Member Reviews

This story was incredibly choppy — it felt like it was written by multiple different authors. I had high hopes in the first few chapters with the murderer's point of view, but then we lost that POV for almost half the book only for it to come back in the end in the most random way. The whodunnit aspect is a good head-turner, but the way the book is written, the lagging chapters, and the whole chapters that are basically irrelevant made me not want to finish this book at all. As someone who's a fan of Holly Jackson, that call out made me want to read this book, but if you like Holly Jackson, you probably won't like this story as it's not as well-written or developed as a Jackson novel.

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This book was a fun quick thriller but it was a little too full for the length so thing were really surface level. I think it's a great read if you want a quick mystery. I wasn't really trying to figure it out before the end, but I think you reasonably could.

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I tried to read this but couldn’t get past the writing style. I thought maybe listening might make it better for me but this had the worst choice for narrator – she’s good but not the right voice for this book. I couldn’t get into it. It’s overly dramatic where it doesn’t need to be and the story wasn’t very intriguing. I found my mind wandering way too much for me to give this more than 2 stars. It just wasn’t for me.

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3.5/5 ★

Students at an exclusive boarding school keep ending up dead. Liz and her friends must figure out what is going on before they are next.

I really enjoyed the parts where they were investigating and there was suspense. I do think some parts could have been condensed or reworked so that there was less of what felt like filler. I will say the twist at the very end was unexpected! It seems like it will be obvious but then there is a big twist!

I received my copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a great young adult mystery novel, it had a great premise and I was invested in what was happening. Cynthia Murphy always has a great style for the genre and I was enjoying everything that I was hoping for in the genre. I loved the cover and thought it worked with the plot of the novel. The characters felt like they were supposed to.

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I love a good lethal academic thrilller. This one had great pacing, interesting characters and plot development and a storyline that kept me hooked the whole way through. I had been anticipating reading this and I was not let down.

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The narrative drive is compelling, so I was intrigued enough to read to the end…but, without getting into spoilers, the ending itself is rushed and doesn’t have enough context to make sense. While I admire the amount of red herrings Cynthia Murphy is able to integrate, I don’t think any of the events of the book connect the perpetrator to the crime before that abrupt ending.

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Win Lose K*lll Die dives into the dark academia subgenre with cults, secret societies, a questionable headmistress, a creepy groundskeeper, and Morton Academy's sinister past for a fun YA thriller.

Morton Academy’s student body is ruled by Head Girl and Head Boy. But since Head Girl equals dead girl, the body count rises with unlimited suspects. I did guess the villain early on. But a few red herrings, a couple of twists, and the short chapters create a bingeable story that I think fans of Riverdale or Gossip Girl, and Holly Jackson or Karen McManus will enjoy!

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Wow this was everything I wanted it to be! This is a firsr from this author and definitely won't be the last

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The beginning of the school year starts that only selects students with academic excellence. It is a school that boards all it students. Liz and her best friend are at a memorial assembly. Morgan was the head student who died last summer when a boat capsized. Liz was with her in the boat and received a bad head injury. The head injury caused Liz to spend most of her summer going in and out of the hospital. Morgan’s death was declare an accident. A new head girl is chosen — Jameela. When Jameela gets a note passed to her in class, she screams. What was in the note that made her scream? At Jameela’s party, she has an asthma attack. When she gets her rescue medicine (an inhaler), she seems better but then falls to the floor dead. What caused her to die? Every girl that becomes a head girl dies. Is it murder? Or something else? Will they find out who was killing them?

This dark mystery is told through the eyes of Liz. Occasionally, between chapters, the person who is bdhind the killings tells their perspective besides how they did it. The characters were believable due to the descriptive writing of the author. I could not believe the twists and turns in the plot. It made the book an excellent read for me.

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Win Lose Kill Die by Cynthia Murphy
Release Date: November 28th
Thank you to Delacourte Press and Cynthia Murphy for my advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

I was drawn to this book because, when I was a teenager, I was obsessed with the movies Cruel Intentions and The Skulls (aging myself, I know) and this book had similar vibes to both of those. I knew I had to read it.

Liz has just returned to Morton, an elite and connected boarding school, after a summer recovering from a serious accident. She’s ready to start the year fresh with her friends and as a member of the secret society, Jewel and Bones. Everything is starting off right, until her classmates start dying one by one. Now, it is up to Liz and her friends to find the killer before they are next.

Oh man, this one was everything I wanted it to be. I was drawn into the mystery quickly and I enjoyed the author’s writing style very much; she gave each of the characters a strong voice and sense of self. I didn’t see the ending coming at all! However, I will note that I didn’t fully see how it was all connected in the end, but that really didn’t bother me too much. I was here for the ride! If you liked the movies I mentioned at the beginning, then you will definitely like this book!

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The high school years are a time for learning and building relationships and preparing for the future—for junk food and late-night chats with friends. But at the high school students in Win Lose Kill Die by Cynthia Murphy, it’s a time for tracking down a killer.

Full review published on and aired on Shelf Discovery

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this was a fun read. it really reminded me of the show Riverdale, if anyone has ever seen that! the drama was interesting, the “secret society” kept things interesting. i truly loved and enjoyed the characters. i appreciated there wasn’t any petty silly teenager drama. the twist!!! i did not see that coming AT ALL.
i was semi annoyed when no one really had heard about charles manson lmao…. i’m a true crime junky so that was a WTF moment to me.

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Genre: Thriller, Mystery, Young Adult, Crime, Romance

Win Lose Kill Die, written by Cynthia Murphy, takes readers on a thrilling journey within the walls of Morton Academy, a prestigious school for high-achievers. As the race to become the coveted Head Girl reaches its peak, dark secrets and unexpected deaths begin to unravel. In this book review, we will explore the suspenseful plot, well-developed characters, and captivating writing style that makes Win Lose Kill Die a must-read for mystery enthusiasts.

Murphy weaves an intricate web of mystery by introducing readers to a competitive environment where everyone strives to obtain the prestigious title of Head Girl. However, as the bodies pile up, our main characters - Liv, Taylor, Kat, Marcus, and Cole - find themselves embroiled in a quest for truth. The author skillfully maintains a high level of suspense, leaving readers guessing until the very end. Each clue and revelation deepens the intrigue, making it impossible to put the book down.

One of the strengths of Win Lose Kill Die lies in its well-developed characters. Liv, Taylor, Kat, Marcus, and Cole are distinct personalities, each bringing their unique perspectives and motivations to the story. As they strive to uncover the truth, readers become emotionally invested in their journey. Murphy masterfully reveals layers of complexity, humanizing the characters and making them relatable. Their determination to find answers adds an extra layer of tension and keeps readers engaged throughout the narrative.

Murphy's writing style is captivating, immediately drawing readers into the world of Morton Academy. With a perfect balance of description and dialogue, the author creates a vivid setting that comes alive in the imagination. The fast pace and well-crafted plot maintain a sense of urgency, making sure there is never a dull moment. Additionally, the author skillfully explores the dark secrets and hidden agendas that lurk behind the prestigious facade of Morton Academy, immersing readers in a world where nothing is as it seems.

Win Lose Kill Die is a gripping mystery that will keep readers on the edge of their seats from beginning to end. Cynthia Murphy's skillful storytelling, engaging plot, well-developed characters, and captivating writing style make this book a standout in the mystery genre. Fans of suspense and unexpected twists will thoroughly enjoy this thrilling read. I highly recommend Win Lose Kill Die to those seeking an intriguing and memorable journey through the halls of Morton Academy.

People who have read ‘Tag, You're Dead’ (Kathryn Foxfield), ‘This Book Kills’ (Ravena Guron) and ‘Five Survive’ (Holly Jackson) may like this book.

Thank you Cynthia Murphy, Delacorte Press, TBR And Beyond Tours and Netgalley for this delightful read. All opinions expressed here are purely my own.

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A high-school slasher with a lethal twist, perfect for fans of Holly Jackson! The students at Morton Academy are high-achievers, selected based on academic excellence. So when a series of murders target the school's best and brightest, the pressure is on.

Win Lose Kill Die has everything you need in a book; murder, intrigue, secret societies and a decades old cult. Our main characters are determined to find out why their classmates our dying while also uncovering the mysteries of an old cult from the area. The story was well plotted and I couldn't even fathom a theory until the end. Then, well, mind blow. What a great twist to end the book on.

Thank you to @netgalley and @randomhousekids for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Pretty Little Liars meets The Skulls in this fast paced, dark, YA thriller. I thought I had it all figured out until I didn’t…such a good read.

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Private schools and secret societies are always interesting to me, so I was intrigued by this story. While I enjoyed it, I feel like I didn't get to know the characters very well. I think some people will enjoy the twists. Unfortunately I figured one out so I was kind of looking for certain things. I don't usually wish a book at longer, but I feel like this one could have been fleshed out more.

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Win Lose Kill Die offers a thrilling experience, the fast-paced narrative, set in Morton Academy with its intriguing history, creates a captivating atmosphere.

The unabashed exploration of murder adds an extra layer of intrigue, and the rich, scandalous backdrop of Morton Academy left me craving more. Whether through a prequel delving into its history or a sequel unfolding the next chapter, I'm eager for more stories in this enticing world.

Cynthia Murphy has solidified her place among my favorite authors, and I'm eagerly anticipating her future works. If you're a fan of teen thrillers with slasher vibes, dark academia, secret societies, cults, and a generous dose of murder and mystery, this book is a must-read!

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3.5 Stars

I really enjoyed this book. The only thing keeping it from 4 stars which for me means I REALLY liked it is the predictability and disappointment from certain reveals. I know this is written for YA and I believe someone who is a Thriller newbie would not have analyst it as much and would have enjoyed the ride. Because ya'll it was a fun one.

Our FMC Liz is returning to her super exclusive boarding school for her senior year after spending the summer recovering from a head injury. We meet all of her friends that gave me Breakfast Club vibes. The joke, the brain, the beauty, you get the picture. She is the shy and quiet one.

So, every few chapters we get the POV of a killer. What killer you ask?? It's the person running around offing the head girls. This is a fun spin on the final girl theme we see on horror. Well maybe fun isn't the right word because them girls keep getting dead but I liked the creative spin.

Also mix in a secret society and a Manson like cult and things get a bit who dun it.

I would recommend this book and would love to see it adapted. All the characters were likable. I wish more background/engagement had been provided with the cult and secret society but overall it was entertaining.

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I loved the last one to die by Cynthia Murphy and couldn’t wait to read this one and to say it was great is a nonstarter. No one puts teens in perril like Cynthia Murphy and she certainly didn’t disappoint with a private elite club called Jewel and bone at an even more elite academy for brilliant students. Whenever they find the head of the secret society dead and pick a new one it seems the murders are not over but who is doing it? This is a great book and the kind of narrative I’ve come to expect from this author I absolutely loved it and can’t wait for the next one. I want to thank Random house children and NetGalley for my free arc copy please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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