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Ms Perfectly Fine

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I didn’t LOVE it, but I didn’t hate it either.

There were some really good moments throughout. Falling in love, dealing with loss, surviving with what you’re given. There were also bad moments. Repetitive, missing little details, crowded/overstuffed with detail.

Autumn worked HARD to get where she is, and she knows what she wants out of life and is trying her best to get there.
Elijah is finally feeling free, until he gets stuck with Autumn. But there’s something about her he can’t shake.

I think the plots individually were good, but mashing them together made it difficult to stay in the right mindset. It did feel VERY busy at times, mixing a romance with a whodunit is complicated. There was just a lot going on and I honestly got overwhelmed at times trying to understand my own emotions. Can you even get overstimulated from reading? Because I think I did.
I felt like there were many places with over-detailed scenes that could be simplified without taking away any of the story.

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Ms Perfectly Fine

3.5 ⭐️

When I first saw this book cover I figured it was a light romcom-but then read it was a romance suspense. It definitely lived up to that!

Really enjoyed both Elijah’s and Autumn’s perspectives in this. The first half of the book worked a lot through them getting to know each other in the forced proximity, and I really enjoyed that.

The second half of the book focused a lot more on the suspense portion of the genre combo. Autumn has a stalker that ends up escalating as she gets closer to her big solo performance.

Overall a solid, different read! Thanks to @netgalley for this eARC!

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Sometimes you just get lucky and find an absolute gem on NetGalley read now. Ms Perfectly Fine tells Autumn’s story as she works to rebuild her life after a life changing incident but it’s not a simple process. The best way I would describe this book would be a romantic suspense and let me tell you, I couldn’t put it down!

What I loved:
▪️enemies to lovers, dual pov, character growth, found family
▪️Elijah! I mean, how could you not love Elijah! He’s kind, caring and major book boyfriend material.
▪️Autumn’s growth as she works to regain her strength in more ways than one!
▪️You could literally feel the connection between autumn and Elijah and I loved their relationship!
▪️the suspense and twists. In the effort of no spoilers, I’ll leave it at this.

If you’re a fan of suspenseful romance, give this one a try! Seriously, I couldn’t put it down.

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I don't usually go for romantic suspense, and this was my first romantic suspense novel, so I wasn't sure what to expect. But I really enjoyed this book! There were lots of really well done elements, and I really didn't want it to end.

There are SO MANY delicious tropes in this book. The dialogue and banter is super witty and sharp--which is my favorite. I also love when the male character is the sunshine character in grumpy x sunshine. There are some triggers to be aware of, but they were not so overwhelming.

I would 100% reread this book.

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Last year, I read the brilliant "The Naughty Or Nice Clause" written by Kate Callaghan, so when I saw she had another book available on Netgalley I grabbed it as soon as I could.

I was not disappointed!

In "Ms Perfectly Fine", Callaghan mixes romance and a bit of suspense to create a hard to put down enemies to lovers story.

Autumn, a professional pianist is finally ready for the spotlight again after her tragic accident and she's practicing all hours to be fully prepared for her first public concert in ten years. However, she's not prepared for or welcoming the distraction of her landlord suddenly having let half of the house where she's living to someone else. Having IT geek Elijah suddenly appear inside her house in the early hours, is a shock to say the least!

At the beginning of the book it's very easy to side with Autumn against the Elijah, but as the story evolves, the good and the bad of the two characters evens out. Eating your housemates food? Bid NO! Using their credit card? Big NO!

The dialogue (or in many cases pure bickering!) between Autumn and Elijah is believable and brings the story forward. Based on this story, I'd be intrigued to find out more about Heather, but also Tim and Sasaki. Also, I am guessing that Elijah's friends could have a few things to contribute to their own stories if Callaghan was so inclined.

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I truly enjoyed this book and it was a quick read perfect to take my mind off things and relax. I liked both the main characters and thought both Autumn’s backstory and current situation to be unique and interesting.

*Warning - may contain spoilers*
Elijah grew on me (though I will be honest and admit he really irritated me at the beginning of their cohabitation - him eating her food is just not ok and honestly he sounded like a roommate from hell, him picking her up and carrying her off to stop her practicing early in the morning after having reassured her beforehand that he wouldn’t interfere with her piano playing was not cute or romantic but kind of awful, him bringing his dog into their living situation without asking again didn’t sit right with me.)

Then again Autumn did a few questionable things that I also considered crossing the line (using his credit card without his knowledge and especially the bidding at the auction) and honestly, my first thought concerning the roses was: why didn’t Autumn get a security camera installed once they began worrying her? I also found it very strange she wouldn’t have recognized Heather. Still the story kept me interested and though I suspected the true villain right away, I was still happy to read along and see where the story would go.

Oh and honey isn’t vegan. So her overnight oats labeled vegan wouldn’t make sense to have honey - I’d recommend changing it to maple syrup? Another instance when these little details didn’t add up: why was Elijah making eggs if he follows a vegan diet?

There were a few little editing issues (like two or three typos) but otherwise nothing major.

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There was a lot going on in this book, in possibly the best and worst ways. I thought this book started off a bit slow, and it was a little hard to get into at first. But then, it really started to pick up, and it got interesting. Personally, I felt there was a lot more chemistry between them at the start of the book, and it kind of just fizzled out as the book went on. However, at the end of the book, they were complete couple goals. The only other issue I had was Tim. What he did, even though this was fictional, was not cool. Like, I know its' a book, but, come on man-I was rooting for you. Overall, there were very few grammar errors, and the story-especially the twist at the end-was very enjoyable and I would read this again.

Overall: 4.5/5
Spice: 2/5
Plot: 4/5


"Want me to show you just how much of an animal I can be?" He drawled, tilting his head towards hers'. "Cute. Save your charms for someone who cares."

"Even if she won't let me help her, I can still make sure she's okay, he though, hating to see her look so defeated."

" rehab she was known as Ms Perfectly Fine,"

"I'm here, I'm not going anywhere."

"Scarred or not, it's a part of you and deserves to be cherished."

"If she isn't going to look after herself, I'll take great joy in doing it for her."

"But he didn't look her with pity, only admiration. If she hadn't loved him before, she did now."

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This is the first work I’ve read from this author and I enjoyed it! Elijah and Autumn were very cute and the forced proximity was done well. It’s doesn’t take long for the characters to fall for each other but it didn’t bother me too much.
I felt like the suspense was on the back burner a lot of the book and then rushed for the last 20%. The plot twist at the end was predictable and I saw it coming. It’s an easy read that’s not your typical rom-com (if you’re looking for something different)!

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A cute enemies-to-lovers read with a little bit of spice and a whole lot of (justified) bickering. I definitely don’t think I would have been as chill as Autumn if someone started eating all the food I’d bought and meal prepped, no matter what compliments he offered! You definitely can’t blame Autumn for being angry and unrelenting when her space is invaded and her home bubble turned upside down and I was definitely siding with her when Elijah was giving as good as he got. It definitely made for a tense situation where the sparks were flying, though! The mystery element was perhaps not essential to the narrative but I enjoyed it all the same and kept trying to unravel the clues.
It was great to see a character with chronic pain living her best life. She was strong, determined and incredibly talented and didn’t let her health stop her but there were times when her character was open about her struggles and it was so important to see. As someone with a chronic illness who experiences good days and bad days, I could really relate to Autumn’s character and her emotions. The conversations about how the orchestra’s conductor prioritised Autumn’s health and supported her different needs were also a good element to this narrative. I’m glad I read this book and got to see a little bit of myself in Autumn.

I received a free copy of this book. All views are my own.

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This book is a romantic suspense, which I didn’t realize when I started reading it. It started off with the MC suffering a trauma that leaves her with chronic pain. But then it veers into cute rom com territory with an accidental roommate arrangement and a whole lot of shenanigans.

I really liked the first half of the book where these strangers get to know each other, and how they go from begrudgingly sharing a house to genuinely enjoying the others company. But then it takes a turn where there is a sinister subplot. I personally didn’t care for this part. I feel like the strangers to lovers/roommates both dealing with issues from their past would’ve sufficed for a good romance with just enough angst/tension. I felt the subplot was unnecessary and didn’t think it was executed very well.

But I think you should check it out if you’re a fan of romantic suspense stories and like these tropes. Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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➳ arc rating: 5 ★

First of all, I want to thank the author and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. Ms. Perfectly Fine by Kate Callaghan will be coming out on June 8th, 2023.

Kate Callaghan is an independent author and publisher who released her debut YA dark fantasy trilogy in 2020. She writes adult romance and fantasy.

What is the book about?
Ms. Perfectly Fine tells the story of Autumn Adler and Elijah Wells.

Autumn is a concert pianist, focused on making a solo comeback after an accident and Elijah is a game designer building his own company. Elijah rents the ground floor of Autumn's townhouse, which she refuses to give up, leading to a battle of wills between the two. As Autumn's showcase approaches, a gift leads to something far more alarming, forcing the two to call a truce and work together.

One house, two strangers, and a dark secret. What could go wrong?

Tropes and themes:

• Grumpy (her) x Sunshine (him)

• He falls first
• Forced proximity
• Rivals to lovers

This is a stand-alone novel with mentions of trauma, stalking and chronic pain which may be triggering. <b>Check content warnings before reading.

My review:
Ms. Perfectly Fine by Kate Callaghan is a new adult romance with suspense as a subplot that makes the book be more interesting and an easy read.

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t read over half of the book in one sitting - I really liked it! Who wouldn’t love a cute and funny romance novel with Taylor Swift references in it?

It has an amazing storyline, amazing main characters, amazing ending and the perfect amount of drama. I don’t think I have anything bad to say about this book. I also enjoyed how, even though the book is written in 3rd POV, we can still know their own thoughts in dual POV.

To sum up, this was a very entertaining, sweet and fun book to read with a great representation of chronic pain which was very well written,— so hurry up and don’t forget to mark your calendars for June 8th, 2023!

My favourite quotes:
“I don't want her to be my enemy, but I don't want her to be my friend either. I want her. All of her.“

“It was only when she drifted off that he really understood how badly he was falling for a woman he hardly knew.“

“‘You're playing with fire’
‘Then burn me.’”

“‘You love me?’
‘With every fibre of my being’”

Who I recommend this book to?
• People who love romance books with some mystery in it.
• Fans of Taylor Swift.

#MsPerfectlyFine #NetGalley

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Thanks to the author and Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This is the first story I’ve read by this author and I wanted to like it from the cute cover to the chronic pain representation of the heroine, Autumn.

Unfortunately, the story felt very rushed as Elijah moves in unbeknownst to Autumn and they proceed to go from enemies to lovers in what seems like only a few weeks. Also, the romantic suspense part of the story seemed very predictable as well.

I ended up finishing the story but skipping huge portions. This story just wasn’t for me.

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This book combined two of my favorite types of books: Mystery and Romance. I am so grateful to NetGalley and publishers to allow me to read an advance copy.

I enjoyed this book. Elijah and Autumn were the perfect enemies to lovers, sunshine and grumpy pair. I loved getting so representation for people with chronic pain because I believe this is the first romance novel where the character dealt with it. The novel having a mystery twist vibe also made me want to read faster so I figure out who did it.

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I really enjoyed this book! I loved the representation of chronic pain and the way that the book was able to demonstrate how it can affect the daily lives of people. I thought it was a cute, sweet romance and liked the progression of Autumn and Elijah's relationship from being enemies, to friends, to being in a relationship. I liked the dual POV because it provided different perspective from someone who is suffering from chronic pain and survivor's guilt and also someone who is supporting the person who has chronic pain.

One thing that can be difficult with romance books is the insta-love trope. While it wasn't necessarily insta-love in this book, the relationship did seem to move fast with characters having feelings fairly quickly. But it's not easy to write a romance that isn't too wordy but also doesn't have characters instantly falling. I did think that Callaghan did a pretty good job with this. It wasn't a super slow burn and didn't have a ton of fluff in the romance, but also they didn't tell each other they were in love the second they saw each other. I liked that Elijah seemed like a jerk in the beginning and they didn't seem to get along but then we got to see his personality and the way he cared for Autumn.

I did like the thriller/suspense aspect of the book as well. I was definitely fooled with the twist and had thought I knew who the villain was. Later in the book it became more clear that I was wrong. The ending was still a little predictable, but it wasn't a dealbreaker for me because there were elements to the twist that I didn't guess.

Lastly, I did wish that we got more of the main characters in the end or maybe an extended epilogue because it seemed to go from the twist to the ending really quickly. But overall, I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it to piano players, fans of enemies to lovers, lovers of fluffy golden retrievers, and readers who enjoy a little suspense with their romance. Thank you to NetGalley for the eARC!

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I downloaded this purely for the cover but I actually ended up really loving it, binged it all in one go >_<

This was a very pleasant and entertaining book to read. A truly sweet story, with a twist. For me, this served as a palate cleanser. Without the nonsense of lies, doubts, and ordinary teen angst, opposites attract.

It's a formidable foe to lovers and forced closeness romanticism. The stalker premise added a good touch of suspense to the story. I believe that a large number of individuals would enjoy this book. It's rather endearing. I thought the last reveal was outrageous and unexpected.

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Ms Perfectly Fine

Date 08 Jun 2023
CallaghanWriter, Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA),
Genre :Mystery & Thrillers | New Adult | Romance
#MsPerfectlyFine #NetGalley. More

Autumn wants the house, but Elijah wants her.

Autumn Adler, a famous concert pianist, is making her solo comeback to the stage after a tragic accident, and she can’t afford any distractions. Of all...
Autumn wants the house, but Elijah wants her.

Autumn Adler, a famous concert pianist, is making her solo comeback to the stage after a tragic accident, and she can’t afford any distractions. Of all the things that could go wrong, she never expected her landlord to rent out the ground floor of her home to Elijah Wells – a game designer in the midst of building his own company. Autumn loves her townhouse, and she refuses to give it up. However, Elijah is equally stubborn. As the days pass, Autumn’s efforts to make him leave only further his desire to win her over. It seems as though neither can win this battle of wills.

Yet as Autumn’s showcase approaches, a seemingly innocent gift turns into something far more alarming. Can the two call a truce and figure out what’s going on?

One house, two strangers, and a dark secret. What could go wrong?

✨Tropes & Themes✨

🔥Grumpy (Her) x Sunshine (Him)

❤️He falls first and harder

🌹Hates everyone but you

😈Forced Proximity


💋Enemies To Lovers


🥺Chronic Pain

My Thoughts

Great representation of chronic pain.I think that Autumn's chronic pain was very well written and was realistically executed. I really enjoyed this book and getting to know Autumn and Elijah. There intreactons at the start been so standoffish made me laugh out loud as we can see the instant attraction both have to each other even if they are in denial at 1st. It's a fun read

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I loved the characters and the development. Even thought the book we set over a few short weeks, it makes sense that they would fall for each other quickly as they are forced into the same area.

Autumn and Elijah are forced into shearing the same house, unfortunately this doesn't go smoothly on day one as Elijah becomes a home invader. Through petty squabbling and stubborn determination of making the others life hell, both quickly find that they need each other in more ways than one.

When Autumn’s stalker rears their red rose head, and starts to create an impact on her performances, Elijah pushes the investigation onto a friend to save Autumn and Elijah’s future.

This was funny and shocking. I didn’t figure out the mystery until about three quarters through. I honestly didn’t think that stalker would be an option until it happened and the shock was there.

There were parts where I felt the pettiness level was next level in both bad and good ways. For instance, Elijah has no idea about Autumn’s chronic pain, as she hadn’t told him anything about it, and he proceeds to shut her out the house in the rain. This made me angry as well as making me laugh.

The plot is brilliant as well as obvious for the most part and then you get the slap at the end, because the culprit is unexpected. But a very enjoyable read.

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this was a very sweet and fun book to read. it's such a great enemies to lovers and forced proximity romance. I loved the nice dose of suspense with the stalker plot. I think so many people would like this book. It's very endearing. I think the twist in the end was crazy and unexpected.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read an advanced copy of the book.
tw: trauma, survivors guilt, violence, stalker

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The opening chapters were very catchy. The back and forth angsty meeting was great. I did not read the fine print that said this was ROMANTIC SUSPENSE. Literally everyone felt like a suspect at one point. Really good read. Elijah and Autumn’s relationship was great, the banter and back and forth “pranks” were spot on. The first half was Elijah and Autumn trying not to fall in love the second half was Elijah trying to protect Autumn.

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I had my hopes held high for this book; the premise sounded really good: the mystery, the forced proximity, the title that sounded a lot like a TS song...
I'm really sorry to say that I was kinda dissapointed.
As I said, the idea was really good, the writing style was good, but it was the plot development that had too many flaws.

I don't want to spoiler anything so I'll just say:
- In my opinion they fell in love too quickly, after living together for barely few weeks.
- The "bad guy" motive was weak

Everything said, I still enjoyed the read, and I have to admit I really liked the characters!

I was going to give it 2 stars, but it's more a 2.5, so I'll just give it 3 as encouragement

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