Member Reviews

Gratitude is extremely important if you want to be happy. Many of us know this, yet we still don't practice it. I really enjoyed the sections of this book where the author provided practices and exercises for expressing gratitude. Some which I knew, some I hadn't used before. I did find much of the content hard going and more spiritual than I expected, and I marked it down for this, because I wasn't looking for a deep read. I am, however, grateful to NetGalley for gifting me this book to review.

Based on an emotional journay if certinly learning to not take life for granted. Multiple good life lessons however I feel like this may have been better as a journal or workbook or maybe as a companion to a gratitude journal. Felt a little to repatie or long for a full on book, it is a combination of her story with her lessons she learned & how to apply those to your liofe, and while in some scenarios it is a broad generalization other times I feel like it would have to stretch it to fit my life.

This book is excellent as it guides one through intentional living and encourages one to practice gratefulness. All the practices mentioned were very helpful as they help you to discover yourself and invent.

A very inspirational book.
The chapters guide you through your negative thoughts and how to change your mindset.

This was enticing because I love the practice of gratitude, but I just could not finish this one. It felt like I was reading the same sentence over and over and over. What I did read just felt like the regurgitation of what I already know about gratitude. If you are new to gratitude, this would be a great starter book. It has several journal prompts and thinking prompts to help you on your journey.
Thank you Netgalley and Storey Publishing for a free copy of this ebook in exchange for a fair and honest review.

A really good guide to developing a gratitude practise. I got some very useful ideas from here that I will be using in the future. Some of the book became a little repetitive, but it has some very good ideas, prompts and suggestions.

Wake up Grateful by Kristi Nelson is a “how to” guide on how to make grateful, mindful living a daily practice. Inside this book are meditations, affirmations, and exercises of daily tasks to improve the ability to expand gratefulness in our daily lives. All too often, we only recognize what we have in our lives when we have lost something or somebody. Using this book, is an opportunity to hone in on these skills before experiencing loss. It is a guide that will awaken you to a different lens and view of life, which will enhance your life and that of those around you. Ms. Nelson is an amazing guide, as she shares her story of trying to embrace being grateful while fighting cancer. The book is written in a good voice, with an easy to follow format. The exercises are laid out for you to follow with ease. I think that this book is an insightful read and a must for anyone looking to improve his/her daily well-being and lens of living. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the advance review copy in exchange for my honest review.

This was a very well written book which was easy to read and work though. Had some good ideas and interesting concepts. Worth a read.

So…I’m rating this as 4⭐️ without finishing the book! Why? Because I need a physical copy! I need to hold the book in my hands, to mark up and highlight those sections that resonate with me, that feel like they have been written entirely for my benefit! After a ropey year of poor health, this book matches the intensity I have for gratitude and that things could always be a lot worse. It’s well written, relevant and exactly what I need on my journey to be at peace with myself ❤️

Thanks to the author, Storey Publishing and NetGalley for the review copy.
This book provides a really poignant perspective. The author turned to grateful living following a battle with cancer and this book is her way of imparting the wisdom she gained from Brother David Steindl-Rast. Given Brother David Steindl-Rast is such a core part of the novel, there are some spiritual elements. I read the book fairly slowly, as is suggested, at roughly two chapters a night (sometimes three).
The main message for me from this book was live in the moment and really experience life, appreciating every little thing. I found this message to be quite powerful and I liked the way she related it to her own personal experience as it really gave me some perspective. I did find some elements a tad repetitive. I wanted to read this because Vex King's novels had such a powerful impact on me and I was hoping this would be the same. I did like the message behind the book but unfortunately it didn't resonate with me as much as I hoped hence the three stars. I think it could definitely be helpful for others!

Thank you netgalley for this self help ARc in enchanted for an honest review.
I enjoyed this book.
I found it well written with a good, conversational flow.
It felt natural to read. There were a lot of emotional ups and downs throughout the book.
Some bits were a rollercoaster, and other parts were a Sunday drive on a back road.
I would highly recommend this book to a person who wants to hear a compelling story and be inspired at the same time.
It is a gem in the Christian community.
Some chapters stand out for me and really thought provoked.

Looking to set up a gratitude practice? This is the book for you! Lots of ideas, prompts and suggestions for reflection. An excellent edition to your mindfulness shellf.

First of all - you need a hard copy of this journal to do the guided activities, affirmations, reflections and journal writing. I will buy this one for myself and gift others copies. Huge fan of self reflection and trying to find the silver lining when you are having a bad day. There are plenty of ways to seek and find gratitude in your life. The author specifically writes of 5:
1. Life Is a Gift - When you greet each moment gratefully, you are always receiving.
2. Everything Is Surprise - When you open to wonder, opportunities abound.
3. The Ordinary Is Extraordinary - When you take nothing for granted, life is abundant.
4. Appreciation Is Generative - When you tend what you value, what you value thrives.
5. Love Is Transformative - When you embrace the great fullness of life, your heart overflows.
The only downside to reviewing books of this nature is that you dont take the recommended amount of time to review and reflect. You are on your reviews pace- not your own.

As a teacher, wife, and mother to two, life gets crazy. Being teacher, especially in this day and age can be challenging. Sometimes family life becomes overwhelming. This book couldn’t have come at a better time in my life. As I was scrolling on NetGalley this book came up and I instantly added it to my request selection. There were so many times in this book that I would highlight or talk to my husband about. If you need something to help you during a tough time and put life in perspective then I would recommend this book to you in a heartbeat.

This book has changed my life. I’m going to buy the hard copy - it is underpinned with teaching passed to the author by those they knows personally or have read but is digestible and accessible for “ordinary” lives. I’ve got a totally different outlook now hand will come back to these words again and again. I’d love to see the author speak about the ethos of the book and their experience on a book tour!

I enjoyed this book. It was well written with a good, conversational story flow. It felt natural to read. There were a lot of emotional ups and downs throughout the book. Parts were an roller coaster, and other parts were a Sunday drive on a back road. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to hear a compelling story and be inspired at the same time. It is a gem in the Christian genre.

Great title! Loved the colorful cover. Appreciate the ARC from NetGalley for the purpose of this review. I'm giving it two stars. I didn't connect with the writing and that made it difficult for me to love this book and the content. I keep a gratitude journal and regularly practice gratefulness in my daily life. I was hoping to learn more from Nelson's book but it didn't come through for me.

Wake Up Grateful :The Practice of Taking Nothing for Granted is a deeply spiritual book guiding you through the many ways of being grateful and living a richer more meaningful life. It is written by a cancer survivor who knows how precious life is and has committed her life to working with The Network for Grateful Living, It is a deeply thoughtful and contemplative book that should be read slowly and savoured. Just the reading of it will improve your life for the better. It is beautifully written and will help everyone find the love and abundance in each moment of life.

Being Grateful During the Storm
What a beautiful soul. The author has written a truly amazing book, in light of her life-changing ordeal. Yet, she has dedicated her life to helping other be grateful, knowing that she, in her doctor's words, is not out the woods.
The author states that we should be grateful for the fullness of our life. She list five guiding principles for live a grateful life, they are:
1. Life Is a Gift - When you greet each moment gratefully, you are always receiving.
2. Everything Is Surprise - When you open to wonder, opportunities abound.
3. The Ordinary Is Extraordinary - When you take nothing for granted, life is abundant.
4. Appreciation Is Generative - When you tend what you value, what you value thrives.
5. Love Is Transformative - When you embrace the great fullness of life, your heart overflows.
She discusses each principle in great detail.
The author discusses the practice of grateful living using Brother David Steindl-Rast's well laid out and simple prescription: Stop. Look. Go. This method focusing on cultivating the three characteristics essential
for a grateful life, which are:
1. Presence - When we STOP, we become more present.
2. Perspective - When we LOOK, we seek the gifts of a grateful perspective.
3. Possibility - When we GO, we awaken possibility.
I feel this is a very go practice to implement in one's life to give one structure on a daily basis because it causes you to really Stop and think about what your are going to do (Look), and then take action (Go).
The author provides many practices/exercises to do that will cause you to be more mindful and grateful. One such practice is given below: (complete the sentences with a positive answer.)
Take at least one minute to notice some of the opportunities to be grateful that are readily available to you right now. Consider these prompts:
Looking for reasons to be grateful, I notice . . .
Looking for beauty, I see . . .
Looking for surprise, I discover . . .
Looking for opportunities to be grateful, I am aware . . .
The author states that at the age of 33, she was diagnosed with stage IV Hodgkin’s lymphoma that had metastasized to her spine. After she went through 18 months of hospitalizations, surgeries, chemotherapy, and treatments, she asked her oncologist, “When will I be out of the
woods?” and he answered, “You will never be out of the woods.”
What a devastating thing to be told, "You will never be out of the woods.” However, the author did not celebrate with a one-man pity party. She adopted the attitude of gratitude and wrote this magnificent and inspiring book, knowing that it was a privilege to be alive, which she states many people who wanted to be alive today and to have the chance to think about their options, are no longer here for the blessing of this consideration. She, further, states that no matter how old we are and no matter the condition of our bodies, minds, or spirits, our very aliveness is a fact to be celebrated, and not to be taken for granted.
Consider the privilege afforded to you by the fact of your being alive.
Kristi Nelson states that we all should think of the choices we want to make with the moments and opportunities we have right now, and with those that are ahead of us. Because she knows that it is a privilege for her to be alive in all of her moments, no matter what.
This is a great book for any going through similar situations or someone, who has a family member or friend needing that extra boost. I highly recommend this book.

In theory - based on the tagline and title, I should have loved this book.
I am a big fan of gratitude and the benefits of a daily gratitude practice.
However, I found this book to be incredibly dense and hard to read. I really struggled with this book, it was very difficult to read, and I couldn't connect to this book at all.
Really disappointed!