Cover Image: The Awesome Human Journal

The Awesome Human Journal

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The Awesome Human Journal is valuable for anyone looking to improve his/her well-being and self-esteem using a journaling format. Working through this journal will allow an individual to reflect upon his/her day, express gratitude, and learn how to change mindset. Included daily practice pages encourage you to develop self-awareness of your emotions, treat yourself with compassion, express gratitude, use supportive self-talk, and forecast future things to look forward to. This journal is bright and nicely illustrated. Some people may not enjoy the font, as it is handwritten and not typed, but I think that it makes it more whimsical and inviting. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the advance review copy in exchange for my honest review.

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I'm not normally one for journalling, I tend to do it for a week or two and then it finds its way into pile of activities I've neglected and left to gather dust in the corner. However, I have been doing a lot of work on reflective practice at work recently (trainee teacher life) and something about this book caught my eye.

I find journalling, or more specifically books about how to journal fit within two categories:
Self-help guides that engulf you in facts and figures, letting you know exactly why your cognitive pathways are malfunctioning and using words 10x bigger than they need to be.
Self explanatory guides that are a paper version of mansplaining a simple process with no real meaning behind it.
The Awesome Human Journal however did not fit either of these and maybe that's why I liked it so much. There are small sections of cognitive science but written in a user friendly way that feels manageable. It gives enough of the WHY mental health self-care is important without making you feeling like you aren't smart enough to take part.

As I read this as a review copy it was digital, but I was able to take the parts that I found helpful and work them into a bullet journal form (yes I have become one of THOSE people... even if I am about 5 years late). It helps manage my thoughts, look at the bigger picture and take a moment for me. My favourite section is where the author asks you to explore your energy fuels and energy drains. Sometimes it is hard to know why your emotional bucket is empty and here was a nice activity to start piecing it all together.

I think the biggest thing to remember with books like this is that YOU are the one who does the work. They can guide and help you but you have to find a way that works for you. The whole book may not be what you need but I would be surprised if there were not at least parts that you resinate with. Parts of this book, like the 5 emotional fitness skills, are now part of my daily routine, and I highly recommend it.

(I will update with a link when it is on my blog)

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Thank you NetGalley and Sounds True for the ARC of this book.

The Awesome Human Journal is a great introduction to the journaling world. Kogan has written this book with the reader experience in mind, no only when reading but also when putting into practice all the different strategies to start journaling on a daily bases.

There is a clear focus on self-improvement at different levels, which is always welcomed. The approach to journaling is rather gentle, always putting the mental state of the potential writer at the centre to determine the extend of the practice.

I have jotted down some notes which I intent to put into practice!

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The focus of The Awesome Human Journal is guiding readers through learning how to edit their thoughts and switch from a negative mindset to a positive one. The prompts focus on building five emotional fitness skills: acceptance, gratitude, self-care, intentional kindness, the bigger why. Throughout the journal, notes to self convey words of wisdom and encouragement. The prompts deliver on their promise and I'm sure anyone who completes the journal will feel happier and... well, awesome. However, I found that some pages became repetitive. For example, the daily practice pages make up a large percentage of the book and are nearly identical with only a few minor variations. While there are brief descriptions explaining the neuroscience behind the activities. To truly get the most out of the journal, it might be useful to also read Kogan's other book: The Awesome Human Project. While there are some great prompts throughout, I found that the journal was missing some depth.

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Thanks to the publisher, Sounds True, and Netgalley for the digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I have to admit i wasn't expecting to enjoy this as much as I did. Obviously it's not a book per se but there is a structure, lots of exercises and space to write, plus nifty neuroscience tips that help stick to/reinforce good habits.
-you don't need to have read her awesome human book to enjoy this journal. How awesome is that?! (Of course if you want to dive in to the concept, why not?!)
-Labor of love by the other with hand written text and sweet scribble illustrations
-hand written text can be an annoyance for some folks. Occasionally a little difficult to read the r's
-some design quibbles but I'm sure it'll be fixed but publication
-it's not out yet so i can't buy it ;)

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This was a great pick to review from the Netgalley offerings. Nataly makes it so easy to improve the reader's wellbeing and esteem. I was limited by the fact that the review copy was all digital and so could not try it out in practice, but I can see the immense value she brings through the enough and more spaces in the book for the reader to work on self-reflection and fill up their inputs. I loved the illustrations which apparently Nataly did her self - they are very nice.

I think this will be a great self-help book for becoming awesome human beings and not get restricted in realising our potentials, while improving our wellbeing!

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Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC of this book. 5 emotional fitness skills of acceptance, gratitude, self-care, intentional kindness, and the bigger why are covered in this journal. I would encourage anyone to reflect on their emotional well-being and find goodness in their life. When this comes out in print I will be buying and gifting this journal !!

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I loved the simple concepts presented in this book. The format is easy to use and that is very important. I appreciated that it included the 5 emotional fitness skills of acceptance, gratitude, self-care, intentional kindness, and the bigger why. It was interesting to learn about the skills and incorporate them into my life.

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Great title and cover! Well done with valuable content. I thank NetGalley for the ARC for the purpose of this review. I will be purchasing this journal for myself and friends. I liked how it was outlined with space for writing but not just lined journaling areas, there were prompts, tips and helpful quotes. The guidance that Kogan provides was super! Five stars.

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