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Technically Yours

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A second chance romance that felt fun, realistic, and hard won! Another read to love by this auto buy author!

When Pearl can't stop running into the one that got away, both in personal and professional settings, she's has to come to terms with the fact that maybe she made a mistake and it's time finally say yes!

This is a great read! It is a fast paced, easy binge romance read. It has a great, easy to understand plot. There is a endearing cast of side characters.

I loved Cord & Peral. I found their story to be relatable and I loved seeing their friendship built in the past and how it changed to romance. They are both fleshed out main characters (shout out to Dual POVs!) and I understood and empathized with both of them. I LOVE how direct Cord is. He is a man who knows what he wants and it's refreshing that he's able to communicate and be upfront about his unwavering feelings for Pearl despite her hesitation. I will say that 3rd act break up was a bit frustrating to say the least. I also would have liked more physical descriptions of Cord & Pearl early on outside of her calves and his formerly floppy hair?? Otherwise, solid character, plot, and spice!!

Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for my gifted advanced e-copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley + Berkley Publishing for this eARC in exchange for my honest review!

Denise Williams is one of my favorite authors, and I'm SO happy I was given the opportunity to read Technically Yours ahead of its release! A second chance romance is right up my alley, and this book had the banter, the spice, and the heart to make it a thoroughly enjoyable read.

I really liked the dynamic between Cord and Pearl, the invisible string tying them together and impossible to ignore. They are proof that love is a choice you make every single day, even when it gets hard, even when it feels like the sky is falling down around you. It felt realistic that they had so many obstacles to overcome, including their own personal gripes with relationships.

I thought the 'white knight' angle was genius because Cord did give those vibes without intentionally trying to give those vibes. Once that connection was made, I will admit I saw him a little differently, which I think was the point. But he wasn't like her previous partner, and he truly had good intentions with every decision he made.

I had a bit of difficulty getting into the book in the beginning, but once I really got into it, I finished the second half of the book in one evening. I think the back and forth between present and past tense tripped me up for a bit, which contributed to my slower reading. I understand it was integral to the story, but maybe there could've been a way to do it a little less so we stayed in the present more.

I loved all of the supporting characters, but my favorite relationship with between Tye and Cord. The care with which Cord treated Tye melted my heart, and his dedication to helping them was second to none. He may have agreed on a whim to mentor Tye, but he was fully invested and it was clear he took it seriously.

Another tiny gripe is the second part of the epilogue. I'm not the biggest fan of an epilogue proposal, and I think we could've finished with the first epilogue at the fundraising event. It just fit perfectly, and I didn't need the additional spicy scene to close out the book.

I also wish we had delved a little more into Cord's relationship issues because we get a text from his father toward the end of the book and I just...didn't care? I don't think there was enough set up for that to be a defining moment in the story.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to read it ahead of its release date!

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I cant thank the Author enough to trust me to read/review an ARC.

I don’t think there’s enough words for all the emotions this book took me through. However, there were times I had to step away for a bit because you understand exactly where each character is coming from and it becomes overwhelmingly too good. I was mad, sad, laughing, concerned, confused, and happy all at once. The most important part was being able to understand the need for independence and not wanting to be saved. It’s a lesson I had to learn and I love that there is a book about the emotions you go through when faced with this type of situation and the impact of your decision that not only impacts yourself but impacts all the people around you. The characters were so well written and there are so many other stories I want to read about next! I can’t wait to see what’s next for this Author but I know without a doubt that it will be just a great as the previous ones.

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Thank you netgalley Berkley romance and #joyfulchaos bookclub for coordinating widgets for us to read. I absolutely love denise williams and she was the first new to me author that once I read her first book I knew I wanted to read all her books. I cannot wait for my physical copy to show up.

Loved 4.5/5☆

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The dual POV, past/present format worked amazing for this second-chance coworkers romance. I love love having a billion tropes in one. Pearl and Cord are a new favorite of mine, they are both so well written and I fell in love with their story. I immediately read all eight books of hers that I haven't read. Denise is a new favorite author, thats for sure!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the Publishers for this Advanced Readers Copy of Technically Yours by Denise William's.

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I’m so grateful I was selected to receive an ARC from this author, as I have enjoyed reading her previous books! Our two protagonists in this book, Pearl and Cord, were already introduced in a previous book, so I went into this book very excited to read their love story. For some reason, I didn’t really connect with the characters (besides Pearl’s incredibly fun niece, Tye). The plot also wasn’t my favorite from the author. However, I was still able to read this book relatively quickly and would still read more books from her in the future!

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I cannot lie. Williams writing is getting kind of boring. Can we get other parings other than white men/black women? Or is that not in her wheelhouse? This was a snoozefest

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I'm such a fan of Williams' writing and her ability to blend swoony love stories with challenging workplace drama, supporting her leads with loving families and friendships, and building her romances with delightful banter and thoughtful backstories that create realistic obstacles, despite her leads' profound attraction and affection for one another. In Technically Yours, Williams returns to the world of The Fastest Way to Fall, so fans of that book will be delighted to spend time with its characters again. This time, we get a second-chance romance, as the lovers wrestle with conflicting workplace dynamics and mutual instincts to keep things casual in both the past and the present, even while they can't help falling in love. While the love story is plenty flirty and sexy, my favourite elements of Williams' novels are often the themes she works into her settings, from academic politics to fitness and body image to providing community and support for underrepresented communities. I always end up cheering at the end, and not just for the lovers when they get their HEA, but for a sense of hope for change for the better, delivered in this case with two lovable leads, some groan worthy tech puns, a sassy teen who deserves a book of their own, and an exceptionally fashionable cat.

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I have been a HUGE fan of Denise Williams since her debut, and when TECHNICALLY YOURS was sent to me, I pretty much dropped everything to read it immediately.

Williams gives us everything I've come to love about her books with this second-chance romance with two characters in tech who chose work over love five years ago, but now find themselves thrown together in a special project.

I honestly can't even pick whose POV I enjoyed more, both Pearl and Cord were so well-written, each with their own struggles to overcome that tied beautifully into the story. Cord was the best of book boyfriends, in his patience to give Pearl the time she needed to figure out what she really wanted in life, love, and her future and I found her determination and grit to be such an inspiration! Her internal struggle and goals had me cheering her on and feeling so empowered as a woman, we CAN have it all.

I LOVED the focus on company growth and diversity, and how the mentorship program was woven into their story as a couple with Tye often stealing the show, especially at the end. Each of our main characters has friends and co-workers that are a big part of the story, and I really enjoyed what they added.

This title stole my heart and has become my favorite title by the author, I cannot wait for more readers to check out this book! Have you read any of her other books? If so tell me which ones! I'm LOVING the strong, fierce women that are main characters in STEM lately, always such an inspiration Berkley Romance clearly knows how to give us romance titles to swoon over, that also make us feel seen.

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Loveeeeee Denise Williams, her books are always so adorable! Everyone deserves to read this sweet little romance story. Let your heart flutter a little with this one!

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I love Denise Williams! This book didnt capture my interest as much as her other books, but I enjoyed this fine. The time jumps felt a little unnecessary, but I still enjoyed this one. I love when romance books loop in science, so that's definitely a plus.

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I have been waiting for the release of Technically Yours ever since we got to see snippets of Chord being head over heels in love with Pearl in The Fastest Way To Fall. Being able to see the tension between them as Denise William's books progressed, I knew we were going to be in for a treat when we finally got to see their full love story, and I was not wrong! Technically Yours delivered the star-crossed, angsty romance I wanted. Getting to see flashbacks to how Chord and Pearl first met, and how their relationship progressed from 8 years ago to now was so magical.

I also just need to take a minute to talk about Chord Matthews because this man is SO DOWN BAD for Pearl Harris that it's not even funny. He's easily my favorite man written by Denise Williams because the way this man knew immediately from running into Pearl in an elevator that he wanted her and patiently waited for her for 8 years was everything. I love that when he reunited with Pearl after she moved back to Chicago, he immediately told her that he still had feelings for her and that he would be willing to do anything to make her happy,. Pearl was understandably hesitant about mixing the lines between personal and professional between her and Chord, especially given that her job would be on the line, but that doesn't stop Chord from being the sweetest man ever and telling her that he'll wait for her however long it takes for her to feel comfortable to move forward with their relationship. Seeing their dynamic with Tye was also so heartwarming and ugh just made me want to see them be a happy little family so bad.

I also just really loved Pearl as a character and seeing how far she came from juggling a job and degree to becoming Executive Director at OurCode. Every single one of Denise William's female main characters are so badass at their jobs, and are so determined with their own goals and personal ambitions, and it's so refreshing to see them get what they desire, whether it's a career advancement, love, or both!

Technically Yours is easily my favorite Denise Williams book, which I didn't think was possible considering what bangers her previous novels were. I definitely recommend reading Technically Yours if you've enjoyed her previous novels!

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I was really let down by this book. I loved her other books; however, this one was not as good as the others. I think the story had a lot of potential but it just seemed too unrealistic as well as difficult to keep up with... felt like scenes were some times all over the place....
I will still read any other books she writes this just wasn't my favorite

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Love it!!!

Thank you soooooo much netgalley, the author and the publisher for the advanced review copy if this book💗
"I voluntarily read and reviewed the book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.”

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While I did enjoy this book, I found that the characters were a bit unrealistic. Or at least the reasoning why they couldn't "be together" initially kinda dumb. I did like how the story has characters of various races, orientations, pronouns, etc. It's not one of my favorite books, but I did enjoy it. thanks to netgalley for providing me a copy of this book!

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5 stars for Cord (what kind of name is that, though?) and for Williams writing a second chance romance (one of my fave tropes). As someone who has greatly benefited from having a great mentor, I loved Cord and Tye’s mentor/mentee relationship. Cord really was just an all-around perfect character. He was thoughtful, selfless, and, really loved Pearl. Pearl was a total master at self sabotage and drove me nuts. I loved her strength and independence but wish she could’ve been kinder to herself. I do think the circumstances keeping them apart could’ve been easily remedied and would’ve loved a stronger ending. The Fastest Way to Fall is still my favorite Williams book, but this was a solid romcom! Highly recommend if you love forbidden workplace romance.

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This book was really cute! Was it a little predictable and cliche at times? Yes. But it was still a cute feel-good romance!

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Ooh, a sexy coder? That was fun! I really enjoyed this second chance romance set in the tech world. The chemistry was hot, the relationship was believable, and the writing was enjoyable to read. I will recommend this to my audience!

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Denise Williams is back at it again and I wish I could say I enjoyed this as much as the other books in the Denise Williams extended universe she seems to be writing within and yet I would say that The Fastest Way to Fall stays my personal favorite.

I found the back and forth indecision of Pearl to be annoying at times though understandable due to her past relationships. I also thought that Cord maybe didn't respect her boundaries or need for distance nearly as much as he thought he was doing and I also found that to be frustrating.

What I did absolutely adore was the side mentions of Britta and Wes, and Pearl's family. Tye was a very cool character and I liked the inclusion of them, for both the representation and also because I just genuinely found them to be very entertaining.

I will always give every Denise Williams book a shot and I'm thankful to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing for allowing me the opportunity to read and review this newest addition to her work!

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