulls out all the feels with a grand, romantic gesture to match the groveling of grovels.
WR always keeps me fully engaged in her MCs and their fascinating storylines which are much more complicated than expected with some dishy reveals. Whether you agree with Sloane’s reasons for continuing the charade so long, the couple’s undeniable chemistry and how the romance plays out was swoony. An adult twin swap has never been more romantic and deceptive at the same time, with building angst, undeniable love, and an attention-grabbing resolution. There’s so much to this ticking time bomb and to learn about Roman and Sloane that compels interest with a bit of heartbreak, even as all the signs are there and love blooms.

When her identical twin asks her to swap on a date with her boss's nephew, Sloane reluctantly agrees knowing Margaux's promotion depends on It. All she has to do is be boring enough for him not to want a second date. When she finds out her date is Roman, a man that got her fired from her dream job as an art dealer three years ago, she's even more reluctant. But strangely enough, they seem to click and she's forced to continue the lie. But this widowed single father has been through so much and Sloane is afraid to tell the truth and break his heart... and her own.
I loved the connection between Sloane and Roman and how their relationship brings him back from his grief and back to his love of art. The whole time you just know that her horrible twin is going to find a way to ruin everything! This was a great story of second chances at love after loss.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Winter delivers, again.
Dangit. Winter delivers, again. This is an excellent book. Yes, it starts off as a painful, awkward blind date, where Sloane is filling in for her narcissistic sister, Margaux. As they are identical twins with opposite personalities, it should be cake. Roman is a widower with daughters and a reluctance to move on from his deceased wife, Emma.
But at its heart, is the message that life is too short, fleeting and bnrief and sometimes there are signs that point you to the right person. It could be shared love of art or signs from Emma, that Sloane is the one for Roman. Mixed in with lots of family.

There is no way my review can give this book justice. It's was so addictive. You could see it coming like a train wreck, but not knowing the how, or the fallout kept me hooked. It went so much better than I expected! I absolutely loved this book, the art, the development of the story. I just hate that the ending wrapped up too fast. I wanted so much more than the short epilogue. Please, make sure you read the acknowledgment at the end. It was so touching, so heartbreaking, it just made the book feel that much more significant. I already know that this is one of those books that will stay with me for a while. Yes, parts may be predictable, but reactions and outcomes were not.

Overall Grade: 4.5 stars
Tropes: single dad; widower; grump/sunshine; workplace romance
My good friend is dying. It’s made it difficult to find words for reviews as of late. You’re probably wondering why I’ve started this review for Winter Renshaw’s You or Someone Like You with these statements, and it has a lot to do with how Renshaw’s story underscores the reality of how people process grief. I could sit in my feelings about my friend as I read her book, and it felt important for me so much so I inhaled this book.
You or Someone Like You holds many of my favorite romance tropes: single dad with two girls (a “girl dad”) who makes you swoon even when he’s emotionally shut off from his heroine; a heroine who breathes life into him and makes him a better man; the impending angst of their separation because there are secrets between them; and a happy ending with the soulfulness of their love that said angst pales in comparison. All of these elements shine in Renshaw’s book. The trials of Sloane and Roman, as they try to avoid falling in love. draw you into their story. Roman’s journey of self-discovery and his willingness to move beyond the stasis of his grief is profound and meaningful. There was so much I loved about this book, but mostly it was the heart Renshaw created as the foundation for this book.
Your or Someone Like You allowed me to feel and cry and laugh and swoon. It’s one of my favorite books from Winter Renshaw.

Roman & Sloane’s Fake Identity Romance Is A Beautiful Slow Burn! Set In The New York Art Scene, This Touching Story Is About Loss & Grief. It is About Finding The Strength To Move On From True Love & Having The Courage To Love Again. The Couple’s Romance Is Patient & Kind, But There Is Deception On Both Sides That Threatens To Destroy Their Fragile Happiness.
Sloane Sheridan, twenty-seven, loves living in New York. People-watching is a favorite pastime, and she loves long walks to clear her mind. She might hail from a small town in Ohio, but she feels at home in the city. She studied art history at Ohio State before making the move to the Big Apple. As the director of the Westfeldt International Art Gallery in SoHo, she considers herself fortunate to work in the field that she so loves. She’d been doing fantastically in her last position, but three years ago, an angry customer blamed her for an innocent mix-up and cost her job. Sloane is not one to sit back and sulk, though, so she is working hard and doing well in her new position. She hasn’t been in a relationship in years because she is focused on her career and simply doesn’t have the time for it. She has the occasional hookup, but the natural introvert that she is, she is much more inclined to stay at home on a Friday night. In that respect, she is the polar opposite of her identical twin sister Margaux, with whom she shares an apartment.
Margaux majored in marketing and is similarly career-oriented, but Margaux has a bubbly personality and is quick to make friends. She has her eye on a promotion and loves working at Lucerne Product Development. But when her boss Theodora pushes the envelope by trying to set her up on a blind date with her nephew, Margaux caves. She doesn’t want to offend her boss, so she accepts but has every intention of being a very boring date. Margaux knows she has a horrible track record with relationships, so she cannot risk going beyond one date. When she comes down with a case of food poisoning just before her date, she sees an easy fix to her problem: send Sloane in her place. All Sloane needs to do is be boring.
Roman Bellisario, roughly thirty-four, is an elusive figure in the New York art scene. A collector known for his excellent taste, he has a demanding personality. That is his pastime. By day, he is in the international shipping logistics business. He took the helm from his father and is the third generation to run the family business. He was groomed to take over, but if he’d had a choice, he would have gone in a different direction. He once aspired to become an art history professor. He had been an art history major at NYU, but he gave it all up to please his father. Today, his sole joy comes from his daughters. Adeline, five, and Marabel, four, are everything to him since his wife died three years ago. Emma emanated joy and brought a sense of lightness to his life, and his life has felt empty in her absence. His aunt Theodora has been steadfast in her support over the years and dotes on the girls. She says it is time to move on, but Roman just cannot bring himself to let go. She claims her employee, Margaux, is like the daughter she never had and is remarkably similar to Emma, and reluctantly, he gives in just to appease his aunt. Theodora has been so supportive that it is impossible to keep saying no.
When Roman meets Margaux, he is keen to end the evening and return home to his daughters. There are a few peculiarities from the evening that stick in his mind, however, and soon he cannot get Margaux out of his mind. He wants a do-over. When Margaux guilts Sloane into going on her blind date in her stead, Sloane is reluctant. With Margaux’s potential promotion on the line, though, she concedes. Learning that her date will be none other than the very man that got her fired three years ago, she has a hard time biting her tongue but does so just to keep the peace for Margaux’s sake. She follows Margaux’s orders to be boring and has no expectation of ever seeing Roman Bellisario again. So when he calls back hoping to see her again, she is shocked. But the more she learns about the single father, the more she feels drawn to him in spite of everything. She is supposed to gently push him away, but surprisingly, he keeps asking to see her again. Things get complicated as Sloane is expected to balance Margaux’s career with Roman’s feelings – not to mention her own growing attraction to Roman. The couple eventually finds a happy ending.
Roman and Sloane’s fake identity romance is a beautiful slow burn. Set in the New York art scene, this touching story is about loss and grief. It is about finding the strength to move on from true love and having the courage to love again. Roman is hardened and mysterious, and Sloane isn’t looking to crack his shell. But the attentive single father of two young girls automatically earns a soft spot in her heart as well as a lot of respect. The romance is patient and kind, but there is deception on both sides that threatens to destroy their fragile happiness. There are a few teary scenes, but note that the biggest tears are found in the author’s Afterward – so do not skip it. The story is wonderfully written. The plot is somewhat complex. The characters are three-dimensional and real. The story is told in first person. The POV alternates between Roman and Sloane. I rate this book 4.5 stars.
I received an advance copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.

This book was a DNF for me (I got through 55% of it) But based on how much others have enjoyed this book, I'd say it's a "It's not you, it's me, situation." It turns out the twin-swap trope just isn't for me. I can't get beyond the idiocy of it.
Also for me, the main character doesn't seem to have much going on in her life. Halfway through the book she hasn't interacted much with anyone other than her twin sister. She mentions a job but doesn't go to it. This book isn't layered enough to draw me in.

About the content
Being an identical twin has its perks, but when my sister asked me to sub in for a date with Roman Bellisario, I wasn’t exactly thrilled. Sure, he’s sinfully handsome and successful, but he also got me fired from my dream job three years ago.
This time, my sister’s promotion is riding on this date, so I have to say yes. And as it turns out, we’re strangely perfect for each other. I sell art. He collects it. We’re both obsessed with the same obscure, mysterious artist that most people don’t even know exists.
Roman is guarded, though, and I can understand why. He’s a widowed single dad. But as one date leads to another, he starts to let me in, and I can’t help but fall for him.
The problem is Roman still thinks I’m my sister. Is our twin swap going to be the best thing that ever happened to me and Roman—or the lie that tears us apart?
(Source: NetGalley)
My opinion
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
When Margoux asks Sloane to show up for her as a stand-in on a blind date, she’s anything but thrilled. But it could help her sister with her career, so Sloane gives herself a push: she transforms into her sister and attends the dinner with Roman. In the end, it’s clear to both of them that there will be no repeat. But they get in the way of the organizer of the blind date, who hears from both of them how great they enjoyed it. Sloane’s fondness for art comes through, but that doesn’t really apply to Margoux at all. Sloane’s dislike for Roman turns to feelings as time and dates go on and eventually she wants to end the charade, but Margoux has her very own plans and not to have the secret revealed…only fate gets in Margoux’s way and Solane seems to have lost Roman.
Sloane is the complete opposite of Margoux, loving art and less fancy clothes. She doesn’t care about her appearance for the most part and would never make a fuss about it like her twin sister does. I found Sloane sympathetic and I just felt sorry for her – she falls in love with Roman and knows exactly what she will do to him with „her“ lies.
Margoux is a bitch. She uses her sister and Roman like pieces on the playing field. The main thing is that she succeeds, no matter how many sacrifices it will cost along the way. She doesn’t care about her sister’s feelings and I couldn’t understand why Sloane let her do that for so long.
Roman is a widower and he loves his two little girls more than anything, but after the death of his beloved wife the world has become gray for him. But always by his side: his aunt, who also takes the girls from him once a week so that he has time for himself at home. Actually, he doesn’t feel like dating at all, especially blind dates, but for his aunt he makes an exception and is pleased that both of them end up having no real interest in each other. Because of his aunt, they continue to spend time together and eventually Roman notices how his world becomes more colorful and friendly again with every word and every minute spent together. But then Sloane becomes more and more distant and desperately wants to meet with him, so he decides to visit her at work. Disaster takes its course…
Roman is not a particularly sympathetic character at first, as he is anything but approachable. But that’s not surprising if you know his story. Gradually, however, he thaws out with Sloane and in the end I also found him sympathetic.
The writing style is kept simple and easy, so that you can read the story without comprehension difficulties. The story is dual POV (Sloane and Roman), which gives a good insight into the respective emotional and mental world.
I enjoyed „You or Someone Like You“ partly because Sloane and Roman’s love story develops slowly. They get to know each other better and better through their dates and messages, and you can tell when each other is falling in love.
3.5 stars

The big reveal and climax in this book had me shooketh. And the ending was swoon worthy and loving!! I loved it

I really enjoyed this well written story. I couldn't put it down after I started it. Sloane and Margaux are identical twins. When Margaux is ill and can't go on her blind date, she talks Sloane into going on the date for her. Gives her the instructions of don't try to hard, I don't want him to like me.
Roman is a still grieving widower who lost his wife three years ago and is being pressured by his aunt to go out on the date. He finally agrees just to satisfy his aunt. The date doesn't go well at all, but after an unexpected walk to escort her home gives him some signs that he believes his wife is telling him to move on.
Sloane has found out how much they have in common and really has started to fall for him but doesn't know how to break it to him that she is not Margaux. Roman has finally found hope in his and his daughters' future and is he is starting to be happy. Until he finds out accidently about the switch.
I loved the character of Sloane that she is sensitive, good hearted and empathetic to Roman, totally different than self absorbed Margaux. I just would have liked a little more of them, like when she was introduced to his daughters, and a little more detail of their lives. This is 4 stars

As with every Winter book, the angst in this book is on point. Roman and Sloane are perfect for each other. Sloane has the biggest heart and will do anything to please everyone else. Not going to lie, low key kind of really didn't like the sister. She was very selfish to put it nicely. Its been a while since I've been able to read a Winter Renshaw book and this one reminded me why I love her so much. Truly enjoyed this book.

It's hard for me to review this story. On the one hand, Roman is a loving father of two girls who touch your heart and Sloane takes her duty as sister to the extreme. After a disastrous and awkward first date, they agree to another try and from there the relationship grows as they realize just how much in common they have. On the other hand, the wrong-twin deception lurks under all of the antics and charm and really takes away from the romance. I enjoyed the journey, the getting to know you activities and the time spent together, but the lengthy deception and the rapid resolution of the betrayal jarred the flow.

Instantly i was intrigued with this story. The connection they had always left you wanting more from them and acting on it but i felt the secret was dragged on too long and much a slow burn i that put me off