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Delicate Condition

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Oh, my! A psychological thriller I could not put down. So many evil, suspect things happening that I wasn't sure what was reality, dreams/nightmares or hallucinations. And who do I trust? There are stalkers, criminals, sinister forces and some really strange things happening, but also great girlfriends and strong women. This book was a strong 4.5 stars throughout much of the storyline, but then it got a bit overly wacky at the end (ending was closer to 3-3.5 stars). Still a good read!!! And I liked how Valentine incorporated women's healthcare into the storyline and how women's pain and symptoms are often underrecognized and/or overlooked and considered a result of something mental or emotional. Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for the eARC.

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I kept seeing reviews for this that said it was good and had Rosemary Baby's vibes, so I knew I wanted to read it. Luckily, they approved me for the audio on @Netgalley a few days before it was released. So, I got to it quickly.

I really enjoyed it. I was confused at first about where it was going but I really loved the ending.

This isn't going to be for everyone because it deals with miscarriage and talks very openly about it. So, if that is something difficult for you to read about I would skip this one.

However, I always love when books work in real issues in the story. Miscarriage and women's health in general is horrible here in the United States. And this book talks about that. How women aren't taken serious when we say something is wrong.

Also, I think this is going to make a great season for American Horror Story. Overall, I think if you can handle the seriousness of this one it is a good read.

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This book was super creepy and disturbing, and slid quickly past the thriller genre into horror, at least for me. I usually love a good supernatural thriller, but perhaps due to the description of this book, or perhaps other factors, I was completely unprepared to deal with the level of grisly detail in this story. I felt like I was getting punched in the face by the gore (which is why I don't typically read horror...) I appreciate the parallels to the reality of doctors who tend to minimize or dismiss women in pain, but beyond that I had a hard time connecting to the main character. That being said, the pace was pretty fast, the suspense was palpable, and I definitely felt the need to find out how this was going to end.

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Okay, Danielle Valentine. I see you, and I think I love you.

As a super fan of American Horror Story, I knew I needed to read this when I heard Season 12 is based off this book. It was heartbreaking, mysterious, and just gross enough that I wasn't squeamish.

I could relate to Anna (the MC). Being an aging woman, trying to get pregnant, and having miscarriages is something you don't see a lot of in books. The author unfortunately experienced pregnancy loss, and really nailed every single thought and feeling I also had when I experienced my losses.

The mystery was gripping. I couldn't stop reading, I needed to know what the heck was happening! It all tied together so nicely in the end.

I highly recommend this book, and cannot wait to read more from Danielle Valentine.

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5 stars.

Is someone stalking Anna? Is someone out to hurt her or her baby? Are these events connected? Is this really happening? While you’re asking yourself these questions, only one thing is for certain. This pregnancy is not going well.
A definite buy for me! This book was well written and WILD. If you’re into woman-centered horror & domestic horror you have to give this book a try. If AHS is really adapting this I hope it turns out good, I hate when a good book gets ruined by a show. I also hate when I can’t craft a good review for a book I loved (which is most of the time)

“I didn’t know this then, but the truth is there’s no such thing as an uncomplicated pregnancy. We all give something up in exchange for our babies. Nearly everyone on this planet was welcomed by the sounds of a woman screaming.”

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Genuinely terrifying body horror, and then there's the fictional aspects beyond what people go through during pregnancy! Kudos to Danielle!

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First off, thank you NetGalley and SOURCEBOOKS Landmark for granting me access to this book in exchange for an honest review.

WOW! ALL RIGHT!! Delicate Condition was not at all what I was expecting! The synopsis compared this book to Silent Patient and The Push and that is extremely misleading. The Silent Patient is one of my all time favorite psychological thrillers and this book was more on the pregnancy HORROR genre. The only thing I found similar with The Push is the pregnancy aspect. If you are a fan of the horror genre then you might enjoy this one. Unfortunately, I do not consider horror in my wheelhouse of genres.😳😬

Anna and Dex desperately want to have a baby. After multiple IVF treatments, they learn that it was successful and Anna is pregnant. Simultaneously, strange things start to happen! For instance, her appointment times are changed, medications misplaced, stolen items and someone is following her. Is she going crazy and getting forgetful or is it someone else doing all this and why?? Following their move to a temporary location of safety, Anna is told she has had a miscarriage. Or is she still pregnant?

I do appreciate the trigger warnings given at the beginning of the book. PLEASE take note of them before launching into reading it. If you are trying to have a baby or currently pregnant I do not advise reading this book right now.

Overall, it was a slow paced, creepy horror read that will keep you reading until the very end. While I was invested and had to know how it would end I am thankful its over. Phew! 😮‍💨😅🤣

TW: Infertility, Miscarriage and thoughts of harm to animals

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Would recommend for fans of…
🍼 Rosemary’s Baby
🍼 Alien
🍼 American Horror Story

I’ve been going through a big horror phase lately and Delicate Condition was the perfect book to satisfy my horror cravings!

The story follows Anna, an actress who’s undergoing IVF treatments in hopes of finally having a child. When she finally gets pregnant, she’s thrilled but then lots of strange things start happening…

This definitely leans more in the psychological horror genre and I found it to be pleasantly creepy – it was tense and chilling but not scary enough to make you want to sleep with the lights on. In fact, I’d say the scariest part of the book was how Valentine so accurately depicts how our healthcare system often diminishes and writes off women’s concerns.

Like in most horror books and films, the ending goes a little haywire, but I still found this to be a fun and thrilling read. The story is also the basis for the upcoming season of American Horror Story, starring Emma Roberts and Kim Kardashian, and I have high hopes for the TV adaptation.

A word of caution…BIG warning for topics around pregnancy, infertility, and childbirth so use care if those topics are difficult for you.

Thanks to Sourcebooks Landmark and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review. Delicate Condition is available August 1.

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I really loved this book! It was recommended as a good read so I thought I would give it try!

First I would like to say that there may be triggers with anyone who is struggling with fertility issues or who has had a miscarriage. But if you can get passed this, then this book is very engrossing and it sucked me in immediately. Anna who has finally conceived her miracle baby starts to have issues, both medically related to the pregnancy and psychologically as well. Is she going crazy or isn’t she? This author really leaves it up to the readers mind to guesstimate what is actually going on here.

I obviously do not want to give anything away because it might ultimately ruin this story for you, but if you like a good mind twist, this book may be for you. I highly recommend it for psychological thriller lovers!!

I went back and forth between the audio and the book version, the audio and narrator was fabulous and I highly recommend it!

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I can totally see why they decided this novel deserved to be turned into a season of AHS!

Delicate Condition really is a modern day feminist Rosemary's Baby and I loved it! I was thoroughly sucked into the story of Anna the actress and her complicated IVF journey.
Stay far far away from this novel if you are triggered by miscarriage, infertility and pregnancy trauma! However, if you're like me and you've dealt with miscarriages and traumatic painful pregnancies you'll find yourself nodding along with Anna and wanting to rip these stupid doctors to shreds!

As the author says in her end note, "The tendency to assume that women can't be trusted to accurately convey their symptoms comes from the historical diagnosis of "hysteria," which was once thought to be a medical condition said to only affect women.Doctors were taught that women were inherently liars, unreliable, or hysterical hypochondriacs. In some cases, they were even believed to be possessed."

Honestly, what's scarier than being in pain and no one believing you? If no one believes you who will help you? It's always other women. We look out for each other.

Readalikes for Delicate Condition are:
Cackle by Rachel Harrison
Night Bitch by Rachel Yoder and
Just Like Mother by Anne Hetzel

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I really enjoyed this! The ending surprised me (in a good way)! I also think the characters are written well. Special Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for allowing me to read a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I just reviewed Delicate Condition by Danielle Valentine. #DelicateCondition #NetGalley

Just outright shocking and description of Motherhood I think the body that goes thru this pain even one wants to be a mother is realistic horror !

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“Delicate Condition” was a twisty, delicious take on the pregnancy horror genre. I initially requested this novel because of it being the basis for the new American Horror Story season.

It exceeded my expectations! I also loved how it acknowledges the societal issues surrounding motherhood and pregnancy - including the racism within the medical systems.

Thank you NetGalley for providing me a copy of this!

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Delicate Condition by Danielle Valentine. When I started this book, I assumed it would be a typical thriller. And while I enjoyed the beginning.. the middle/end took a huge unexpected turn. I am still not sure what I read. I enjoyed it but didn’t love it. The ending was a bit odd. I did enjoy this fast paced book overall. Thanks NetGalley and Sourcebooks for the ARC!

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Rating 3.75/5 stars

First things first, major content warnings for anyone who has struggled to get pregnant, has had a miscarriage, has struggled with finding a doctor who will listen, or has personal experience with cancer.

I went into this story basically blind and I had no clue what kind of ride I signed up for! I knew pregnancy was the main theme, but nothing else. Without giving anything away, I LOVED the concept of this book. A little horror, a little thriller - Delicate Condition was a great book that dealt with a lot of heavy topics. Thrillers that are almost entirely realistic are some of the best because it could happen to the reader and Delicate Condition is one of those thrillers!

I think my main critique is that the pacing was a bit slow and I felt like it could have been a slightly shorter book. It kind of felt like the ending was a bit rushed after having to push myself through the first half of the book. But the twists were definitely worth it. I never would have guessed some of the plot points!

Overall, this was a good read and I would definitely recommend Delicate Condition! Just check the cws before diving in.

Thank you to Netgalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for providing an ARC! All thoughts and opinions are wholly my own.

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Anna Victoria Alcott has been an actress since she starred in the show called spellbound as a teenager since then she has played the best friend sister but never the leading lady. Recently she starred in a movie called overture that has become a humongous sensation and she is even up for an Oscar. She is also married to Dex and they are trying to have a baby they have been going to a posh infertility clinic and hopes this time will be the charm. Lucky for Anna it is but it is also around this time she notices a woman in a baseball hat seems to be everywhere she goes and this is just the beginning of anus problems. Throughout the book we meet other women who for one reason or another or desperate to have a baby in while reading and a story you wonder what they have to do with it but it all eventually comes together in the end this is a spooky story with many possible suspects including her husband Dax ex-wife and her best friend One of the great things about this book is everyone who becomes a suspect you can really see being the guilty party but how would end is unlike anything I could’ve guessed it will be a total shock to every reader. It seems like everything is happening at one time for poor Anna and her husband makes her think she is crazy and probably even believes she is until it is almost too late. This book as I said is not in like you would think a horror story is going to end and OMG it was a great book a twisty horror story that I couldn’t wait to read and I’m so glad I did. I want to thank net galley and source of books landmark for my free Ark copy please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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Anna Alcott wants nothing more than to have a baby, however she finds herself struggling with infertility. While going through the IVF process, strange things start happening and Anna believes somebody is trying to sabotage her chances of having a healthy baby.

I want to start this review by saying I can ABSOLUTELY see this book being an American Horror Story season (rumor has it this book is the inspiration for this season of AHS). I think that alone helped me power through this book. While the storyline was interesting and creepy, I just feel like it could have been about 100 pages shorter. By the time I finally got the end I found myself not really caring about what had been happening with Anna and her baby.

I’m giving Delicate Condition ⭐️⭐️⭐️ because I was interested in the premise, some parts had me grossed out and scared, and as a whole this will make a great season of AHS.

Delicate Condition is out now - pick up this book if you’re a fan of AHS and enjoyed The Push by Ashley Audrain

TW for infertility and miscarriage

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I feel like the first thing I need to say is I freaking loved this book but it could be triggering for those struggling with infertility and miscarriages. As a mom who has lost two babies and struggled with getting pregnant afterwards, I will say I felt that the author did great at capturing the emotions without being so much that I couldn’t go on with the book. That being said, I did not want to put it down!

I don’t want to give any of the details away but I went into this one completely blind and found myself wondering is she crazy? Is she cursed? Is someone close to her terrorizing her? I kept jumping back and forth with it and finally figured it out, and was so pleased with the ending. This was my first book by Danielle Valentine but I will definitely be reading more of her work. If you liked Rosemary’s Baby, Nightbitch and/or Motherthing, you’ll love this one. Thanks to the author and Sourcebooks for my advanced audiobook. Delicate Condition is available today.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for my honest review. Loved it! Creepy vibes and I kept wanting to turn the pages.

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This book scared the fuck out of me! (In a good way)

As the title might imply, this horror story deals heavily with themes of pregnancy and pregnancy loss. Drawing from her own experiences and those of people she knows, Valentine paints a dark portrait of what it's like to be pregnant that will be triggering to some and make others feel seen and validated.

Andrea Bartz described this book as a feminist update to Rosemary's Baby, which I think is apt. Both deal with themes of isolation, gaslighting, sacrifice, and pain through protagonists who are strong but afraid and very, very vulnerable.

Delicate Condition's protagonist is Anna, a working actress whose recent role in an indie film has rocketed her from side character to sensation overnight.

At the same time, she and her husband have been going through the emotionally and physically gruelling process of IVF. When they finally have a viable embryo, Anna's career is at a new peak and everything should be wonderful, but all this attention may have it's costs

Anna fears that someone is watching her, a fear that is confirmed when increasingly alarming events start happening. Soon, Anna is left feeling like there's no one she can really trust, including herself and her own mind

Anna's fears are visceral, relatable, and absolutely chilling

As a reader, I felt so protective of Anna, who became more and more isolated with each secret she uncovered

It's an intense read, but one that I wholeheartedly recommend

It will make you pause to think about how the medical system and society at large treat pregnant people, and all the frightening unknowns that folks still face during their pregnancies or their struggles with infertility

Thanks to #Netgalley for the advance review copy of this exceptional book

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