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Thanks to Hodderbooks, Hodderpublicity and NatGalley for teh arc!

Was a little bit disapointed that this book had a different main character than Mindwalker, would´ve loved to read in-depth about Sil and Ryder but i did like Indra at the end of Mindbreaker.

I found the beginning of this book a little slow and hard to get into, but i would say at the 150-200 page mark that´s were it started to pick up.

Would´ve also loved the ending to be a bit longer. I mean what happened with Aiden?!? Alas maybe that´s content for a third book in this world? I would definitely read it.

I do feel like these books always end a little abruptly for me would prefer if we get a bit more of a glimpse of the future from these characters. Like a epilogue.

But nonetheless a good book!

Pub date september 14, 2023

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Kate Dylan is a master! This was the science fiction of my dreams, with humour and intelligence and a gripping plot. I adored Mindwalker, and Mindbreaker more that matches it predecessor. Can't wait to see what Dylan cooks up next!

I received a copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review

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this was a really good! I liked the characters, and they were super well-developed. the plot was super cool and fun to read, and the writing was also smooth and easy to understand
highly recommend

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Wow Kate Dylan has done it again. If you want a sci-fi that reads like a futuristic black mirror episode look no further!! Set after Mindwalker it’s a brilliant look into the world where technology is key and big tech companies hold all the power. The new characters in this book were just as fantastic as the first and to see Syl and the gang come back was so much fun. I cannot wait to see what else comes from this author

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This book was all about more. More of this world, of tech and dystopia, more characters we love and more of the characters we loved in the first book. Ok sure this is a stand alone in the sense it follows a different story but it's always nice when we get more of the quartet of characters from Mindwalker.

This story takes place about a year after we leave off from Mindwalker. On that note, it does answer some 'Where are they now' type questions. We know where they are, f**king sh*t up again. And I am here for it.

Now within this book's 320 pages is just...more. Like I said, it's more tech, more world, more characters. And honestly, for a book a little over 300 pages, it is absolutely packed. There is never a dull moment because the quieter moments are sort of like the valley before you're rocketed uphill again.

Like last time, the story leaves you with the question of what all the tech is worth and is it really better for everyone to live life with it. At the same time, as said in the blurb, it really does argue what it means to be human. That debate when you've changed and you have to wonder if it was good thing.
(*Mini spoiler* Though for most people this doesn't involve puddles of dissolved humans - it'll make sense later)

The first book had a lot of lighthearted moments, moments where you could cheer for everyone but the corps because things were doing well and people tried making good choices. This one was admittedly heavier, in a lot of ways and for a lot of reasons, but it was just as good and just as enjoyable to go through.

Do I want a third book in this world? I'm not sure my human, untech-enhanced heart could take it.

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I got this as an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review. I really appreciate that opportunity. I requested Mindbreaker as I had just read and loved Mindwalker also by Kate Dylan - and I was not let down! This is a sequel but you could enjoy it without having read the first book (read the first book though, it’s fab).
I feel I don’t have the words many people have to write great reviews. So to put it very simply: sci-fi set in a future America that has been completely destroyed along with the rest of the world. Rebuilding and repopulating is happening and advanced tech has helped people survive the toxic lands. But what happens when advanced tech is in greedy hands?
17 year old Indra grew up on the fringes of society and got a radiation illness that was slowly killing her. Her father tried to save her and sold her to big tech who offered to try to heal her. We have a well paced action packed story then that has lots of rebels and robots, risky escapes…
I love the characters… silver haired Nyx, the boy from the 6, is one of my favourites. Love the characters from the first book who we see too, it’s a nice crossover.
If you like a bit of sci-fi, futuristic planet earth, strong female characters, hacking, good versus evil story telling, any of the above, then Mindbreaker is definitely worth the read.

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I requested Mindbreaker on a whim because it looked fun. And it's been too long since I've read a good Scifi. I didn't realize it was a sequel at the time. I'm not sure if that makes a difference, but I'm having difficulty getting into the story. I plan to seek out the first book before I continue with Mindbreaker.

Thank you to Netgalley and Hodderscape for providing me with a review copy.

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MINDBREAKER is another action-packed sci-fi that asks how far tech companies will go to make money - and how many people they will exploit.

This is a book full of dodgy tech companies, unethical business practices, a corporate climate of abandoning agreements in search of profit, and the exploitation of vulnerable people. While the technology and post-apocalyptic world feel a step removed from our world, the companies themselves feel all too real, giving you another reason to hope Indra can expose them. But the question the entire time is "how long can it be stopped?"

While this is set in the same world as MINDWALKER, it is not a direct sequel. This book takes place after MINDWALKER and references many events from that story. However, while Sil and many of the first book's crew are major characters in this book, the protagonist, various characters, and the corporation are all new. It can be read without first reading MINDWALKER, and the only thing that would be missed is the understanding of referenced events.

There are so many betrayals and layers of secrets feeding into this book. It's a non-stop race through action sequence, reveals that make you question previous events again and again. Like MINDWALKER, it really does feel like a marvel movie in book format (and with fewer men with big egos getting all the focus!)

I really liked getting to see the anti-tech side of the world through Indra's upbringing. They are absolutely a cult and she has to fight their conditioning the entire way through, but it gives an insight into how people might not look favourably on technology - and the lengths they'll go to to avoid it.

I would absolutely love another book in this world!

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A fantastic sequel to Mindwalker. These books are so fun, action packed and full of great characters. Recommended these books for anyone wanting quick to read, action filled, sci fi books.
I really enjoyed this one!

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Thanks to Netgalley and Hodder for giving me access to this wonderful novel. WINDBREAKER takes everything about MINDWALKER and cranks it up even higher! I found the protagonist easy to root for and really enjoyed the fast-paced read.

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Thank you Hodder & Stoughton and NetGalley for the ARC of Mindbreaker by Kate Dylan in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

Having previously read Mindwalker before starting Mindbreaker I was aware of the world in which the story was set, which definitely helped with my understanding of the politics, history and context of the society, the districts and controlling industries. It’s not essential to read Mindwalker first, but it does help give a more rounded understanding of the world the story is set in and it’s a fantastic read!

It was immediately clear that Mindbreaker isn’t a sequel but, a distinct story that introduces a new protagonist Indra, set in the same dystopian world controlled by powerful corporations. Mindbreaker steps the terrifying inhumanity, greed and brutality of Mindwalker up to a whole new level from the start with little to no preamble.

Indra, the key protagonist on this story is a girl raised within a religious cult that refutes technology in all its forms - practically blasphemy in this highly technological future world. Until she finds herself transformed, embodied in a cyber / robot form and plunged into events that are more iron man than cute religious girl! Dylan portrays the mental and emotional struggles that Indra faces on her journey with just the right tone, neither patronising nor condescending, without sulky face or tantrum, even if some of Indra’s choices are questionable and highly reactive.

Dylan continues to deliver a writing style is perfect for this type of story, fast-paced, action-packed, increasing pace and flow that you can feel your heart-rate increasing as you near the end, turning pages at a rate of knots to find out what happens next.

Even with this pave, Dylan introduces and conducts a sub-plot romance that adds to the weight and flow of the story. This isn’t just a romance thrown in to tick a box but, a powerful addition that truly compliments and contributes to the plot, twists and all.

In summary, Mindbreaker is a rollercoaster ride filled with the dips and dives of action, adventure and plot twists that would make a truly fabulous action film! I totally loved it and recommend you grab both Mindbreaker and Mindwalker when looking for your next thrilling read!

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This sequel was really very very good!
The full review comes close to the release date.

Thanks to Netgalley and Hodder&Stoughton for providing me with this ARC!

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I really enjoyed Mindwalker so was looking forward to reading Mindbreaker. This isn't so much a sequel but another story set in the same world. With a host of new characters, Indra as the FMC, we are reintroduced to the old ones as secondary characterd. It was a quick enjoyable read, but something just fell that little bit short to the first one.

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Unfortunately, I did not read Mindwalker, so maybe my opinion is not as founded as other people's.

I found the worldbuilding very enganging, and who wouldn't - it's not for nothing that fantasy&scifi are the genres to go to nowadays for decent criticism of the state of the world - an evil tech company is more realistic now than ever.
I am a bit conflicted about Indra's lack of autonomy. It's always a bit problematic to depict a female character as object rather than agent of her life or plat; however, with this book, it was so well done and it is so much part of the plot, that it is ok.

Thanks for this read; will definitely check out the prequel, too!

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Mindbreaker by Kate Dylan
Rating: 4.5/5 ⭐

Special thanks to Hodder & Stoughton for the ARC via Netgalley!

First things first, I'd recommend reading Mindwalker before diving into Mindbreaker—it's not a prerequisite, but it does give you a more rounded understanding of the world in which these novels are set.

Mindbreaker is not just a sequel—it's a step up. It takes the familiar territory of a dystopian future with omnipotent corporations from Mindwalker and ramps it up, portraying the bleakness and brutality of corporate greed in raw detail. It's a stark contrast to the slow reveal in Mindwalker and there's no hiding from it here.

The main character, Indra, is a force to be reckoned with, more 'Hulk' than 'Black Widow' if we're speaking in Marvel terms. Her struggle with becoming more robot than human is tangible and draws you in, creating a stark contrast to the more discreet approach of Sil in Mindwalker. Yet, each character's unique approach adds a distinct flavor to their respective books.

But what really surprised me was the subplot romance which I found myself truly enjoying—a rarity for me, indeed! The book was also loaded with twists—some I saw coming, others took me by surprise, but each added another layer of intrigue to the storyline.

Dylan's writing style is fantastic, akin to the fast-paced, action-packed thrill of an action movie. It's engaging, easy to read, and keeps you turning pages at lightning speed.

On the world-building front, while it's less focused on in this book compared to Mindwalker, it's still sufficiently detailed. However, new readers might find it a bit confusing without the background knowledge provided in the first book.

Overall, Mindbreaker is a thrilling read that I'd love to see on the big screen one day. It's popcorn worthy and just an amazing sequel. I can't wait to see what Dylan comes up with next!

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Oh my goodness, I adore this book in every way. I don't know what to say; all I know is that I can't wait for it to be out and read by everyone, especially those of you who enjoyed the previous book. Thank you Netgalley and Hodder for the arc!

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4.5 stars

I have always been of the opinion that we need more YA science fiction books. I have always been a fan of this genre and it's a shame that it's not popular. My love for the genre was what led me to discover Kate Dylan's Mindwalker last year. I loved it so much which is why when Mindbreaker was announced, I could not wait to read it. Just like the previous book, Mindbreaker is a thrilling book with moments that will leave your heart-racing. One thing that I really liked about this book is how different the protagonist is from Sil in the first book. Kate Dylan did a fantastic job creating a protagonist coming from a restricting religion (a cult, to be closer to the book) and who is faced with choices that go against everything she has ever known.

Mindbreaker is a thrilling ride from start to the finish. If you are a fan of YA sci-fi, then you should definitely read this!

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This one wasn’t as good as Mindbreaker, unfortunately. We are no longer focused on Sil, but a new character with a very different background and story. The story itself is interesting, the transference of consciousness to a new, robot body. Unfortunately, I didn’t like the new characters very much and found myself missing the characters from Mindbreaker, who only play supporting roles in this book.

I will still read anything else Kate Dylan writes, but this book paled in comparison to its predecessor.

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This series is just so much fun! Cyberpunk SCIFI at its best!!
This world has some interesting takes on our technology, evil cirporations, and health ecosystem.
While the first book dealth with this at crazy high skill in the authors debut novel, my only fear was repetition... which why did I bother of course this was above that!
Mindbreaker is Ghost in the Shell meets Battle Angel Alita as our main character Indra was turned into a "cybot" to safe her life after nearly dying.
This techbology is fairly new, no one is aware of this new big tech pilot. But Indra's new hard drive for a brain might not be 100% under her control as she is having strange black outs and scary murderous dreams.
I honestly flew through this book as not only the mystery element gripped me but the character development and background (Indra is from a crazy religious cult) was really good. I loved the relationships and how this book while standing perfectingly on its own seemlessly weaved in our crew and objectives from book 1!
Please pick up this book in September it is totally worth the ride🩵

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I downloaded this book before a 4 hour Amtrak ride and devoured the entire thing before reaching my final destination, which I think goes to show just how compelling a story Mindbreaker is.

I didn't realize until honestly just now that Mindbreaker is the second novel set in this world by Kate Dylan because for the most part, it works perfectly well as a standalone novel. I do think any potential feelings I had in the beginning of the book about how quickly I felt thrown into such a complicated and fascinating world are now answered by the realization that this is not the first in the series. But even having said that, I do think the incredible first person narrative voice helps compensate and break up some early parts of the story where a lot of world-building information gets thrown at the reader quite quickly.

Mindbreaker follows a teenage girl who has grown up as part of an anti-technology, religious cult in a world dominated by advanced tech, who, in order to have her life saved, is sold to one of the leading tech companies as Intellectual Property and has her mind uploaded into a proprietary "cybot" body. The book was not just full of compelling twists and turns, as well as interesting characters, but dealt throughout with some very real and interesting questions about what it means to be human, what it means to be a society, what obligations we have to one another, and what it might mean to see technology taken too far. I also enjoyed the way the author portrayed the cult that the MC was raised in. I felt that rather than rely on the reader's expectations of what a cult should be, it asked us to pause and consider that perhaps, in this world she has created, their positions weren't entirely unreasonable. Certainly there was more nuance to that issue than I was expecting from the back cover summary, and I enjoyed that a lot.

Having read Mindbreaker, I am very much looking forward to going back and reading the first world in this universe.

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