Member Reviews

A beautiful collection of work from some absoloutely wonderful individuals. This book is a love letter to trees, and while reading it I could feel the deep love and respect the contributors have for the planet and the living things that call it home.

Unfortunately I don't feel that I got the full experience from reading the e-arc of the book as the formatting was not great.

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A beautiful love letter to nature and trees. This collection of works is like sitting with a master story collector who is ready to share their collected works and wisdom of human-kind’s relationship with trees. Lovely, poetic, energetic, and heartfelt. If you enjoy time spent connecting with nature, I’m sure you’d enjoy spending time with this beautifully illustrated book.

💕You might like this book if:
🔹 you like books that share collections of work from various contributors
🔹 you enjoy poetry, art, and prose about nature & trees
🔹you find trees an inspiration for creativity

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The language of trees gives all kinds of information from stories about trees, poems, and recipes. This book is gorgeous. Any tree lover would enjoy.

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A fascinating collection of art, prose and poetry with a diverse range of contributors.
Katie gives each letter of the alphabet a delightful drawing, ranging from Apple to Redwood and ending with Zelkova.
The Alphabet Tree is used to begin each chapter.
Topics range from 'Fake Plastic Trees' by Radiohead to 'Under a Plane Tree' Plato.
I particularly enjoyed the chapter on the medicinal uses of trees. This includes a recipe on how to make Sun Tea and Conifer Seasoning Salt.
I was interested to learn how Japanese farmers protect their baby apples with wax paper bags during the growing season.
A charming book. I would highly recommend.
I quote from the book - He who plants a tree
Plants a hope

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This book is a beautiful devotional to trees with submissions from various authors and artists.
This miscellany contains fact, fiction, poetry prose and visual art pieces devoted to all things tree! A great book to read cover to cover or just dip in out of.

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Well this was absolutely beautiful.

Katie Holten has compiled the most perfect collection of poems, stories, songs, recipes, art, indigenous wisdom, history, folklore, and science, celebrating just how wonderful trees are.

Over 60 collaborators share their tree memories, experiences and worries in forest green ink - Robin Wall Kimmerer, Suzanne Simard, Amitav Ghosh, Elizabeth Kolbert & Kerri ni Dochartaigh to name a few.

Each entry has been translated into tree, using Holton’s alphabet, filling the book with lush forests of tree translations.

It felt like I was holding back tears the whole way through the book. It was incredibly heartwarming to read of the love and admiration others have for trees.

I don’t know if you can relate, but being a naturalist/environmentalist (whatever you want to call it) can feel extremely lonely at times. Often I feel defeated, thinking there aren’t enough people who care. That I’m shouting out into a void trying to get people to listen.

The Language Of Trees has reminded me that there are so many people, like myself, who care for the life that we share this planet with and that I can allow myself to have hope.

Every entry in this book flowed beautifully. It introduced me to so many brilliant authors and naturalists and also led me to new words & thoughts from people I already hold in high esteem.

Robin Wall Kimmerer’s entry in particular has kept popping up in my thoughts since reading it. No surprise there really…

This is such a perfect book, and one that will stay with me forever. My favourite read of the year so far. I implore you all to read it

A big thank you to NetGalley & Elliott & Thompson for the DRC and to E&T for gifting me a physical copy of this gorgeous book and happy publication day to Katie Holton - I will treasure this one forever

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This booking like a love letter to trees.
A compilation of works from prehistoric times to Radiohead.

The author has put together meaningful poems and passages to capture the importance of trees.

The book is striking, as the author has also formulated a tree alphabet, so each chapter is first shown in the language of trees before you read it in English.

A fantastic concept.

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This book is so unique and creative! Using the different tree images was such a cool idea! If you like poetry or compilations of different works this book is for you. If you also enjoy nature and getting lost in the woods these different stories revolving around trees will make you want to be around them even more! This book is simply beautiful!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the amazing publisher for the ARC of this title! I am so grateful to be auto-approved for this title!
I look forward to reading and reviewing. More to come!

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The Language of Trees : How Trees Make Our World, Change Our Minds and Rewild Our Lives looks to be a beautiful book, something really wholesome and meditative. Unfortunately I cannot read it on my ebook reader as the sentences and words are all jumbled up with thumbnail bits of trees jumbled everyone. If you have a digital friendly copy please can you upload it - many thanks

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